The best way to save the life of the enemy is to use a new weapon.

Route 14: 91% fusion

Route category: Remodeling

Route consumables: 31g aluminum, 144g silicon, ...

Route effect: adjustment of the original mechanical structure (frame, bolt, hammer)

Effect diagram: (click on the paragraph comment to view details)


"The highest that meets the effect requirements is only 91%!"

Mu Bai frowned as he looked at the route given by the electronic eye.

This is a bit hurtful!

There is also a 9% chance of failure.

"What should I do?"

"How can I improve the fusion while retaining the same effect?"

Mu Bai felt a little anxious.

Routes with 100% fusion cannot make mechanical structure adjustments.

Just when he was at a loss.

When he didn't know how to tell Gu Xici.

The electronic eye suddenly ejected a text prompt.

'A valid command has been identified, and the search bar is opening. '

Then, without waiting for Mu Bai to react, the entire 'Effect' column of route 14 was instantly marked in red.

Something that looked like a search box suddenly ejected.

Then Mu Bai saw that the names of the spirit cores that had been entered into the database appeared in the search box one by one.

"Insufficient data in the material library, no substitute spirit cores with the same effect are available."

The search box paused for a few breaths, and after popping up a prompt that the data was insufficient, it then disappeared.

Mu Bai: ? ? ?


Can the electronic eye be operated like this?

Is this a hidden function?

Mu Bai's breathing became heavy, and he tried to focus his eyes on other routes.

After several experiments.

Mu Bai found that only he was absolutely focused and constructed the appearance of the iteration of his life machine in his mind.

Or give your needs accurately.

Then the electronic eye will respond accordingly.


Mu Bai tried to iterate Gu Xici's life machine into a machete in his mind.

Completely deviating from the iterative route summarized.

The electronic eye still matched the database.

Although the final result was still "insufficient material library data".

But this did not affect Mu Bai's mood at the moment!

"As long as I enter enough types of spirit cores and enrich the database, won't some fantasy items in my mind be iterated out?"

Thinking of this, Mu Bai couldn't help but get excited.

"How is it, is the optimization plan out?"

Gu Xici noticed that Mu Bai looked unusual and seemed very happy.

She couldn't help but smile.

She stretched out her tongue and licked the candied haws.


It's a new day.

She can eat another candied haws.


Facing the expectant eyes of the crowd, Mu Bai put down the pen, looked at Gu Xici with some entanglement, and said: "One good news, one bad news."


Gu Xici was stunned.

She gently clenched the bamboo stick, put the candied haws behind her, and whispered: "What's the bad news?"

"The bad news is that you may have to waste this spirit core today."

Mu Bai spread his hands and directly pushed the spirit core back to Gu Xici.

According to Xici's mother's original tutorial.

The second iteration.

Gu Xici's fusion degree is only 74.63%, which is 2.49 percentage points lower than the first 77.12%.

With the increase of the number of iterations.

The fusion degree is lower as time goes by.

"What about the good news?"

Gu Xici gently took the spirit core, and she did not ask for the specific reason.

According to her understanding of Mu Bai, the other party is not a person who shoots without purpose.

Since he does not suggest it, he must have his reasons.

Just a spirit core.

She can afford the loss.

"The good news is: I can vaguely sense through the electronic eye that your life machine can be further optimized on the premise of achieving the effect of Auntie's tutorial!"

Mu Bai smiled.

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