Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 255: One's performance

Based on the knowledge passed by the teacher, the three candidates were able to judge the patient's approximate symptoms after consulting the patients and consulting them!

But it can only analyze the approximate condition, but no more specific!

However, Lu Shan was able to understand when each patient was sick, the specific cause of the disease, and even many details, even the patient himself forgot, but after being mentioned by Lu Shan, the other party suddenly realized ...

This is horrible ... Even Ma Lao and two other old Chinese medicine practitioners saw the results of Lu Shan's diagnosis with a little disbelief.

When they saw Lu Shan, they didn't ask the patient clearly. The main reason was to look at the patient's complexion, and then to take the pulse ...

But the question is, can you get so much information from it? This made them all a little embarrassed ... because if they were replaced with them, they would definitely not be able to do it, then ... Isn't Lu Shan not only awesome in acupuncture, but also in the fourth diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine, it's also such a great deal?

The problem is ... this feels very unscientific! You need to know ... If you want to be proficient in the four clinics of Chinese medicine, the most important thing is the precipitation of years, so that you can slowly accumulate experience, so that when doctors diagnose patients, they can accurately determine the patient's physical condition through experience. !!

So ... if there is no long-term accumulation, then it is impossible to produce rich experience, but looking at the situation of Lushan now seems to be more than their experience, which makes it difficult to understand. Can't understand what's going on.

Where do they know that Lu Shan's medical skills were learned through the "eating" skill book, and the four diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine is the most basic thing in Chinese medicine. At the moment of Lu Shan's skill book, all these contents appeared directly in his In my mind, there is no need to accumulate experience at all.

This is like a set of data programs, or ... the patient's pulse, complexion, and other factors are, for Lu Shan, a set of slightly complicated mathematical problems, and Lu Shan's skill book knowledge, It's like a calculator.

To solve such a math problem, others have to use brain calculations and mental calculations, but they may not be accurate, but ... Lu Shan only needs to click the calculator, and he doesn't need to use his brain at all to get the accurate answer.

Therefore, Lu Shan used his ability as a cheat to easily get a perfect score in the second round of assessment.

The next round of assessments ... is not so much performance as Lu Shan's performance alone. The six patients knew at the beginning that they would be used as test specimens by several Chinese medicine apprentices for assessment. But they are all of a poor family. They are sick but have no money to treat, so they agreed to this test, so that the people from the Health Bureau promised to give them free medical treatment afterwards.

At first, they thought that these Chinese medical apprentices were not the kind of Mongolian doctors who had learned a half-dead. Where can I really rest assured that they will be treated, just let them show it ... It doesn't matter if the apprentice reads wrong. Isn't there still a real old Chinese medicine present? But if these apprentices are given treatment, then no one can rest assured ... What if the illness is not cured, but it gets worse?

However, when Lu Shan tried to diagnose them before, Lu Shan's performance was to admire all six patients. So when Lu Shan proposed to give them acupuncture treatment on the spot and promised to cure most of their illnesses directly, two of them agreed on the spot!

And the remaining four people are still hesitating ... There is no way for Lu Shan to do this, after all, even if it is given free treatment, but the patient is unwilling to accept it.

Fortunately, Lu Shan's excellent 9-needle acupuncture technique was put on display. It took less than ten minutes before and after to cure a patient who suffered lung injury and a persistent cough due to wind and heat. It immediately shocked everyone A moment.

After the patient came in, the coughing sound basically did not stop. The remaining five patients were scared away from him, for fear of being infected by him.

But after being given a needle by Lu Shan, his rapid coughing stopped immediately, and then there was no even a cough!

Later, Lu Shan gave another patient with acupuncture for many years with foot acupuncture, and it took less than ten minutes ... The old man who used to walk with a limp, can now walk It's up!

Seeing these two living examples, the remaining four patients who were still hesitant suddenly opened their eyes.

What else to worry about at this time, although I feel that Lu Shan ’s acupuncture technique is so amazing, it is almost like shooting a movie. What about the needles that are inserted into the body with their own vibration and rotation? And the two were so fast that some people were wondering if the two patients were looking for childcare before!

But even child care doesn't matter, anyway, those two people weren't cured by Lu Shan anyway! In this case, what else to worry about! Of course, it ’s best to cure. As long as they do n’t cure, they wo n’t lose.

So next, four people asked Lu Shan for acupuncture treatment in turn. Without exception, Lu Shan could cure a patient in less than ten minutes. The miracle of illness.

In the end, everyone in the audience was regretted whether they were studying Chinese medicine or not ... Ma Lao could n’t help but nodded again and again, before he saw Lu Shan healed his heart attack, although he was also surprised But only when Lu Shan or happened to have practiced for a long time on the treatment of his condition.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all ... plus his calculations, Lu Shan treated a total of seven people and actually used seven different acupuncture methods.

There are a total of 981 gold needles in Huaying, and each of them has a different shape. Although some seem to be similar, there are actually some nuances. And the use of these different styles of gold needles is naturally different. Although Lu Shan chooses a set of nine gold needles for each treatment, as long as one of the nine gold needles selected is different, a new set of needles will be derived!

In this way, 981 gold needles can be combined with different nine gold needles to form a treatment method. The changes in this period are so complicated that it is hard to imagine!

Until all six patients were cured under Lu Shan's needle, and then left with gratitude, those present were still in shock and could not calm down for a long time ...

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