All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 44 Jiang Qiuqiu's future development direction 1

Due to the wide distribution of people in the federal era, some anchors may be separated by dozens of planets from the company. Just sitting on the jump ship may be a cost that can make people go bankrupt directly. Therefore, in the early years, the federal live broadcast company developed a holographic signing channel.

This channel is only used for company signing, and the holographic recording starts from the entry of both parties, which is kept as the signing evidence, and the signed contract is protected by federal law.

After Jiang Qiuqiu entered the channel, he walked straight to Mingmei.


Mingmei, who was still looking down at the contract, raised her head. At this moment, she was slightly absent-minded.

Jiang Qiuqiu stretched out his hand and shook it, Editor?

...You sit. She didn't take a close look at the photos Jiang Qiuqiu handed in when she handed in the materials before. She only remembered a glance. The bangs were very long and the person was a little thin, so it wasn't amazing to look at. She guessed that this might be the reason why Jiang Qiuqiu did not show his face.


Who is this?

Who is this person who just walked over!

Jiang Qiuqiu was just an adult. Because she was malnourished when she was a child, she did not grow very tall. Later, she came to the Federation. Although she did not go to school, she enjoyed the federal relief, so she could not survive. The nutritional supply was barely enough. Some are thin.

Life is not going well, plus I work in such a venue, in order to protect myself, the original owner has long rough hair, wears loose clothes, bows his head, and is not confident in taking pictures. Even if he is very beautiful, it is damaged. clean.

After Jiang Qiuqiu came, he pulled his hair behind his head, revealing a smooth forehead. There was no hairstyle modification, but the advantages of his facial features were more prominent, with almond eyes and peach cheeks, pink face and pouty lips, so cute that he could kill the men and women of the Federation in seconds!

After Jiang Qiuqiu came over, she felt that the editor looked at her like a wolf like a tiger.

Is the rating on this contract changed? She found that the Federal Live Broadcasting Company skipped the one-year internship period and directly rated her.

Mingmei Shen was a little sloppy in thinking and nodded, Xiao Qian always thinks that your popularity and talent are not comparable to ordinary anchors. Although the broadcast time is not long, but the strength is obvious to all, so this year's internship period is omitted.

Directly assigned a D grade.

Next year's review, you can directly go up from this level.

I'm glad that the new Xiao Qian is always a discerning person. Jiang Qiuqiu left his genetic information on the contract. After the holographic channel test, the contract emits blue light, which means the signing process has been completed.

Mingmei stood up first, Qiuqiu, there is a holographic test here, let's talk about your live broadcast room on a different channel.

it is good.

This is the back-end system developed by the federal company itself. The editors of the company have their own small offices here, and Mingmei is no exception.

The first thing she said after bringing Jiang Qiuqiu to the small office was, If Xiao Qian has always seen the way you are now, he will definitely feel that his rating is too low.

What do you mean? Jiang Qiuqiu pointed at himself with a smile, Are you complimenting me on my beauty?

That's right.

Unique beauty is always a nice bonus no matter the era.

Qiuqiu, have you ever thought about showing your face for a live broadcast in the future?

Jiang Qiuqiu understood what Mingmei meant by asking this question, but——

I don't want to show my face.

I may have other plans in the future. When the live broadcast is my job, I don't want to be disturbed by the live broadcast when I carry out other plans. She adheres to the original owner's will and pursues her own curiosity, and it is very likely that she will enter the future. School.

She wants to enjoy campus life, and doesn't want to be recognized, and then under the high light, she is faced with various praises and criticisms, which is very boring.

Her attitude was firm and her words were firm. During this time, Mingmei had already had a preliminary understanding of Jiang Qiuqiu's character. She knew that this matter might not be negotiable, and she was a little disappointed, Okay, everything is based on your wishes.

Don't be disappointed, does Mingmei think I can't be a top streamer without showing my face?

Of course not! Mingmei shook her head, You have enough strength.

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