All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1172 Qiu Dao comes back for treatment

The team building of the institute can also be called the vacation of the institute.

It is mainly to let the group members relax and complain.

The purpose is to keep the researchers from turning around, one is tired and the other is annoyed, and of course, there is another important thing to ease everyone's frustration.

Of course, in the 21st century, Qiuqiu often builds groups, and she has her own inherent impression of the word group building.

She thought that everyone might get together to watch a movie and chat, um, those who study academia might be more elegant, maybe discussing academic matters.

But after people arrived in this area, she found that...

I really wear a lot of my own filters.

The team building area is very large, and it is also an oversized circle. There are many sofas in the center of this large circular living room. There are some sandbags and other equipment beside the sofas, as well as a white curtain and several projection robots.

Her familiar faces are almost all sitting in the center, no, it seems that there are more than her familiar faces.

Of course, that's not the point, the point is—

She saw a female researcher who worked hard and never slackened while doing experiments, without squinting, paralyzed on the sofa.

Next to the female researcher, another researcher was taking off his eyes and wiping tears, I'm going to die, and I haven't found anything for 20 days!

This is more gentle, sitting on the other side, frantically complaining to colleagues, How the hell is this experiment going?

I've been decomposing for 20 days, but I still can't decipher what specific energy is in her mental power.

How to analyze the energy emitted by the human spirit sea? Can't analyze it at all!

Are you saying that we are looking in the wrong direction ah ah ah ah!

Dead, dead, dead, I don't want to study anymore!

mmp, why should I study in this department and why should I work in the institute?

And the steady researcher who led Jiang Qiuqiu bumped his head on the sofa, then turned his head and asked the person next to him, Am I smart enough? Is my IQ enough to study this?


The person next to me: I'm also doubting this.

It's alright, alright. Mu Gong was not in the research room, and he was not so serious. Stop screaming, it's making everyone's head hurt. You don't care about your image at all, haven't you seen classmate Jiang coming?

Naturally, this group of scholars did not have such slow and keen observation. It was Mu Gong who reminded them. When everyone looked up, they found that the little girl was already standing at the entrance.


In an instant, an atmosphere of embarrassment and shyness enveloped the entire venue, and everyone sat upright.

Someone called Qiuqiu, she walked over quickly and told everyone not to be so ostentatious, just relax.

But everyone refused to disregard their image in front of people younger than themselves, so they restrained themselves and spoke in a low voice.

As a 'foreign guest', Qiuqiu was invited to sit on the side of the chief engineer.

As soon as she was seated, she heard two people talking about the research direction.

The curly-haired old lady who had never met said to Mu Gong, Did you not get any better in 20 days?

A little.

How small is it?

Mu Gong did not speak.

The curly-haired old lady said again, Why don't you come back and study the mineral energy supply together?

No. Mu Gong shook his head, As soon as a new energy source is used, it can't have miraculous effects immediately. Research is a slow process.

Didn't you wait a few years for the results of your research on ores?

Qiuqiu immediately caught the key words in the conversation, a few years? !

Chief Engineer, how long do I have to cooperate with the research here? She has her own plans. It is okay to stay here for a while, but it is absolutely impossible to stay here for a few years!

Don't worry, girl, even if we want to borrow you all the time, your school won't agree. You will go back after staying here for two months at most.

Don't argue about Yi Gong. In two months, if there is no progress on Lao Mu's side, he will be returned.

Qiuqiu just took a reassurance pill.

After talking about this topic, the next law, energy analysis, and energy stripping are things that Qiuqiu can't understand. Fortunately, the chief engineer is not a researcher and does not participate in the chat between the two team leaders.

Instead, he was talking to Qiuqiu. As a kind and friendly elder, Qiuqiu could basically answer all the questions he asked.

He also considered some of Qiuqiu's own background, referred to her personality, and brought up topics that were of interest to her.

I even talk about Moss occasionally.

When it comes to Mosi and the frontline battle, Qiuqiu's eyes really light up.

The chief engineer knew that the little girl was thinking about the front line and her boyfriend.

So he talked a little more about it.

Has the situation on the front line stabilized recently!

It's a little more stable. The chief engineer nodded. You know, it's snowing heavily on the polar planet.

Human beings have long been prepared to withstand severe cold, and they have become accustomed to it for so many years.

The Zerg, as a hibernating race, suffered a big loss in action at this time, and the severe cold had a certain impact on their strength.

Coupled with the rush of the military, they finally created a batch of blue drones to act as bait, which also restrained the Zerg.

This is indeed good news.

The battle on the front line is not so tight, and the red panda should have more time to rest.

By the way, not only that, there is one more thing I want to tell you, classmate Jiang.

Ah? Qiuqiu looked out from her joy and asked, Did you tell me specifically?

What can I say to her?

The chief engineer's voice was soft: Admiral Mo asked me to greet you. How are you doing recently? He said that he knew that you were in the research institute, and you shouldn't be able to receive any messages. In addition to greetings, I will report another peace.


Greeting me through you?

Yes, after all, I am the person in charge of communication, and I can't pass through others without passing me.

He asked me to tell you another thing.

What? Now Qiuqiu's curiosity has been completely mobilized by the chief engineer.

The chief engineer coughed twice, with some ridicule in his eyes, He said, he misses you very much.


This is to find someone to talk to!

Looking at the slightly teasing expression of the elder in front of him, Qiuqiu suddenly came up with embarrassment, Why does he talk nonsense.

I don't think Admiral Mo's tone is nonsense.

Don't be shy, classmate Jiang. I understand the taste of you young people, I understand it all.

Still, Qiuqiu muttered a few words.

After talking about this, Qiuqiu had another curious question, It seems that you, Chief Engineer, know that I am in love with Mo Si, so you are not surprised at all?

Haha, I'm surprised, but I'm already surprised now.

You don't know how wonderful the expressions of our old guys were when Mo Si took the initiative to tell us this.

We...Did he tell a lot of people? Qiuqiu's eyes widened!

It's not too many people. The chief engineer smiled, It's just that your relationship is no longer a secret in the military.

Saying this at work is like a cat cake!

Qiuqiu couldn't even imagine that Mo Si was wearing a military uniform and talking to his elders and colleagues was very serious. Suddenly, he said, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Jiang Qiuqiu. It's strange how xxx looks like.

After chatting with the chief engineer all morning, after eating the nutrient solution meal at noon, Qiuqiu didn't want to continue participating in the afternoon session, so he said he would go back to rest.

The chief engineer agreed.

I have nothing to do. I took a lunch break for more than an hour. After I got up, I punched and pulled my mental energy. Then I looked at the sky. The boring day should be over like this, and I will continue to work on the repetitive work tomorrow.

But at about four o'clock in the afternoon, the alarm bell in the institute suddenly rang.

Enemy attack? !

Qiuqiu immediately got dressed and opened the door neatly, but what caught her eye was a blue coat running back and forth, and a red light was lit in the hall. Soon, she saw the curly-haired lady who was chatting with Mu Gong this morning, walking quickly. come over.

Not long after, two teams of people in military uniforms carried two treatment cabins and quickly entered the research institute. When the curly-haired lady saw it, she immediately raised her hand and trotted away with the people.

Everyone ran after the treatment warehouse, Qiuqiu thought about it, and followed.

On the way, she met the chief engineer who also rushed over.

Chief, do you know what's going on?

A radiation patient has been sent for treatment.

Treatment of radiation patients? Can radiation sickness be treated here? Qiuqiu wondered, I didn't see a sanatorium here.

We don't need a sanatorium here, there are things that can cure radiation. The chief engineer looked up and said, Didn't Mu Gong tell you?

They really only have their own research in mind, and I'll tell you again later.

Who was the person who just pushed over?

If you can come to see a doctor in the research institute, your rank should be very high?

It's the general of the Zerg battlefield.

The expression on Qiuqiu's face immediately froze for a moment.

Chief Engineer: It's not Mo Si, it's another general. Don't say it, classmate Jiang, I'll go first, because the front is too secret, you can't go in, if you're curious, you can only wait at the door, or if you think If you are bored, you can go back first.

After speaking, he entered a door.

The door only recognized those with dark blue tops, and many researchers with light-colored tops, like Qiuqiu, were stopped outside.

Including several young people in the Moogong research group.

They also saw Qiuqiu alone, so naturally, it was not good for her to stand alone, so they waved and called someone over.

Participating in this small group, some people popularized science, and Qiuqiu realized that there is actually a treatment warehouse in the research institute that can completely cure radiation sickness.

But the transformed radiation therapy chamber needs a special energy supply, yes, it is a healing stone, and it is not a piece or two. The ore needed to purify a person is likely to be in units of hundreds or thousands.

The Healing Stone is called the Stone of Destiny, and it can be seen that it is rare. This kind of expensive treatment cannot be afforded by everyone.

Therefore, I thought of replacing the energy source on the basis of using the original radiation healing chamber to save everyone.

Qiuqiu is the new alternative energy that was found.

Because at present, it has been found that her power can obviously resist radiation.

It turned out to be the case, and Qiuqiu finally figured out the cause and effect.

In the sound of everyone chatting and popularizing science, the time passed quickly, and the door of the laboratory in front of him slowly opened. After listening to the discussion of the few researchers just now, the structure of this machine is basically the direction proposed by the old lady with curly hair.

But her own machine was applied and saved people, but the expression on her face was not very good.

Everyone left like the wind. The chief engineer wanted to ask Qiuqiu to talk about it, but Qiuqiu said that he had learned about it outside, and the chief engineer did not force it.

Qiuqiu went back, and it wasn't until the next day that Qiuqiu knew who sent the treatment.

Two, one general and one lieutenant.

That lieutenant turned out to be Qiu Qiu's old acquaintance, Mo Si's right-hand man, Qiu Dao.

It was only when she heard about this that the general had already left the institute and rushed to the battlefield.

As a rare SS+ excellent mecha soldier on the battlefield, the existence of that general can definitely reduce a lot of pressure on our side. In addition, he is also the leader of the army, and he is also a character like Dinghaishenzhen on the battlefield.

It's easy to explain if he's gone for a few days, but if he's gone for too long, the military's morale is unstable.

So the people left in a hurry, but Qiu Dao was not only left behind, but also arranged next door to Qiu Qiu.

It is said that the body has not fully recovered, and he has to stay in the research institute for a while.

Later, Qiuqiu heard from the chief engineer that the reason for the lack of recovery is that there are not enough healing stones in the research institute. Thousands of healing stones.

When it's Qiudao's turn, the time left is not enough, but this thing is a rare item, and it needs to be used for research everywhere. Qiu Dao himself is also an SS-level individual soldier. According to the amount used in the previous one——

The chief engineer felt that it would be better to borrow another five hundred, but there was no way, so they took half of it after weighing it, and let Qiu Dao stand up for the remaining half, and then wait for the supply to come.

Well, the old acquaintance is recovering from the injury, Qiu Qiu originally wanted to go over to greet him, but he still has to 'work' on his side.

Who would have thought that before get off work, just at noon, Qiuqiu was drinking the noon nutrient solution, and Qiu Dao came over.

He came first to be Mosi's microphone and handed Qiuqiu a few things.

The second is that it is also boring, to relieve boredom.

He should have been called Mrs. Qiuqiu or Miss Jiang, but facing this familiar face, his mouth moved faster than his brain, and he called out the word chirp.

Qiuqiu turned her head and glanced at him, she was not too surprised, after all, she knew that Qiu Dao was watching her video to learn how to cook a long time ago.

However, in such a world, it is quite pleasant to hear the familiar names.

How are you, can your body hold up?

I'm fine. Qiu Dao didn't care too much, and it wasn't a lie. He was really fine. The deeper his mental strength, the more powerful he was. He had already cleared half of it. daily life.

As a result, Qiuqiu's boring 'Pikachu' career has inexplicably added an 'accompanying guest'.

Qiu Dao himself came down from the front line. When it comes to the front line, it is natural to know everything.

Not to mention, he is still a lieutenant who has followed Mosi for a long time, half of his own fans, and cooking enthusiasts.

When chatting, there are countless topics, and with him, the days in the research institute go faster.

At the same time, after more than 30 days and nights of research, Mu Gong suddenly made new discoveries.

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