All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 812 Compared with others, I am an interstellar scum

The circle was not well known to begin with.

Because its name is really unremarkable on the star network.

Just like ordinary people in the crowd, they don't stand out at all.

[Compared to others, I am an interstellar scum], that's the name.

The first style of painting in the circle is like this.

#Continuing to watch the rankings, I found that I was really bad. #


[I really didn't work hard enough, obviously I was on the same level as Xiao X (classmate), why is Xiao X so much better than me? 】

[After reading your analysis post, I feel the same way, why am I so bad? Others are so great. 】

[Sad, I thought this school was okay at first (anonymous), but now I am compared with so many people, I feel that my school is really a lala. 】

[I'm so tired, why so tired, why am I so useless. 】

It looks like an ordinary salted fish college student complaining place.

While hating the cruel reality, he complained about his useless self.

There is an unrewarded person in the low valley who stumbled into this place, and in the breath of mourning, it feels like he has found a similar kind.

I couldn't help but leave a message.

[Yes, yes, I really don't understand, we are all carbon-based creatures, why is there such a big difference——]

[Why people can be good-looking and capable, smart, rich and gentle makes me jealous. 】

Such comments quickly gained support.

The crowd joined in.

When passers-by saw this enthusiasm, they instantly felt that they had found a confidant, and began to vomit bitterly.

What kind of life is unsatisfactory, bad luck in starting a business, every time I get fired from work, and I finally find a partner and fail.

The students looked at it: hiss! So bad!

They have spoken out to comfort them, and it started to be miserable.

——Don't be sad, big brother, I am just as miserable as you. The ranking of the 14th college entrance examination is the last one, and it is still the college entrance examination.

After graduation, it is hopeless to find a job.

——Don't be sad, I have been stripped of my pants by a group of people every time I go out.

When you hear it, you will die on the spot.

——The mother and child have been single until now, and they have always been their own companions.

Heh, at least once owned, it must be more noble than solo.

Passers-by felt that their hearts were soothed.

He gradually calmed down. Seeing the tone of the message here, he asked: Are you all students? Are you all from the same school? Are students so busy?

If there is a question, there is an answer.

[Yes, they are all students! 】

【No, not from a school! 】

[Our department is very busy, the recent joint entrance examination, we are a circle formed by the elimination of the crowd ~ the elimination of the crowd, so it is relatively idle now~]

Look at this person, I rely on it, there are more than 1,000 registered people.

What is the joint entrance examination, so many people are eliminated.

Out of curiosity, he asked: [What is the joint entrance examination? 】

[Q3 Fourteen-school joint practice competition. 】

Sounds like a high end.

Passers-by searched like this-

Several reports jumped out one after another.

Of course, the most eye-catching is the statement released by the official Q3 Star Planet Media and the official account of the Federal University: [Q3 Fourteen Schools Joint Practice Competition].

Passers-by were taken aback.

Federal University? And the official media of the planet?

This game is so lined up.

Let’s take a closer look at the key words, the spiritual healing department is exclusive, jointly built by 14 famous interstellar schools, including all new students, the thorny road for future spiritual healers to grow…

To sum up a sentence: those who can participate in this competition are all future spiritual healers.

What is a spiritual healer?

Here, it is necessary to review the concept of this noun again.

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