After destroying the opposing mid-lane defense tower, EDG quickly gathered towards the dragon pit.

Sejuani and Braum both started scanning and quickly cleared the surrounding vision.

"EDG wants to take the dragon directly, which is a bit unrealistic, isn't it?"

Guan Zeyuan started to heal again.

Although Varus was killed instantly, the hero's resurrection time was not very long at this point in time. The other RW players only needed to delay the time a little to wait for the ADC to revive.

Even with the advantage in numbers, the Baron's debuff cannot be ignored, and the blind monk and Sejuani who killed Varus just now have used their key skills, while the ADC of RW was killed so quickly that the key skills of the others are still there.

"Maybe they just want to force the RW players to come over and find opportunities by taking advantage of the difference in vision. Ashe still has the ultimate in her hand, EDG still has the ability to take the initiative. As long as they can kill one more person, the dragon will be a sure thing."

Rita added.

Seeing the vision of the upper river becoming dark, the RW team had no intention of worrying about how Lee Sin killed Varus in one second. They hurriedly controlled their heroes to turn around and walked straight to the dragon pit.

"Be careful, the opponent will not kill the dragon, they should just force us to join the team."

Mouse reminded his teammates in the voice.

As a former EDG top laner, he also did not think that EDG would fight the dragon at this time.

From S6 to now, EDG's game style has been based on stability. Unless it is a sure thing, they will not touch the dragon at all.

Everyone moved forward cautiously, with Tam and Sion at the forefront. They dared to move forward only after confirming that there was no one in the bush, so it took a long time for everyone to reach the dragon pit.

Flawless placed the trinket eye in the dragon pit through the wall, and the vision inside soon lit up.

EDG is fighting the dragon!

And at this time, the Baron's health is only one-third, and it is obvious that he has been fighting for a long time.

Mouse's face is slightly red.

Times have changed, and EDG is no longer the EDG he is familiar with.

In fact.

At first, the factory manager and others really didn't want to fight the dragon. Just as Rita guessed, they initially just wanted to use the dragon to force RW to come over, and then find a way to use Ashe's ultimate to find an opportunity.

Who knew that after entering the river, Shen Lang directly released the Q skill to the dragon and kicked it directly.

Don't fight the dragon?

If I don't fight, I will die!

The main focus is moral kidnapping and controlling teammates.

The other EDG people naturally couldn't watch the blind monk being killed by the dragon, so they had to follow suit and fight the dragon.

In this game, EDG didn't get the earth dragon, and the speed of fighting the dragon was not very fast. If RW went directly, the dragon's health would be very healthy, and they would have a lot of space to prepare for pulling.

However, the dragon's health is not much left now, and they must make a decision quickly.


A terrifying sound sounded, and Flawless directly used the ultimate.

The vision of the EDG people disappeared.

"Stay together, stay together!"

Meiko shouted in the voice chat.

As long as everyone is together, there is no need to worry about Nightmare cutting the C position. RW's lineup does not have many ways to start a team fight, so even if they stay together, they don't have to worry about being started by the opponent.

The arrow is on the string and must be shot.

Seeing that the health of the dragon is about to reach the punishment line, Flawless has no time to discuss with his teammates and decisively releases his ultimate again.

Nightmare flew towards Ashe's face and punished the dragon on the way.


Someone is faster than him.

Just before Nightmare releases his skills, Sejuani is the first to punish.

The wailing of the Baron sounded.

"The dragon belongs to EDG!"

After seeing it clearly, Rita shouted excitedly: "Senjuani successfully punished the dragon. Although Nightmare cut to Ashe, he had no time to deal damage and was killed instantly. This wave of RW is a big loss!"

The jungler was killed instantly, and the other RW people retreated decisively.

Even though the EDG players were still wearing the Baron debuff, the jungler and ADC were not there, and they had no means to start a team fight, so they couldn't fight a team fight at all.


Seeing that he had successfully taken down the Baron, the factory manager breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, there were no mistakes."

He said with lingering fear.

When Nightmare activated his ultimate, he was really worried that the Baron would be stolen. Fortunately, the final result was good. They successfully took down the Baron and killed the opponent's jungler.

"What's there to be afraid of? Even if the opponent grabs the Baron, what's the problem? The advantage is still in our hands. If you are afraid of this and that, you might as well go home and raise pigs."Shen Lang said with a sneer.

Any decision is risky. If you don't dare to take risks, you may face greater risks.

Zhu Mei is higher in level than Nightmare, and his teammates are beside him. The probability of a car crash is not high. If the opponent really grabs the dragon, Shen Lang doesn't think RW can turn the tables.


After getting the dragon, EDG's advantage is already obvious.

This can be seen from Guan Zeyuan's expression. After EDG got the dragon, the smile on his face disappeared.

"According to this posture, I'm afraid it won't be a bad healer again."

He thought in frustration.

Today's EDG is really unfamiliar. The jungler who didn't like to gank the top is crazy about ganking, and the top laner who was originally mainly responsible for resisting pressure is crazy about leading the rhythm, and even the decision-making has become decisive.

If it were the previous EDG, they would definitely not dare to fight the dragon in this situation.

"EDG felt that they couldn't beat RW, so they specially invited IG players to play for them. At this time, the IG players were under their table."

"Really? Is this possible? Call the police."

"No, brother, do you really believe it?"

"If the team name is covered, I don't believe you can tell that it is EDG."

"The gap between the two games is too big."


The audience in the live broadcast room also began to complain.

At this time, many teams are paying attention to today's game, not only LPL teams, but also teams in other regions are studying their opponents in advance for the world game.

Due to the Asian Games and Intercontinental Games, plus the large number of teams, the LPL summer season ended very late this season. At this time, other regions have already finished the summer season, and the list of teams advancing to the world game has also been released.

In addition, Shen Lang said in an interview before that the LCK region is not to be feared, so many teams are very concerned about EDG's game, wanting to see if they are really as powerful as they boast.

However, after the first game, they were very disappointed.

EDG's strength was very poor. Facing RW, they had no room to fight back. With this performance, it was very difficult for them to even get a ticket to the World Championship. The data they collected and the research they made before were completely in vain.

Just when these teams thought they had encountered the "King of Talking", Shen Lang appeared in the second game.

After changing the top laner, EDG underwent a huge change and was completely different in the first game.

EDG is a frequent visitor to the World Championship and has played against many teams in other regions. These teams are also familiar with them.

However, in this game, EDG's tactics and decisions were unfamiliar to them.

The analysts of each team couldn't help but widen their eyes.

It seems that the data they collected and the research they made before were still in vain.

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