Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 1757: Deliberately make things difficult

In fact, when Wang Qingxue talked about Lu Shan, he deliberately ignored some of the main problems and made the problems serious and beneficial. In this case, Yang Guodong would certainly not let Lu Shan's competitor.

According to the agreement, today is the time for Lu Shan to report to the school. Although there are only a few days of training, these are all famous Chinese medicine practitioners from the Chinese medical profession who come to give lectures in person.

These courses include a combination of some clinical operations and some theoretical courses. Most of the professors are from the Sacred Hand Church, which are all first-class senior Chinese medicine practitioners. In order to achieve a better educational effect, the school specifically for them Those who are going to participate in the forum exchange have opened an intensive class.

Of course, these students in the class are not the same class as before, because their respective skills are different, traditional Chinese medicine internal surgery or massage acupuncture or other specialized departments.

The total number of seats in this exchange forum was 10 people, plus one candidate, a total of 11 people. In terms of staffing arrangements, Yanjing Medical University directly arranged 10 people, which is also an internal list.

As for Lu Shan, of course, it was highly recommended by Ma Lao, and it was finally accepted by the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

At this time in the principal's office, Lu Shan looked at an old man with reading glasses in front of him, who was holding a document in his hand and was watching it carefully.

At the same time, there were two old men standing next to the desk. They were Professor Zhang and Teacher Ma. In front of the desk, a young man was waiting patiently.

"You are Lu Shan that Malao highly recommends?"

The old man looked at Lu Shan and asked, this man is Yang Zhenhua, the dean of the Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, and Yang Guodong is his son.

"Yes, I'm the one you say!"

Lu Shan looked at the other party and replied lightly. Since the other party wants to play an official role with himself, naturally he will not have much respect for him.

Yang Zhenhua looked up at Lu Shan and said expressionlessly at the end: "I have heard of your situation, but you are only a folk casual doctor! He did not pass formal college training, and theoretically it does not meet We screen the conditions of the representative this time!

However, in the face of the sacred hand horse, let you be an alternate, although it is only an alternate, it is still a major item to score points!

I hope you don't drag everyone's back then and cherish this opportunity! In the next few days, some famous teachers will give lectures and listen to them well.

Don't make a mess, this is a golden opportunity for you as a casual doctor. How much knowledge you can learn depends on your fortune!

But there is a word I must remind you, our Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences is a learning environment full of learning atmosphere. I don't want you to bring a social habit, which will affect some students who are learning better. You should Can you understand what I mean? "

Yang Zhenghua looked at Lu Shan and said politely, without the slightest respect in his tone, but with a slight contempt.

Lu Shan frowned slightly. What he hated most was that someone was leaning on the old man and selling old people. What about the head of the hospital? I'm not asking them to do my own thing.

Teacher Ma stood aside and saw that Lu Shan's face was a little displeased, and his heart was also anxious. He had already greeted the dean before. This young man was not an ordinary young man.

But what the dean said just now seems to have completely forgotten his reminder, not only relying on the old man to sell the old in front of this young man, but also said some ironic words.

Professor Zhang's face also changed slightly, but he didn't say much about this matter, because this time the International Forum Exchange Conference, it was handed over to them by the Sacred Hand.

This has never been the case in previous years. Although in the past, some top students from the University of Chinese Medicine will also be selected to participate, but the hosting right is in the hands of the Sacred Hand Church.

But now all the rights are given to the Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, which is the hands of Dean Yang. Although the other party said something that is not very pleasant, it has to be obeyed. Otherwise, they can only be kicked out of the office.

Seeing that Lu Shan's face was bad, Dean Yang showed a sneer in the corner of his mouth. He was disdainful and continued to say: "It seems that your heart is very uncomfortable! But this is not important, if You really ca n’t be an alternate member here, and you can leave at any time. In this case, you are prescient!

If you lose the exchange forum of this international forum because of your hindrance then, it is not only our traditional Chinese medical school that loses face, it is the shame of the Chinese medical profession of the whole China! "

Dean Yang said these words without any hesitation, nor did he intend to leave Lu Shan with the slightest face. Lu Shan finally heard some meaning from his words, and the other party wanted to let himself out. Let their college students come as alternate members.

"President Yang, how can you say such things, isn't this what we said before?"

Lu Shan was called by Mr. Ma, and the other party ’s ability was very clear in his mind. If he was insulted here, he would be responsible for himself. Then how should he explain to some important people.

"Mr. Ma, you don't need to speak for this young man. I think he should be very clear in his own heart!

And don't forget, the high-level sacred hand church, but leave this matter to our college to handle!

Others have no right to ask again. Unless the senior leaders of the Sacred Hand Church pass a collective meeting, please ask Teacher Ma to stop saying anything. "

In fact, the reason why Lu Shan was able to come was to pass the high-level meeting of the Sacred Hand Church, but this was thanks to the highly recommended by Mr. Ma, because the identity and status of Mr. Ma in the Sacred Hand Church is not low.

But personal ability is limited after all, because there are some other old seniors in the Sacred Hand Church. If you want to pass a decision on a certain thing, you must go through a collective meeting to decide.

Being able to find a back-up vacancy for Lu Shan is already quite a difficult task, so Dean Yang has no right to bomb Lu Shan directly, and can only use this strange tone of yin and yang to make the other party difficult. Retreat.

But is Lu Shan so easy to admit defeat? If it wasn't for Teacher Ma, I beg you to help, and coupled with such unreliable tasks from the system, I would have left my hands long ago.

However, since the other party does not give himself a good look, then naturally he will not begging him like ordinary people, or allow the other party to humiliate himself, which he cannot do.

If this matter really annoys him, even if he does not pass the channel of the academy, he has the same method to take such an examination, that is, to find the senior leadership of the Sacred Hand directly.

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