All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 697 Degraded, the surrounding noise

Time to wake up.

Jiang Qiuqiu has set a new schedule for himself since he came back from the conversation with Principal Lao Fu.

At six in the morning, it was still early. Fortunately, with the help of the spiritual healing helmet, yesterday's fatigue was relieved a lot. The roommate was still asleep. Jiang Qiuqiu got off the bed very carefully, closed the door and finished washing in the bathroom, and sat next to the table. .

Last night, I probably forgot to do the half-an-hour before going to bed mental training, and I just made it up now.

Time flies fast when you are immersed in something.

Dawn was about to break, and at 6:50, the people in the dormitory followed the biological clock and opened their eyes. Soon, they found Jiang Qiuqiu.

Liu Tingting was startled, You... Qiuqiu, you just got up?


When did you wake up?

Six o'clock.

The girls were amazed at Jiang Qiuqiu's self-control. They were so tired yesterday, they thought Jiang Qiuqiu would stay in bed...

By the way, thank you for putting me in bed yesterday.

Damn, what are you thanking for? You are light and not tired.

After saying a few words, everyone lined up to wash up. At 7:10, everyone left the dormitory and went to the cafeteria. After buying breakfast, everyone ate breakfast on the suspension car and went to the computer room.

This morning, there are two practical classes.

One is the familiar lost points class.

The other section was the newly added mecha combat class that day.

According to Teacher Mao, everyone has been learning to control the mecha for almost three months. Everyone has learned well, and it is time for some higher-level training.

You control the mech, so - how do you fight?


Jiang Qiuqiu was very interested in the newly added course.


Because Jiang Qiuqiu had changed from light armor to intermediate armor when he was in class with Teacher Mao, so in the new combat class, this teacher also prepared B2 mecha for Jiang Qiuqiu.

Originally, this was nothing, but Jiang Qiuqiu's mental power had not yet reached the level where he could control B armor to do so many difficult moves.

As a result, she could not keep up with the progress of the course.

Is completely unable to keep up.

The worst student in the class can stumble and stumble in the R armor and generally complete the action.

Jiang Qiuqiu couldn't, because the jump height was not enough, the turning speed was not enough, and the strength of the sword was not enough. To sum up: No.

The teacher asked Jiang Qiuqiu to change the medium armor to light armor.

If it is said that in Mr. Mao's class from C to B, it is full of praise from Mu Qiang's students.

Then this time from B to C, there is an inexplicable taste.

And after this class was launched, some students in class A2 performed better than Jiang Qiuqiu in this class.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. Being in A1, not better than A2, how does this convince the latter?

Doubts are on the rise.

At this time, everyone happened to find that Jiang Qiuqiu often missed school.

Absent from school.


It is not a secret that Jiang Qiuqiu and the Department of Spiritual Healing have a close relationship with Dean Zhu.

Some students who came here to ask questions have bumped into two people and had a good time.

She went to the dean's office very frequently, and everyone talked about it.

Occasionally I was late for school, and the two of them went to the professor's cafeteria together quite a few times.

At that time, everyone guessed whether it was because Jiang Qiuqiu was a natural person and would often get injured in the mecha department, and then she and Dean Zhu might have some relatives? So you often miss school to go there for treatment?

Most people agree with this statement.

If this statement is accepted, doesn't it mean that Jiang Qiuqiu has a backstage director!

[Gan, I said that it must not be left by strength! ! 】

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