The official name of the sixth floor of the Tower of Babel should be called Taoyuan Village.

Taoyuan Village is where the safe zone is located. It is a quiet and harmonious village similar to the Peach Blossom Fate in ancient Chinese literature, with more or less than a dozen families living there.

The villagers living in Taoyuan Village are the original inhabitants of Taoyuan Village and are NPCs created by the power of the Tower of Babel.

In Taoyuan Village, the awakened can obtain the tasks of the villagers of Taoyuan Village by contacting these villagers, and even obtain some experience points and even props rewards through these tasks.

Therefore, many awakened people are very happy to deal with the residents of Taoyuan Village, just because this way of obtaining experience points is undoubtedly safe and easy.

However, Qin Yu’s target is not the ordinary villagers of Taoyuan Village.

The tasks of the villagers of Taoyuan Village have long been counted on the awakened forum.

From playing with the children of the villagers to hunting the demonized wild boars that threaten the comfort of the farmland of Taoyuan Village, the rewards for these tasks are just that.

For awakened people who have not yet reached level 10, perhaps the rewards are still generous.

But for an awakener like Qin Yu who can easily gain experience points, it is a pure waste of time.

So Qin Yu went straight to the home of the village chief of Taoyuan Village as soon as he reached the sixth floor.

And the village chief of Taoyuan Village is precisely the job transfer mentor for all awakeners to complete their job transfer!

It is actually not difficult for an awakener to complete the first job transfer, as long as two basic conditions are met.

The first, of course, is that the level needs to reach the threshold of level 10.

The second is to obtain a specific job transfer task from the village chief of Taoyuan Village.

Condition one has been met, and what Qin Yu actually has to do is condition two.

“Young adventurer, if you want to gain more power, are you willing to accept the test from God?”

The head of Taoyuan Village asked with a serious face.

Qin Yu, who already knew the process, was still somewhat interested in the God mentioned by the head of Taoyuan Village.

“Trial? Why do we need a trial? Does the power of the awakened come from the gods you mentioned?”

The head of Taoyuan Village is not an NPC with fixed lines. On the contrary, he is a living person copied from a certain world with more wisdom than the fifth-level bandits.

So when faced with Qin Yu’s question, the head of the village showed his teacher-like side.

“We mortals, born and raised on a planet, can do nothing but live a mediocre life our entire lives!”

“But in the endless world, there exists a life of a higher dimension, which we mortals call God!”

“Gods are a form of existence at a higher level of life. They possess unimaginable power and follow their own ideas and rules. They are above the planets, so they are called star gods!”

“Star gods don’t care about mortals. Most of them only care about the power and ideas they hold. To them, mortals are no different from stones and ants on the roadside.”

“Among the many star gods, there is a benevolent being named Mun, the guardian. He is optimistic about mortals like us and is willing to give us hope of resistance. This is the power of awakened ones like us!”

“God is merciful, but God’s mercy is by no means cheap!”

“He gave us the power, and we mortals must also show the Guardian Mun that we are worthy of being given the power of protection and resistance by Him, so this trial exists!”


After explaining so much, the village chief went back to the overall situation, about the details of the trial that Qin Yu was going to accept.

The trials provided by the star god Muen are also divided into different levels.

Although even the trial with the lowest difficulty can be transferred after completion, this does not mean that taking a high-difficulty trial is really a self-inflicted behavior.

On the contrary, actively choosing a high-difficulty trial, after passing it, you can get the recognition and appreciation of the guardian Muen, and thus get extra rewards after the job change.

In the village chief’s place, the job change trial is divided into five difficulties: simple, ordinary, difficult, nightmare, and hell.

Of course, in the awakened forum, it is generally not supported that awakened people deliberately choose high-difficulty trials for rewards.

Because from the six hundred years since the appearance of the Tower of Babel, according to the statistical results of awakened people who have taken trials of different difficulties. For awakened people who choose simple difficulty, not to say that the probability of successful job change reaches 100%, but after so many years of development, the success rate of completing the trial has now stabilized at 98%.

On the contrary, the success rate of passing the trial of the more difficult normal difficulty dropped directly to 43%.

As for the difficult difficulty, the trial pass rate dropped to 7%! As for the more difficult nightmare and hell difficulties, the awakener forum has not published relevant data at all.

But according to Qin Yu’s reasonable speculation, the pass rate of the nightmare difficulty is probably not more than one percent, and as for the hell difficulty, it is probably rare from ancient times to the present. The above success rate is not for everyone. Those who will choose the simple difficulty, their own strength is average, and they have no ability to challenge the normal difficulty.

Similarly, those who dare to challenge the difficult difficulty are generally stronger than ordinary people.

Even though the foundation is much stronger than that of ordinary people, the success rate of the trial is still so low, which is enough to show how difficult the trial is. If ordinary people really overestimate their own abilities and choose the difficult difficulty, I am afraid that the direct pass rate will fall to the bottom.

Although Qin Yu is confident in himself, he dare not say that he will succeed before seeing the content of the trial.

So he decided to listen to the content of the trial of the village chief first

“Oh, young adventurer…are you going to change your job to become a fighter?”

“Well, based on your choice, the Star God Muen has already decided the content of your trial!”

With a wave of the village chief’s sleeves, five teleportation arrays leading to different trials appeared in front of him.

【Fighter Trial 1】

【Difficulty: Easy】

【Requirements: Go to the dungeon and kill 100 Demonic Rats (Normal), 100 Demonic Wolves (Normal), and 100 Demonic Leopards (Normal)】

【Fighter Trial 2】

【Difficulty: Normal】

【Requirements: Go to the dungeon and kill the demonized man (elite level)】

【Fighter Trial III】

【Difficulty: Hard】

【Requirements: Go to the dungeon and kill the Demon Boxer Roto (Boss Level)】

【Fighter Trial 4】

【Difficulty: Nightmare】

【Requirements: Go to the dungeon and kill the Demonic Earth Dragon (Lord level)】

【Fighter Trial 5】

【Difficulty: Hell】

【Requirements: Go to the dungeon and kill the fallen angel Lian (overlord level)]

Qin Yu couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air after just one glance. The hell difficulty of the job transfer trial is worthy of the name of hell. It really has the difficulty maxed out!

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