
In the EDG voice, iboy cheered happily.

For ADC, if there is anything more satisfying than eating a large wave of soldiers, it must be that the opponent's ADC cannot eat a large wave of soldiers.

He hasn't even exerted his strength yet, and a huge advantage has fallen from the sky.

The factory manager is also very happy.

Although this wave allowed the opponent's jungler to get a kill, the bottom lane established an advantage and the first dragon was easily controlled.

For a functional jungler like Sejuani, controlling the dragon is far more important than KDA. Anyway, even if Kindred doesn't get Jayce's kill, the two of them are no match for Sejuani in the jungle.

As for Shen Lang.

Although he was also killed, it seems that he was not that hurt.

Flash was not used, Teleport was in hand, and he TPed directly to the line after resurrection, and the soldiers would not lose too much.

The world where only Sima Laozei was injured was achieved!

After TPing to the line, Shen Lang still maintained a strong laning style and was not afraid of being caught at all.

"If you have the guts, Minotaur, don't go back to the bottom lane."

Shen Lang said fiercely.

Although it was not a loss, he was still a little angry at being targeted in the lane.

If Minotaur stayed in the top lane, he might have been able to continue to kill Jayce who was teleporting to the top lane, but Sima Laozei could also go back to the city and hang up, asking the base manager to prepare the bath water.

After teleporting to the ground, QE skills were used, and then Mouse directly switched to hammer form and jumped on Sion's face. As soon as Mouse released the Q skill to charge, he was immediately interrupted by Jayce's E skill.

Jayce's damage was full, and Sion's health was immediately consumed.

Looking at the still fierce Jayce, Mouse frowned slightly, feeling a little depressed.

He had to be beaten before the jungler and the assistant came, and he still had to be beaten after the jungler and the assistant came. Didn't the jungler and the assistant come in vain?

The game time soon came to 6 minutes.

Sion was consumed by Jayce again and went home, but Mouse was not the worst, the worst was the bottom lane.

When the Minotaur rushed from the top lane to the bottom lane, Ashe and Braum were one level ahead, and Killua had used flash when catching Jayce, which undoubtedly gave EDG's bottom lane combination an opportunity.

"Kill the Minotaur!"

When the soldiers came out of the tower, iboy immediately said in the voice.

Meiko understood.

Just when the Minotaur moved forward to attack the auxiliary equipment passive, he decisively gave up the flash.

He attacked with a normal attack, then connected with the Q skill, and then directly hung up the ignite.

iboy controlled Ashe to move forward and follow up with the normal attack.

Without flash, the Minotaur could not pull away. Seeing that the passive of Braum on his body was about to be triggered, Killua could only struggle to release the WQ combo towards Ashe.

But it was obvious that EZ would definitely not be able to keep up with the damage.

Sima Laozei didn't even think of using E to attack Ashe, but just released the Q skill and normal attack at the approaching Braum.

After landing, Ashe continued to output, and soon took away the remaining health of Minotaur.

Bad news came from the bottom lane, but Doinb controlled Galio to go to the top lane.

After reaching level 6, Mouse directly released his ultimate at Jayce, Sion quickly rushed to Jayce's side, and Galio, who was close to the top lane, connected his ultimate.

Seeing this, Shen Lang could only give up his flash to distance himself.

After forcing Jayce's flash, Doinb did not linger at all and decisively turned back to the middle lane.

Shen Lang now understood.

The opponent had to target the top lane.

After being weakened by the designer, Galio's ultimate has a very long cooldown, and Jayce has a flash, so Sion and Galio obviously have no chance to kill him.

RW's move is obviously to use the ultimates of the two players in the middle and top lane to force Jayce's flash, paving the way for subsequent targeting.

"Who told you to be so cruel in the first two games? Now they are holding a grudge against you."

Zhaoli said jokingly.

But his body was still very honest, and he directly controlled Sejuani to move up.

Jayce was targeted like this, and it was not Shen Lang's face that was hit, but their faces. If they couldn't do anything in this situation, it could only mean that they were all trash.

Galio didn't have a big move, but Xiaodi's Ryze still had a big move.

EDG's counterattack was very fast.

After Jayce came online, he quickly released skills to push the line, and Ryze and Sejuani roamed to the top lane at the same time.

Xiaodi activated his big move, [Warp] was released directly under the RW defense tower.

Sion's big move was still on CD, and Mouse could only charge Q skill towards Ryze's big move.

Sejuani and Ryze were stunned, but the impact was not great. Sion didn't have time to pull away, and Zhaoli, who recovered from the stun, directly released Q skill.

Sejuani attracted the hatred of the defense tower,Shen Lang used his skills quickly.

QE skill connected with W skill, and then released the ultimate skill to switch to hammer form, Q skill [Sky Leap] jumped to Sion's face, three basic attacks quickly, and finally released E skill to finish...

At this point in time, Jayce's burst damage is still very high, plus there are Ryze and Sejuani next to him to make up for the damage, so it is absolutely no problem to kill Sion quickly.

Jayce successfully got the head, and Shen Lang's record also came to 1-1.

"You are the only one who has a brother?"

After killing Sion, Shen Lang immediately mocked in the chat box.

Mouse heard it and remained silent.

Although his teammates helped the top lane twice in a row, they did not help him establish too much advantage, and this wave let Jayce get his head, and the gap in the top lane was still obvious.

7 minutes.

With the cooperation of the bottom lane combination, Sejuani successfully took the first dragon.

The attributes of the next dragon were also presented.

It's still a fire dragon!

The benefit of a single fire dragon may not be very high, but the buff bonus of two fire dragons is already very considerable.

"Compared with the previous two games, RW's economic disadvantage at the beginning of this game is not particularly large, but I feel that this game may be the most difficult to play in these games."

In the commentary booth, remember to analyze: "From the beginning of the game, it can be seen that their main idea in this game is to limit the powerful brother's Jayce."

"But from the results, Jayce's current development is actually not bad, and the price paid by RW is the collapse of the bottom lane."

"EZ is at a huge disadvantage and can't even get out of the defensive tower. In this situation in the bottom lane, the second fire dragon is definitely impossible to fight for. Both the upper and lower lanes are at a disadvantage. Galio can only be said to be developing normally. It is impossible to expect this hero to carry. Now RW can only pin their hopes on the jungler Flawless. Only Kindred is developing well."

RW voice.

Seeing that the next dragon was still of fire attribute, Flawless wanted to die.

It was raining cats and dogs. They were already unable to defeat the opponent, and now they were not as lucky as the opponent.

After making the decision to target the top lane, they were ready to give up the dragon and could only pray for the dragons of Feng Shui and other attributes.

As a result, two fire dragons came directly, which made them dumbfounded.

"Brother Yanjun, this game can only rely on you!"

Killua said with a depressed face.

"Who? Me?"

Flawless widened his eyes.

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