All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 364 Being Liked, Being Loved

Yuan Bai thought that he should be one of the very few people who knew Chiu Chiu's real name.

It's awesome to know what others don't!

He was smiling all by himself, and Jiang Qiuqiu was curious, so he couldn't help asking him, Why are you so happy all of a sudden?

Because of you!

Yuanbai's whole person was in high spirits: Today is simply a dream day!

When I came home casually, I smelled the good fragrance and wanted to rub some soup, when I suddenly saw Chiu Chiu.

Not only did I see it, but I also ate a bowl of soup made by Chiu Chiu at home.

In addition to drinking soup, I also greeted Chiu Chiu, met face-to-face, learned her real name, and even—

Maybe it can be added to your terminal number today!

He made no secret of expressing his love for her to Jiang Qiuqiu, and Qiuqiu laughed when she saw his direct appearance.

She said, It's not impossible to add a terminal number. It's definitely possible today.

After she finished speaking, she showed her personal terminal barcode, Yuan Bai was stunned for a moment, and immediately added Qiuqiu's friend.

After the friend application over there was approved, Yuan Bai put away the terminal.

The two of them chatted while going out for a walk in the garden.

Most of Yuanbai's questions were about live broadcasts, and he could see that he was a die-hard fan of the live broadcast room.

Next time partition pk, what are you going to cook?

I haven't considered this yet—

! Yuanbai was shocked, Are you all thinking of cooking temporarily?

No. Jiang Qiuqiu said, I will think about a lot of dishes, and then decide which one to make on the fly.

That's it. It seemed that there was no trace of what to cook.


What's on the display window tomorrow?

This Jiang Qiuqiu has already made it in advance, It should be rice rolls, Bibi animal meatballs and fried pork chops.

These are the three dishes with the most returns.

Those who have squatted in the food display window are no strangers to these three things. Yuanbai likes eating rice rolls very much, and he was very happy when he heard about it, but there was still a question in his heart: Tweet, I can Do you have a question related to the food display window?

If it offends you, you don't have to answer.

No, just ask.

Every time these three dishes are displayed the most in the window, is it because you like to cook these three dishes, or because— Yuanbai coughed twice and asked, They are simpler?

Well, it's a soul issue.

Jiang Qiuqiu didn't hide it: There are two reasons. The decisive factor is that they are less labor-intensive and can easily make a large portion.

Okay, I got it! We fans can understand it. It's tiring to serve such a dish. If it's too complicated, it's too hard to tweet!

Speaking of fans, Yuanbai told Jiang Qiuqiu a lot of interesting things in the fan group.

Including sharing the original battle black fans, a group of big buddies in the group disguised as administrators to ban the account of the water army, everyone in order to deceive the new fans to prevent them from grabbing their seats, coaxing them to go to the window and interesting stories of various organizations to vote.

Jiang Qiuqiu listened very carefully, and occasionally said thank you to Yuan Bai.

The time for a walk always passed quickly, and it was getting late. Mrs. Ayre had already checked the spiritual sea for Mr. Yuan. The pick-up time for the exclusive hover car was approaching, and Jiang Qiuqiu had to go home.

Yuan Bai reluctantly waved goodbye to the idol.

Mr. Yuan was also very reluctant to say goodbye to Jiang Qiuqiu with tears in his eyes.

Don't you have tears in your eyes? Next time you can welcome a little girl, at least you have to drink a basket of nutrient solution!

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