All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 176 Devour Gods! Nanming Demon Saint Arrives (Part 1)

Tianluo world.

Qin Luo appeared in St. Fern's forest.

According to the map, the area of ​​this forest is as high as one billion square kilometers, which is larger than the area of ​​the earth.

He let go of his mental power to explore his surroundings.


Qin Luo sensed a powerful life hundreds of kilometers away.


His eyes looked over.


A giant tiger with a body length of tens of thousands of meters suddenly shuttled through the space and arrived in front of it, exuding a terrifying aura all over its body.

"Weak human, this king wants to devour you!"

A look of greed appeared in the giant tiger's eyes.

【Lei Yan Demon Tiger · Elite · Lower God】

Grade: 85

Divinity: 115

Quality: Epic

Life: 139e/139e

The strength of the giant tiger is terrifying.


In the god-level world, Lei Yan Yaohu belongs to the lowest level of monsters, and there is no weaker existence than it.


Hundred-foot-high demon thunder surged from the giant tiger's body, turned into an afterimage and sprinted to Qin Luo's side, opened its bloody mouth and bit down...


Qin Luo resisted the attack head-on.


The attack of the next god can't break the defense.

"Huh? You, a mortal, didn't get hurt 30?"

The giant tiger was full of surprise and doubt.

It feels again.

Still didn't feel the breath of the gods from Qin Luo.


Heavenly God Flame!

Qin Luo cast his skills at the speed of light, and the extremely blazing divine fire condensed into a spear, piercing through the giant tiger's body in an instant.

The golden divine blood splashed.


Damage explosion.

Because of the effect of the 10th-level boost field, all boost effects are doubled.

Qin Luo swung his staff and hit the giant tiger.

Boom! Boom!

-6040w!-6040w! …

Second injuries exceeded 1.2 billion.

In just a dozen seconds, the giant tiger's blood volume dropped to zero, but Qin Luo's blood streaks did not move at all.

"Ding, kill Lei Yan's demon tiger, gain 5.5e experience (+110%), points +100."

After this battle.

Qin Luo has a clear understanding of his own strength.

A full attack is enough to defeat enemies at the peak of the lower god realm.

For this result, Qin Luo is very satisfied.


Qin Luo put away the dropped items.

As for the giant tiger's body...

He's not going to devour.

After all, [Ultimate Devouring] has a limited number of times per day, and it cannot be wasted on garbage monsters like Lei Yan Yaohu.

Qin Luo summoned the incarnation of divinity to absorb the divinity remaining in the giant tiger's corpse.

All attributes increased by 30,000.

The system prompt sounds:

"Ding! The new awakening skill of the divine incarnation: God Destroyer Storm."

Destroyer Storm

Effect: Summons a storm, attacks the nearby area, causing [Attack x500%] real damage per second, lasting for 3 seconds.

Every time a unit is killed, the duration will be +1 second.

Damage to divine units +200%.

Let cool for 1 minute.

After having new skills.

The combat ability of the divine incarnation has been further improved.


Qin Luo let the avatar follow him.


He uses the World Prayer Altar to bless himself with a mysterious power.


"You get the protection of Tianluo World: when you use skills to cause damage, you will get the same amount of shield."

"Duration of 7 days.

Protected at hand.

Qin Luo moved on.

On the way, he encountered more than a dozen attacks, and the enemies were all level 85 elite monsters. After killing them all, he finally met a BOSS.

A giant silver-white wolf tens of thousands of feet tall stands proudly in the clouds.

【Holy Moon Wolf God · Lord · Undergod】

Grade: 85

Divinity: 458

Quality: Epic


Attack: 1025w

Skills: Fury of the Moon, Imprisonment of the Star Ring, Illusory Moon Shield, Guardian of the Wolf God...  

Close to 200 billion health.

10 million attack power.

BOSS attribute is astonishingly high.

However, Qin Luo didn't have a trace of worry in his heart.

super state!

Hunter Angel!


He activated all the boosting skills in one breath, and his momentum soared until he crushed the wolf god boss.


Qin Luo flashed to the top of the boss, launched a storm-like attack, and the radiant sword light enveloped the whole body of the wolf god.

-6565w!-5745w!-6565w! …

A series of damage numbers popped up.

During Setsuna, 7.6 billion spell damage burst out.

"Damn mortals!"

The holy moon wolf god fought back in anger, and the silver moonlight fell from the nine heavens like a waterfall, smashing to the ground with brilliant power.



The boss's full blow did not cause damage.


The wolf god's eyes were full of shock.

Qin Luo didn't give it a chance to breathe.

as time flows,

The BOSS blood volume drops rapidly.

There was a trace of fear in the wolf god, and it tried to escape, but Qin Luo was more than ten times faster than it...

less than a minute.

The boss fell into his hands.

Qin Luo directly harvested 3.5 billion experience.

With a bang, the body of the wolf god fell to the ground.


Qin Luo spent a lot of experience to raise himself to level 70.

Because devouring the gods requires a level higher than 70.

"Ding, player Qin Luo, your level has been raised to level 61, four-dimensional attributes +1680, free attribute points +1376."


The grade meets the requirements.

Qin Luo immediately activated his talent.

Ultimate Devour!

[With the bonus of devouring domain, you can devour 11285 points of four-dimensional attributes and 90 points of divinity]

Its own attributes exceeded one million.

"very good."

Feeling the terrifying power in his body, Qin Luo showed a satisfied smile on his face.

at the same time.

He has reached level 70.

After the universe competition is over, he will be able to participate in promotion tasks.

Just become a legendary powerhouse.

The five major areas in the body 883 will be sublimated into laws.

Opening the map, Qin Luo glanced at it, and thought to himself: "If I remember correctly, there is a tribe of monsters on the south side of the forest.

previous life.

Qin Luo has participated in the space competition.

He is very familiar with the situation in Tianluo World.

Yakong Shuttle!

Qin Luo traveled a distance of 160,000 kilometers in an instant.

At this moment, the thick change suddenly appeared.

"Ding! System announcement:"

"A life form far exceeding the level of power in this world has come, please players in the Tianluo world stay away from the abnormal area, and the system will start to correct the world..."

"120 minutes..."

heard the words.

Qin Luo looked at the map, and there was a red mark in the distance.


The red mark disappeared, and instead appeared in...

near yourself?!!

Qin Luo's pupils shrank slightly.

He subconsciously looked up.

A stalwart figure stands above the sky, and the whole world is plunged into shadows.

next moment.

An indifferent voice entered the ears.

"Human beings, I have finally found you! Killing the offspring of this deity, and still dare to step into the eternal world, you really don't know how to live or die!"

"This deity will torture your soul for ten thousand years!"

That's right.

This stalwart figure is indeed Nanming Yaosheng.

A true Supreme God!

Qin Luo originally thought that the Vermilion Bird tribe and the Chili tribe would at most send demon gods to chase and kill him.

Never thought…………

The demon saint actually made a move himself.

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