All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 835 Isn't that the noble worker of the 'Xinxing Delicious Factory&#039

The long queue is endless.

It was a dark place, crowded with people, it was life and death, it was life and death, it was the pain of the poor, and it was the sorrow of the inferior.

In a place where as long as this diagnosis and treatment is not postponed, there is absolutely no place here.

Several grizzled, hunched figures stood.

It's not my turn.

It's not my turn either.

But still don't want to go.

Let's stop here, let's take a break.

Although the wind meal here sleeps.

Although there is no cover here.

Although the temperature here is very low at night, the feeling of dew on the face is uncomfortable, but there is no work, which is one of the few rest times in everyone's life.

As for suffering, I'm used to it.

The last time I rested, it was when my father was there. A man's eyes narrowed, his pupils were slightly cloudy, he looked at one place, as if he had traveled through time and saw the scene in his dreams again.

But my father is no longer there.

After his father died, he grew up.

Now, he is also a father.

Also has a son.

So, this is another sad topic.

Don't talk, don't talk.

I was already exhausted, and talking about this, I am afraid it will be even more difficult to persevere.

Everyone tacitly skipped this topic and talked about something else.

Will this one come next year? One person was curious, Will the hospital continue to offer free clinics?

We also have such a long line, will we be sent away directly?

Yes, everyone is still in a stalemate here and is unwilling to disperse, but some people think that even if they are not lined up for a month, the hospital may come forward and let people who have been queuing for so long enjoy the hospital's treatment.

Not to mention it's free, it's got to be cheaper.

But a well-informed person shook his head, It's difficult.

This constituency is a mobile constituency, and it's different every year. There were long queues in other places before, and there were more than a dozen planets. It seems that only one has treated the people behind.

It was the O1 planet of the alphabetically numbered planets that had always had a good reputation.

Q3, notorious, let it pay-

Then what are we waiting for here...

Who knows.

Maybe it's because everyone has come, and I want to rest.

Come, come, and engrave the nature in the genes of ancient earth people.

The chatter became wider and wider, and just as everyone was about to drink nutrient solution on the floor, a worker suddenly came to the gathering place of No Hope.


In the environment of Q3, it is very honorable to be a worker, not to mention that this person is still wearing the uniform of the newly promoted food factory.

One of the highest paid and most demanding factories in the whole Q3.

Why are the workers here?

Are you coming to line up too?

How is that possible! A person made a disbelieving voice, Look at him, he is strong, his mental state is so good, even if there is an injury, it is a minor injury...

How is it possible that you can't even get the money for a minor injury.


Another woman hissed and whispered, Maybe he has 20 sons? The wages can't support them?


You are so imaginative.

While a few people were chatting, the people surrounding the worker suddenly left the team.

Onlookers: ? ? ?

Just when everyone was surprised to eat melons, this man didn't know how to say a few words, and the people surrounding him left again.

The people around him walked in a circle.

Then the worker approached the group of melon eaters.

Before he could speak, someone asked, Is the factory recruiting cheap laborers to kill Cuckoo beasts?

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