Shen Lang's current strength is indeed not bad, but he is not strong enough to rely on operations to fight back the disadvantages when the hero restrains and the disadvantages at the beginning.

You should know that Jin Gong is also a top professional player, and at this time he has completely put away his contempt for Shen Lang.

After the resurrection teleport, Shen Lang's next laning was very uncomfortable.

Jin Gong directly controlled Kennen to press forward, and his position was staggered with the minions. If Ornn wanted to use the Q skill to consume Kennen's health, the soldier line could not be eaten.

Shen Lang could only release skills on the soldier line when the melee soldier was at low health, and retreat decisively after killing the minions.

The operation was decisive, but when Ornn pulled away, Kennen still consumed a lot of health.

"Brother Weiwu is having a hard time on the line!"

Guan Zeyuan said with a smile: "It should be difficult for Ornn to play a role in this game. Facing Kennen, it is difficult for this hero to fight back after falling into a disadvantage."

"You start again?"

Hearing this, Changmao turned around and laughed and teased.

Guan Zeyuan was a little anxious: "Can you say that I am a bad healer? This is a normal analysis. Anyway, I can't think of how Ornn can fight back from the disadvantage."

The game time soon came to 6 minutes.

The mid and top laners of both sides reached level 6 and upgraded their ultimates. Thanks to Shen Lang for not using flash at the beginning of the game, he was only behind in last-hitting now, and FPX did not find any opportunities later.

However, after reaching level 6, Cool quickly released his skills to clear the line, and then went straight to the top lane.

At the same time, Alex was also controlling Zhu Mei to go up.

"Will FPX not catch Ornn again?"

Guan Zeyuan widened his eyes.

What a huge hatred this must be, he started the game by lurking in the top lane, and then waited until the mid laner reached level 6 to gank the top laner.

If the top laner was Fiora, it would be completely understandable.


The top laner was Ornn!

Shen Lang also didn't expect that he would attract so much hatred. After reaching level 6, he wanted to clear the soldiers under the tower and then return to the city to replenish his status.

But to his surprise, the soldiers under the tower had not been cleared yet, and the sound effect of Taliyah's ultimate skill suddenly rang in his ears.

Unknown released his ultimate skill directly behind the defensive tower to block the road.

At the same time, Alex controlled Sejuani to appear behind the defensive tower.

"Fuck, you have a sheep fetish, right?"

Shen Lang hurriedly released his ultimate skill, trying to quickly clear the soldiers under the tower.

The goat rushed over, but before it arrived, Alex took the lead.

Sejuani released his Q skill directly to Ornn under the defensive tower, and Shen Lang's reaction speed was very fast, and he handed over his W skill in time to avoid control.

At this moment, Jin Gong decisively used his E skill to speed up, and quickly flashed to Ornn's side, and used his ultimate skill [Ten Thousand Thunder Prison]...

Ornn was soon stunned on the spot, and Wushuang controlled Taliyah to come forward to make up for the damage. With the combined efforts of the two, Ornn's health bar dropped rapidly.

Shen Lang could only use his ultimate skill on Sejuani before he died, trying to use the damage of the defense tower to exchange for a kill.

The skill knocked Sejuani up, but at the moment of landing, Alex decisively used his flash.

Sejuani escaped with low health.

Seeing this, Shen Lang could only take his hands off the keyboard, and he had no room for operation at this time.

The killing sound effect soon sounded, and Ornn's head was taken by Kennen.

With the advantage of two kills, the gap in the top lane was very obvious, and Jin Gong also smiled.

"Xibai, keep pretending?"

As soon as the words came out, the teammates exclaimed in the voice:

"The opponent is going to pass me!"

It turned out that when Zhu Mei and Taliyah were going up, Xiaoxuedi and Zz1tai also took the opportunity to go down.

The opponent's mid and jungle were simultaneously attacking the top lane. If they didn't catch the bottom lane, it would be unforgivable.

Gragas and Syndra went around the FPX jungle to the back of the defensive tower, and iboy and Meiko pushed the bottom lane soldiers into the defensive tower.

Seeing Gragas and Syndra appear behind him, Lin Weixiang was directly desperate.

Xiaoxuedi took the lead and released the QE skills directly.

At this time, Kaisa and Minotaur were not yet at level 6, so Lin Weixiang could only give up the flash to dodge the skills.

But just as Kaisa moved out, Gragas directly connected with E flash to stun her on the spot.

Seeing this, Liu Qingsong hurriedly used his WQ skills on Varus. iboy reacted very quickly and flashed to avoid the skills of the Minotaur. He then used this displacement to get to Kaisa's side...

With everyone's combined output, Kaisa's health quickly ran out.

"Minotaur can still be killed. I have my ultimate."

Xiaoxuedi shouted in the voice chat.

Zz1tiaozhang controlled the barrel to walk out of the defense tower, and Meiko stepped forward to release the Q skill to continue to resist the tower.

Minotaur without the ultimate skill could notThere was no tankiness, and there were enemies in front and behind. Liu Qingsong couldn't even use flash to escape, and the remaining health was taken away by Syndra's ultimate.

Wow --

EDG fans in the audience cheered instantly.

"Wow --"

"EDG's mid and jungle reacted very quickly this time. Seeing Taliyah and Sejuani catching up, they quickly came to the bottom lane to cross the tower, and exchanged Ornn's head for Kai'Sa and Minotaur's heads. This wave of blood profit."

Changmao exclaimed.

Guan Zeyuan shook his head: "I feel that FPX is a bit too excited. Why are they so hard on Ornn? This wave let Varus and Syndra get the heads. If we want to win the subsequent team battles, it depends on whether Kennen can use a perfect ultimate."

The game was still early, and it was not realistic to want to take the tower directly, but after killing the opponent's bottom lane combination this time, EDG was able to take the little dragon.

Although it was just a wind dragon, it was better than nothing.

"Don't give up in the top lane, it's easy to win."

iboy laughed and teased.

The junior also nodded: "As long as Ornn stands in the top lane, he will be a great achievement."

Shen Lang was speechless when he heard this.

In this game, the opponent targeted him like this, and his Ornn really had no room to play.

At this time, Kennen had two kills on him, and the top lane was no longer able to fight.

After resurrection, Shen Lang controlled Ornn to go online, but not long after the fight, the figure of Sejuani appeared again in the field of vision in the grass of the river in the top lane.

At this time, Sejuani had reached level 6, and Ornn's health was not very healthy. If Shen Lang hadn't placed the trinket eye in the grass in advance, this wave would be hard to say.

"Okay, okay, let's play it this way, right."

Shen Lang laughed angrily, released his skills to clear the line of soldiers under the defense tower, and then returned to the city directly under the defense tower.

Since there is no way to fight in the top lane, then don't fight!

Commentary seat

Seeing that Ornn was beaten back home by Kennen soon after he came online, Guan Zeyuan felt a little distressed.

"Ornn can no longer fight Kennen, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to walk out of the defensive tower. Brother Weiwu targeted 'Wu' in this game. Ornn is basically useless now..."

Before Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, the director suddenly switched the camera to Ornn.

After returning to the city to replenish his status, Shen Lang did not control Ornn to go online, but walked straight to the bottom lane.

"What does he want to do?"

Guan Zeyuan widened his eyes: "Don't you want to go to the top lane directly?"

"Brother Weiwu should want to gank the bottom lane. My God, if he walks directly to gank the bottom lane, the top lane will at least lose two waves of soldiers, and Kennen may even have a chance to take down the defensive tower directly. I'm crying, he is really a team player!"

Changmao explained loudly

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