045 Evolution, Reckoning, Peace

(Good news, brothers, finally released from the hospital!! Recovery starts tomorrow!!! The brothers have been waiting for a long time these days! The update really sucks!)


Mu Bai put the little ash lying on the palm of his hand on the stone table in the living room.

Watching it eat the magic essence like a bean.

Waited a while.

Small things are like hibernation.

Slowly curled up into a circle, tightly closed eyes.

The magic in the air gradually gathered towards it.

penetrate into its body.


[Countdown: 24 hours. 】

The panel of the system jumped out.

A full 24 hours.

a whole day!

This is much longer than the time it took to hatch Xiaobai at the beginning.

Take Xiaobai off his shoulders.

Hug in his arms.

For such a long time, he couldn’t just stand by.

Gotta find something to do.

thought here.

Mu Bai opened his own destiny internet backstage.

Cut a portion of the Destiny Coins thrown into the Weave of Destiny.

Start to analyze the space magic circle printed from the portal.

Whether it is the power of space itself.

Or the teleportation function of the space array.

All are enough for him to devote resources.

With the addition of Mu Bai’s subjective consciousness.

The speed of the supercomputing of the soul is even higher.

Countless unfamiliar space magic patterns and runes were parsed out.

This knowledge was not instilled directly into Mu Bai’s mind.

Instead, it will be stored in the Soul Supercomputing server first.

When Mu Bai needs it, he will extract and learn relevant knowledge.

This is why.

Only those who have borrowed talent from Mu Bai will have a causal connection with him.

Others even uploaded silver-level talents.

It has nothing to do with him either.

Because Mu Bai did not learn those talents, he did not inherit the cause and effect.

Even if the function of the Internet of Destiny cannot offset this cause and effect.

It can’t involve Mu Bai either!

These silver talents are now like cheap commodities.

If Mu Bai bought it, he would have to suffer the consequences.

But if others sell themselves cheap.

Mu Bai, the person who provided the platform, has no responsibility at all.

While controlling the soul supercomputing analytical space array.

While looking at the dense causal lines on his body.

Although there are many lice, I am not afraid of itching.

But cause and effect is not something to mess with.

Mu Bai was just getting his way.

Don’t dare to act foolishly.

Fortunately, the morning did not indiscriminately inscribe talent in the soul.

It’s okay to say black iron and bronze.

The functionality provided by the Internet of Destiny itself is more than enough to pay for it.

Or it may be enough to pay a small price.

But if it is a silver-level talent.

Refer to Yu Xiaowei.

Maybe he also needs his help to get through the crisis of life and death?

If this is the case, he will be busy at that time.

Perhaps this is also a warning from fate?

Shaking his head, he restrained his thoughts.

Mu Bai began to concentrate on analyzing the space magic circle.

Learn while cracking.

There are seventeen space arrays inscribed on the portal.

Any magic circle here is composed of hundreds of runes!

Spread out.

According to the results of the current Soul Supercalculation.

Each array requires at least hundreds of squares to carry!

But they are all concentrated on a portal with a diameter of no more than ten meters!

As such.

The influence between runes will increase dramatically!

The difficulty of characterizing the array will increase exponentially!

I don’t know what method the civilization that portrayed these circles used to compress them together!

“It’s really amazing.”

Mu Bai also had to sigh.

On second thought, the mysterious civilization that mastered the teleportation technology.

And how did it sink the entire city into the ground?

Look at the foundation without much damage.

It’s not like it’s because of a natural earthquake.


The more you know, the more doubts you have.

However, none of these secrets can be explored by the current Mu Bai.

I can’t even check.

These questions are like a sword hanging over your head.

Make people restless.

“It’s better not to know.”

Mu Bai muttered angrily and checked the calculations.

Time flies.

The sun is gradually setting west.

Mu Bai wakes up from the world of runes.

Xiaobai was sleeping soundly on his lap.

“If only they were as carefree as you are!”

Touched Xiaobai.

Mu Bai hugged her and got up.

This afternoon, he analyzed and deconstructed 5 magic circles.

In addition to understanding the basic composition and combination of space magic patterns and runes.

Otherwise, there is not much gain.

These space arrays are auxiliary arrays that tend to stabilize the space power around the portal and smooth the flow of energy inside the portal.

At least it gave him a new understanding of the use and stability of energy.

The space-shattering, coordinate-anchoring, and channel-stabilizing arrays involving the portal and the space power core are still hidden in the remaining arrays.

He also needs to continue to crack.

Mu Bai is not in a hurry, it is a matter of time anyway.

Go to the door.

The dusky sunset reflected golden light in the water.

Anya is leading Yu Xiaowei to level the land in the garden.

Favorable wind and smooth.

At first glance, the place is as peaceful as a blue star.


ps: I beg all readers to give my little brother a little collection. If there are flowers, recommend them, and the monthly pass will be even better! It is not easy for newcomers to write books, and they can write with more confidence if they have grades. I beg all readers for your great support. The humble author is here to thank you! ! ! *

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