Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 1778: Meet the stewardess again

Lu Shan was thinking as he walked, but as he was about to enter the gate of the Lingshan Temple, a young monk wearing a gray robe blocked Lu Shan's way.

"Amitabha, is this donor Lu Shan?"

Lu Shan's expression froze slightly. Looking at the respectful little monk in front of him, he nodded and said, "I'm Lu Shan. I don't know what you are waiting for me to do?"

"Amitabha! The abbot asked me to tell the donor that your mission there was not completed. I hope you will return to the mission after it is completed."

The little monk spoke to Lu Shan again, then turned around and walked towards the temple.

Lu Shan was a little puzzled, watching the little monk's back asking, "I obviously have helped others ..."

But the little monk didn't even listen to his words, as if he didn't hear it. He continued to walk forward, taking care of himself. The Lord felt that he could only sigh softly. It seemed that what he needed to help, was simply It is not to help others pick up some dry material.

Just when Lu Shan was thinking about it, the voice of the white tiger beast came to his mind:

"Human beings are stupid, especially people like you are stupid!"

Lu Shan's expression was stunned, and he replied to the white tiger beast: "Don't say rumors there. Then what do you say?"

"You are still my master, with talent! I really don't know how such an opportunity would fall on such a stupid person as you!

Let's say that the two young men in the gazebo just now knew from their expression observations that they had no good intentions towards the girls, but you didn't see it!

Of course, besides that, what the old bald donkey asked you to do, you did not even want to understand. Although it is for you to help the person asking you for help, you must understand what he said!

It is someone who asks you for help, but it is not you who actively seeks out someone in need! In other words, you just have to wait there, and someone will naturally ask for your help! "

"Shit ...! Why didn't you say ..."

Lu Shan cursed, thinking about it really, but the white tiger **** beast was stupid and stupid on the left, making his temper not very good.

However, this time the White Tiger and the Beast did not bother with it, which made Lu Shan's heart full of depression, and his feelings were just like playing monkeys just now by those people.

But there was another point that puzzled him. How did the old abbot know that he had not fulfilled the request of others, making him even more feel that the old abbot had a profound feeling.

It was late at this time. When Lu Shan rushed to the middle of the mountain, it was dark everywhere, but a little bit of light could be seen in the distance, where the gazebo was located.

Although at night, all the lights on the road going up the mountain will be turned off, but at some important attractions, such as the gazebo in front of them, some lights will still be open, I am afraid it is for those who have not come down the mountain Prepared.

There is a distance of one or two hundred meters from the gazebo, but Lu Shan felt a little danger, and a gust of wind blew across his face, which made him feel that this place was something unusual.

"Strange ... is there something here?"

For this imminent danger, Lu Shan has become more sensitive now than before, and can even feel some things that will happen in the future, of course, they are aimed at dangerous things.

When he was thinking about this problem, a scene appeared in his mind immediately, and he saw that in a cave, three girls were lying on the ground as if they were asleep.

The area of ​​this cave is not large. Except for the positions where the girls lay, they already accounted for 1/3 of the three buildings, and some bonfires were lit in the middle of the three buildings. The fire was not very large.

At this moment a young man was looking out of his eyes, apparently excited and anxious, as if waiting for something.

When the picture saw here, it disappeared instantly like a broken glass. Lu Shan's heart was suddenly startled, and his eyes slowly opened.

"What's going on? The scene I just saw ... these people seem to have known each other? Is it the people in the gazebo? But why is there such a picture?"

Lu Shan got a little doubt in his heart. Looking at the gazebo not far away, he didn't delay, and walked directly to verify the scene he had just seen in his mind.

But when he came to the gazebo, he found that there was no one on the ground except the mess and barbecues and drink bottles that were thrown away.

This made Lu Shan look terrified, but remembering the picture in his mind just now, he immediately seemed to understand something, and looked at it for 4 weeks, but it was night after all, without seeing through the eyes, The range you can see is also very limited.

No abnormal situation was found within a short distance, and Lu Shan had to turn on the see-through eye system, and the surrounding scene immediately began to change, as if the night vision goggles were turned on, and his night vision goggles were different from General night vision goggles have the function of thermal imaging in them.

Any living thing appears yellow and some red images, and the others are white scenes, just like black and white television.

Of course, in addition to those flowers and trees, if these creatures have lost their lives, they will show some yellow, and no red doping.

With the continuous expansion of the range, Lu Shan finally saw a cave, and there were exactly four living beings in the cave. Except for one of them, which was slowly moving, the other three were still in place.

This reminded Lu Shan of the scenes in his mind, and he knew for a moment that he didn't expect those pictures to be real, but this was not right.

According to those who have seen before, there should be only 5 people. How can there be only 4 people? Thinking of this, I quickly looked around, and surely, within 100 meters of myself, two life forms were slowly moving.

This puzzled Lu Shan's heart again, apparently it was five people. Why was there one more person suddenly, but just thinking is useless, because the fluoroscopy system cannot see clearly when it is far away. Unless he is aware of the identity of the other party.

In order to be able to perform accurate locking, only two living bodies can be found constantly moving, with a certain distance maintained between them.

So Lu Shan walked in the direction in which the living body was found, and stopped in front of the living body closest to him, about a dozen meters away.

At this time, even if Lu Shan did not use the perspective system, he could see the appearance of the other side clearly. After all, his power was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

When he saw the man's face clearly, the whole man stayed in place for a while. If he remembered correctly, the girl was the flight attendant he met on the bus today.

"Why is she here?"

Lu Shande murmured in his heart.

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