All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 848 Dean Zhu retreats from battle, and the senior navy sings

The hot water was steaming, and there was a smoky smoke.

The aroma of tea came.

The head of the Q3 star pushed the tea forward, Will you not drink it, Dean? This tea is rare, and the whole planet only has this point. We will only make it when the most distinguished guests come.

I wish the dean did not move.

It's too shameful to wish Dean. The smile on Wen Jun's face gradually faded.

I'm afraid it won't be my turn to drink Wen Qiu's long tea. Zhu Tiansheng stared at him.

He laughed, How come, it was specially made for you, Dean.

I don't like tea, Chief Wen, if there is nothing else, I'm going back.

How come there is none, there is. Wen Jun felt that the old man was really insufferable.

It doesn't make sense to be reasonable, so let's be hard. I heard that Dean Zhu has not liked facing interviews and cameras over the years.

I think this is a good habit, and I hope Dean can keep it.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, Zhu Tiansheng has lived for so many years, What do you mean?

Meaning, I hope that the dean will not get involved in the affairs of your apprentice.

There must be boundaries in everything. Dean Zhu froze, stood up and prepared to leave.

But as soon as the others turned around, Wen Jun's fluttering voice was behind him, President Zhu, don't you forget, who led this healing meeting in Q3?

You don't get involved, it's just the news on the Internet.

If you have to mix it in...

Secretary Wang. When Wen Jun finished speaking, a male secretary walked into the office with his head lowered. Soon, a screen was lit up in the office, and the news about those who went out on Planet Q3 was broadcast directly on it.

On August 13, 5297, the xx person reported Q3xx in the xx unit. Three days later, the citizen was found dead at home. The cause was sudden death. It was identified as overworked and overexcited.

On September 10 of the same year, another person did not believe in evil and wrote a report letter.

In the afternoon of the same day, the suspension car broke down and the citizen unfortunately passed away.


5301, 07...

People keep speaking out for Q3, and people keep dying because of Q3.

Dean Zhu looked at it, the fist had already won, he turned around and looked back at Wen Jun.

I didn't do it. I don't have this energy in such a small place.

But...the people above, you know.

I'm willing to leave precious life for this classmate Jiang, in fact, it's for your sake, Dean Zhu. Wen Jun spread his hands, I've already said this, if you want to speak up, Dean, then do so.

However, I can't guarantee what will be sent out and what will happen after it is sent out. Oh, by the way, you should still belong to the Xingwen family of the Federation—

Unfortunately, not everyone in the Wen family has become a mecha soldier and a spiritual healer. I heard that your youngest daughter married a ball captain?

This silence lasted for a long time.

In the end, Zhu Tiansheng left here.

The secretary asked Wen Jun, Boss, he—

Don't worry, he won't say anything.

Oh, why did you choose him to be the leader of the courtyard? It wasn't because he had enough handles.

It is also difficult for a man to provoke a family.

Then online?

Send it, this classmate Jiang really has to thank him for his ability to make everyone's eyes hot. Wen Jun took a sip of tea, Otherwise it would not be a rumor, but a last word.

So, lower class people should be stronger, otherwise there will be no chance for people to be dogs.

He has a gentle voice and doesn't listen to the content. No one would have thought that he would say such a thing.


Everything came like the wind.

Obviously only one morning time.

Like yesterday's [Q3] planet's hot sticker, another peeling sticker appeared.

The post was also posted in the scumbag circle, with a similar tone.

The title is called [Curiosity also checked it out! Absolutely, is this completely playing with us? 】

[I really believe that there are heroes in this world. I really believe that the generals on the frontier, the garrison in the garrison, the individual mecha soldiers serving in remote areas, the spiritual healer who accompanies the army, these are in my eyes, All are heroes. 】

[Also in daily life, those who dedicate themselves to helping others are also heroes, but I object to the @microscope netizen in the previous post who said that Jiang Qiuqiu is also a hero. How old is she to be a hero? 】

[And the various data she put forward, let’s talk about the financial report of Q3 first. As we all know, the financial report of the numbered planet is very strange, because it is a single labor planet, some data conversion is not very accurate. This is not a planet’s business, many All planets are like that. 】

[Let's talk about the basic salary that everyone talks about the most. I always say that the mining salary is high. Let's take a look. What are the mines in Q3? Not all mines here are high-risk mines, there are also more common mines. The reward is high for the danger, and the reward for the common mine is lower. 】

The person who posted the post didn't mention the specific amount of money. In short, the concept was vague, making passersby feel that the income was originally high and low, and maybe this part of the film was low income.

[And the issue of hospital taxation...Are you in Q3? Just like this, many medical devices in Q3 are discounted and the price is very low. How do you pay tax if you don’t make profits? 】

[Look at so many people lining up for this, did you have an interview in Q3 earlier? 】

The most inspiring thing is this so-called interview.

In the slightly blurred shot, a yellow-skinned host is holding a microphone and standing in front of a swarthy, stooped Q3 star.

He holds the star coins in his hand, because the Q3 star terminal is not fully covered, so there is still a paper society there, and there is still paper money.

The host asked him, How much did you pay for your salary today?

More than ten thousand. A smile appeared on his face.

Then how long have you been working this month?

24 days.

In other words, do you take 4 breaks and 1? Do all the mines here do 4 breaks and 1?

I don't understand... It's about 24 days. Some people will work for a few more days and want to make more money.

The host smiled and continued to ask: Then what are you going to do after you get the money? I think you seem to have some basic diseases. Are you going to go to the hospital for treatment?

Don't go.

I don't want to go to the hospital, I have to save my money.


I have a son, and I want to send my son to another planet.

After that, the host kept asking questions, asking the middle-aged man, how many people in his family, how many Star Coins he spends a month, and how many Star Coins he can save in a month.

Specifically, it is digging.

Very stingy very stingy.

He is so stooped and weak, he still refuses to see a doctor because he wants to help his son get out of Q3.


【see it? Saving money is traditional on this planet. 】

[Don't use your own eyes and thoughts, experience to think about others, isn't it normal to not want to see a doctor? There are so many people on a planet, and hundreds of thousands of people want to see a doctor for free. 】

[Of course, all the confusion has been answered since this @microscope netizen kept mentioning that Jiang Qiuqiu. 】

[Oh, the internet celebrity, the anchor. 】

【No wonder. 】

This is a 2000-word chapter, Kawen, tomorrow morning, see if you can make up an update, get away, April Fool's Day really shouldn't be said to add update, backlash!

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