Entering the portal of the multinational fortress, it was as if passing through a thin layer of water film.

When Zhu Zhao led the army out again, they had already arrived in the territory of Japan.

Sure enough, there were not many Japanese lords guarding here.

Most of them should have gone to defend the multinational fortress directly bordering Xia or followed Meichuan Neiku to the southern continent.

At this moment, the garrison near this multinational fortress is only a few hundred million.

How can a few hundred million garrison resist the continuous flow of hundreds of billions of troops?

The war broke out, and it was a complete crushing.

At this moment, the Japanese garrison was scared silly.

Hasn't the Korean country become a defeated country? Where did the army come from?

Fortunately, the Japanese lords are not all full of astringent minds.

Some are still sensitive.

"Baga, this is the Xia army coming."

"Hurry up and call for support. With our limited number of troops, how can we resist the Xia army? Don't you see that there are still a steady stream of troops coming through the portal?"

"Baga, I said not to go to the southern continent at the beginning. Now it's all right, the Xia army is still coming. Hurry up and notify Mr. Meichuan and ask him to come back for help, otherwise how can we resist Xia?"

The thing that Japan was most worried about still happened.

But they didn't expect that the Xia army would enter Japan from the multinational fortress of the Korean country.

With the number of Japanese defenders here, how to resist the Xia army?

Before they could think too much, the Xia army had already overwhelmed the Japanese troops guarding here.

Then they continued to advance into the Japanese territory.

Sweeping all the way.

The incident happened suddenly, and Japan could not organize an effective defense at all.

At this time, the news that the Xia army entered the Japanese territory through the multinational fortress in the Korean territory had reached the ears of Meichuan Neiku.

At this moment, Umekawa Neiku had just led the Japanese army into the territory of Asan in the southern continent.

Before he had time to start killing people, he received the news that his nest had been stolen.

"Baga Yalu, the damn Xia lord actually attacked Japan. He entered from the Korean country. This is a sneak attack, not in line with the spirit of Bushido."

The faces of other Japanese lords also changed drastically.

"Lord Umekawa, what should we do now? We have just entered Asan and have not had time to make achievements."

"Yes, Lord Umekawa, should we make achievements first, or go back to help first?"


Umekawa Neiku's face became even gloomier at this moment.

"Baga, of course we should go back to help. Once Xia takes down all the special buildings of Japan, we will become a defeated country. At that time, let alone making achievements, even the qualification to participate in the Ten Thousand Nations Hegemony will be cancelled. Notify the army to go back to help immediately."

After speaking, Umekawa Neiku hurriedly opened his friend list, found Arthur, who had allied with him before, and made a voice call.

At this time, Arthur, who had already entered the Asan Kingdom in the southern continent, was commanding the Eagle Sauce Coalition to advance.

Suddenly, he received a voice call from Meichuan Neiku, and he had a bad feeling. Will something go wrong?

He quickly answered the call.

"Meichuan Neiku, has something happened?"

And the slightly anxious voice of Meichuan Neiku came from the other side.

"Sir Arthur, the Xia army has invaded my Japanese territory from the Korean country, and I want to go back to help. But I hope that as an ally, you will go back with me and defeat the Xia army."

Hearing this, Arthur frowned slightly and began to think.

Is it worth it to go back to Japan with Meichuan Neiku?

After analyzing the pros and cons, a sneer hung at the corner of his mouth.

Pretend to hesitate for a moment.

"Meichuan Neiku, it is not appropriate for my Eagle Sauce Coalition to enter your Japanese country at this time."

Hearing Arthur's words, Meichuan Neiku became more anxious.

"Sir Arthur, how can it be inappropriate? With the strength of Xia, our Japanese will definitely not be able to resist for long. We are allies! As long as you, the Eagle Sauce Country, and I come back together to help, we will definitely be able to destroy the Xia army. Wouldn't it be better if we invade Xia together at that time?"

What's the use of saying it nicely? Arthur is not a fool, how could he do as he wished.

Letting Japan consume the strength of Xia is more in line with the interests of the Eagle Sauce Country.

Arthur was silent for a moment.

"Meichuan Neiku, my Eagle Sauce Country coalition forces are all concentrated in the northwest of the southern continent, and the multinational fortresses leading to Japan are all in the northeast, and there is the entire Asan country between the two places. You go back to help first, and wait until I conquer the entire Asan country, and then go to support your Japanese country."

At this time, Meichuan Neiku also understood what Arthur meant.

Isn't it just that he wants himself to go back to help first?

Wait and see the situation later to see if there is any benefit.

If there is a benefit, your Eagle Sauce Country can come in time, and if there is no benefit, your Eagle Sauce Country can do nothing to help.

Umekawa Neiku wanted to make a final struggle.

"Sir Arthur, it was your Eagle Country that wanted to form an alliance with my Japanese Country. Aren't we allies? You are now..."

Arthur did not give Umekawa Neiku a chance to continue.

"Okay, I have a tight battle line here, and I have to go to command. I will call you back when the battle situation stabilizes."

After saying that, he hung up the voice chat.

Umekawa Neiku was furious when he saw the voice chat being hung up.

"Baga, shitty ally, I knew that the Eagle Country was untrustworthy. Damn Arthur, you wait."

The Japanese lords around were also furious after knowing the details.

At the same time, the glimmer of hope that had just risen in his heart also sank to the bottom with Arthur's refusal.

"Sir Umekawa, what should we do now?"

What can Meichuan Neiku do? He is also helpless.

Facing the army of Xia, it is definitely impossible to defeat it.

He said with some gritted teeth.

"Since the Eagle Sauce Country is not trustworthy, let's go back and negotiate with Xia."

At this time, Zhu Zhao was leading the Xia army to sweep across the entire Japan.

So far, the number of Xia troops that have invaded Japan has reached 200 billion.

Not only those sent from the Korean country.

Some lords heard that Tianpeng's people had led the army to invade Japan, and they also wanted to get a piece of the pie.

Spontaneously organized, they attacked the multinational fortress leading to Japan in the northeast of Xia.

Another army of tens of billions joined.

The two sides simultaneously advanced from the west and north of Japan, hoping to meet together as soon as possible.

For a time, the entire Japan was in flames.

Facing the invasion of Xia, the Japanese lords also showed great unity and rose up to resist.

But it was useless.

The Xia army was not something that these Japanese troops who stayed behind could resist.

For a time, the Japanese lords suffered heavy losses.

In just half a day, half of the territory in Japan had been occupied by the Xia army.

And Meichuan Neiku also withdrew from the territory of Asan in the southern continent and returned to the Japanese mainland.

Then he gathered the remaining Japanese troops and headed straight to the north.

The Xia army had occupied the entire northern part of Japan at this time.

And as time went by, it was still advancing forward.

At this time, all the Xia lords who entered the Japanese territory were in high spirits, and there was no psychological burden at all when slaughtering the Japanese lords.

Of course, the troops led by Zhu Zhao played a key role.

Every time he encountered the Japanese army that defended in advance, his troops would be like a sharp blade, forcibly tearing open the defense line of the Japanese army, opening several holes, and providing convenience for the Xia army behind.

What's more, there is the special effect of resurrecting the undead, which continuously resurrects the free undead army, and they continue to attack the Japanese army.

With Zhu Zhao as the vanguard, the morale of the Xia lords behind is even higher.

Especially when facing the Japanese, their combat effectiveness is extraordinary.

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