Polar Planet Frontline Command.

Mo Si has been on the front line for a long time, and more people have come to support recently, and the SS-level individual soldiers can carry it in front, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He sat on the conference ship with the commanders of the Fourth and Ninth Corps.

The talks were not formal, but serious.

Is the situation on the front line already like this?

You can't take it anymore?

Mo Si hummed, he clicked a button on the negotiating table of the conference ship, and the floating map rose, This time, there are more Zerg coming out of the nest than the previous three years combined.

His voice was also tinged with exhaustion, And there are too many higher Zerg.

The radiation on the higher Zerg is very powerful, and if the mental strength is slightly worse, if they are polluted by their spirit, they will get radiation sickness.

Everyone is familiar with radiation sickness.

A mid-level individual soldier who has radiation sickness is basically out of combat effectiveness.

Every day, a steady stream of soldiers are polluted. After fighting for days, the soldiers couldn't stand it, so I called you here.


But I see, after we came, the reversal of the battle situation...

It can't be reversed either.

Over the years, although the stars are extremely peaceful, we have never defeated the Zerg.

The peace every year is brought about by the low temperature of the snow and the retreat of the Zerg.

This year, they may not hibernate.


The two generals were startled.

Zerg hibernate, this is a habit that has lasted for hundreds of years.

If they don't hibernate, aren't we going to keep fighting here?

I'm afraid this won't work. The commander of the Ninth Army was worried, We have casualties here, and the supply of soldiers can't keep up. The growth cycle of the Zerg is too fast...

If you fight a long-term war, you will definitely not be able to win.

The line of defense will be breached sooner or later. The commander of the Fourth Army frowned.

Mosi also knows, but the focus is not on this now.

We've been thinking about why the Zerg don't hibernate during this time.

As long as it has happened, there will be traces of it.

Mosi has been here for half a month, and he has been on the battlefield every day for the past half month. In order to study the Zerg, every day of the battle has a special shooting mecha to shoot a special video.

A few days ago, when Mo Si watched the video together with Qiu Dao, Chang Bei, and several captains, everyone found that the Zerg attack was actually tendentious!

In the past many years, the research of federal scholars has shown that the Zerg have no intelligence, they only have the nature like insects, and all behaviors are controlled by instinct.

They are natural fighting machines, with hard armor and claws, but they don't know the art of war, and they won't form groups. Although they start together, each Zerg is more like a lone ranger.

But this time is different.

Mosi and the others found that this time the Zerg, among all kinds of mechas, were more inclined to attack blue mechas.

In particular, the blue defensive mecha is the hardest hit by the higher Zerg gank.

Sometimes even if the higher Zerg is surrounded by a circle of mechas, as long as blue mechas appear in their sight, they will swarm over like crazy and tear the blue mechas to pieces.


They hate blue? The commander of the Fourth Army was a rude, Impossible.

The researcher also judged that it would not be a sudden color hatred.

So we speculate...there are blue defensive mechas that have entered the Zerg's nest.

Did something to anger the Zerg.

The two generals looked at each other.

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