Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 1164: Military hospital director

When she was at a loss for a moment, she suddenly saw a complaint phone under the job card, and a thought flashed in her mind.

If you want to prove whether your cousin is working in a military hospital, you just need to call the complaint number on this job card, plus the code number, and you can definitely find out the authenticity of this job card immediately. If it is true, then I can ask the person in charge over here to help Lu Shan solve such troubles.

If the job card is fake, I am afraid that the phone above cannot be reached, even if the phone is called, the so-called number on the upper side cannot find out whether it is his cousin.

This discovery was like a life-saving straw, which made her seem to see some hope. She quickly dialed the short number on the work card, and the prompt tone of the telephone system came immediately when she called the phone.

"Welcome to call the complaint phone number of Yangchuan Military Region Hospital, your call may be recorded, please forgive me! Please wait while transferring ... Beep ..."

The ringtone just beeped, and someone was connected immediately. This surprised Wang Xiaowan's heart. A spirited male voice came soon: "Here is the complaint call for the 256 Military District Hospital in Yangchuan City, may I ask you Who is it? Is there anything I can do for you? "

The voice on the phone was full of politeness and respect, which made Wang Xiaowan a joy, glanced at the number on Lu Shan's work permit, so he told the number to the doctor and wanted to check the doctor.

Just after ten seconds, the other party got the detailed information of this number. But when the other party learned that someone had inquired about this number, his tone also seemed a little surprised.

"Wait a minute! The number you provided is indeed the chief doctor of our hospital, but we cannot disclose the details of this doctor until we get your specific information."

The voice on the phone came and said, in fact, this is also some confidential work of the military region hospital. After all, not everyone can call to ask for some meaning information, so you have to do some verification before you can tell the other party that you want to know s things.

In an office of the 256 Military Region Hospital in Yangchuan, President Qin Haosheng put down the phone in his hand, frowned slightly, quickly got up from his seat, and walked out of the office.

The comrade in charge of answering the call saw a military salute immediately when Dean Qin personally came over.

"Is there any news from Director Lu!"

Dean Qin didn't have any nonsense, looked at the soldier and asked directly.

"Yes! It's a girl named Wang Xiaowan, who called from the location of Jiujiang County People's Hospital. The other hand has Director Lu's work card and doctor's license and other related documents!"

The soldier replied to President Qin respectfully.

"Connect the phone as soon as possible, we must find Director Lu soon!" Then he said to himself: "Finally, there is news about this guy ..."

After further confirming the information, the soldier also got some detailed information of Lu Shan. After learning that Lu Shan was indeed the chief doctor of the military region hospital, Wang Xiaowan also described what happened to Lu Shan at the People's Hospital of Jiujiang County. Say it again.

"No wonder this kid will be so impulsive ... After all, it was his father, if it hadn't happened because of this, and I don't know when this kid will be in our sight!"

Dean Qin murmured to himself, the soldier stood silent, and after a few seconds, Dean Qin looked at him and said, "Give me a helicopter immediately. By plane, I will go to the Jiujiang County People's Hospital in person! "

At the same time, the Jiujiang County Public Security Bureau obtained the security of the Jiujiang County People's Hospital, saying that someone forcibly stormed into the intensive care unit, seriously threatening the patient's life, and dispatched a large number of police forces to arrest the people.

Jiujiang County Investment Promotion Bureau Director Liang and Jiujiang County Key Project Management Bureau Director Hu led some related leaders waiting in the courtyard of China Merchants Investment Bureau.

When everyone looked forward to the James Group president's inspection of the project, they suddenly received a call.

"Director Liang ... We just got news. The president of the James Group does not seem to be in a hurry to inspect the project. He has now sent his driver to the county people's hospital directly."

"County People's Hospital? What the **** is going on? Does the county people's hospital have anyone he knows?"

"We don't know the specifics, but they don't seem to have any intention of staying at all. Now they have gone directly to the County People's Hospital. I personally guess that there should be someone he wants to see!"

"Okay! I know this. You must protect the life of President James. You must not let him have any bad impression on our county!"

After Director Liang hung up the phone, he thought for a few seconds, and Director Hu looked at him and asked, "Is the situation changing?"

"I don't know the specifics, but I think we should know when we go to the county hospital! Notify all departments immediately and go to the county hospital!"

Director Liang nodded and said to Director Hu. These people have racked their brains for the project planning and investment promotion in the county. Even if the weather is hot and sweaty, they also want to win the investment of these foreign bosses.

Director Liang's heart is very clear. If the opportunity is seized this time, the James Group is willing to invest in the project in Jiujiang County Development Zone, then it is a good thing for the people in the county, and more importantly, it can drive the local Economic development and the arrangement of jobs, so no matter how much it costs, he also wants to fight for it.

On the county road in the county of Jiujiang, two black cars are driving back and forth slowly. In a black car behind, a middle-aged person looks at his watch and turns his head to look A middle-aged person on the side said, "Xiao Xu, why do you say they suddenly changed course? Is there something wrong?"

The middle-aged man known as Xiao Xu pondered for a moment, and then said respectfully to the middle-aged man: "Mayor Luo, I don't know much about this ... But I think that President James went to the County People's Hospital, It must be someone who wants to see something important. "

This middle-aged man was Luo Ruisheng, deputy mayor of Yangchuan City. Earlier this morning, he received a call from the office of the Municipal Party Committee, saying that an important person had come to Yangchuan City, so that he must do a good job in reception.

However, I did not expect this important person, and I did not delay any time in Yangchuan City, and drove directly to Jiujiang County. This change made him very helpless, but he did not dare to neglect at all. .

Because not long ago, a key project named Lushan Road in Yangchuan City was completed. This road is divided into two lanes and is 65 kilometers long. This was not a big deal at first, but the key lies in the 70% of this road. The above are all constructed by tunnels and suspension bridges. It can be said that the difficulty of the project is not simpler than building a highway.

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