Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 2923: Potato Wizard

But... wait.

Lu Shan suddenly felt that his stomach was turned upside down. It felt like he had been in a car for a long time, very, very uncomfortable.

What is going on here?

Suddenly, the people in the ear seemed to be farther and farther away, the rope tied behind him also loosened, and the eyes seemed to be able to see clearly.

However, Lu Shan wanted to believe that he was dreaming now. There was a magnificent palace in front of him. The decoration inside was very expensive, more like a palace.

"What's the matter!" Lu Shan said that he dropped the things around him to the ground, and made a loud noise, which was particularly harsh in the empty room.

First, the team leader gave him an inexplicable task, and he would know what the task was, but at this time he came to this ghost place.

Lu Shan opened the upgrade treasure box. There was no response to the upgrade treasure box. He looked at the store again. Suddenly, he noticed something. He squinted his eyes. Voice assistant?

Are you here to explain the upgrade of the treasure box? Doesn't this thing usually appear before upgrading the treasure box?

Before he could think about it, Lu Shan slowly clicked the buy button with doubts.

"Hello master, I am the voice assistant of Upgrade Bao Box, how can I help you?"

Lu Shan looked up, and saw a little elf appeared on the upgrade treasure box. Like potatoes, it was very poorly sold and bumpy, but with big eyes.

" is...the...elf in the upgrade's not right, the voice assistant!" Lu Shan looked at this ugly guy, who couldn't be more ugly, he was a little bit dumbfounded. He hasn't been weaned yet. Just ran out to work?

"Huh." Seeing Lu Shan's disdainful expression, Xiao Tudou seemed to be very angry, holding his arms to his chest. "Don't scold me in your heart, I can hear you all."

Lu Shan: "..."

"Okay, okay, we don't care about you... things about looks, I just want to ask you why I came here suddenly, I want to go back, I have a task!" Lu Shan sighed, a little bit Speechless.

Little Tudou's face was embarrassed: "It doesn't seem to work, because I don't know why you came back here. I originally set you up with other tasks, maybe the system went wrong, you..."

"What? You want to turn things over when there is a system error. Do you know that I still have a task, a very, very important task." Lu Shan feels a little broken, even if it does, it shouldn't be this time. .

The little potato didn't know if it was broken, but it was retracted back into the upgrade treasure box and no longer came out. No matter how Lu Shan tapped the upgrade treasure box, it was useless.

After a long while, Lu Shan finally accepted this fact. If you can't go back, you can't go back. Didn't the time pass by when you went back in Pan Tielian's period? It should be the same now.

After accepting this fact, Lu Shan kept turning around in the house. Where did he travel? Looks like this should be a palace, is he the emperor?

Isn't he really the emperor...

Lu Shan's mouth grew in surprise. He could travel to this time and become the emperor. Wonderful, in an instant, the sadness of inexplicably coming to this world was swept away.

It is really blessed to be able to experience the feeling of being an emperor in his lifetime.

The next thing quickly confirmed his thoughts. The women of Yingyingyanyan would always hover around him constantly, because of his eyes and actions, he kept fighting for the wind and jealous.

The things in his heart were messed up, and many things couldn't be picked up. Coupled with these women being so noisy, Lu Shan soon broke out.

"Can you guys all go out, get far away, the farther the better, and it's better not to show up in front of me again, noisy!" Lu Shan threw all the tea sets on the table to the ground .

There is a woman below, if Lu Shan remembers it correctly, it should be Jieyu or some talented person, her status is not high anyway.

Because the sitting position was not suitable, Lu Shan cut his arm with a cup that was knocked down by Lu Shan. Lu Shan glanced at it. There was no expression on his face and he didn't feel heartache.

I don't know why the emperor made such a big fire, the women looked at each other, as if they had suddenly reached the level of spiritual harmony, somehow they suddenly went out holding hands.

Lu Shan was lying on the bed in a "big" shape with a black line inside his head. What did he come to this world for? Is it as mysterious as that mission?

There are some things that I really don't understand. Only the upgrade treasure box can answer his questions. Open the upgrade treasure box and summon the little potato.

Lu Shan couldn't help asking: "Why did I come here? Normally, I have some tasks in this situation, but what is my task this time?"

"Didn't I already tell you? This time there should be an error in the system." Little Tudou should have been sleeping just now and was suddenly woken up. He was very impatient, yawning continuously, and didn't even want to open his eyes.

"Can you guys be more professional? You have been doing well before. This situation has never happened before. If you don't know what the task is, how can I complete the task and leave here!" He still wants to know the task assigned to him by the Dragon Race What is it, but now it is trapped here, how can this be good.

"What are you in a hurry?" Little Tudou looked around Lu Shan. "If you guessed correctly, your identity should be the emperor this time. Have you ever seen Gong Douju? It's the kind of drama about the women in the harem who are jealous of the wind. task."

"Even if it's jealous, it's those women who are jealous. What does it have to do with me? Do you think my women will like each other and try to come over and kill me?"

"In fact, this possibility is not ruled out. You also know that there were short sleeves in ancient times, and it is not ruled out that there are women around you who like women." Xiaotudou said nonsense.

Lu Shan felt uncomfortable, and threw it over a pillow with a snap, and the little potatoes turned and turned in the air.

"Don't talk to me here. Forget it, it seems you don't know anything. I'll rely on myself."

The palace was full of palace people coming and going. It was very inconvenient to move. Lu Shan came to an eunuch’s room and found a set of clothes to put on him. He didn’t expect it to be tailor-made for him. Very comfortable.

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