On the 30th, as the last game on the opening day of the 2014/15 regular season, the Lakers faced the Bulls at home at the Staples Center.

This summer, the Bulls signed former Grizzlies general Rudy Gay from the free agent market, aiming to break out of the Eastern Conference and compete at the top of the "Forbidden City".

Judging from the lineup, the Bulls are indeed promising.

Because after returning from a serious injury, Rose, who learned to slow down in advance, can avoid having to go to the factory for overhaul again, then the backcourt combination of him and Harden will definitely be one of the best outside partners in the league today.

In addition, if the league hadn't promoted Leonard last season, in Su Feng's view, Noah should have won the best defensive player.

After all, putting aside miscellaneous factors, the Bulls were indeed one of the best defensive teams in the league last season.

Before the game, the Lakers held a grand championship flag-raising ceremony at Staples.

On the dome of Staples Center, as the Lakers' 17th championship banner was raised, the entire arena instantly erupted in deafening cheers.

In the center of the field, the players who defended the title with the Lakers last season came on stage one by one to receive their own championship rings.

It is worth mentioning that when it was Su Feng's turn to receive the eleventh championship ring of his career, Bill Russell's name was also displayed on the big screen at the scene.

Barkley, who saw this scene on TNT TV, laughed and said: "Now, Sue, like Bill, has 11 championship rings!"

On the Bulls' bench, the sight of Su Feng with his hands full of rings and one more in his hand made Rose and others envious.

As the saying goes, a well-fed man does not know that a hungry man is hungry.

In front of the TV, when he noticed that Su Feng threw the eleven championship rings into the luggage bag very casually, who knows how many "uncrowned kings" wanted to hide their faces and steal them from Su Feng at this moment? One?

On the court, after the ceremony and warm-up, the big screen immediately showed the starting lineups of the two teams tonight.

Bulls: Noah, Deng, Gay, Harden, Rose.

Lakers: Kawhi, Pork Belly, Su Feng, Kobe Bryant, Rondo.

On the sidelines, the Bulls bench looked at the starting lineup given by the Lakers tonight...

Thibodeau, who was originally very satisfied with the Bulls' new season lineup, was stunned on the spot.

If you don’t understand, just ask.

In today's league, is there any team like the Lakers that dares to put last season's Western Conference All-Star starter Middleton on the bench?

In the new season, Su Feng knows that when the Lakers already have three "Sprints" in the starting lineup, it will be difficult for Middleton to have room to display.

So in the regular season, the Lakers' best solution is to let Middleton lead the bench.

After the preseason, Su Feng found Middleton as soon as possible and planned to give the child a vaccination first.

But this time, before Su Feng could speak...

Middleton was the first to answer: "I don't care whether I am a starter or a substitute.

Because as the third leader of this Lakers, I don't mind sacrificing some statistics for the team. "(Kevin, Rondo:?)

Middleton knows that he was selected as an All-Star starter last season entirely because he benefited from Su Feng and Kobe.

Therefore, even if "Mi Shen" now has "idol baggage", he would not dare to make a mistake in front of Su Feng.

In addition, because the Lakers are a team that has always been kind to the outside stars selected by the team.

Therefore, Middleton has always firmly believed that "the future of the Lakers must belong to him".

In the center of the field, Noah and Xiaojia are responsible for jumping the ball to start the game.

Amidst the cheers of the fans at the scene, Xiaojia did not disappoint the nearly 20,000 Hu honeys present.

The Bulls attack first, and Rose is responsible for dribbling the ball through half court.

Because he still couldn't figure out what kind of strategy Jokic would play in his career debut, so for this ball, Rose decided to give the ball to Harden first and let him use his "Eighteen Sticks" to help. The Bulls broke into the Lakers' inside line, which was composed of two big pieces of meat.

On the wing, after getting the ball, facing Kobika's defense, Harden rushed along the left with the ball.

After entering the Lakers' territory and seeing Jokic coming towards him, Harden subconsciously leaned his body towards Jokic, then flicked the basketball and screamed.

Oops, it hurts so much. The referee, please blow the whistle!

In the penalty area, looking at Harden, who is softer than the Slavic girl, Jokic looked confused.

But it is obvious that Harden, who previously missed the Bulls preseason game because he represented the United States men's basketball team in the World Cup, has not yet understood the determination of referees this season after receiving a new round of training.

On the court, while indicating that the ball was not a foul, the referee immediately gave Harden a "T" when he saw Harden who dared to open his hands and complain to himself.

Harden: "..."

In order to encourage defense, the NBA held a special meeting with all referees this year before the start of the regular season.

At the meeting, the new NBA president Mark clearly pointed out that in the new season, in addition to putting an end to this kind of collision, referees must also actively encourage physical confrontation.

In fact, for most of the NBA's top blasters, in this era without HC rules, their living space on the court has far exceeded that of the 1990s.

In addition, with the changes of the times, pitchers in the 21st century are not only throwing more and more accurately, but also throwing farther and farther.

Therefore, Mark knows very well that if under this situation, the NBA continues to encourage offense and allows offensive players to do whatever they want in the game, then in three years at the fastest and five years at the slowest, the intensity of confrontation in all NBA games will become All-Star Game.

For a business league like the NBA, offense can certainly attract fans.


In Mark's view, it also depends on the defensive intensity of the gorgeous offense.

Thinking back then, the reason why the Raptors' style of play attracted fans...

Isn't it because they can always soar into the sky freely under the opponent's high-intensity defense?

no doubt.

Confrontation will become the theme of the new NBA season.

At the Staples Center, after Su Feng made Harden's technical foul free throw, the Lakers still had the ball.

During the Bulls' half, Garfield, who wanted to move up to the high post to play a triangle with Suko, noticed that Jokic was already standing in the high post, so he turned around and ran towards the left corner.

I, Mark, stay strong!

In Xiaojia's view, he just believed in such a complex routine as the triangle offense. A young fat guy who is only 19 years old can really replace his role!


As long as you're not up to the task of being the centerpiece of the triangle offense...

That should be mine, sooner or later it will still be mine!

On the court, the Lakers made their first attack. After handing the ball to Su Feng, Jokic immediately sank into the low post.

As a result, Garfield, who thought Kobe would be furious when Jokic took away his low position, suddenly became stunned!

Because how could he have imagined that the Lakers' first triangle after opening tonight would be made for this 19-year-old fat paper?


I want Xiaojia to be the invincible opponent in the world... (Xiaoyao, Dajia:?)

I have never had the tactical position that Suko opened for me several times in my life...

How come your career has just begun and you are able to enjoy such privileges?

TNT TV station, O'Neal also lives in Bengbu.

Because if he was a born with divine power back then, just looking at his appearance would make you feel like a fat and powerful man...

That fat guy looks loose and doesn't look like a professional basketball player at all. Why on earth can he let Su Feng and Kobe assist him?

So, it could be said that if there is no comparison in a person’s life, there will usually be no harm?

In fact, Suko chose to assist Jokic at the start of the game tonight, not because they liked Jokic so much.

Just because, as a "team leader", both Su Feng and Kobe discovered the natural mismatch caused by playing the Bulls, one large and four small, tonight.

You know, Su Feng is famous for his ability to eliminate tumors when playing basketball.

And what about Kobe?

That's the Pennsylvania Magic that everyone wants to work with in today's league.

So, here you go, pork belly!




In the low post, Deng, whose weight was 30 kilograms behind Jokic, was in despair.

Because of this ball, even if he tried his best...

It's impossible for him to hold Jokic.

Fortunately, Noah arrived in time and formed a siege with Deng on Jokic.

However, before Noah opens his bloody mouth and bites Jokic...

On the other side, Su Feng, who cut in from the middle, had already sent the basketball into the hoop.

Noah, Deng: "..."


How did the guy pass the ball to Su Feng's hands?

"How about it? Do you feel that your title of 'Magician' has been threatened?" On the court, when retreating from defense, Su Feng showed Kobe the movement of passing the ball from behind by the teacher just now, Su Feng said to Kobe.

Hearing this, after touching his chin and thinking for a while, Kobe said: "It looks like this kid is much better than Mark!"

On the side, the psychological shadow of Xiao Gaqi, who happened to be passing by Suko, will not be mentioned for the time being.

Come back and the Bulls attack.

Harden drove to the basket again.

However, this time after the referee did not blow the whistle, Harden did not dare to complain.

Under the basket, Xiaojia got stuck with his back, ready to use this rebound sent by Harden to get the Maple Emperor's love.

But, who would have thought that Jokic would take the lead and happily pick up the rebound into his arms!

Xiaojia: "..."

Boy, don’t blame me for not warning you!

The last person who dared to grab the Maple Queen's backboard in the game is now at least five feet taller!

"Well done, Nikola! Keep up the good work!" Su Feng said with a smile, patting Jokic's elastic back on the court.

Xiaojia: "..."

ESPN Sports, Ben, who was invited to commentate on the opening game tonight as a guest on the show, smiled in his heart: "Mark, Mark..."

You still think you know Su Feng!

Don't you know that when Maple Emperor decides to cultivate a person, no matter what that person does, he is right? ’

As a commentator with a God's perspective, Ben clearly understands...

Tonight it was clear that Su Feng just wanted to build up Jokic's confidence.

On the court, the Lakers attack.

Jokic moved up to the high post to play a triangle with Suko.

Because Jokic's solid inside pace previously created a stereotype for Deng that he is better at attacking in the low post.

Therefore, after Jokic lobbed the ball to Su Feng, Deng went to help Guy attack Su Feng without thinking.


As Su Feng smashed the ball back to Jokic.

A scene that Deng never expected appeared in front of him.

That is......

This damn fat guy is actually a pitcher!

Players who have played 2K games should know this.

Although many inside players have good three-point ability values ​​in 2K games, because the shooting movements of these inside players are either too slow or too weird, you can only press green occasionally when there is absolutely open space. .

The reason why 2K designed it this way is not only because the game cannot completely copy reality and can only use this method to simulate reality, but also because in reality, it is affected by many factors such as agility and flexibility caused by being too tall. , it is related to the fact that most inside players cannot develop a silky jump shot like outside players.

But Jokic’s shot.

It can definitely put many outside players to shame.

Because in addition to his jumping height, Jokic's shooting is definitely up to standard.


0 to 5.

In front of the TV, after Jokic hit the first goal of his career for the Lakers, the elders in Jokic's hometown of Sombol immediately celebrated like a Chinese New Year.

It’s the same as the last ill-fated Serbian genius insider Milicic who worked with Su Feng.

When Jokic was a child, he also grew up under gunfire.

Therefore, under Jokic's seemingly happy face, there is also a big heart as hard as steel.

On the court, the game continued. Seeing that the Bulls had to wait for the Lakers to be completely in position every time before slowly launching an attack, Su Feng really wanted to rush to the sidelines and give Thibodeau a kick.

Because of the speed of Rose and Harden's advancement, even if Harden does not enjoy the benefits of last season, as long as the Bulls insist on pushing for transition, how can the Lakers establish a 20-point lead at the end of the first quarter tonight? Advantage?

This bull is definitely not weak.

It's a pity that it's okay if you let Thibodeau lead a team composed of civilian players, but if you let him coach a team with such star-studded players and distinctive star characteristics, his system will obviously be a bit unbearable. .

At the Staples Center, after the first quarter, the score between the two teams was 18 to 38.

On the sidelines, before the start of the second quarter, looking at the majestic and high-spirited Middleton, Su Feng turned around and chatted with Kobe about what he was going to eat later.

Damn Thibodeau!

You said that with your Bulls lineup, can you compete with the Lakers?

I can't fight, I don't have the ability, you know?

"Hey, with these teammates, how can we fight...

Oh no, why are you having fun? "Embracing Su Feng, at this time, Kobe, who had previously felt that the Lakers would become weaker after letting go of Whiteside, Bogdanovic, Livingston and others, finally understood why these years, Xiao Zhan Zhan looked as if he had aged ten years again.

"There's no way, if they can't find our loopholes when we put together a double-pork lineup...

Then the two of us could only watch helplessly like this. "Hearing this, Su Feng said after letting out a long sigh.

In the second quarter of the game, under the advice of his assistant coach, Thibodeau perfectly explained what it means to have a raging army and a raging nest.

Because the lineup composed of Adams, Diaw, Green, Middleton, and Bledsoe...

You may not believe it.

The Bulls dared to compete with the Lakers in this quarter to see whose transition attack was faster.

Should it be fast or not, should it be slow or not.

In Su Feng's view, if the Bulls don't change coaches quickly...

Even if you give this Bull another Durant, the Bull will be driven into the Ganges by Thibodeau.

In this quarter, because the Lakers substitutes played too crazy on the court, even Coach Lu couldn't replace Su Feng and Kobe.

After all, when your opponent is about to fall behind by 50 points, you can't switch back to the main force and kick him again, right?

Staples Center, halftime, 37 to 85.

During halftime, some attentive Lakers fans at the scene even started to use their mobile phones to look up the record for the largest single-game point differential in NBA history.

After the intermission, in the third quarter, Su Feng and Kobe, who returned to the court, originally wanted to just hang out.

But after thinking that if the game ends like this, my technical statistics in the new season will definitely be delayed by this game...

Neither Su Feng nor Kobe could bear it anymore.

What's more, according to NBA practice, this is only a theoretical "chicken time", not the definite "chicken time" in the fourth quarter.

So after Suko convinced each other with "What if the Bulls reversed course in the third quarter?"...

On the sidelines, Thibodeau could no longer hide his look that wanted to eat Coach Lu alive.

No, Tyron!

Do we have any grudge?

Do you need to beat me to death like this?

One thing to say.

In this game, Thibodeau was indeed in trouble.

But after Noah, who has always been known as "iron-blooded", reminded Thibodeau that Su Feng was on the opposite side.

No matter how anxious Thibodeau was, he didn't dare to mess around.

Do not make jokes......

No matter how evil Noah was, he would never dare to say that he was an evil person in front of Su Feng.

In addition, in recent years, the NBA has always hated flagrant fouls.

So, unless the Bulls decide to give up the entire season in the opening game and become a thorn in the side of new NBA commissioner Mark Mark for the next few years...

Otherwise, they can only accept the fact that they will be nailed to the pillar of shame in this game because of Thibodeau's two-defense strategy of "using the weak to fight the strong".

It turns out.

Thibodeau is indeed not suitable to coach this Bulls.

In Su Feng's view, if Thibodeau could be a commentator for a few years, he might be saved in the future.

After all, doesn’t the “bald handsome” of the Warriors next door prove that if people move, they will survive, but the trees will die if they are moved?

On the court, after three quarters, the Bulls players had already lost the courage to resist and the fighting spirit to continue playing.

But this night...

For the Lakers' substitutes, they dare not waste even one minute of "hot chicken time."

Because of this Lakers team, even Green now has to compete for jobs.

In the end, the finishing score of the two teams was 80 to 157.

After the game, Chris Paul, the victim of the "61 tragedy", and Michael Jordan, the famous victim of the "58 tragedy" were quoted as saying that this was a game that even they wanted to cry after watching it.

Before the game started, no one could have imagined that the Lakers would welcome their new season in the opening game by setting the record for the largest single-game point difference in NBA history.

In this game, Harden was completely stunned, and his expression was even more stunned than when he watched the New Zealand men's basketball team perform the "Maori war dance" in the World Cup.

Rose even said bluntly in an interview that his heart felt as if it had been chopped into pieces.

At the press conference, Director Lu, who has begun to consider himself the godfather of the new basketball world, said humbly that in fact, there is not that big a gap in strength between the two teams. The Lakers were able to win only because of "lucky."

However, no ghost would believe what Director Lu said even if he tried to coax them.

Because after this game, the Bulls front office has begun to contact privately John Davis, who chose to rest at home after his contract with the Mavericks expired this summer.

On the 31st, the Lakers faced the Clippers back-to-back.

Before the game, former Lakers legend Livingston officially received the fifth championship ring of his career at the Staples Center.

Don't look at it this summer, Livingston is new to the Clippers.

But when he returned to the Clippers bench with the championship ring on his right hand, even Green, who had begun to become the leader in the Clippers locker room, flattered him and said: "Sean, from now on. , you can give us more guidance.

Because before you joined us, you were already a five-time championship player! "


If Livingston could record what Green said to him, then Su Feng really wanted to send it to the Durant in his memory.

On the court, unlike the previous Chicago Bulls, the Clippers are a team that uses transition offense as its main scoring method. Therefore, in this game, facing the Lakers' starting twin-tower lineup, they not only scored in the first quarter The game ended with a 38-37 lead.

Moreover, in the second quarter, with Livingston holding down the line, they also successfully withstood the fierce fire from the Lakers' second unit.

In the second half of the second quarter, when he was on the court, looking at the Staples dome in the distance, Su Feng said with emotion: "Sure enough, my old teammates must be reliable!"

What a hot chicken Harden!

Hot chicken bull!

Look at Lillard!

Look at the Clippers again!

In this game, Su Feng and Kobe were both in high spirits.

The former not only scored 41 points in the game, but also scored 14 rebounds, 4 assists and 3 steals.

The latter scored 25 points, 7 rebounds, and 11 assists.

In addition, Jokic, who performed well in the opening game, also scored 10 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists.


Because in the game, I was often passed by the opponent's small defender without moving...

So after this game, Jokic also mentioned the first nickname of his career:

"King of Pestles".

Moreover, Chinese fans, who have always been versatile, even composed a limerick for him:

Small crew cut, beer belly.

Eye protection depends entirely on "father".

After the Lakers won two consecutive games in the new season, Gasol, who was nicknamed the father of Jokic by Chinese fans, looked sad in the Lakers that should have been happy.

Because in the past, in games, I have become accustomed to someone always filling in for me when Su Feng serves as a power forward, or when Garnett and others serve as a power forward, there will always be someone to take the blame for him. Where is Gasol? Can think of...

This season, he not only has to leave the best food and clothing to Jokic like his old mother did.

Moreover, he still has to worry about Jokic's defense like his old father?

So, intervening, the gift that fate secretly gives you has already been marked with a price.

If we say that in the past, O'Neal would always burst into tears when watching Kevin Garfield.

At that moment, when Xiaojia looked at Jokic, it was the mood O'Neal felt back then.

Farewell to the golden autumn of October.

In November, Su Feng and his teammates quickly felt targeted by the league's schedule.

It has to be said that in this life, Stern did not make any mistakes in his successor.

Because in addition to restricting offensive players through rules and using a more stringent super luxury tax to avoid further imbalances in the strength and weakness of the NBA...

Mark has simply inherited Stern's mantle perfectly when it comes to attacking teams that have the potential to monopolize the NBA championship.

Throughout November, the Lakers' schedule was not only intensive, but the league also arranged a large number of playoff teams for the Lakers during this intensive schedule.

On the 2nd, they played away against the Eagles.

In Atlanta, something happened that puzzled Thibodeau, who didn't know he was about to be dismissed.

Because of this game, the Hawks, who started the new season with two consecutive losses, not only forced the Lakers into overtime, but Wade even almost completed a buzzer-beater against the Lakers in overtime.


Is this still the same Lakers team that beat us by 77 points in the opener?


Tom, if this Lakers are not the Lakers that beat you by 77 points, then isn't there a second Lakers team in the NBA?

In fact, as Director Lu said before...

There is no such disparity in strength between the Lakers and Bulls.

To know.

In the Lakers' starting lineup for the new season, Su Colango only wants to swim in the sewers, and the inside line composed of double pork belly is a cash machine that can give you what you want as long as you speed up a little...

In addition, the Lakers' stated goal in the regular season this season is to improve everyone's technical statistics as much as possible while raising their children to level up...

Therefore, if Thibodeau's brain can turn around, how could the Bulls be torn into pieces by the Lakers before?

Well, no.

On the 3rd, in back-to-back games against the Heat, did the Lakers lose their game?

Facing his little Serbian brother, Milicic, who had sacrificed twice in this life to miss out on establishing a dynasty with Su Feng in exchange for "talent" and playing time, pinned down Jokic, who was 10 years younger than him. The floor was scratched half to death.

As a famous star in Serbian basketball, Milicic, who adheres to the original intention of showing no mercy if he can kill him, can be said to have opened Jokic's eyes.

When attacking, Milicic, who is at his peak at the moment, not only plays Jokic around.

And when he came back, he personally gave Jokic three big shots.

In addition, Garros was also tortured by Horford when he always had to take care of Jokic on the court.

Although the difference between it and Howard is only one word...

But Horford is a genuine, skilled center who can play both inside and outside.

This season, the Heat's overall strength is still very strong.


Riley, who had waited so many years to decorate the Heat in such a luxurious way, could not wait for any superstar to come and move in.

Much like Arsenal on the football field.

But not quite.

Over the years, after Su Feng left, the Heat have always played the role of accompanying the prince to study in the NBA.

However, on the evening of the 3rd, facing the Lakers who were so rough that even Zhang Shun called him an expert...

The Heat, who have Dragic and Lowry on the outside and Milicic and Horford on the inside, still use their hard power to severely defeat the theory that the Lakers are invincible. Thibodeau's face.

After defeating the Hawks 139-137 and losing to the Heat 117-123...

Before Su Feng and Kobe could decide who should share the pot, the Lakers rushed to Boston overnight on the morning of the 4th.

Prepare for the team's next game against the Celtics on the 5th.

Originally, when the old rivals met, the Lakers would never play as bad as they did before.

But with three games in four days in the Eastern Conference...

Except for Su Feng, no matter how well the Lakers do in personnel rotation, they cannot escape the impact of long-distance flights and consecutive away games against powerful enemies.

This season, the Celtics have indeed become stronger again as Su Feng expected.

On the court, Smart not only injected a lot of vitality into the Celtics, but also the "soft guys" Ibaka and Capela also allowed Duncan to finally make a difference in the game after many years. .

At the North Shore Garden Arena, as soon as the game started in the first quarter, the Celtics, who were waiting to work, established a 7-point lead.

In the second quarter, Middleton and Bledsoe led the charge.

But he was blocked by Saomanu with a 13-point solo performance in half a quarter.

In this life, without the constraints of those rules and regulations, Ginobili's offense in the game can be said to be at grandma's house.

After the halftime break, in the third quarter, Su Feng began to score points for the Lakers through personal attacks.

However, because this season, in addition to encouraging defense, Mark also changed Su Feng's version of the game back to the 1990s. Therefore, Su Feng's personal critical hits in this quarter also consumed a lot of his physical energy. .

In the final quarter, the two teams played back and forth, and the fans in front of the TV had a great time watching it.

In the end, the Celtics, who had only prepared for this game with the Lakers in four days, relied on their home court advantage to defeat the Lakers by 4 points and gave the Lakers two consecutive losses.

In the whole game, the final score of the two teams was 118 to 122.

Su Feng scored a game-high 45 points, 17 rebounds and 5 assists for the Lakers.

Affected by the fierce battles in recent days, Kobe's performance was average, only scoring 17 points, 5 rebounds, and 8 assists.

On the Celtics side, although "Emperor Grandson" Leonard only scored 14 points, 5 rebounds, and 3 assists, after the game, Su Feng said in an interview: "Given time, Kawhi will definitely Will be the best wing defender in this league."

In this game, if it weren't for the fact that Leonard has been pestering Su Feng with the help of "Su Feng's Rules"...

How could it be that Su Feng was rarely physically weak during a game?

Yes, three battles in four days is very tiring.

Plus there are still consecutive away games.

But is Su Feng's fuel tank comparable to that of ordinary people?

As for Chicago, due to the disastrous defeat in the opening game, the Bulls lost all fighting spirit in the team's subsequent games. Therefore, after Thibodeau's "Lakers invincibility theory" gradually went bankrupt...

On the 6th, Tom Thibodeau also unfortunately became the first head coach to be fired in the NBA during the 2014/15 season.

On the afternoon of Thibodeau's dismissal, the Bulls' front office immediately announced that former basketball Pope John Davis would become the Bulls' new head coach.

And during this period, Su Feng, who was still enjoying complaining about Harden, immediately jumped up from the bed.

However, after calming down, Su Feng discovered...

Davis going to coach the Bulls will be a good thing for the Lakers in the next few years.

Because after the coaching change, in terms of the overall strength of this Bulls...

Introducing the monster room in the east, why should we be internally consumed until death?

In November, the Bulls coaching change episode will not be mentioned for the time being.

After the Lakers survived the devilish schedule carefully arranged for them by new NBA president Mark with 14 wins and 4 losses, Jokic's style and characteristics have begun to be known to other teams in recent times, so Lake fans are extremely excited. What I never expected is...

Teacher Yue, who was not favored by them at first, slapped them in the face after the season started, and then started to fall into a slump again...

His limelight will be stolen by Bledsoe in late November.

Unlike Jokic, who still needs time to adapt to the rhythm of NBA games.

As a veteran who has entered the fifth year of his career, Bledsoe, who is in the prime of his career, just needs an opportunity.

On the court, as long as Rondo can be kept on the bench, he will never let him play for one more minute. In the last five games of November, Bledsoe averaged less than 23 minutes per game. , averaging 15.4 points and 3.8 assists per game for the Lakers.

His explosive breakthrough has not only become one of the most entertaining performances in this Lakers team, but also his various raw and violent attacks in the game have also made fans who are tired of watching Suko go straight So addicted.


Why is it said that people like the new and dislike the old?

Because as long as you play a few times occasionally, the fans will say that you are not good at it.

On the Internet, no one now thinks that the Lakers suffered a loss in the previous deal in which the team management used Livingston in exchange for Bledsoe.

But the amazing thing is...

The Clippers next door also think they have made a lot of money.

Because after Livingston joined...

The Clippers coaching staff was pleasantly surprised to find that when Lillard, McCollum, Green and others were in poor condition, they could even help the team get through that damn time by increasing Livingston's playing time and tactical weight. Period of scoring instability.

In the new season, thanks to the increase in tactical weight, Livingston averaged 11.8 points per game for the Clippers, and his overall shooting rate was an astonishing 56.8%.

So far, Livingston has definitely contributed to the Clippers' ranking third in the Western Conference.

So now comes the problem.

Yonghu ranked first and second, and the Clippers ranked third.

So where are the SuperSonics with Luo Dewei this season?

The answer is, don't CUE, they are working hard to make the playoffs.

This summer, in order to strengthen the inside line, after signing Whiteside at a premium, the SuperSonics also offered Yi Jianlian a sky-high contract with a total value of more than 95 million US dollars and a total term of 5 years.

But in this life, the Arab League, which is highly praised by the public, and Whiteside, who has proven in the new season that he is worthy of an annual salary of tens of millions, cannot save the Sonics.

Because in the new season, every time Sonics players and fans who think sunny days are coming push open the window, they are always surprised to find...

The only sky in Seattle is Westbrook.

This season, as Roy has further reduced his playing time in order to continue his career, he who could still manage Westbrook on the court has completely lost the restriction on my turtle trying to hit the sewer.

My turtle, who was famous for his defense when he debuted, gradually became obsessed with the low position.

In games, he often defends on the fourth or fifth position. Not only is he one of the starting point guards with the worst efficiency in defending opponents' breakthroughs so far in the new season, but he is also obsessed with out-of-position interceptions. Let Iverson call him an expert.

And what about Durant?

Do not ask.

The question was made by Durant himself.

Because the team coach Brooks and the front office staff have already considered trading Westbrook...

Durant, who has yet to sever ties with me in this life, not only supported me in public many times, but also said categorically that he, Kevin Durant, will definitely be able to be with me. Get the championship.

no way.

The star has said this, so you can't let the team's front office and coach trade Westbrook at the risk of breaking with the star, right?

You know, the NBA is a league of stars.

Although in this league, more than 90% of the players cannot decide their own destiny.

But when you are strong enough, the team management still has to respect you.

Since Westbrook can't be traded...

And the Supersonics want to change the status quo...

Therefore, Brandon Roy was naturally put on the shelf by the Sonics front office.

Let me tell you something, when I learned that the Sonics were preparing to trade Roy...

Su Feng really feels that in his memory, Durant, who clearly has the capital to hit the top five in history, but can push himself to be outside the top 50 in history, is really not "black".

Say goodbye to November and enter December.

In early December, the Lakers, whose schedule gradually loosened up, won consecutive games.

But by the middle of this month...

The Lakers have made the bad habit of not feeling comfortable again.

After unexpected losses to the Nuggets and Jazz, two teams with plateau home courts, the Lakers were already three games behind the top-ranked Warriors before Christmas.

Regarding the current situation of the Lakers, Kobe, who has always been a slave, cannot be satisfied. UU Reading www. uukanshu.net

But Su Feng believes that the Lakers' performance this season has far exceeded his expectations.

The former is because the Lakers were dissatisfied with losing too many games before Christmas...

The latter is very proud because he sees that this Lakers far exceeds the ceiling of other teams.

Su Feng knows that even if the Lakers replace five catfish in one go this summer, the Lakers will not be able to change before the end of the 2014/15 season. The team has become accustomed to playing the regular season as the All-Star Game.

Only at the end of this season, after the Lakers use these two people to change the future of the Lakers in accordance with the gentleman's agreement with Garris and Green, can the Lakers complete the complete reconstruction before themselves and Kobe Bryant retire.

Therefore, in the regular season, Su Feng is not afraid that his teammates will not waste time.

I'm afraid they don't even have the thought to wander.

According to the schedule, the Lakers will usher in the Christmas Day game against the Warriors at home on the 25th.

As for this upcoming, hateful "overtime battle"...

Kobe, who originally planned to remind his teammates as a "team leader" in the last training session of the Christmas Eve holiday, also discovered...

Why does he need to mobilize this group of people?

Damn TMD warriors!

Damn James and Curry!

Damn Yao and Van Gundy!


If you don't care about life and death, just complain if you don't accept it!

PS: Here comes the long-lost 10,000-word chapter! If she's pretty, just tell me if she's tall or not!

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