All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 257 Major Apocalypse

In the end, the doorbell rang constantly to wake Jiang Qiuqiu up.

Miss Jiang, are you there?

Jiang Qiuqiu raised his hand and glanced at the terminal. When he woke up, it was already half past three.

The headache was relieved, she stood up, not sure if she was moving too fast, Jiang Qiuqiu felt slightly dizzy after standing up.

After standing for a while, she walked to the door and glanced at the door on the screen of the entrance. It was indeed Jiang Qiuqiu, the guard who opened the door.

But it was not the federal police who pushed in the door, but three soldiers in dark green uniforms.

Hello, Miss Jiang. One of the female soldiers stood in front of Jiang Qiuqiu. She didn't smile, but held Jiang Qiuqiu's hand with a reliable expression and a calm voice: We are here to learn about the situation in the afternoon.

When they first spoke, everyone was standing.

The female soldier saw the scars on Jiang Qiuqiu's neck, the bruises on her body, and her tired eyes, so she pulled Jiang Qiuqiu and sat down on the sofa.

Miss Jiang, can you describe what happened in the afternoon?

Today, I took a maglev vehicle from the Federal Business District. In the evergreen forest about 1,200 meters away from the community, the wind wing of the maglev vehicle was damaged, and I made a forced landing on the spot.

Then, being followed, the man suddenly appeared and ambushed Jiang Qiuqiu.

Jiang Qiuqiu told a few people of his guess: The forced landing of the hovering vehicle should have been artificial. The man's face... is plain, without any features, very fake. The expression is a little unnatural.

He should be a mercenary, and he brought the mercenary's words when he started.

Did you bring a message? One of the soldiers frowned, so arrogant that he dared to do such a thing near the starry sky, Then Miss Jiang, do you have any suspects?


There is no need to doubt this, there is only one person who can say that, the 'noble' who caused the original owner to lose his dream and regarded human life as a must.

It should be Jiang Tianming of the Jiang family, a second-class aristocrat of the Federation.

As soon as Jiang Tianming uttered the three words, the two soldiers sitting on the sofa looked at each other with disbelief in each other's eyes.

Jiang Qiuqiu had a headache sitting on the sofa at the moment, so he didn't pay attention to the expressions of the two.

After registering some information and the coordinates of the incident, the three stood up, We will further investigate the specific matter, and we will have detailed results soon. After the results come out, we will use the terminal to contact you.

thank you all.

No, this is our duty. Before leaving, the female soldier told Jiang Qiuqiu with a serious look: I just heard that you had a mental fight with that mercenary, whether you feel it or not, you It is best to go to the First Federal Hospital for a mental examination to avoid leaving sequelae.

After the three walked out of Jiang Qiuqiu's house, they couldn't help but start discussing.

I didn't expect that after such a long time, I heard the surname Jiang again... It's actually at this time. The female soldier's eyes were complicated, I don't know if Miss Jiang made a mistake.

I think she has a determined look, not the kind of person who is aimless, not to mention— A man couldn't help but interject, Major Tianqi is Major Tianqi. When he was still there, he said that his younger brother was naughty, and then he took a hundred steps back. In other words, even if it is really what Jiang did, it has nothing to do with Major Tianqi.

Walking and walking, they quickly reached the evergreen forest.

The coordinates marked by Jiang Qiuqiu were very accurate, and the three of them found the place when they searched at random.

There was blood on the ground, several bags of clothes and a smashed delivery robot. After a few people squatted down and collected blood and other things with a container, the female soldier took the robot and clothes that were divided in two and ran away again A trip to Jiang Qiuqiu's house.

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