Although Su Feng's explosive performance in the Western Conference Finals made the Celtics coaching staff somewhat despairing when studying the Lakers...

But in order to increase the cost of Su Feng's shots, when Su Feng holds the ball or prepares to hold the ball tonight, the Celtics' defense will obviously tilt their attention towards him.

However, what caught both the Celtics and Lakers off guard was...

Because the referees restarted the "Su Feng Rules" in the finals under Stern's instruction...

Therefore, while the Celtics could not predict in advance that they could increase the cost of Su Feng's shots on the court as they did in the past, the Lakers' opening layout was also disrupted.

At this time, Kobe, who was the first to stand up and break the deadlock, not only fully demonstrated his ability to read this kind of game, but also, as Maple Emperor's deputy, he also successfully prevented Su Feng from consuming a lot of energy due to strong attacks in the opening stage. Physical fitness.

In Su Feng's previous life, after acquiring Pippen, the reason why Jordan was able to soar was precisely because he played under the defensive standards of the 1990s. Even the God of Basketball needed someone to help him get through the physical peak of regular time.

Previously in the Western Conference Finals.

Don't worry, Kobe will also have his moments.

But because Su Feng did not have "Su Feng's Rules" at that time, no one among the known species on earth could stop him, so...

It’s not so much that Kobe Bryant’s state in this year’s Western Conference Finals has declined significantly compared to last year, but that in order to win, Kobe Bryant chose to help Su Feng with peace of mind. .

In the Western Conference Finals against the Warriors, Kobe's ability to always stand up at critical moments is the best proof.

That is, as age increases and the mind becomes more mature...

Right now, for Kobe, winning is above all else.

On the court, after Parker scored two points for the Celtics through a floater.

Coming back, the Lakers stood at 122, with Kobe sinking into the low post to single out Ariza.

Judging from the Celtics' defensive strategy tonight, even though Kobe's previous performance made his danger level far lower than last year, the Celtics still showed great respect and sent out the most effective team in Miller-Carr's opinion. Ariza, who restricted Kobe Bryant, came to confront him.

Because Ariza, who is 203 centimeters tall and has a wingspan of 218 centimeters, not only has a wider defensive area in theory than Mr. Allen sitting on the Celtics bench.

Moreover, on the offensive end, Kobe also devoted some of his energy to defending Ariza.

after all......

No matter how stubborn Tie Zha is...

Occasionally stealing one or two three-pointers from you is not a good experience for the Lakers.

In addition, because in terms of tactical focus, people such as Leonard, Gerald Wallace and Tony Allen were all prepared by the Celtics for Su Feng, so in the eyes of Karl and Bird Come on, Ariza is undoubtedly the best person to be responsible for defending Kobe Bryant in this series.

So now comes the problem.

How effective is the iron bar against Kobe Bryant?

The answer is that Ariza did a good job of limiting Kobe's outside shooting and the "black slow bus"'s breakthrough.

However, once the Lakers form a triangle, Kobe will sink into the low post.

The offensive and defensive situation of this matchup will immediately change.

In Su Feng's previous life, many people thought that most of Kobe's offenses were unreasonable.

However, this statement is obviously not objective enough.

Because comparing the career records of Kobe Bryant and Tony Allen, Ariza, and Wallace, you will find...

When facing different opponents, Kobe will not foolishly choose the same offensive method.

In Su Feng's previous life, Kobe had played against Wallace a total of 21 times in his career.

Because most of the fights between these two people were concentrated in their peak periods, they are of more reference value.

In these 21 games, in addition to averaging 29 points per game, Kobe also averaged an astonishing 24.8 shots per game.

As everyone knows.

In a basketball game, being able to limit a scorer's shots or increase the difficulty of his shots is far more important than one or two steals and one or two blocks.

Because if you can't limit the opponent's scorer from the source, then your defense is not successful at all.

It is true that in the fighting record between Wallace and Kobe, the two did not face each other every round...

But the reason why Wallace, who is strong and athletic, always gets frustrated in front of Kobe...

It is precisely because Kobe can always take the lead in occupying the high ground of IQ when playing against him.

Look, what does it mean that players who are faster than me and stronger than me are not smarter than me?

And in the record of 34 career matches with Tony, you can clearly find that Kobe will always complete the offense in the simplest and most brutal way.

Since Mr. Tony is the famous candy in the NBA, he can annoy you to death even if he can’t stick to it, so old fans who have watched Kobe Bryant and Mr. Tony play against each other should all know...

In front of Teacher Tony, Kobe would not hesitate as long as he could throw.

In Su Feng's previous life, Mr. Tony, who played with Kobe from his peak until his retirement, never really restricted Kobe's shots in games until Kobe's retirement season.

Of course, in front of Teacher Tony, Kobe's overall shooting percentage in their 34 games was indeed only 41%.

But compared to Durant, who always shows off in front of Teacher Tony, you can easily find that Kobe's scoring distribution is relatively stable when facing off against Teacher Tony.

As for Ariza...

In 26 career matches with Ariza, Kobe averaged 25.2 points per game and shot nearly 45% from the field. Not only was he always able to avoid Ariza's strengths to complete his shots...

And like tonight...

As long as he can attack from the low post, Kobe will never give Tiezha the chance to "stop with one elbow".

CCTV, looking at Kobe Bryant sitting in the low post with Ariza, Director Zhang smiled and said: "The Lakers are right to play like this. Since Leonard is so defensive now, Kobe should be allowed to rush into the low post first." Let’s talk about it later!”

Indeed, in Kobe's career, unreasonable offense was one of his personal trademarks.

But even Su Feng had to admit...

Many of his offensive options back then were also learned from Kobe.


In the low position, although Tie Zha's strength is not as weak as he looks on the outside, he faced the "Philadelphia Malone" and hit hard...

Ariza's center of gravity was knocked away by Kobe.

Then, kick your legs, stay in the air, turn over, and lean back.

After Kobe Bryant's punch combination, the Staples Center instantly shouted the name of this "slow snake"!


"nice shot!

So why is Kobe the most indispensable player for this Lakers, besides Su Feng?

Because only he and Su Feng have the ability to make the final decision! "CCTV, Director Zhang said with excitement.

On the court, Celtic have the ball.

Duncan used a diligent pick-and-roll to grab an outside jumper opportunity for Ariza.

But under the curse of hundreds of millions of lake honeys, Tie Zha's shot caused Su Feng to dream back to the past in an instant!

Damn it Ariza!

If Tiezha hadn't vomited countless cakes back then...

Then how could Su Feng only win the assists title once?

You know, Su Feng during the Miami period was recognized by the world as the most reasonable stage of his career.

But, if Ariza can be as accurate as Ray Allen...

Then how could his net worth be only this small?


On the court, Su Feng retreated to the basket, and with Garnett's initiative and humility, he protected the rebound for the Lakers.

However, because the Celtics retreated quickly, the Lakers failed to form a transition offense.

At halftime, the Celtics still moved from small plus to high position to play a triangle with Suko.

"Oh! Look at Kobe's strength!

He hasn't even exerted his strength yet! Ariza himself couldn't stand! "CCTV, as a "famous science player" that Kobe once paid someone to translate his commentary for himself, don't ask, the question is that in the eyes of Director Zhang, no one can replace Kobe's status!

In the low post, after Kobe's shoulder shook slightly, Ariza took a step back like a frightened bird, and in an instant, Kobe was given the opportunity to pull out in front of him.

Sideways, face frame.


"Kobe Bryant is amazing today!" Director Zhang exclaimed on CCTV.

In front of the TV, before the start of the finals, the Kobe fans who had already thought about hating Kobe from the perspective of "winning by lying down" suddenly fell into silence.

"Don't worry, the game has just begun!

If he keeps fighting like this without thinking, he will definitely become tough later! "

At Staples Center, after Duncan recovered two points for the Celtics, it was the Lakers' turn to attack.

As a result, what made the hackers black-eyed was...

After the ball passed Ariza in the low post...

Kobe actually passed it!

Inside, Garnett followed up and once again completed a dunk on the stage of the Finals after an absence of 7 years!

Seeing this on the sidelines, Karl took the lead and took the timeout.

During the timeout, Karl wanted to replace Ariza.

But Bird on the side reminded him that once Ariza comes off the court and replaces Tony Allen, the Celtics, who lack outside firepower, will inevitably become smaller and smaller on offense.

This season, after more than half of the season, the Celtics were able to make it all the way to the finals because of the arrival of Korver and Ariza, who filled the vacancy left after Ray Allen left.

“But you can’t ask me to replace Kyle (Korver) now, right?

Kobe is in great shape right now. "Karl said helplessly.

“Change it to Manu!

Since Trevor can't control Kobe, why not trade Manu for Kobe? "After touching his chin and thinking for a while, Bird said.

Hearing this, Karl no longer hesitated and immediately turned around and called Manu Ginobili.

After the timeout, the game continues.

Then the hackers in front of the TV climaxed.

Because as soon as he came on the court, Saomanu hit Kobe and hit a long three-pointer that caused all the Celtics fans and coaching staff to have a cardiorespiratory arrest.


Excuse me.

I, Ginobili, have my own style!

Even the end of the world can't change my playing style!

In the first quarter of the game, the Celtics' active substitutions achieved quite good results.

Thanks to the steady performance of the three GDP players, at the end of the first quarter, they led 33 to 31 in away games.

For the Lakers, Kobe made 4 of 6 shots. Counting free throws and three-pointers, he scored 13 points, 2 rebounds, and 3 assists for the Lakers.

In order to preserve Su Feng's physical fitness, the Lakers' main players tacitly assumed more offensive responsibilities during the game.

In the second quarter, the Lakers replaced Adams, Middleton, Bogdanovic, Green, and Livingston.

As for the Celtics, in addition to Wallace, Teacher Tony, and Korver...

Their substitute insiders seem to be more stretched.

The Celtics' backup center Olynyk is one of the few players on the Celtics who can play in the paint.

But the first-year player who was traded to the Celtics...

But he met his nemesis tonight.

That is......

Steven Adams, who can't move even if he's beaten by chickens and eggs.

In Su Feng's previous life, he was a famous dirty guy in the NBA. In the 2014/15 season, Love suffered a secret loss from Olynyk in a game, and his left arm was broken by this guy.

But in this game, Olynyk has not yet waited for his free fighting skills...

When fighting for rebounds, Adams' "Who dares to step forward" technique taught by Big Ben made Olynyk tremble with fear.

Good guy!

Is Jie Nima playing football or in WWE?

In addition, in games, although Olynyk can always use some bad moves to cover up the fact that he moves slowly...

But facing this group of players on the Lakers' second team, he had no room to perform at all.

Because the main offensive point of the Lakers' second lineup is to end the game with pull-ups.

In his early years, Livingston, who thought he was extremely talented, except for air cuts, now he can basically do it without making sudden changes.

And Middleton even opened it up and threw it away, regardless of whether it entered or not. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett

Among the Lakers' second team, the only one who likes to hit the basket for sudden points is Bogdanovic.

However, when I encounter this guy...

The Celtics, who lacked sufficient height on the bench, had nothing to do with him.

Because Bogdanovic is 203 centimeters tall, his weight this season has reached 105 kilograms, which is only 4 kilograms lighter than Celtics backup center Olynyk.

On the sidelines, on the Celtics bench, Bird couldn't help but regret it at this moment.

It's just that, as a generation of forced kings.

It's impossible to get Bird to admit that he didn't do a good job in recruiting the Celtics inside.

In the second quarter of the game, after struggling to support the return of the main lineup, the Celtics just regained their position.

As for the Lakers, Su Feng, who wanted to lead the team to open the score in one go, never expected that "Schrödinger" would actually side with Kobe this night.

On the court, after Su Feng made two consecutive attacks, Kobe immediately signaled Rondo to adjust the Lakers' offensive thinking.

"Oh! Kobe is still here!"

From the outside, after Kobe Bryant used a signature Yan Shot three-pointer for the Lakers to suppress the Celtics' point-chasing momentum...

In front of the TV, I saw that the fans who had followed the Kohei group to complain once again changed their words:

"The angels of Los Angeles have descended on the Staples Center tonight!"

PS: The cutest angel in the eyes of readers, the great Shui Danqiao, has arrived at this moment!

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