All Lords: My heroes all have their own special arms

Chapter 101: Marching into the Southern Continent

At this time in the southern continent, Arthur and Zeus were commanding the coalition forces of the Eagle Sauce Country to constantly deal with the army of the Asan Country.

After hearing the system announcement, the two looked at each other.

Arthur was a little disappointed.

"I didn't expect the Japanese lord to be so vulnerable. He only lasted for two days. He is not much stronger than the Korean country!"

On the other hand, Zeus was a little worried.

"It's not that Japan is vulnerable, but that Xia is too strong. We may be in big trouble this time!"

Arthur was a little unconvinced and snorted coldly.

"Then let's give it a try. Our Eagle Sauce Country's coalition forces are much larger than Japan. And we have occupied a lot of territory in the southern continent. As long as the area we occupy in the end exceeds Xia, then the first place in the Ten Thousand Nations Hegemony Event will be our Eagle Sauce Country."

As soon as Arthur finished speaking, Zeus suddenly said something.

"If the Xia army in Japan also wants to move to the South Continent next, what should we do? And now Xia has already occupied a large territory in the South Continent."

Arthur had a bad feeling when he heard Zeus say this.

No way...

In Japan, the Xia lord players are busy collecting resources in special buildings.

Desperately taking down Japan, although there is a lot of hatred in it, but also part of it is for these special buildings!

Zhu Zhao also took the time to command his troops to collect.

There is no way!

At this moment, there are too many Xia lords attacking Japan, and Japan has occupied several of these special buildings and collected them.

Not enough points!

Although the troops he brought are nothing compared to the Xia army.

But every time he captured a special building, Zhu Zhao would revive the corpse.

With two hours of existence, he can still grab a lot of resources.

Special buildings are the prize during the War of Hegemony, but they are definitely not the biggest reward of the entire event.

Because the real reward is after the whole event is over, that reward is the highest.

The special buildings refreshed by various countries now are just the fuse during the war.

If the lords of various countries are not given a little sweetness, the war will definitely not be exciting enough!

But even the smallest mosquito leg is meat!

Zhu Zhao has two top-level heroes waiting to be fed.

It is estimated that when the event is over, they can be upgraded to level 40.

Each can train 10 million exclusive soldiers.

Each person will have 9 million vacancies.

A total of 18 million 14th-level soldiers,

how many basic resources are needed?

1.8 trillion.

This does not include the cost of other heroes training exclusive soldiers.

While Zhu Zhao was commanding the soldiers to collect resources, Lei Zhenzi sent a message.

The East Continent has been occupied.

The small country in the southwest of Xia has been occupied by Lei Zhenzi and his men.

The first step of the battle plan has been completed. When will the second step be launched?

According to Lei Zhenzi's information, some lords of Maoxiong Country in the northern continent are slowly dealing with Xia Country, and some are fighting fiercely with the West Road.

The large army is attacking some small countries around it, so as to occupy the entire northern continent.

The southern continent is very interesting.

Xia Country has also sent more than 200 billion troops to the southern continent, occupying a large area.

The Eagle Sauce Country in the West Road is also attacking the southern continent.

The current southern continent is doing things.

Xia Country, Eagle Sauce Country, and Asan Country have formed a three-legged situation.

In this case, the first step of the plan is to take over the entire eastern continent.

Then the second step of occupying the entire southern continent is also on the agenda.

Next, I will also lead the Xia Country army in the Japanese territory to help the southern continent.

It's just right to give Eagle Sauce a warning and prepare for the third step of the plan.

So I sent a message back to Lei Zhenzi.

"Proceed as planned. But this time, you arrange for one-third of the troops in Xia to defend Mao Xiong Country in the north, and the rest will all go to the South Continent to join."

At this time, in a special building of a small country in the southwest of the East Continent.

Meng Han was busy letting the Meng family's army collect resources.

Suddenly, she received a message from the Three Holy Mothers.

"According to Tianpeng's plan, your little husband said that it is time to proceed to the second step. This time, your Meng family will also be dispatched to the South Continent, and you can see your husband. Are you surprised and happy?"

Meng Han smiled. In fact, she had received this news a long time ago.

"Southern Continent? Husband, wait for me."

So on the fifth day of the opening of the War of Hegemony among Nations, Xia's massive army began to gather towards the south.

The number has already exceeded one trillion.

Among all the lords, only Xia has the most lords.

With many lords, there are naturally many types of troops.

With Zhu Zhao's order and Lei Zhenzi's dispatch.

Trillions of Xia's army began to move towards the south of Xia.

The scene was so spectacular that the sky and the earth changed color.

The army quickly reached the transnational fortress.

It took less than an hour to open up all the transnational fortresses in Xia that led to the southern continent.

After that, countless Xia troops entered the portal one after another.

The 200 billion Xia troops that had been collected in Japan also headed towards the southern continent under the leadership of Zhu Zhao.

The situation was quickly reported to Arthur by the lord of Eagle Sauce.

Arthur was furious when he heard the news.

"Fuck, the Xia army is coming? Why don't they attack the North Continent? Why do they want to fight with us for the South Continent? Damn it."

Zeus' face was gloomy when he heard the news. According to their previous plan, they would fight against Xia at the end.

"What I was most worried about happened. Xia really came."

After Arthur's anger, he calmed down and said with gritted teeth.

"We have a lot of coalition forces in the Eagle Sauce Country. We may not be unable to fight Xia head-on."

Zeus shook his head.

"Do you remember the news we got from the Korean and Japanese countries before? It is said that the man under Tianpeng can turn corpses into undead, and the number is terrifying."

"Undead army? This is just heard, you and I have never seen it. Even if there is really one, we have to try to fight it first, and then think of a way if we can't beat it."


It took nearly a day for the Xia army to enter the South Continent.

Then it swept all the way.

The most powerful country in the southern continent is of course India.

This is a country with a large population second only to Xia.

However, due to policy reasons, India has too many poor people who cannot afford gaming helmets.

Therefore, the proportion of the population entering the game is not comparable to that of other countries.

No matter how large the population base is, it is useless if you cannot enter the game.

And now India in the southern continent has become a mess.

It’s okay that the Eagle Sauce Country is pressing forward step by step in the northwest.

Xia already has a lot of troops in India, and now you have trillions of troops coming. What does it mean?

All the troops in our India are not as many as those in Xia!

What’s more, there is a covetous Eagle Sauce Country next to it.

At this time, Ali, the military representative of India, was scared by the price increase.

There were a lot of sighs in the conference room.

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