All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 869 An unexpected and heart-wrenching moment!

After a day's rest, the fourth game of the finals between the Lakers and Kaili teams continued at the North Shore Garden Arena.

As a result, the feeling of this game for Su Feng was exactly the same as playing on the 2K Hall of Fame difficulty computer.

To put it simply:

The Celtics players on the opposite side can make whatever shots they want, while the teammates on their side can help with the rebound even if there is no one five meters in front of them.

Previously, at the end of the first two games, Su Feng praised the Lakers' substitutes by name during a post-game interview.

He said that now the Lakers can win the championship even without him.

But after these two games at North Shore Gardens...

Su Feng had previously praised his teammates for how hard they worked, but now he wanted to find a piece of tofu to beat these cheaters to death one by one.

Because after defeating the Warriors, most Lakers players believed that the championship was a certainty, so it was inevitable that everyone would feel complacent.

In addition to the first two games of the Finals, although the Celtics players put up tenacious resistance during the game, as far as the game process is concerned, most Lakers players did not feel the same tension as they did against the Warriors before. ...

Therefore, the Lakers' roller-coaster performance in this year's Finals undoubtedly once again confirmed the famous motto:

Weakness and ignorance have never been obstacles to human survival.

Arrogance is.

In short, after the Celtics won two games at home, the situation in this round of finals suddenly became confusing. .

The only good news for the Lakers is that the format of this year's finals has been changed to 22111.

So even if they lose two games in a row in Boston, they can still return to Los Angeles for a battle with the Celtics.

On the 16th, before the start of the "Battle of Tianwangshan" between the Hu and Kai teams, ESPN specially launched a discussion on the Internet about "Which team do you prefer to win the Battle of Tianwangshan?"

And the results once again exceeded people's expectations.

Because the Lakers, who have two big stars in Suko, only received 35% of the support in the voting process.

In Su Feng's previous life, when he was young and ignorant, he could often see the comments made by Eagle Dogs on the Internet saying that the Eagle family was powerful because the people of the Eagle family worshiped the strong, and only the Rabbit family would sympathize with the weak.

But actually...

As long as you know something about the NBA, you will know that this statement is completely out of mind.

Because for basketball, a sport whose "heroic view of history" runs almost throughout the entire history of basketball, Wai Guoren will also be more sympathetic to "tragic heroes."

For example, Allen Iverson in Su Feng's memory.

In this life, from trough to peak, and from peak to trough, although Duncan has never been elected as the top vote-getter in the All-Star voting, when the 38-year-old he once again led the Celtics to the finals, Who doesn't want to see Duncan lead the Celtics to end Su Feng's dominance of the NBA and stage the fairy tale of an "ageless legend"?

Especially after the first two games of the Finals, the entire North America no longer had hope for the Celtics.

Because the Celtics returned to their home court and performed something almost impossible...

Therefore, this also makes most neutral fans inevitably become more emotionally biased towards the Celtics when making choices.

Just like how the entire North America applauded Su Feng for overthrowing Jordan's rule.

You know, stories of people dragging gods down from their supreme seats and trampling on them are not uncommon in sports.

Before the start of Game 5 of the Finals, facing pressure from external public opinion, the Lakers began to become nervous internally.

At this time, Su Feng became the most relaxed person in the team.

Because in the G3 and G4 games, the Lakers players lacked pressure.

At this moment, the Lakers must reduce the pressure.

For a team that has won countless honors, Su Feng knows that these commonplace problems within the Lakers are not only difficult to change, but also basically impossible to change.

In fact, if he hadn't lived in two lifetimes, it would be difficult for Su Feng to maintain a normal heart at this moment.

Because there is no eternal king in competitive sports, it is precisely because no matter how great a team or individual is, there is no guarantee that they can still maintain their original aspirations after successive successes.

Su Feng knew that this summer, the Lakers had reached a time when they had to rebuild.

Otherwise, once he and Kobe retire, even if the Lakers can recruit a group of young talents, they are likely to start the mode of eating and waiting to die because they have already achieved success.

In Su Feng's previous life, the 2018 World Cup is the best example.

Because the Gallic Roosters fought all the way to the end with a group of young talents, before Su Feng was reborn through time travel, except for some highly professional and ambitious players, many of the champion members of the French team later became It became a world-famous "junk contract."

On the evening of the 16th, after seeing off Kobe who came to have dinner, Su Feng specially invited Kupchak to his home.

"You mean, except for you, Kobe, and Mark, all the players on this Lakers team are bargaining chips that we can use in transactions?" Kupchak asked curiously as he looked at Su Feng.

"Yes, because I promised Mark before that the Lakers would not trade him before establishing the second dynasty, so in addition to me and Kobe and Mark, Mitch, as long as there is a suitable offer, we can trade with him. "After nodding, Su Feng said.

Hearing this, Kupchak was suddenly shocked.

Seeing this, Su Feng smiled and said, "What, Mickey, do you think I'm a little too unkind?"

Kupchak shook his head and said: "No, I just think it would be a pity if you don't become the general manager after retirement."

As the saying goes, kindness does not control soldiers.

For the Lakers, retaining Su Feng, Kobe, and Xiaojia is enough to show the Lakers' human touch in the NBA, a business league.

Therefore, even if Su Feng does not mention this matter to him tonight, Kupchak plans to discuss the Lakers' future reconstruction plan with Su Feng in detail after the finals.

On the evening of the 17th, the battle between the Lakers and the Celtics was held at the Staples Center.

Before the game, Su Feng specifically explained to his teammates: "Winning or losing is a common occurrence in military affairs. You don't need to blame yourself for the previous two losses.

I believe that as long as we can perform normally, we will have the last laugh in this round of finals. "

On the side, because Kobe was dissatisfied that Su Feng's pre-game speech was not passionate enough, after everyone dispersed, Kobe asked with a confused look on his face: "Why did you keep pinching me just now to prevent me from talking?"

Patting Kobe on the shoulder, Su Feng said after a long sigh: "Kobe, people's ability to withstand pressure is different.

For example, if you are like me, I won't motivate you like this. "

Kobe smiled and said, "Then how are you going to motivate me?"

When he got close to Kobe's ear, he saw Su Feng saying this and that.

Then, Kobe exploded immediately.

On the court, in this battle at Tianwangshan, both the Hu and Kai teams continued their starting lineups from the fourth game.

For the Celtics, Duncan led the first four and Tony Allen continued to be the starter.

On the Lakers side, there are Xiaojia, Ha Wang, Su Feng, Kobe, and Rondo lined up.

In the center of the field, after a jump ball, the Lakers attacked first.

Su Feng was on the left wing, receiving Rondo's pass and throwing it away.


The basketball goes hollow into the net.

At the scene, the fans who were originally worried about the Lakers' state in the past two games immediately relaxed after Su Feng took the lead for the Lakers.

Coming back, it was the Celtics' turn to attack.

Parker singled out Rondo and made a throw in front of the three-second zone.

2 to 2.

Lakers offensive possession.

After Kobe and Garfield used a high pick-and-roll, they forced Duncan to switch in front of them.

As Su Feng's most trusted teammate in this Lakers team during key battles, Kobe Bryant did not let Su Feng down.

On the court, after using continuous crotch dribbling to shake Duncan's center of gravity, Kobe cleanly shot a three-pointer from the outside.


2 to 5!

In Su Feng's previous life, there was a joke on the street that Kobe Bryant could play the ball that ordinary people couldn't play, and Kobe Bryant dared to play the ball that ordinary people didn't dare to play.

Iron King’s patent, iron first and then play.

Although, these words are suspected of being a Kobe Bryant hacker.

But from a certain perspective, this also proves that Kobe has always had absolute confidence in himself.

Immediately afterwards, the Celtics' offensive round.

The moment Duncan caught the ball and was about to make a strong move, Su Feng suddenly came out from behind, forcing Duncan to switch to his left hand to complete the shot.

To be honest, the introduction of the ball means that Duncan has a thorough understanding of Su Feng's ability to chase shots.

Otherwise, if you change to a stupid young man, you will definitely get a slap in the face.

It's a pity that Duncan failed to find the right hitting point after changing hands.

The basketball was picked up by Garnett after the shot missed the frame.

On the court, the Lakers immediately took advantage of the situation and launched a counterattack.

Rondo leaned on Parker and hit a layup, and successfully drew a foul from Parker, giving him the opportunity to make additional free throws.

In front of the free throw line, Rondo made the ball steadily.

3 to 8.

When CCTV saw this scene, Director Zhang smiled and said: "This is the Lakers we are familiar with! Attack and defense are integrated!"

On the side, Yu Jia also echoed: "It seems that after returning to Los Angeles, Su Feng and the Lakers coaching staff did a lot of ideological work for the Lakers players.

From a mental perspective, the Lakers were obviously different in this game than before. "

On the court, in the first quarter of the game, the Celtics' offense encountered trouble.

Because they have been unable to shoot from the outside, Duncan and Parker's offensive space is getting smaller and smaller.

After getting up to 120 points, the Lakers kept putting pressure on the Celtics outside players.

At the Staples Center, after the first quarter, the score between the Hu and Kai teams was 21 to 34.

Su Feng and Kobe scored 10 points and 9 points respectively in the first quarter. Both of them showed good form.

In the second quarter of the game, Middleton went into battle, and as a result, a century-old problem that had never appeared in this series appeared in front of Karl and Bird.

That is, if two of the three Sukomi break out, the Lakers will become indestructible. What if these three people break out together in a game?

On the court, during the halftime break, the ice-cold score on the live timer almost instantly plunged Celtic fans into despair.

At halftime, 44 to 71.

Facing the best first half played by the Lakers this season...

To quote the words of the TNT TV crosstalk quartet...

Rather than continuing to fight stubbornly in this battle at Tianwang Mountain, the Celtics now obviously need to prepare in advance for the sixth game that will be moved to Boston.

After the intermission, only half of the third quarter was played before Karl withdrew the three veterans of Duncan, Ginobili and Parker.

In Su Feng's previous life, in a series, it was not uncommon for two teams that were evenly matched before the game to play one-sided games.

Because this is the most unique charm of basketball.

But unlike those games...

In this game, when the Lakers barely changed their tactics, Karl and Bird knew very well...

Although for some special reasons, this Lakers' lower limit is far beyond imagination.

However, their upper limit is also far beyond imagination.

In the final quarter of the game, after the Celtics replaced their entire substitute lineup, the battle at Tianwangshan officially declared that it had entered "hot chicken time."

In the end, the score of the battle between the two teams in Tianwangshan was 94 to 123.

The Lakers, sitting at home, took the lead in getting the match point for this year's finals with a 29-point victory.

In the entire game, Suko jointly contributed 74 points, 19 rebounds, 17 assists, 5 steals and 3 blocks.

Middleton also scored 26 points.

After the game, when commenting on the game, Karl said bluntly, "When three players from the opponent team jointly scored 100 points, I believe that no team can beat this Lakers this night."

According to the schedule, the sixth game between the Hu and Kai teams will start on the 20th.

After the Battle of Tianwang Mountain, Celtics fans suffered from PTSD again when facing Su Feng. (Note ①)

Online, some pessimistic Celtics fans even said they would not watch Game 6 between the Celtics and the Lakers.

Because they were really scared by Su Feng.

However, in Su Feng's opinion, people who can say such things are not considered true fans of the Green Army at all.

Because the introduction game hasn’t even started yet, who knows who will win in the end?

And it’s really worse than...

How can Celtic fans in this period compare to Arsenal, who are about to lose even four spots?

"After the first five games, I believe you are all like me, hoping to end this round of finals as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

So, before setting off, I just want to tell you one thing...

Before the final victory comes, don't repeat the mistakes of AC Milan! "Early on the morning of the 18th, before the team set off for Boston, Su Feng lectured at the team meeting.

Although not every player in the NBA likes football as much as Kobe, in the past two years, because Su Feng often used "Istanbul Night" as an example, most Lakers players knew what the maple emperor wanted to express at this moment. the meaning of.

In competitive sports, there are too many variables and uncertainties in away games.

Therefore, even though the Lakers defeated the Celtics overwhelmingly in the Battle of Tianwang Mountain, Su Feng did not believe that the Lakers could easily win in the following sixth game.

It is true that the Lakers are far superior to the Celtics in terms of absolute strength.

But, since they can beat you twice in Boston before.

Naturally, it is possible to win you a third time.

On the 18th, as soon as they arrived in Boston and checked into the hotel, the Lakers players fully felt the hospitality of the local people in Boston.

Before the game, Coach Lu only arranged for the team to conduct shooting training and recovery training.

In addition, Buss Jr. and Kupchak also flew to Boston in advance.

Because in a series, a tiebreaker means anything can happen, so it is obvious that the entire Lakers team is ready to win the cup on the road.

On the evening of the 19th, as the Lakers had already secured the match point, NBA staff also conducted a championship rehearsal in advance at the North Shore Garden Arena.

Moreover, the O'Brien Cup, which symbolizes the highest honor for NBA teams, also arrived in Boston that night.

On the evening of the 20th, even before the game, a mood called "pessimism" had enveloped the entire Boston. However, when the players of the two teams were warming up before the game, the Celtics fans at the scene still regarded the North Shore Garden Arena as The atmosphere is rendered to its peak.

A true fan will never surrender before the end of the game.

As a team that has won 18 championships in NBA history, this is the heritage of the Boston Celtics!

In the stands, watching the players of the two teams about to appear on the court, Stern, who was also here tonight, couldn't help but sigh: "When I first took charge of the NBA, it was the peak of the Lakers-Kevin competition.

But I didn’t expect that before I retired, the league would return to the era of competition between Lake and Kai. "

On the side, Mark smiled and said: "Perhaps this is the so-called reincarnation of fate!"

At the scene, when the players of the two teams were performing the appearance ceremony, close-ups were also specially given to the famous Green Army players who were sitting on the sidelines tonight.

TNT TV station, seeing this, O'Neal said with an expression that he was not too worried about the excitement: "It would be fun if the Lakers won the championship at the Celtics' home court tonight."

In the studio, seeing O'Neal who was obviously more biased towards the Lakers, the other three people immediately became happy.

Because even though the grievances with the Lakers were constantly being sorted out, they were still in chaos.

Facts have proved that O'Neal obviously still loves this Lakers deeply.

On the court, after the warm-up, the big screen immediately showed the starting list of the two teams tonight.

Lakers: Gasol, Garnett, Su Feng, Kobe, Rondo.

Celtics: Duncan, Leonard, Ariza, Tony Allen, Parker.

In the center of the field, Xiaojia and Duncan were responsible for jumping the ball to start the game.

Teenager Duncan made the first attack for the Celtics.

Ariza, who was deprived of the right to breathe by Celtics fans because he made 0 of 9 shots in the previous battle at Tianwangshan, hit a three-pointer from the left corner for the Celtics as soon as he came up.

0 to 3.

Because this loss of points was caused by Kobe encountering Duncan's pick-and-roll delay while defending.

So as soon as he came back, Kobe, who always liked to answer "Answer.Ball" to his opponents, took the initiative to ask for the ball from the top arc in an attempt to return the favor.

And about two seconds later...

In the penalty area, Duncan also accepted the rebound sent by Kobe Bryant.

In the low post, it was difficult for Ariza, who was thin, to stop Kobe's inside attack.

Therefore, after the G1 game, once Kobe falls into the low post, Mr. Tony, who became the starting shooting guard after the Celtics switched to playing one-year-old and four-year-old, will switch defense with him.

But on the outside, it is not easy for Kobe to penetrate Ariza, who is tall and has long arms.

On the court, it was the Celtics' turn to attack.

After getting the ball, Leonard, who was unable to move under Su Feng's defense, turned around and handed the ball to Parker who came to meet him.

Seeing that the attack time had been consumed, after holding the ball into the top arc, Parker also resolutely completed the shot.

Bang, swish!

It was a somewhat lucky two-pointer from the front.

Parker got lucky tonight.

0 to 5.

Lakers ball.

After crossing paths with Kobe, Su Feng sank into the low post.

Xiaojia hit the ball in time. Su Feng pretended to move in to trick Leonard, then turned in the opposite direction and hit the ball behind his back.

2 to 5.

CCTV, seeing this, Director Zhang shook his head repeatedly and said: "I can completely understand Leonard's mood at this moment.

Because he was facing off against Su Feng...

If you are not careful, you will be fooled by him. "

On the court, it was the Celtics' turn to attack.

Kasumi held Duncan on his back and forced him to almost lose his center of gravity as he turned and hooked.

But after the basketball touched the backboard, Duncan's hook somehow got into the net.


Regarding Duncan’s metaphysical slander...

Except for absolutely, you can't think of any other adjective at this moment.

Lakers offensive possession.

Su Feng moved the ball to the outside after encountering a double-team in the low post.

Basketball came to Kobe's hands after being guided by Long.

North Shore Gardens, tremble!

Before taking action, Kobe's murderous aura tonight was soaring into the sky.

that is......


Su Feng and Kobe: "..."

"Kobe's touch seemed a little bad tonight." Director Zhang said on CCTV with a look of regret.

On the side, after pondering for a few seconds, Yu Jia finally chose to give Director Zhang a face.

Because Kobe's touch tonight can't be called bad?

In the first quarter of the game, Kobe, who shot 0-for-7 from the field, was just like the undercover agent sent by the Celtics to the Lakers tonight!

At the North Shore Garden Arena, after the first quarter, the Lakers trailed 25-27.

During the break, Yu Jia said: "If the Lakers hadn't done a good job defensively tonight, I'm afraid they would have fallen behind by double digits after the first quarter."

On the Lakers' bench, Kobe, who had always been extremely confident in himself, began to doubt his life.

Because tonight, except for the questionable shot selection for the first ball, Kobe's other 6 shots were basically either open shots or singles opportunities pulled out by his teammates.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Su Feng's big hand successfully "comforted" Kobe.

On the bench, pressing the extremely smooth head that only he could press in the Lakers, Su Feng said to Kobe: "Are you feeling guilty because you didn't score a goal in the first quarter?"

"This is nothing like the Kobe Bryant I remember." After a pause, Su Feng continued to say to Kobe.

Hearing this, after clicking his tongue hesitantly, Kobe put his collar in his mouth and said: "Actually, before this game started, I did think about competing with you for the Finals MVP."

Su Feng nodded and said: "I know, because you did the same thing in the past four finals that I competed with you."

Kobe: "..."


Su Gou, in your eyes, am I the kind of person who can risk the life and death of the team for the sake of the Finals MVP?

On the sidelines, after taking a deep breath, Kobe calmed down again and said: " this game, I really just want to win, you know, Sue?"

Su Feng then nodded and said: "I also know this, because you know very well that you must hug my brother's thigh tightly to get the championship ring."

Kobe: "..."

"So, why should you take the poor performance in the first quarter to heart?

Didn't you tell me that back then? There are 48 minutes in an NBA game.

As a pitcher, even if you miss the first 10 shots, you must take the 11th shot resolutely. " Turning to stare at Kobe, Su Feng said.

"Are you sure Allen didn't say this?" Kobe asked.

“Uh…it seems so.

But that's not important!

Anyway, Allen has retired. The important thing is that since Allen has such confidence in himself, why do you, who is far superior to him, feel distressed because you didn't play well for a while? "While saying sorry to Iverson ten thousand times in my heart, Su Feng said to Kobe.

In the first half of the second quarter, the Lakers' substitutes failed to open up the score between the two teams as they did in the Tianwangshan battle.

It's obvious.

In this kind of game that concerns the ultimate fate, both the Hu and Kai teams were nervous tonight.

In the second half of the quarter, Suko returned to the court and partnered with Adams, Middleton, and Livingston.

The Celtics exchanged Duncan and Leonard to combine with Wallace, Ginobili, and Parker.

However, after drinking Su Feng's exclusive chicken soup for the soul, Kobe readjusted his mentality.


As for the feel, if Su Feng could adjust it with just a few words, would the Lakers still be invincible?




At the North Shore Garden Arena, Su Feng never expected that on this night, which was most likely to be the night when our Lakers would defend their title, Kobe would really miss none of his first 10 shots!

CCTV, even Director Zhang, who has always been able to praise Kobe from all angles, was speechless for a while.

Fortunately, before halftime, Kobe successfully scored his first sports goal in this game.

"Kobe Bryant has such a big heart!

As long as the opportunity is given to me, I will take action decisively! "CCTV showed Director Zhang explaining while touching his conscience.


Kobe wasn't the only one who was tough on this night.

Because the referee's penalty standards were relatively loose in this game, before the end of the first half, except for Su Feng and Duncan, the player with the highest shooting percentage of the two teams present was Parker, who made 3 of 7 shots.

However, because Kobe's traffic far exceeds that of others.

So whenever Kobe is playing, people will always take special care of him.

At the end of halftime at the North Shore Garden Arena, the first half score between the Lakers and Kaili teams was 51 to 50.

After the halftime break, in the third quarter, the defensive scale and intensity of the two teams continued to improve.

Because, after figuring out the bottom line of the referee tonight...

The old fritters from the two teams found out.

The bottom line of the referee's penalty tonight...

There seems to be no bottom line.

In the third quarter, as all the attention was focused on defense, in this era with the theme of offense on the court, the Hu and Kai teams even fell into a five-minute scoring drought.

In the entire 5 minutes at the North Shore Garden Arena, the two teams combined for a total of 17 shots and all missed.

Among them, the Lower Merion double iron team jointly contributed 7 irons.

It wasn't until the second half of the third quarter that Su Feng personally ended the blacksmithing feast staged by the two teams.

In the low post, after wiping Leonard away, Su Feng pulled the ball with his backhand against Duncan's help.

At the end of this quarter, relying on Kobe's performance of 6 of 6 free throws when he went to the free throw line three times in a row, the Lakers rewritten the score of the two teams to 75 to 70 before entering the final quarter.

In the fourth quarter of the game, none of the Celtics' main players, who had accomplished their feats, took a break.

As for the Lakers, Coach Lu also left Su Feng and Kobe on the court.

In the first half of the final quarter, the Celtics took the lead at the beginning and then made 1 of 5 shots from the field. Ariza hit two consecutive three-pointers from the outside, giving the Celtics the lead in one fell swoop.

CCTV, when the Lakers selectively shorted Ariza, had already prepared to call Coach Zhang a good player, but he almost didn't get choked to death by Ariza's sudden outburst.

Fortunately, Su Feng and Kobe then hit a mid-range pull-up from the left and right wings respectively, regaining the lead for the Lakers.

At this point, the fourth quarter of the game has also entered the most nerve-wracking tug-of-war stage of the game.

On the court, the Lakers are strong, and the Celtics are following suit.

When the Lakers advance, so do the Celtics.

With 57.9 seconds before the end, Su Feng hit a three-pointer over Leonard, almost sealing the victory for the Lakers.

But after the timeout, it was Ariza again, facing Kobe and hitting a very difficult three-pointer for the Celtics.

At the North Shore Garden Arena, the score gap between the two teams returned to 1 point again.

Because there are still 37.1 seconds of attack time on the court, during the timeout, Director Lu also reminded the Lakers players that if the Celtics do not choose to foul, the player responsible for executing the final attack must make this attack Time is running out.

On the field, when the players from the two teams returned to the field, there were no fans sitting and watching the game.

In the stands, Celtics fans tried to interfere with the Lakers' serve with their boos.

But in the end, the basketball was handed to Su Feng contrary to expectations.

Seeing this, Leonard sighed and finally chose to foul.

At this time, on CCTV, Yu Jia also explained to the fans in front of the TV why the Celtics chose to foul in this attack.

"With one point behind, Celtic had two options for this goal.

One option is to defend the Lakers and then go for the final attack.

The other option is to give the Lakers two free throws. "

Admittedly, in the NBA, most coaches will choose the former.

But because the Lakers replaced Curry, Su Feng, Kobe, Bogdanovic, and Green in the final attack...

Therefore, Karl and Bird are also very worried that the Lakers will choose a three-pointer in this offense and successfully hit it.

Therefore, rather than being pushed back to 4 points by the Lakers, the Celtics chose to foul at this time, in addition to ensuring that the Lakers were only given two points...

Moreover, as long as the Celtics' next attack is fast enough, theoretically, after quickly recovering a two-pointer, they will still have at least one offensive opportunity.

no doubt.

This is a very wise choice.

Because based on Su Feng's offensive tendencies, when the Celtics are not flanking or fouling, there is indeed a high probability that he will choose to pull up directly from the outside.

And once the Celtics choose to flank...

Is the Lakers' lineup of five players just for the taking?

On the court, Su Feng made two free throws in the face of boos from the audience.

At this time, Kobe, whose performance was average tonight, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tell me, they won't just force a three-pointer in the next attack, right?" Since the Celtics requested a timeout after Su Feng made the free throw, they walked back to the bench with Su Feng. , Kobe also asked with a worried look. UU read the book www.uukanshu. net

"Didn't that just give you a chance to show off?

Of course, I mean, if they can make the shot. "Patting Kobe's shoulder, Su Feng said with a smile.

"Is it possible for you, old man, to pass the ball at this time?" Knowing the Lakers' last attack, Director Lu will definitely arrange for Su Feng to play, and Su Feng has never passed the ball before Kobe Bryant Bai Su Feng. Feng said after taking a look.

“It also depends on who the target of the pass is!

If it were you, I would be very willing to pass the ball for you. "Su Feng said while hugging Kobe.

"I always feel like you're fooling me again." Kobe said.

"Hey! Why did you suddenly become so smart?" Su Feng said happily.

North Shore Garden Arena.

For the nearly 20,000 Green Army fans at the scene and countless fans in front of the TV, this timeout was undoubtedly a torment.

Because in this series, the Lakers were dramatically chased by the Celtics for two consecutive games...

But why should we be so worried at this time?

Give it a good time!


After the pause.

Players from the Hukai team returned to the court.

In order to protect the rebounds, the Lakers replaced Curry and Bogdanovic with Adams and Garnett.

In order to attack, the Celtics replaced Tony Allen with Korver...

PS: 8.6K big chapter brought! Well, as an apology for the previous "10,000 Novs", we will continue with 8K tomorrow!

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