Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 3066: what gift

Lu Shan looked around the house. The decoration here is very elegant and the place is also very large. It seems to be sandalwood, which smells very good and brings out a very elegant atmosphere.

"What's the rush?" Lu Shan walked to a table next to him. On the table were gifts from the people who had just entered.

There are all kinds of antiques, as well as precious calligraphy and paintings. Anyway, there are everything, which makes people dizzy. Each one seems to be very valuable, but for the boss Wang who has a perspective, these are not good things at all. .

"Presumably this is the gift brought by those who came in to give the gift today?" Lu Shan reached out and picked up an antique vase. The vase is not so gorgeous, but the pattern is very natural and the decoration is not complicated, but it reveals a kind of The feeling of grace and luxury.

"That was the porcelain from the official kiln in the Ming Dynasty. It costs at least 30 million to put it now. What if you make a mistake and break it?" Seeing Lu Shan picked up the vase, a person beside him couldn't help it. Sound, that vase is what he brought.

"Is it so valuable?" Lu Shan raised his eyes. He usually can get about 60 million yuan from the upgrade treasure box by doing a task. Now there is no concept of money. A Ming Dynasty porcelain is only 30 million yuan. Look at it this way. If you come, this Ming Dynasty porcelain is actually not very valuable.

Hearing Lu Shan's "valuable" word, he was particularly proud, and raised his head and said: "That is, this is a baby I haven't gotten easily. If it is broken, I think you can't afford it. "

Seeing the person shaking his head and shaking his head, Lu Shan smiled and let go of his hand. The 30 million worth of porcelain fell to the ground at once, broken into pieces, making a very crisp sound.

Then Lu Shan pretended to be very surprised and said, "Oh, that's really embarrassing. What if I broke your 30 million worth of porcelain?"


"Is there a **** brain problem? I tell you, this is a gift I gave to Grandpa Li. It is worth thirty million. You broke it today. So many people are watching here. You must You have to pay me." The eagerness wanted to do something, but was pulled by the person next to him.

The man became more and more angry: "You have seen what happened today. This man is very unreasonable. That is thirty million. Do you know what thirty million is?"

Lu Shan didn't pay attention to the furious person, and turned to the next calligraphy and painting.

I heard that this calligraphy and painting are the relics of Zheng Banqiao. They are extremely valuable and invaluable. There are relatively few existing things, and they are basically kept in the museum.

"This is Zheng Banqiao's calligraphy and painting. The porcelain just now cost 30 million yuan. This is an invaluable treasure. If it is damaged, you must go in and go to jail today." Humanity just pulled another person.

"It's so expensive, a priceless treasure. I have never seen a priceless treasure when I grow up. You really opened my eyes to me today." Lu Shan looked at the calligraphy and painting carefully, as if he had a great interest in calligraphy and painting. The smiles on the faces are different.

That person thought Lu Shan fell in love with his calligraphy and painting. Looking at the man just now, a porcelain worth 30 million was smashed into pieces. At first glance, he knew that it must be deliberate. The calligraphy and painting he now is invaluable. Can make this person's eyes slightly change.

"That's... I told..." Before that person's words were finished, the calligraphy and painting were completely split from the inside with a light movement of Lu Shan's fingers. It was terrible. Now no matter how valuable the calligraphy and painting are, they can only It's a piece of waste paper.


Suddenly, such a change happened before, and those people rushed to the table and hugged the gifts they had brought, for fear that Lu Shan would ruin his priceless treasure when he went crazy.

"What are you afraid of? I don't think your things are very good. They are not worth tens of thousands of dollars, or they are priceless treasures. But why can't I see it?" Lu Shan replied with a smile, not feeling at all. Things affect.

"What are you, can you see the value of these treasures?"

"That's it, it's a shame to me that such a person with empty hands came to attend the birthday banquet of Mrs. Li."

"Boom out, boom out."

"Yes, bang out."

I didn’t know who said this all of a sudden. Other people followed and blasted Lu Shan outside. Old lady Li had been watching Lu Shan’s movements just now, and didn’t say anything to drive Lu Shan away. Now I see this. Many people want to drive Lu Shan outside, and the expression on his face hasn't changed at all. Such concentration is really admirable.

Ning Zetao hadn’t noticed Lu Shan’s movements, his eyes kept staring at him when he came in. He was looking for his sister, and all the members of the Li family would definitely participate in such a big event as Mrs. Li’s birthday. His sister must be here too.

But his eyes scanned the yard, and he didn't see his sister, only a lot of acquaintances.

Those people seemed to be very dissatisfied with his coming here, and they didn't even give him a good face. I thought that when he was the president of Huaqing Group, those people followed him but offered tea and water, for fear of him. Dissatisfied, look at the present, it really is the tree fell apart.

I didn’t want to look at the faces of these people. Slowly, Ning Zetao turned his attention to Lu Shan. Like all the people in it, he was jumped by Lu Shan’s strange behavior. What are you going to do?

Did he come to rescue his sister or come to smash the scene?

Lu Shan’s physical strength is not something that ordinary people can shake. So many people push him together, and they can’t make him move at all. Some people are desperate and want to do it, but his fists can’t beat Lu Shan at all, but nothing. He slammed it in the face with an omen.

"It's really evil." Slowly, everyone formed a circle around Lu Shan, enclosing Lu Shan in it, but no one dared to do it, and things froze like this.

At this time, Mrs. Li finally spoke and said: "It's alright, don't make any noise yet, will you listen to my old birthday star?"

Old Mrs. Li's words really worked, and no one continued to clamor for a while, and the big room could be as quiet as it was.

Grandpa Li walked to Lu Shan, and the others were very consciously giving way to Lu Shan, quietly watching the good show, Grandpa Li’s good birthday banquet was so disturbed by Lu Shan, in his heart The face is definitely not comfortable, maybe how to teach Lu Shan.

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