Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 2295: Get inch

Followed Lu Shan carefully back to this room, which is both familiar and slightly strange to her, and even Qin Wanwan was afraid to step in.

In the end, Lu Shan turned on the light. When the last time came to an end, and Lu Shan opened his mouth and asked Qin Wanwan what was commonly used, Qin Wanwan suddenly widened her eyes.

Hold on!

"You want to check my personal items?" Qin Wanwan looked at Lu Shan with an unbelievable look.

Lu Shan took it for granted: "Of course! Since the other party can install a positioning tracker in your room, there should also be a tracking locator on some of your usual objects!"

At this moment, Qin Wanwan was completely frightened, and she never expected that the other party would be so amazing that she would not even let go of her personal things!

Seeing Qin Wanwan still hesitating, Lu Shan could not wait.

Since the other party had hit the location tracker in Qin Wanwan's room, at the same time, it was also explained from the side that they may have discovered that Lu Shan began to tamper with these things.

"Fast speed! Otherwise the other person shuts down those things, your danger is still there!"

With that said, Lu Shan opened the closet by himself and started to inspect them one by one.

The cabinet was full of dazzling clothes. Many of these clothes had duplicate styles, but Qin Wanwan didn't care about it, and bought it with a brain.

Even the tags on many clothes have never been removed, which proves that she did not wear them all at once!

The rich lady, rich in money, naturally has the right to shop willfully. Just this right, I don't know how many girls have the privilege to dream of.

But Qin Wanwan, who has such privileges, now has fear in her eyes, watching Lu Shan inspect her wardrobe one by one.

None of these clothes!

Lu Shan scanned the entire cloakroom again, and then opened another locker.

At this moment, Qin Wanwan suddenly panicked and rushed forward to stop: "You can't open this cabinet!"

Lu Shan froze and wondered: "Why can't you open it? I told you that you can't do this! Don't give each other a chance to take it, okay?"

But Qin Wanwan still desperately stopped Lu Shan from letting him inspect.

Lu Shan could not help but frown: "The positioner is not installed on ordinary clothes, but the other party knows your whereabouts. We have no time now, we must find all the positioners, and then destroy them all. Only in this way can you Safe, do you understand? "

"I understand ..." Qin Wanwan's voice and momentum weakened a bit.

"Just understand! It's nothing, I'm going to start checking!" When speaking, Lu Shan opened the cabinet.

But as the cabinet opened, Qin Wanwan bowed her head with red ears and a red face, and this time it was Lu Shan's turn.

It's also a dazzling array of underwear and swimwear bikinis, which are full of cabinets.

Seeing this blood-stretching scene, Lu Shan's head banged as if exploding.

Lu Shan shivered for a few seconds, then turned back and smiled awkwardly at Qin Wanwan: "These are all your underwear ..."

Qin Wanwan stomped angrily, simply turned her head and sat on the bed, covering her face tightly.

Shame, this is so shameful!

Lu Shan him, he is a big man, how can he open his own wardrobe freely!

But Lu Shan is also very sad at the moment. At present he is in a difficult position to ride a tiger. Do n’t check it, but other places have checked it.

But if the inspections are all Qin Wanwan's usual secrets, how can she examine them in front of her?

But if you think about it, all the places have been inspected, and only this area has not been inspected. In order to ensure foolproofness and to cut the knife quickly, Lu Shan bit his lip fiercely: "Well! I'll leave it today Now! Check it out! "

Lu Shan has never seen a style, some are delicate, some are tempting, and some are full of youthful vitality.

With the arrow on the string, Lu Shan had no choice but to cross his heart and take a deep breath, forcing his mind to calm down completely.

Time passed little by little. When Lu Shan's underwear was piled up next to Lu Shan, he also had a few locators on his hand.

Qin Wanwan originally thought that Lu Shan was unwilling to take advantage of the opportunity to check the locator.

But when she saw Lu Shan cut off a miniature locator from a crystal stone inlaid on a piece of underwear, her mouth also opened into an "o" shape!

This is simply incredible!

Unexpectedly, these people have sneaked into their bedrooms and installed so many locators.

After the inspection, Lu Shan was relieved and took a deep breath.

When Qin Wanwan was inspecting Lu Shan, she didn't even dare to catch a breath, and at this moment her mood finally relaxed.

But then, Qin Wanwan's nerves were tense again!

Lu Shan took a short rest, turned his head and said lightly to Qin Wanwan: "Take off your clothes to me, I will check it again."

"You! You rogue!" Qin Wanwan heard, almost did not die.

Why is this Lu Shan so rude? It's almost a inch!

However, Lu Shan did not make jokes with her at the moment. It would take a long time to check these things, because the size of these locators is too small to be found at all!

"Am I a gangster? You know in your heart that you just forgot the locator you just removed from your underwear?" Lu Shan said slowly.

Qin Wanwan said nothing but Lu Shan! Because these things that have happened are all facts!

What Qin Wanwan can't understand is that who has such boldness can put a locator on herself.

"Hurry up, time is running out. If they find that we have removed these locators, you will not be safe in the future. Would you like to be so worried every day?"

Lu Shan's words can't help but feel a little frightened by Qin Wanwan. It seems ...

He really wanted Lu Shan to check it, but just let an unfamiliar man enter his boudoir, and now he ordered to check his underclothes again. This is an excessive request!

"You ... don't you have any other way!" Qin Wanwan said softly, almost begging.

"Other way?" Lu Shan passed such a reminder from Qin Wanwan, and his head was immediately sober, but after waking up, he couldn't wait to give himself a few big mouths!

Seeing through the eyes!

He Lushan has a perspective!

However, during the inspection just now, he didn't turn on because of embarrassment for a while, which caused him to waste a lot of time ...

Lu Shan, who was about to cry stupidly, suddenly tightened his pupils. With the opening of the see-through eye, the locators on Qin Wanwan's body were all clearly visible like fireflies!

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