Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 3104: Pose

Like these rich and noble people, they are always the most expensive. Whether it is the tableware for eating, the quilt that I cover when I sleep at night, even the toothpaste I use when I wake up in the morning, and the usual drinking water, I have to use the most expensive Yes, in order to be able to match their net worth.

People with good tempers like Ju Zhongxiu are also angry. Are they blind? Can they really not see the dense beads of sweat on Lu Shan's forehead, and their conscience will not hurt?

Lu Shan was also fed up with the second son of the Li family, his eyes circled around, and he chose a hotel that looked good from the outside, beckoned, and a few friends went in with him.

The bodyguard of the Li family looked at Lu Shan and looked at the second son of the Li family and hesitated again and again, not knowing who should be followed. How do you feel that so many things have embarrassed them in the recent period?

"Come in." The second son of the Li family was bored, and he made Lu Shan proud for another two days. Within two days, he will definitely have this person disappear from this world, and there will be no Lu Shan in the world from now on. this person.

As soon as a few people entered, they immediately greeted a person, and when they saw the mighty and mighty group of them, they were as happy as a blooming flower.

"I don't know if a few people want to eat or stay in a shop?" The boss has a sweat towel around his neck, and it looks clean. If a boss can do this with his own personal hygiene, then The environment of their restaurant and the quality of their dishes should not be bad.

Thinking of this, the second son of the Li family also agreed to Lu Shan’s choice, and then snapped a bunch of dishes, saying: "These dishes are all eaten by a few of us. We must use the freshest ingredients. If they are not fresh, Don't blame me for being rude to you."

The boss nodded and bowed, knowing that the second son of the Li family was a wealthy owner, and he didn’t care about his face. He said, “Don’t worry, the things in our shop are guaranteed to be the freshest and cleanest. They are all on this street. If you can’t find a second store like ours, you can eat and stay here with confidence."

"By the way, the meals for a few of us have already been prepared, what do you three want to eat?" The second son of the Li family looked at Lu Shan, Ning Zihuan and Ju Zhongxiu provocatively, because Ning Zetao wanted more He took care of the affairs of Huaqing Group, so this time he did not set off with them.

The second son of the Li family, really think they are so pitiful that they can't even afford the price of a meal?

"What we eat is our business, you are the second son of the Li family, so don't worry about it, so as not to be tired and hurt your mind, then you will be bald in middle age, which will damage your image." Ning Zihuan's words are very ironic. .

If he can choose, he will definitely let the second son of the Li family go far away. If he can choose, he will definitely let this person disappear from the world. After all, he now feels extremely sick when he sees that face. I can vomit out the food I ate two or three days ago.

"Oh, listen to me, I kindly asked you what you eat. I didn’t expect you to answer my question like that. I’m not worried that you didn’t bring money when you came out? If you didn’t bring money, I can I am reluctant to help you pay the bill first without paying back." The second son of the Li family looked at Lu Shan with a smile.

The boss did not expect that Lu Shan and the second son of the Li family were not in the same group, and it was a bit embarrassing. After all, it was Lu Shan who came in just now, but when he was busy with the account book, he did not notice Lu Shan and looked up again. At that time, I only saw the second son of the Li family, who was carrying a group of people.

Business people are most afraid of seeing this situation. When the time comes, no matter which of the two groups of people wins, they will always be the ones who suffer. In this hotel, if two people do not agree with each other and boldly make a move in the hotel, it will be attracted. The police, that’s even worse. If bad things happen in the hotel and the bad things spread for thousands of miles, basically the hotel’s business will be greatly reduced in the future.

Look at the number of people on both sides. , The boss stood silently in front of the second son of the Li family, and the current Lu Shan is indeed not comparable to the second son of the Li family.

He has a yellow face and red eyes, and his whole body is weak and weak, as if he might die at any time. Then look at the second son of the Li family, he is full of spirits, and his whole body is full of famous brands. This is not to tell people clearly. If you want to flatter, just go and flatter him?

Lu Shan sneered: "I didn't expect the second son of the Li family to have such kindness once again, but if I bother the second son of the Li family, we will solve our own affairs, but if the second son of the Li family is willing to pay for us, we I will not refuse either."

After all, in this world, is there any fool who can't make ends meet with money?

The second son of the Li family snorted coldly, frying him again and again, ruining his good deeds, and now I want him to pay for a meal. I really don't know what Lu Shan is thinking about.

Several people made a lot of noise, and finally settled in the hotel. Fortunately, it is the off-season and the business in the shop is not very good. The group of them entered in mightily and could even sit down.

Ning Zihuan was still worried about Lu Shan's body, and Lu Shan's appearance was not very serious, but why the disease has never been better, as if someone behind him was absorbing Lu Shan's energy.

It’s been two months and it’s still like this. It’s just a little bit of strength at noon. It looks like a normal person. It usually looks like a woman. Just like this, don’t wait for the second son of the Li family to do it. Lu Shan belched himself.

Ning Zihuan and Ju Zhongxiu first put Lu Shan in the room and took a look at the layout of the room. Although this hotel is a bit more expensive, the facilities inside are indeed very complete and the layout can be considered quiet.

"You can rest here first, okay? After a while, I will bring the food, you can eat it directly, and it is more convenient." Ning Zihuan thought very well, and what Lu Shan needs most now is rest. .

Lu Shan nodded and watched Ning Zihuan and Ju Zhongxiu's sleepiness gradually hit after they went out, and closed their eyes groggy.

In the dream, he seemed to have come to a swamp, and the whole person seemed to be trapped in a swamp, and he couldn't get out of it. The sticky feeling kept entwining him, making him feel extremely sick and uncomfortable. As if to drown him in it.

"Let go!" Lu Shan yelled and opened his eyes. The room was empty and there was nothing, as long as his own heart was still beating.

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