All Stars Are My Food Fans

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As a 'good' journalist.

Before the small group landed, they began to discuss the topic of the interview.

Writers and editors are always on the lookout for news on the Star Network.

Federal News is a department directly under the federal government and seems to be the mouthpiece of ZF.

But this department is just too big—

Up and down, from the real news department, the speech department, to the subordinate network department, there are countless staff.

Not all departments have 'authority', and not all programs and programs are watched.

In addition to certain 'rule of law departments' and some 'official speech columns', many new projects in federal news need to be run by a small team of reporters.

It is necessary to analyze the points of concern of netizens from the given materials, and then extract, interview, and make materials.

The idea can't be too low, but it can't be too ordinary, because no one will see it.

The focus is clear now.

It's the flow of the game.

The director integrates the information, There are also some participating students who are self-deprecating in the circle, which is also the point of the interview.

I read the news before, didn't it say that there is a genius?

Does Jiang Qiuqiu? The writer knew her. Hot search regulars. Some people in our company like her very much. She seems to have appeared on our department's topics very early.

Very early?

It was still a semi-professional time. It is also a coincidence that the writer reviewed the topic at the beginning.

It's about food and family.

The response to the manuscript was quite good.

That is, The message was sent from above at that time.

Oh, Xiaoxiao, the reporter who appeared on the screen, understands, it's a relationship household. No wonder I get up early to get on the federal news.

Xiaoxiao's sensitivity to hot spots made Xiaoxiao feel that this Jiang Qiuqiu might be a breakthrough point, Isn't it rumored that her background is not very good? Is there any other reason behind this?

What's her character like, so many people think she's a genius...

In short, it is full of explosions, You can focus on interviewing her at that time.


The director expressed his understanding and highlighted Jiang Qiuqiu's name in red.

Apart from her, the one who is more explosive is the X noble family...

The leader of the team includes the dean of the Department of Spiritual Healing at Federal University, an important person, but he rarely gave interviews in previous years. We may not be able to invite him.

People at this level, if they don't want to, just don't want to. Showing their face is considered a face.

Everyone will not find something to touch this bad head, Apart from him? Is there anyone else?


This time Rose Academy is leading the team from the more famous aristocratic dean. She is also a breakthrough.

People who often talk but have no brains, only nobles come first, and people who are not very smart.

This kind of person is always amazing.

After taking stock of the highlights, Xiaoxiao nodded, Do it well, this column is famous, and we also get a commission.

Maybe there will be a better interview next time.

The people in the team nodded in unison.

Ting Mo sat silently a little further away.

Before entering this industry, she thought that every reporter had the sword of Damocles hanging over his head, and that every reporter was a knife that slashed through the darkness of the haze, but after entering the industry, she was full of enthusiasm and slowly swept away. Extinguished.

This is also just a normal industry.


It was almost evening when the warp mecha of Federal News arrived at Planet Q3.

They are all old guys, everyone is used to traveling and jumping, and they all seem to be in good spirits.

Because the above was an order, as soon as they landed, the local ZF sent someone to pick them up.

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