Looking at his gray screen, Letme's mentality exploded.

What happened to pushing the line and roaming?

Why don't you roam suddenly?

Gnar was killed by Garen in the laning phase. He didn't even need to look to know how explosive the barrage was and how ugly the coach's face was.

The top lane tower had already consumed a lot of health due to the soldiers. At this time, the blue steel shadow was below. Seizing this opportunity to kill Gnar, Garen could even destroy the top lane tower directly.

For RNG, the situation became difficult again.

"We have to cheer up. If we continue to play like this, we will definitely lose today's game."

Uzi said in the voice chat.

In this version, ADC needs to work hard in the middle and late stages. No matter how strong Uzi is in the laning phase, it is difficult for Kaisa, a hero, to do things in the early stage.

Whether it is the last game or this game, the bottom lane played well in the early stage, and the other lanes were inexplicably blown up by the opponent, especially the top lane. Uzi still can't understand why Gnar was blown up in the laning phase against Garen.

Seeing that his teammates didn't say anything, Uzi continued, "From now on, play around me. My development is still very good. When the three-piece set is complete, I can still fight in team battles. The opponent is only fat Garen, and this hero is useless in team battles."


The system prompt sounded soon, and Garen successfully destroyed the top lane defense tower.

After getting the money for Gnar's head and the bounty of the top lane defense tower, Garen returned to the city and directly synthesized Black Cleaver, and even had extra money to buy two long swords.

"Buy a long sword, what equipment does he want to make?"

Seeing Garen's equipment bar, Miller was surprised.

Under normal circumstances, Garen should start synthesizing meat suits after Black Cleaver comes out, but Shen Lang actually took out two long swords when he came out of the fountain.

Guan Zeyuan pondered for a while and explained, "He should want to make Death Dance, or just simply want to stack some damage."

Before today's game, Miller could really believe Guan Zeyuan's explanation.

But now, he is a little unconvinced.

Through these two games, he found that he could never use conventional thinking to guess Shen Lang's thoughts.

Just when Miller wanted to continue his research, the director quickly switched the camera to the bottom lane.

Qing Gangying came to the bottom lane and entered the triangle grass with his vision blocked.

Not only that, Ryze was also in the river at this time, and he could release his ultimate to support the bottom lane at any time.

"It seems that the consecutive losses have made the RNG players feel a sense of urgency. They want to take the initiative to find opportunities to speed up the pace of the game. This wave should be to take advantage of Ryze's control of the line to cross the bottom lane tower..."

Wawa quickly explained.

The RNG players acted very quickly. Before Wawa finished speaking, Kaisa and Minotaur had already pushed the line of soldiers into the defensive tower.

Xiao Ming activated his ultimate and quickly released his skills towards Ashe.


iboy reacted very quickly and gave up his flash in time to distance himself.

But at this moment, Spicy Pot's Qing Gangying attacked, using the E skill to move close to Ashe from a long distance, and then decisively connected the ultimate to limit Ashe's movement.

At the same time, Ryze handed over his ultimate, and Gnar, who had just resurrected, also handed over TP.

Shen Lang's teleport was still on CD, and Sejuani was still in the upper jungle, and both of them had no time to support the bottom lane.

In this situation, Xiaoxuedi did not hand over his teleport to support his teammates. He was trapped by five opponents, and the bottom lane was already in a dead situation. Even if Syndra teleported down, she would only give away her own head.

With the combined efforts of Ryze and Qing Gangying, Ashe's health bar quickly reached the bottom.

With the death of the ADC, Meiko's Braum next to him had nowhere to escape, and was eventually killed by Uzi's Kaisa.


The RNG people cheered loudly in the voice chat.

They played very frustrated in the first half of the game, and now they can finally hold their heads high.

Kaisa and Ryze got the kills, and they were able to take the opportunity to destroy the bottom lane tower. With this wave of bottom lane tower crossing, the previous disadvantage was instantly reversed.

"Look, I told you that it's easy to play around the bottom lane. Garen is a useless hero. There's no need to pay attention to him. What's the point of developing well?"

Uzi said proudly.

It's not that he looks down on Garen...

Okay, he just looks down on Garen!

A hero without displacement can't even touch Kaisa's clothes with just the acceleration of the Q skill. What's the point of giving him more kills?

The RNG team quickly destroyed the bottom lane tower, and then took the little dragon.

After Shen Lang returned to the top lane, he immediately went to the river and cooperated with Pig Girl to kill the Rift Herald.

After this wave, the two sides startedThe bottom lane combination switched to the middle lane, the top laner switched to the bottom lane, and the middle laner went to the top lane. When he came to the middle lane, Uzi quickly cleared the line of soldiers and then disappeared directly on the line. "Can I eat F6?" He asked in the voice. It was more like a notification than a question. Uzi had already started to take action when he spoke. Not only F6, but also the stone beetle was not spared. Kai'Sa even came to the top lane to eat two soldiers. "RNG is giving the economy to Uzi. It should be to speed up Kai'Sa's development rhythm. When Kai'Sa's three-piece set comes out, EDG's team battle is not easy to fight." Guan Zeyuan has a high EQ. He did not say that Uzi ate three lanes, but that other RNG people gave the economy to Uzi to speed up Kai'Sa's development. Miller nodded: "EDG's advantages are mostly concentrated on Garen, but this hero is difficult to play a role in team battles." The game time soon came to 15 minutes. When the Rift Herald was about to disappear, the factory manager came to the bottom lane.

Zhu Mei went around from the RNG jungle to the triangular grass behind the bottom lane defense tower, and then decisively released her ultimate to Gnar under the defense tower.


Letme didn't react and was directly frozen in place.

Shen Lang controlled Garen to move forward, and used the E skill to harvest health. When the time of Zhu Mei's ultimate was about to pass, he connected the Q skill, and finally used the ultimate to finish...

Letme didn't even have the chance to use flash and was instantly killed by Garen's unexplained combo.

The Rift Herald was summoned, and the bottom lane defense tower was quickly destroyed.

However, before EDG fans could be happy, the system prompt sounded again.

While the factory manager was doing things, Mala Xiangguo was not idle either. He controlled the Qing Gangying to come to the top lane.

Uzi and Xiao Ming brushed the jungle to the top, and Xiaohu pretended to roam and disappear on the line, but actually came to the side of the bottom lane combination and then activated the ultimate.

Using the displacement of [Warp], RNG members instantly appeared behind Syndra. Under the double team of four people, Xiaodi was unwilling to use flash, and Syndra was doomed.

The kill was taken by Kaisa again.

"Alas, that wave in the bottom lane was really fatal."

Miller sighed and shook his head.

Originally, EDG's economic lead was still very large, but after that wave, Uzi's Kaisa quickly developed.

"With the increase in level, Garen can hardly play a role."

Wawa also shook his head.

But Guan Zeyuan's eyes lit up slightly: "Brother Weiwu still has ideas, look at Garen's equipment."

Wawa Miller looked around.

After returning to the city, Garen actually bought a Phantom Blade.

Is this the equipment that Garen should buy?

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