The third wave of soldiers came, and Kalista was the first to reach level 3.

The soldiers pushed towards Xiaohu, and the jungler came over, and Xiaohu saw hope.

While Kalista was suppressing in front of the defensive tower, Xiaohu's jungler Lee Sin came from the river and blocked Kalista's retreat.

"This guy can't play mid-lane, and he doesn't have vision and is suppressing people here. Isn't he looking for death? He is just a reckless man." Xiaohu didn't forget to say a few words to get back on the scene.

He didn't rush to attack, because his health was too low, so he gave it to the jungler first.

The jungler Lee Sin has the red BUFF, so it should be easy to deal with it.

This Lee Sin also thought so. When Kalista approached and actively attacked him, he chose to observe Kalista's movement first, and then touch the eye to get close!

After this wave of touching the eye to get close, Lee Sin found that he was fooled.

He originally saw Kalista jumping all the way to the right, so he predicted that he would touch the eye on the right, but Kalista suddenly changed direction to the left.

There was no other way, Lee Sin could only use Soundwave, and it hit!

Then he used Echo Shot to close the distance, and then Thunder Breaker...

In fact, the Soundwave hit because Luo Ren deliberately caught it, he just wanted you to think Lee Sin could fight.

First, close up and then follow up with Soundwave, or Soundwave and Echo Shot close up, it seems that the skills are the same, but the damage that can be dealt is very different!

Luo Ren fought and retreated, Xiaohu's Clockwork caught up, one E skill to shield Lee Sin, and turned on W to speed up Lee Sin, at this time Lee Sin and Kalista's health was not much.

Lee Sin was full of spears, he had to take action!

Lee Sin saw Kalista's position and used Soundwave.

Just when Lee Sin thought that Soundwave would hit, suddenly, Kalista used Flash to dodge.

"Good opportunity!" Xiaohu saw the opportunity and flashed QW to collect the kill.

Everything seemed to be going well.

However, after Luo Ren's Kalista flashed, she used her Q skill to jump forward, followed by a basic attack and an E skill to kill Lee Sin!

At the same time, Kalista also shortened the distance with Clockwork, used three basic attacks, and killed him directly with an E skill.

Luo Ren killed two people in the middle lane with a little health!

Nanboer screamed: "Ah... I killed him, I actually killed him, my God, can I kill him in this wave? How did you do it?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was boiling:

"Fuck, this is really fierce, the opposite Lee Sin and Clockwork were played mercilessly!"

"So cool, all kinds of pulling, all kinds of positioning!"

"Even if the opponent is a human-machine, I can't fight two people alone. The gap between people is so big?"

"Why do I feel that Xiaohu is just a toy in front of the anchor, is this still Xiaohu?"

Luo Ren suddenly had an idea. The opponent is Xiaohu, so let's go to RNG's training base, and take this opportunity to advertise.

In the RNG training room, everyone laughed so hard when they saw Xiaohu being killed.

UZI said, "Brother Hu, what are you doing? Can you be outnumbered? Kalista doesn't have any equipment advantage."

Xiao Ming: "I didn't expect you to flash up and kill one."

Rang Di: "Haha, Brother Hu, you don't seem to be in good shape today."

Xiao Hu's face turned black, and he began to make excuses for himself: "This Lee Sin is so bad, did you notice? Normally, Lee Sin with the red buff can beat an ADC with his eyes closed, but he can't beat him."

"If this Lee Sin wasn't so bad, how could I die in this wave?"

Hearing this, the RNG people started to make a noise:

"Yes, yes, yes, the rubbish Lee Sin screwed my brother Hu."

"It's all Lee Sin's fault, we all saw it."

"Tell Lee Sin not to come to the middle lane in the future, the middle lane doesn't need a jungler."

"The jungler screwed my brother Hu, do you know how to play?"

Xiao Hu's face turned red, because he called this jungler, so it didn't make sense to say that.

At this moment, Xiaohu suddenly saw Kalista send a message to everyone: "LPL accepts orders, pay and play, guaranteed to win."

"Fuck!" Xiaohu felt a cerebral congestion at the time. Isn't this a provocation? He just killed him and said such a thing?

Others from RNG also saw it. Xiao Ming was shocked: "This kid is really brave, no one can deal with him?"

UZI: "It seems that Brother Hu made him full of confidence. It's mainly Brother Hu's problem."

Rang Di: "Brother Hu, if you lose this game, I guess he will stand on your head and shit."

Others watched the fun and didn't mind the trouble, and they were crazy about Xiaohu's strength.

Xiaohu rolled up his sleeves: "I'm serious, no kidding, really serious."

"The offensive ability of the hero Clockwork is relatively weak, but if I defend and counterattack, he can't fight."

The twoStarting the laning again, Xiaohu did change his play style this time. He kept the ball close to him. If Kalista wanted to rush up to consume, he would counterattack.

"I only need to last hit in the lane. Heroes like Kalista are definitely not as useful as me in the late game." Xiaohu explained while operating, and he was very clear.

Just when Xiaohu was last hitting and developing, suddenly, Kalista used a Q skill.

This Q skill passed through the minions and hit Clockwork, and Clockwork lost a quarter of his health.

"Isn't it? Is it so painful? Why?" Xiaohu asked. Although Kalista got two kills, the damage should not be so high.

UZI was the first to see the problem: "He bought armor-piercing equipment, armor-piercing Kalista? Is it true?" Xiaohu took a look at Kalista's equipment and found that it was true. Kalista bought a sawtooth dagger and a long sword, but she didn't buy attack speed.

Rangdi asked, "That's not right. I remember Kalista always plays with attack speed. Can this armor penetration flow work?"

Rangdi looked at UZI. UZI naturally had the most say on this question.

However, UZI could only shake his head: "I haven't seen it, nor have I tried it. Generally speaking, only the Fate Master and Varus can play with armor penetration flow, and Kalista plays with attack speed."

Xiaohu laughed after hearing this: "Then he is messing around!"

Xiaohu was quite confident in UZI's level. Since UZI didn't approve of this style of play, it must not work.

But soon, after being hit by three consecutive Q skills from Kalista, Xiaohu found out that he was wrong. This armor penetration flow is so powerful!

The most disgusting thing is that this armor penetration flow plays just perfectly restrains Xiaohu's defensive counterattack.

Kalista didn't need to rush up to fight, just look for an opportunity to Q from a distance.

So, when Xiaohu was hesitating whether to go back with low health, Kalista used a Q and followed up with an E skill to kill him instantly!

Another solo kill, and this time it was even easier.

"Ah? You were solo killed again?" Everyone in RNG was shocked.

"I...really..." Xiaohu didn't know how to make up for it, she felt so uncomfortable.

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