“Human! We have no intention of clashing with your Holy Radiance city-state. ”

“You stop now, we can still negotiate properly, if you continue to attack us like this.”

“But you must know that the power of our Blue Crystal Guild is much more than that.”

“Once a war starts, it will definitely not benefit your Holy Radiance City-State.”

Seeing Li Mo getting closer and closer, the leader of the Blue Crystal Guild, Enoch, said loudly.

“Negotiation? Talk about a hammer! ”

Li Mo scoffed.

“When you bullied our Holy Radiance City-State before, I didn’t see that you had the intention to negotiate.”

“Instead of wanting to negotiate, you also want to treat us humans as monsters and monopolize the resources of Montenegro’s copy.”

“Now you see that you can’t just get it, and you want to throw out negotiations to delay time?”

“I’ll give you time for a hammer.”

With this thought, Li Mo roared directly.

“I’ll talk about your grandma’s legs.”

“Lao Tzu came here today, just to destroy your guild!”

Accompanied by a roar that exploded in sound.

Li Mo faced the leader of the Blue Crystal Guild at the head, which was an invincible taunt.


In the mind of the leader of the Blue Crystal Guild, “Enoch”, Li Mo’s voice was extremely amplified.

Unwillingness, anger, humiliation, endless anger instantly surged into my heart.

The crazy killing intent bloomed in his mind.

Kill Kill Kill!

As a dark mage, Enoch locked Li Mo for the first time.

First, a “quick lock” hung up Li Mo.

This was followed by a series of blow BUFF increases.

Then the dense ball of dark curtain bombarded towards Li Mo.

“President! Don’t attack, he has rebound damage! ”

The person next to him hurriedly dissuaded.

However, it didn’t work at all.

Enoch, who had lost his mind, began a crazy output towards Li Mo.

High damage.

Hundreds of thousands, millions of them floated madly over his head.

“It is worthy of being a guild leader-level existence, and this damage is really high.”

“However, you will die quickly.”

Less than five seconds.

Enoch’s health bar is emptied directly.

In the moment before death, Enoch sobered up.

His soul was trembling at the same time as it was annihilated.

“What kind of monster is this guy!”

Immediately, Enoch was violently killed on the spot.

He’s dead!

Their guild, a powerhouse of more than 800 levels, died like this?

The many Blue Crystal Guild members on the city wall simply did not have time to immerse themselves in the fact that the guild leader suddenly and violently died.

Because Li Mo had already begun to taunt those remote units.

One after another, constantly being ridiculed and losing his mind.

They frantically output towards Li Mo, and then die quickly.

The scouts with stealth abilities watched their companions die one by one.

They simply did not dare to show up.

I can only watch this scene in despair.

That human being, just such a lone person, directly rushed their guild stronghold upside down.

Some scouts have even begun to retreat directly.

Just as Li Mo gradually pulled the remote units on the city wall.

Above the hills.

The main force of the three major guilds, at this time, is belated.

Looking at the already chaotic camp of the Blue Crystal Guild.

Everyone’s face was filled with incredulity.

The dark and solemn Guo Mirage quickly examined the situation on the battlefield.

Order immediately.


The main combat personnel of the three major guilds gathered almost 2,000 people.

The levels are at least above 200, most of them are 300 levels upwards, and a few are more than 400 levels.

With Guo Mirage’s order.

These main combatants, in the form of a squad, immediately launched a general attack towards the Blue Crystal Guild camp.

The president is dead.

The camp of the chaotic Blue Crystal Guild that was beaten by Li Mo could not organize a counterattack at all.

Attack that human knight?

Not looking for death?

And not attack that human knight.

Once close enough, that human knight, a taunt, is also dead.

This battle cannot be fought at all.

In addition, the main forces of the three major guilds of the Holy Radiance City-State came out.

Now I’m running slowly, and I’m going to die here today.

Soon, everyone in the retreat of the Blue Crystal Guild rushed towards the teleportation array.

More and more people are fleeing.

And the Blue Crystal Clan, which did not have time to escape, was quickly wiped out in the firepower output of the three major guilds.

Some of the fast guys ran outside and fled into the wilderness.

For these guys who ran outside.

The three major guilds will naturally send people to chase and kill.

Ten minutes later.

The camp of the Blue Crystal Guild has completely fallen.

Inside the camp, on the city wall, there were corpses of members of the Blue Crystal Guild everywhere.

Especially near the teleportation array, there are the most corpses.

In addition to outside, the chase in the wilderness continues.

The battle in the main battlefield area has come to an end.

The Holy Radiance City-State, the main members of the three major guilds, had already begun to clean up the battlefield.

“Haha… It’s really cool! ”

“A wave of direct dry flipping of the Blue Crystal Guild.”

“These people of the Blue Crystal Guild, just like that, were frightened and dared, and they only knew that they fled in a hurry.”

Then again, these guys don’t seem to have any intention of resisting at all, which is also a little strange. Before, they weren’t like that. ”

“What’s so strange about this, naturally it’s our guild master T Li Mo who broke their will to fight!”

“Li Mo? Just that newborn six-star professional genius? Do you brag and do not make drafts? ”

“Young man, if you know a little more about our guild’s master T Li Mo, you won’t say such a thing!”

And at this time.

Above the walls.

The vice president of the White God Guild, “Guo Mirage”, and the other presidents of the two major guilds, as well as Li Mo, gathered here.

Guo Mirage looked at Li Mo, and now, he couldn’t understand this Li Mo at all.

However, after this battle, Guo Mirage has completely understood.

Although this Li Mo was not high-level, he had already become the absolute core of their White God Guild.

Even the president has to step aside.

You know, the 800-level Blue Crystal Guild leader was all killed by Li Mo.

And the guild president is only more than eight hundred levels.

At the same time, the core main combatants of the Blue Crystal Guild died in Li Mo’s hands even more.

And the leaders of the two major guilds, after listening to Guo Mirage’s story.

Combined with the scene where they saw Li Mo fighting before.

All hearts are turned upside down.

Even, the two of them had already begun to ponder the plan of the reunion.

If it had been before, they would obviously not have such an idea.

But now, it’s different.

This Li Mo is definitely a strong and invincible existence.

Such a guy, as the main force of the guild T.

As long as the level is up to standard.

The deep development of copies in Montenegro is definitely not a problem.

Even, after Li Mo’s two hundred levels, the world copy is not a big problem.

They are now in the guild, and they can still eat meat and drink soup with them.

It’s late, and I can’t drink the soup.

Although this wave destroyed the stationing of the Blue Crystal Guild, it even killed the main members of their guild.

But Guo Mirage knew.

The real battle is just the beginning.

Those escaped Blue Crystal Guild, they will definitely contact their race.

The Blue Scale Race treats the human world as their secondary development world.

The three major guilds destroyed the guilds of their race.

They will take revenge.

This kind of revenge, including but not limited to, setting up a hunting team in the Holy Radiance City-State to specifically hunt down the members of the three major guilds, so that the three major guilds of the Holy Radiance City-State did not dare to go out.

In the Black Mountain Quest Zone, or around other Quest Areas, form the main combat team and eliminate the main forces of the three major guilds.

Even, pull powerful boss creatures to attack the Holy Radiance city-state, and they can even use the slogan of attacking the boss to enter the Holy Radiance city-state.

Sooner or later, there will be a war between humans and aliens.

It’s just that Guo Mirage didn’t expect that this battle of their Holy Hui City-State would come so quickly.

Since the war has officially begun.

Then Guo Mirage, naturally, understands what to do.

And the first to bear the brunt is naturally Li Mo.

“Li Mo!”

Guo Mirage looked at Li Mo and spoke.

“President, what are your orders!

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