All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 306 Qiuqiu agreed

Thank you very much for your help. The middle-aged man quickly thanked, I'm really sorry, I haven't called your terminal for so many years, and the first time I called it was to ask you for help...

It's okay, we will always be the people of the Third Army!

You can come to me if you have anything in the future!


After hanging up the newsletter, the owner of the tofu shop poked into his own shop. Fortunately, when the soy beans were sold at the beginning, the business in the shop was limited, and there were only twenty people. Otherwise, if there were so many people, he would not be able to find a needle in a haystack.

In the dialog box, the owner of the tofu shop forwarded the message from Xiaoqing's side, polished it up a little, and sent the message to Jiang Qiuqiu.

He guarded the dialog box for ten minutes, and as expected, no one replied.

He sent a screenshot of the situation to his old comrade-in-arms.

The atmosphere of the rescue center that had been uplifted fell again.


The next day.

The time Jiang Qiuqiu logs in to the Taotao Fresh App is actually very regular. Usually, after the last live broadcast, he will come back here to stroll around and decide what to eat next.

But last night, my mood was boiling, and after watching a movie, Jiang Qiuqiu slept relatively late, so he didn't patronize Taotao Fresh.

As the owner of the tofu shop said, the sellers here really like to advertise. It stands to reason that Jiang Qiuqiu, who does not buy tofu, would not read the private message he sent.

However, Taotaosheng rarely has red dots for prompting information. If you don’t read the information with red dots, it will always be there.

Jiang Qiuqiu can't see such red dots, so every time there is a red dot, she will click to go to the red dot. Those who push advertisements are really pushed a lot, so Jiang Qiuqiu directly deletes them, so it is quiet.

It's the same today. When the red spot was disappearing every day, Jiang Qiuqiu suddenly discovered that the owner of the tofu shop had sent her a message.

She curiously went in and took a look.

- Are you there? I have forwarded a message from my comrade-in-arms here. He works in the relief center. I heard that you have gone to the relief center to donate food before... There is a staff member who can't forget after eating the meal you made, and now he is here. The last time of my life, I would love to eat your cooking again.

- I know it's a bit too far to send you a private message like this. But I still want to tell you.

Star Rescue Center?

These six children brought up a memory of Jiang Qiuqiu, who did take the robot housekeeper to deliver meals there.

Someone ate the food she donated in the past? Want to eat again at the last minute?


Jiang Qiuqiu first exited the dialog box, went to the well-known Gugu Beast seller to buy a spare ribs and some seasonings, and then soaked the dried bamboo shoots that would be used at night in water, after preparing for tonight's pk, She leaned on the soft sofa in the living room and opened the dialogue interface of the owner of the tofu shop again.

Her eyes were focused on this passage.

Comrades-in-arms, after eating it, I will never forget it. At the last moment of my life, I really want to eat the meal you made again.

Generally speaking, these things should be refused to answer.

Because she doesn't only have one fan, she has tens of millions, hundreds of millions, or even hundreds of millions of fans. Once people are treated specially and the news spreads, it will be difficult for her to deal with it in the future.

Satisfying the east but not the west is called favoring one over the other.



Are you a soldier?

After eating it once, I never forget it, I always miss her, and I appreciate her diners very much.

In addition, it is a place I have been to, and it seems that it is not a big deal to go again.

After thinking about it, Jiang Qiuqiu replied to the owner of the tofu shop.

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