Spider counterattacked with a cocoon, and the policewoman moved, which was predicted!

The policewoman was controlled, and Spider followed up with a set of damage. Varus AAEA, and the policewoman gave up E to distance herself from Spider.

Spider gave up E skill to pull up, and landed on the policewoman to continue to attack!

Varus also stacked passive with a flat attack, and killed with Q skill!

The policewoman died once, and Spider was replaced, but the kill was Mantis.

Colonel Guan complained: "This is not right. Why does Spider want to trade heads with the policewoman? This is too targeted, really too targeted, absolutely not normal!"

"Originally, the disadvantage in the bottom lane is not so big. Spider keeps catching like a ghost."

Jin Minna smiled and said: "Don't worry, this is DL's way of playing. They naturally have their own reasons."

On the field, UZI on the RNG side was angry: "The Spider on the opposite side is a dog, really a dog! He keeps catching me, and he always messes with me. It's really disgusting!"

RNG looked at each other. Is this a broken defense?

When RNG met DL before, they also lost, but UZI didn't seem to be so emotional.

Suddenly, everyone remembered that Luo Ren played two ADC games in RNG just now?

If RNG lost this game, the control variable method... wouldn't it be clear who has the problem?

Now everyone understands, no wonder UZI is so anxious now.

The game continued, and after UZI was resurrected, an accident happened!

UZI actually went to the top lane by himself, and Xiao Ming's Karma also chose to return to the city and went directly to the top lane.

Miller explained: "Wait, what's going on? Did the RNG duo change lanes? Go directly to the top lane and let the stone man go to the bottom lane to resist the pressure?"

Jin Minna replied: "At present, it seems that the stone man can only go to the bottom lane. She has nowhere to go."

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage was mocking:

"Hahaha, she was beaten so hard that she dared not to go to the line. Is this Uzi?"

"The world's No. 1 ADC is at this level? It's so funny."

"Put all the pressure on your teammates? Varus is so fat, what do you do with the stone man?"

"Rangdi is probably going to cry."

At this time, the director gave Rangdi a close-up of his expression.

Rangdi's expression was numb, and he felt like he was used to it.

In the bottom lane, Luo Ren's Varus was pushing the tower.

Suddenly, the policewoman appeared in the top lane!

"Did the opponent change lanes?"

Then, the stone man appeared in the bottom lane, and it was indeed a lane change.

Seeing this, Luo Ren began to look for opportunities to consume, charging the Q skill, and shooting a Q.

There was no intention to dodge, which made Di feel that he had a passive skill, so there was no need to move, and the last hit was important.

But after it really hit, he felt something was wrong.

The damage of this Q skill is a bit high!

"No..." made Di realize that he was fooled!

In the top lane, after the policewoman and Karma switched over, they pushed the line frantically and suppressed the blue steel shadow.

The spicy hot pot's mantis could only come to the top lane to help with vision.

Otherwise, the jungler ganked, and the two on two in the bottom lane would definitely not be able to beat it.

On the DL side, Wei asked: "Can the top lane hold? I guess the mantis is also here, and it will be difficult for me to come here."

The shy replied: "It's okay, I can play."

So Wei chose to go to the stone man in the Chaoxia Road.

At this time, Luo Ren and Crisp have reached level 6, which is a good opportunity.

The Stone Man was repeatedly consumed by Luo Ren's Varus and had lost a lot of health.

Jin Minna explained: "Although the policewoman can develop after the lane change, there is a problem. If Spider comes to the bottom lane and can successfully cross the tower, what should RNG do?"

"Unless RNG can also cross the tower in the top lane, it will be a big loss, and the gap will get bigger and bigger."

The next wave of soldiers entered the defense tower, and Luo Ren came in advance and consumed the Stone Man with Q.

Spider appeared and approached from behind the defense tower.

"The opponent wants to cross the tower!" Rangdi wanted to call someone over, but no one could help him.

Varus handed over his ultimate move and hit, and came up to output, and Spider followed up with cocoon, and hit and also came up to output.

"Magic." Lulu followed up with sheep transformation.

So we saw Rangdi's Stone Man being beaten in vain at the defense tower, unable to fight back for a few seconds and finally killed.

"I can't use my ultimate!" Randi screamed crazily. He felt so uncomfortable, as if there were ants crawling on him!

Jin Mina commented: "RNG is now facing the problem we just talked about. Can they cross the tower in the top lane?"

The camera was on the top lane. At this time, the Blue Steel Shadow was in good condition. Spicy Hotpot's Mantis chose to forcefully cross the tower. There was no other way.

Karma entered the defensive tower and sent a W to the Blue Steel Shadow. Mantis and the policewoman approached one after the other.

However, under the control effect of Karma's WWhen the effect was about to take effect, Qing Gangying handed over his ultimate skill Hextech Ultimatum to Mantis, evaded the control, and landed AQ to refresh the shield.

Mantis and Policewoman followed the output, Qing Gangying used his E skill hook to pull the wall, and suddenly flashed the second stage of the hook to stun Karma, and the second stage of precision etiquette cooperated with the defense tower to complete the kill!

Miller exclaimed: "So fast! This wave is a feint to the east and attack in the west. It pretends to deal with Mantis, but it is actually to deal with Karma who is holding the tower. A tactical sweep slows down the policewoman and can recover health."

"Can Mantis and Policewoman continue? If they continue, it feels like they will be killed again."

There is no way, Mantis and Policewoman can only give up, and this wave of GANK is declared a failure.

Seeing that the opponent failed to cross the top lane tower, Luo Ren looked up.

Good guy, UZI's face is now red, like a red balloon about to be inflated and exploded, it is about to reach the limit!

Luo Ren took down the first tower on the opposite side, Wei went to fight the little dragon, and the soldiers were brought to the front of the second tower by Luo Ren.

Let Di's stone man come to defend and use skills to clear the soldiers.

Luo Ren directly ignored the stone man and pushed the tower. This stone man was pure meat.

The damage of his small skills was not as good as Lulu's shield.

Let Di remind his teammates: "I can't hold on for a long time in the bottom lane. You have to find a way, otherwise the opponent will go to the high ground."

On the top lane, UZI was embarrassed. Now the support has not come, and he dare not push the soldiers to attack the tower.

"I'm coming." Xiaohu came to the bottom lane to help defend.

"The clockwork on the opposite side is gone." In the middle lane, Zuoshou gave a signal.

Luo Ren and Crisp retreated slightly, letting the middle lane push the soldiers and the tower.

In this way, pull the opponent.

The game time was 18 minutes, and RNG's second tower on the bottom lane was gone.

At this time, the RNG duo finally got the first tower on the top lane of DL, still under the cover of the jungler.

Miller commented: "Now the policewoman and Karma are going to switch to the middle lane, so it feels like they are facing each other again. Can they win? I still feel like they can't win."

The two duos met again in the middle lane.

"We meet again, Uzi." At this time, Luo Ren's Varus had a two-piece set, while the policewoman had only a little more than one piece.

Luo Ren charged the Q skill, and the policewoman moved around like crazy, all kinds of moves.

"Hit!" A Q skill flew over, predicting the position of Varus and the policewoman, and hit!

A quarter of the health was gone!

"No, what kind of damage is that?" UZI felt his heart sank.

"Come to the middle lane, group up, don't lead the line!" RNG realized that this couldn't go on.

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