The General’s Tomb is suspected to be the tomb of General Fuyuan of the previous dynasty.

A hundred years after his death, the general buried there turned into a ghost general. After the Red Ghost King occupied his tomb, he became a guard dog of the Red Ghost King.

“Pay attention, the next one is the small BOSS before the dungeon BOSS!”

Before entering the General’s Tomb, Qin Yu reminded the two people around him, and then he was the first to jump down the General’s Tomb.


The moment he landed, red flames of anger appeared on Qin Yu’s body, and the flames spread around, igniting the brazier in the dark tomb.

After him, there were two more landing sounds, and Chi Meng and Hao Ren also entered the General’s Tomb.

The empty tomb seemed to be completely closed, leaving only the huge sarcophagus at the end of the tomb.

Qin Yu and the other two were silent, looking at each other, with silent communication in their eyes.

And Hao Ren even used his own”730″ sign language, pointing at the coffin and making gestures.

Hao Ren: Boss, is he lying in the coffin?

Qin Yu (nodding): That’s right!

Hao Ren (wiping his neck): Then should we take the initiative to kill him?

Qin Yu (looking at Chi Meng): Summon the poisonous insect and prepare to give him a surprise!

Qin Yu and Hao Ren stepped back, while Chi Meng took out a jade bone flute, put it in his mouth and blew it gently.

But the strange thing is that even though Chi Meng blew into the bone flute, not even a sound came out.

And along with Chi Meng’s As the mana was consumed, there was a faint fluctuation of magic. Then, as if a gap was opened in the void, one by one, the red jade-like, pigeon egg-sized Gu worms appeared in the tomb one after another, as if they were summoned from another world.

Explosion Gu!

This is exactly Chi Meng’s D-level skill, and it is also her most basic ability as an insect master. She can summon explosion Gu with its own explosion ability from the insect world.

Of course, the summoned explosion Gu will not obey human orders. If there is no ability to control insects, these summoned explosion Gu will only destroy indiscriminately.

Because of this, this skill obviously has the power beyond the D-level skill, but it is finally classified as a D-level skill.

And Chi Meng naturally does not intend to cause trouble for himself. The explosion Gu summoned by him, like soldiers commanded by a general, quietly listened to the flute of the jade bone flute after being summoned, and gathered near the sarcophagus.

Why is the explosion Gu so obedient?

Of course, it is not because of the skill, but because of Chi Meng who uses the skill!

【Chi Meng】

【Occupation: Insect Master (Hidden Occupation)】

【Level: Level 1, Level 2 (Level 12)】

【Experience: 21/4000】

【Constitution: 50】

【Strength: 80】

【Spirit: 105】

【Agility: 75】

【Talent: Gu Yu (Silver)】

【Equipment: Jade Bone Flute (Gold)……】

【Skills: Explosive Gu (D-level), Sperm Absorbing Gu (C-level), Human Spirit Gu (D-level), Life Gu (D-level), Spirit Controlling Technique (D-level)】

【Servant: Golden Silkworm Gu King (Elite Level)]

This is Chi Meng’s attribute. It can be said that she is not weak at all, and can even be said to be very strong.

The means by which she can control the Gu worms comes from her talent – Controlling Gu.

【Control Gu】

【Grade: Silver】

【Attribute: Gu-Insect Affinity (makes Gu-Insects that are not higher than 5 levels and not higher than the leader level obey your will and orders)] This is a simple talent, but it is the most important ability of the worm master. If there is no Gu-Controlling talent, the worm master can even be said to be directly useless.

The Explosive Gu is not simple either. As the only direct attack method of the worm master in the early stage, it is a very powerful D-level skill.

【Explosion Gu: D level, open the insect world to summon a group of explosion Gu to fight, the maximum number of summons is X (spirit), the level of the explosion Gu does not exceed its own level, the explosion Gu explodes and causes fixed damage equal to X (level), consumption: 10 mana, cooldown time: 30 seconds]

Fixed damage is a means of damage second only to true damage, defense attributes cannot resist fixed damage, only reduction, immunity, shield and other forms can resist the damage caused by fixed damage. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

According to Chi Meng’s attributes, she can summon more than 100 explosion Gu at a time. The level of the explosion Gu is not fixed, it may be level 1 or level 12, which determines that the damage caused by each explosion Gu is high or low.

But the number of explosion Gu is enough, and it is fixed damage. A D-level skill can cause thousands of points of damage. Isn’t this more powerful than Long Yu and Luo Lingyan?

Of course, no matter how powerful Chi Meng’s explosion Gu is, as a D-level skill, it still has fatal flaws.

The reason why the Explosive Gu is named after the Explosive Gu is naturally because this kind of insect is inherently very unstable, like gunpowder that explodes at the slightest touch.

Whenever it receives a little external damage, it will explode uncontrollably, and then a group of Explosive Gu will have a chain reaction, which may not hurt the opponent, but instead blow the summoner to pieces.

Therefore, as an insect master, Chi Meng is actually not suitable for acting alone or fighting alone.

Now, based on the fact that the Ghost General is hiding in the sarcophagus, the Explosive Gu is used to force him out! The small gap in the sarcophagus was lined up and sneaked in by the Explosive Gu one after another.

Before Chi Meng could summon the Explosive Gu for the second time, the Ghost General in the sarcophagus finally noticed the arrival of the uninvited guest.

Hiding in the sarcophagus, he wanted to jump out of the sarcophagus as soon as possible, but how could Qin Yu and the others let the Ghost General appear unscathed?

“”Now, take action!”

After receiving Qin Yu’s order, Chi Meng immediately used his mind to give orders to the explosive Gu that had drilled into the sarcophagus.



Hundreds of explosions occurred at the same time in the sealed sarcophagus. Even the extremely hard sarcophagus was blown into countless pieces in an instant.

“Be careful!”

Qin Yu pulled Chi Meng from his side and behind him as soon as the explosion occurred, using his strong body as a barrier to block the impact of the gravel for her.

Although Chi Meng’s physique has reached more than five times that of ordinary people, the impact force of the stones just scattered is not inferior to the ancient gunpowder firearms. If she is really hit, it will also be very painful.

Qin Yu is different. Not only is his physique dozens of times that of ordinary people, but he also has the 4.1 damage-free protection of the Golden Bell Cover, so he doesn’t need to be afraid of such attacks.

After the smoke and dust of the explosion dissipated, the ghost general, who was blown black and embarrassed, appeared in front of Qin Yu and others.

The general of the previous dynasty had one of his arms blown off at this moment. This embarrassed look is like a defeated general!

The ghost general, who was calculated by Qin Yu and others, was obviously furious, with a pair of blood-red eyes, as if he wanted to swallow Qin Yu and the other two alive.

“You crazy people, how dare you break into my general’s tomb and hurt my precious body… I will definitely eat you alive!”

With the most embarrassed look, he said the most cruel words.

As expected of a guy whose tomb was robbed and who served as a watchdog for the robbers, he behaved as stable as ever.

“Chi Meng, Hao Ren, you guys lead the troops! You can do whatever you need to do!”

After saying that, Qin Yu walked towards the ghost general.

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