All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1192 Light up the career line

Mid-December is also an eventful time.

The preliminary selection was made, but the specific matters were not officially announced to the public, but a notice was issued to all personnel working in official positions from the intranet.

There are many people who know, paper can't hold fire.

Such a big thing, naturally there are people talking about it on, but because it is a big thing, everyone uses abbreviations.

Therefore, people who don't know much about the facts are like this recently.

[I heard that the nr of the m family is the last candidate, the pk has lost the rr of the w family, and the oe of the l family...]

[Yes, yes, high votes c, m family yyds, just why not dgzr, can't figure it out, but as long as it is m family, it still feels reliable! 】

There is support, and of course there is opposition.

And the opposition was fierce.

What [if it is ms, forget it, why is it an unknown mnr! 】

Messages are a gust of wind, and soon, messy messages are everywhere.

And the people behind this book are very chicken thieves. He did not directly say that he was dissatisfied with Mo Nianru being the director, but brought Mo Si out as a raft——

What' I agree with Mosi as the director, because Mosi's contribution to the federation is obvious to all! But I don't agree with this Mo Nianru, what did he do? What is he? ’

In this way, to provoke disputes within the Mo family.

Anyway, it was a mess, Qiuqiu only read the news on the Internet and didn't end up speaking, but Mo Si was obviously very busy.

From the 13th to the 18th, I went out early and returned late, but it was very effective to go out. Under the calm lake, undercurrents were surging. Before the second round of selection, everything was calm.

The most difficult first level has already been punched in all directions, and by the second round, naturally there are no variables.

The main reason is that the Mo family and Mo Si have a great prestige in the army. As soon as he stands, many things have already been decided.

The second round has been decided, and the third round is almost a done deal.

The losers gradually began to correct their mentality. At this time, as long as they didn't really want to fight with the Mo family to the end, they basically began to restrain themselves, so as not to be beaten directly by the chairman.

The rare bottleneck of the entire 'jar' came down.

And this time is also the time when the Federal New Year is at its strongest.

Bright lanterns were hung up in the main city, and tall buildings were bright in the dark, and entertainment news gradually began to appear on the homepage of

All kinds of information are varied and messy.

Looking at these wonderful messages, Qiuqiu remembered a sentence from a blog in the 21st century with a high rate of exposure: when these strange entertainment news grab the headlines, it is the time for Guotai and Minan.

It still makes sense.


On December 28, the snow outside was a little heavy.

Today, there seems to be a very important memory within the Mo family. Mo Si left early for the meeting.

Qiuqiu stayed alone in the starry sky and roamed the nest in winter.

What is one person! Wang Bibi stomped on the spot, It's two people! Me too!

Lying on the sofa, Qiuqiu, who had just muttered to herself, turned her head, held her forehead, and smiled at her: But Bibi, you are not human, you are a Zerg!


You take advantage of it!

You're making fun of me. Lying down was also a bit boring, Qiuqiu lifted her bangs, sat up and stretched, I don't want to cook today, we'll eat the rest of breakfast.



Wang Bibi pursed her mouth, and she whimpered twice, Sister Qiuqiu, you treat me unfairly! You treat me differently!

When Mo Si was at home, you cooked every meal! Why did the man leave without even having lunch!

I'm going to starve to death! She rushed towards the sofa beside Qiuqiu like a small cannonball.

When she was about to hit her, she bounced up smoothly, threw herself on the soft sofa and made a bang, then turned sideways, her messy hair covered her face, she looked at Qiuqiu aggrievedly.


Damn guilt.

But, We still have something to eat at noon, isn't there some left over in the morning—

But that's because you said I ate too much! I'm already fat! Let me save some food! She said, holding up her fat face.

That's right, even the Zerg Queen, but because of the use of the human body, she can't help but suffer from the double buff of 'too much energy intake' and 'no sports'.

In the past month, because of eating too much, I don't know how to control--

Wang Bibi has changed from a cute loli to a fat girl 'Wang Bibi Bibi'.

If I still eat the morning meal at noon, don't I just divide the meal into three meals! That is to eat only one meal for three meals!

Little day lily is not so miserable!


Then let's drink nutrient solution, this is different.

Let's eat the leftovers from the morning. After compromising, Wang Bibi turned over, looked up at the sky in silence, and began to miss Mosi, When will he come back?

When will the meal ticket be back?

I do not know.

Why are there so many human beings? He likes you so much, shouldn't he be with you every day? Hmph.

Qiuqiu sometimes thinks it's interesting to chat with Bibi just like the children. I like it, but I don't mean to stay together all the time. Everyone has their own careers.

With that said, Qiuqiu's own career 'sounded'.

The terminal rang, and I raised my hand to see that it was the joint communication of the Nova Management Team.

I can't remember how long I haven't done joint communications here...

She clicked in immediately, and then motioned to Wang Bibi to be quiet.

It's all here! Xiao Qian always smiled, I haven't been in touch with you for a long time.

Of course, it's mainly because I'm not with Qiuqiu. The three of us are in the company.

It's been a long time. Wanxing slowly showed up, I just came back.

During the war, Wanxing was ordered in danger, and was dispatched to dispatch Xinxing's farms in various weeks to integrate and mobilize resources to send to the front line, and he had been away from the company for a while.

Just came back recently.

How is Qiuqiu recently?

I'm okay, things are over, and the school is on vacation.

That's good. After the new year, you will be a senior, right? Mr. Qian asked with concern.

I jumped two levels in a row, and I didn't lose my grades when I transferred schools. Yes, I will be a senior next year.

I have to say that Qiuqiu's speed is terrifying. You can skip grades in this major.

Hee hee, is there something wrong with Mr. Qian today? I suddenly called everyone together, and I'm so happy again.

It's a happy event! When he mentioned this, Xiao Qian was always very excited, Isn't our federation forming a new government recently?

This Qiuqiu should know better than I know.

Speaking of this, Mr. Qian's heart is also very complicated.

He is now doing a big business and has a wide network of contacts. Someone has already revealed to him that the Mo family is the winner of this bloody battle.


At first he guessed that it was Mo Si, so Qiuqiu didn't—

Later, there was news that it was not Mosi, but Mosi's uncle.

But this!

Qiuqiu was still so indifferent.

In the blink of an eye, in only three or four years, everything I knew had undergone such earth-shaking changes.

Why don't you talk, Mr. Qian? Qiuqiu was also curious, I'm waiting.

Xiao Qian finally came back to his senses, I lost my mind, it was our company that was contacted by someone above.

In the new Congress on January 1, our company was invited as an 'excellent company'!

This is a tribute to Nova's patriotic deeds during the campaign.

According to Mr. Qian's understanding, there are not many companies that can get the commendation and attend the new Congress this time, and there are not many companies that receive the award, and the new star is the youngest among them.

The new forces are shuffling the cards, and it is undoubtedly the golden bell to get a 'support card' at this time! In the future development in the industry, as long as you don't make mistakes, you will never be stuck by strange forces.

I'm so happy!

This means that the new star has to go to another level. Become an interstellar enterprise and complete your goals, just around the corner!

This is a big event, and Wanxing also quickly sent blessings in the newsletter.

This time our company can have two people on stage to accept the award, Qiuqiu, come with me! As another boss of the company, as a noble person who promotes the development of the new star, Xiao Qian always feels that Qiuqiu is more qualified to stand on the stage than himself. On that podium.

Why don't you let Sister Mingmei go with you?

I'm not going! Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Mingmei immediately refused, Qiuqiu, if you don't go to me, what is it?

You are of great significance to the company, and it is the most suitable for you to go!

After thinking about it, Qiuqiu agreed.

When the time comes, I will reveal that you are the other boss of Xinxing!

Openness is inevitable, otherwise there will be all kinds of messy and wise messages after receiving the award.

That's how it was settled.

After the routine was over, another voice appeared in everyone's ears, it was Merlin!

She disappeared even longer.

You are all amazing. Merlin listened, really envious.

She watched Mr. Qian and Qiuqiu leave the Federal Live Broadcasting Company, and she also watched the new star APP gradually take off. She also watched the company grow from a small nameless name to the current pillar of the industry and a red-topped businessman.

The Federation has changed, the family she relies on, the majestic father...

Suffering is forced to grow.

Merlin, how are you doing? Qiuqiu felt tired listening to the voice.

Merlin cleared his throat, Fortunately, thank you everyone for suggesting me to open a company.

What's wrong? Qiuqiu was keen, did something happen to your father?

You're really politically sensitive.

Merlin changed his surname back to Dais, because she had become the head of the Dais family.

But what she inherited at this moment is no longer the wealth of the Dais family and the identity of the grand duke. At this moment, what she has taken over is the history of the Dais family.

After the dissolution of the empire and the aristocracy, Dyce, the first-class duke, was the first to be liquidated.

Fortunately, the Grand Duke himself is also very keen, when everything comes. Instead of struggling to die like others, he accepted all this calmly and explained some of the things he had done in the long history.

Fortunately, the Dais family is relatively clean as a whole. He has done business in black mines, but he is humane to the miners.

There was no major accident in the mine, and the hired workers in the mine did not speak ill of the Dais family, and Grand Duke Dais took the initiative to clarify and hand over some property that did not belong to the family.

The Days family was able to weather the storm.

But after all, it is a royal family, and it has done wrong. It is already difficult to weather the storm. The title is definitely gone. The family has kept some property and mansion, and the old Dais evacuated many servants.

At this time, Merlin got the news and hurried home.

Only then did I know that the old Dai Si resolutely cut off relations with Merlin because Zhao Xun wanted to take Merlin as his concubine.

It seems like a good decision now.

Merlin was separated, and he took away the property of his mother's family.

And also founded the Xinxue fragrance factory, which is considered to have the capital to settle down in this era.

After meeting his father, Merlin never felt more deeply than at that time, his father was indeed old.

He hugged Merlin with a smile and praised her: The fragrance is very good and fragrant. The company is also very good, Merlin, you have really grown up.

Merlin fell silent immediately.

It was also in the sound of crying, driving the mansion that had been quiet for a lot, and the father with gray hair, Merlin had grown up.

It only takes a moment to grow up as an adult.

Later, Jiang Xue was still holding Merlin, and Merlin slowly recovered.

Sweet love really is another harbor in life.

This story has twists and turns, and I remembered that Merlin had cried several times before.

Now, under the comfort of her lover, she regained her strength and decided to open the fragrance factory well!

She used to be raised by the family, now let her raise her father!

After picking up her emotions and going online, she saw that Mr. Qian and the others were in a joint communication, and she also quietly participated.

Xiao Qian always understands the feeling of falling into a trough, so he comforted Merlin a few more words and said, It's also very good to do business.

The new era has come, and I have a hunch that starting from next year, doing business will be another pattern!

I have to say, he's very sharp.

Ok, I know.

Let's go together in the future!

Merlin will be a little embarrassed to say these words, but she is trying her best to overcome this sense of shame, and tell herself that there is nothing to be ashamed of, she is making money by herself!

The future of the fragrance factory is also limitless. If you do it well, the market will have a big piece of cake.

Well! I'll try to eat this cake.

United Holdings, Xinxing is also one of the major shareholders of Xinxue.

After talking about business and talking about the future development direction and industry prospects, everyone chatted.

Wanxing stayed here not only as a management team, but also as a fan of Qiuqiu, so she asked a question that everyone is most concerned about on behalf of the fans in the fan group.

Qiuqiu, everyone is asking this year, do you still cook New Year's Eve dinner?

The New Year's Eve project has been going on for two or three years.

Every New Year's Eve ticket is a rare product that Jiu Xing people are scrambling for.

But this year, it's already the 28th, and the tickets and meals are still far away. In fact, everyone already has some ideas in their hearts, but I still want to ask.

Sure enough, Qiuqiu paused, This year's schedule is tight.

Whether it is the company or Qiuqiu personally, they are busy and have things to do.

Feeling that there was nothing left, I was a little sorry for the fans, Qiuqiu quickly made up for it, How about I start a live broadcast this afternoon?

I will tell everyone directly on the live broadcast.

It also avoids the use of such a distant means of communication.


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