All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 851 Metaphysics NBA, Happy Lakers!

Yao Yao was replaced in advance, Curry and Klay were retained, plus Jimmy Butler, who did not play in the first quarter, and Paul Pierce, who came to vote in the summer.

One blows one.

If it weren't for the fact that there were "Mi Wolong", "Li Fengchu" and "Ya Youlin" in our second team, Su Feng might have been a little panicked.

Of course, the 11-point lead that Kobe established for the Lakers in the first quarter was also the key reason why Coach Lu dared to leave Suko on the bench to rest tonight.

In the second quarter of the game, Staples and the Warriors attacked first.

After Yao Ming moved up to the high post, on the wing, Pierce used his big butt to block Curry's open shot.

However, with the double DEBUFF blessing of "Open Shot" and "Staples", Curry tonight seems to be more trustworthy than Chris-I-Cannon at the "critical moment".

In Su Feng's previous life, there were always many fans who watched the game late and felt that the old fans' discussion of Curry's "Staples Curse" was a joke...

But this group of young fans may not believe it. .

As of before Su Feng's time travel and rebirth, Curry, who had a career three-point shooting percentage of nearly 44%, might not have missed it at the Staples Center... Anyway, that would have made 30% of his three-point shooting percentage pretty good. Joyful.

Moreover, fans who have paid a little attention to Curry's peak years should know that the years when Curry was at his peak happened to be the years when the Lakers were at their lowest.

Therefore, in terms of the defensive pressure our Lakers players were able to create on Curry at that time, if it weren't for the fact that reality is often more metaphysical...

In the 15/16 season, when the Warriors recorded 73 wins and 9 losses in the regular season, tying the league...

How could the Lakers become one of the only teams in the NBA to defeat the Warriors in the regular season?

It is true that Curry has played some wonderful games at Staples.

But in this venue that even Curry himself thinks is his nightmare...

Funny thing is, when Curry hit it big at Staples...

Most of its victims were the Clippers next door. (Note ①)

The damage has been transferred, it is true.

On the court, Curry seemed a little annoyed after missing an excellent opportunity.

Come back and the Lakers attack.

As a result, Curry felt extremely aggrieved...

Because the five players on the Lakers court at this time are Adams, Garnett, Bogdanovic, Middleton, Livingston...

So it’s not obvious that he is bullying elementary school students?

Yes, after another summer of hard work, Curry is indeed no longer a black hole in the Warriors' defense.

But as far as Curry's slender arms are concerned at this moment...

This group of strong men in our lake are specially prepared for James...

Who do you want him to guard against?

Bogdanovic is 203 centimeters tall and weighs over 220 pounds.

Livingston is 201 centimeters tall and weighs nearly 195 pounds.

Middleton is 201 centimeters tall and weighs nearly 220 pounds.

On the court, you don't even have to look for mismatches.

From the high post, after noticing that Curry was defending him, Livingston immediately raised four fingers.

On the sidelines, Van Gundy noticed this and wanted to call the police for Curry.

On CCTV, Director Zhang complained: "At that time, Riley once said that in the future, the NBA will be dominated by a group of forwards and defenders with a height of more than 2 meters.

Now it seems that Riley is indeed a good fortune teller.

Because although the Lakers' bench players are not as famous as the Warriors.

But because you can always find misalignments through your height and wingspan advantages...

So this is equivalent to what we often say: avoid the truth and turn to the imaginary.

I can avoid your strong points and keep attacking you by finding your weak points. "

Even though Director Zhang’s commentary most of the time is either “ooh” or “yo”, when it’s time to hit the nail on the head, Director Zhang’s comments are absolutely full of useful information.

In the first half of the second quarter, after Curry was beaten up by our Lakers guards one after another, and the primary school student failed to achieve the effect Van Gundy wanted on the outside, Van Gundy had to replace Curry with James.

no doubt.

on this night.

The primary school student once again ushered in his "darkest moment."

On the Internet, the ecstatic Kuhei people started tapping the keyboards in their hands. Regardless of whether they have money or not, now they can slap Kuli on the head as long as it is a mouthful.

That's it, that's it?

Can Stephen Curry also be ranked second in the player list (point guard) by ESPN?

On the sidelines, on the Lakers bench, Su Feng was happy looking at Stephen's eldest nephew who looked depressed.

Because as someone who has been there, Su Feng knows very well that no matter how well Curry plays, the path Curry will take in the future after becoming famous is destined to be questioned and controversial.

As JFK once said before his brainstormed...

Success can have countless fathers.

But failure is an orphan.

As an "epoch-making player" in a sense, there is no template to follow in the thorny road ahead, and people have to be dragged to meetings from time to time...

No matter past life or this life.

Even if he shoots through the sky countless times in the game.

Stephen Curry's basketball road will not be smooth either.

At the Staples Center, in the middle of the second quarter, Yao Yao and James' strong attacks gradually stabilized the situation for the Warriors.


While Suko was off the court, the Warriors missed their best chance to even the difference between the two teams.

This season, just looking at the lineup, the Warriors have indeed become stronger.

But if you look at the completion of a team...

The Lakers are far above them.

Everyone performs their duties.

The division of labor is clear.

In the sport of basketball, a successful team cannot be achieved simply by stacking stars.

Staples, when Suko returns to the court, some people may say, what kind of team basketball is a singles team like the Lakers?

But, if this group of people really noticed the contribution each Lakers player made to the team on both offense and defense...

Then they will definitely feel emotional.

At the team level.

The Lakers have quietly surpassed the Miami Heat, which many experts consider to be the model team in NBA history.

On the court, the unscientific Kobe continued his unscientific performance.

At this moment when someone could step forward to help him share the offensive pressure, Su Feng allowed James to fully experience the value of the title of "the strongest wing defender in NBA history".

Xiao Yao, who is about to turn 34, is still very good in his limited playing time.

But if you want to maintain your dominance over Adams and Xiaojia, two human shields with extremely thick health bars...

Xiao Yao also had to put in a lot of physical effort.

In the second half of the second quarter, when the point difference between the two teams was the smallest, the Warriors even caught up with the Lakers by only 4 points.

However, after the intermission, in the third quarter, the Lakers dominated the game.

Su Feng, who only scored 6 points in the first half, scored 22 of his 34 points in the third quarter.

Indeed, even as the god of basketball, Su Feng cannot guarantee that he will have excellent touch in every game.

But after Stern lifted the seal that had been placed on him...

The veteran, who will turn 36 next April, is the leading blaster in the league today.

Both wings exploded.

Top arc blasting.

With Kobe and Middleton providing restraint, Su Feng didn't make a single shot during the entire third quarter. They were all breakthroughs.

In front of the TV, many Lakers fans were sweating because of Su Feng's unusually strong and unusual style of play tonight.

After all, even if Xiaojia was able to contain Yao Ming on the outside immediately, this kind of Middle Eastern-style breakthrough would still rapidly consume Su Feng's physical energy.

But, when there is Kobe who can take the lead...

Why should Su Feng worry about his physical condition?

On TNT TV station, watching Su Feng tonight, O'Neal figured it out.

turn out to be.

The so-called "way to salvation" has always been in front of him.

"They are indeed the strongest partnership in NBA history, bar none." At the end of the third quarter, O'Neal said with emotion.

In the end, after the Warriors' counterattack failed in the final quarter, the Lakers at home successfully won the first earth defense game of the 2013/14 season with a 13-point advantage.

In the whole game, the finishing score of the two teams was 116 to 129.

Kobe, who played well in the first quarter, made 17 of 26 shots from the field, including 6 of 13 three-pointers and 11 of 12 free throws. He scored 51 points, 7 rebounds, and 7 assists.

Moreover, after this campaign, Kobe became the fourth player in NBA history to score 50+ goals at the age of 35.

The other three are Jordan, English, and Su Feng.

As for the Warriors, although a total of 6 Warriors scored in double figures throughout the game...

But with the Akron brothers combining for just 29 points...


Wasn't it because he was dragged to a meeting by Zhan Hei after the game?

“I wasn’t decisive enough in this game.

A lot of times, I’m too eager to show people what I’ve done over the summer.

In the next games, I will learn from my experience and continue to work hard. "At the press conference, when asked how he viewed his performance in this game, James, who had already read the book "Stand to Attention and Get Beaten", said this.

As for Curry, who is ridiculed as "Curry" by Warriors fans?

“During the game, I had many opportunities that I failed to seize.

I can't tolerate my poor performance.

Next, I will definitely use better performance to win back people's respect for me. "In the locker room after the game, when asked about the reason for the Warriors' defeat, Curry took the initiative to take the blame.

One thing to say.

In terms of mentality.

These "Akron brothers" who were beaten by Su Feng from childhood to adulthood are indeed much better than someone in the time and space where Su Feng currently lives.

You know, a few days ago, because the Sonics were defeated by the Bulls in the opening game...

So until now, someone is still opening a trumpet account and playing against black fans.

"Su, what do you think is the probability of you defending your title this season?"

In the Lakers' locker room, Su Feng also accepted an interview with reporters shortly after the game against the Warriors.

As a result, just when people thought that Su Feng would win the cup like before, who would have thought that he, who had just "assisted" Kobe to defeat the Warriors, said in an unusually low-key manner: "The Lakers are still a team that needs to be adjusted.

I don't think now is the right time to talk about defending the title. "

That night, the reporters and fans who heard Su Feng's answer felt that Su Feng was too conservative.

But a few weeks later...

As the Lakers lost to the Hawks, Bulls, Pacers, and Bucks during the team's Eastern Conference road trip at the end of November...

But people discovered...

Su Feng is simply a "great prophet"!

On the Internet, regarding the Lakers' performance after the start of the 2013/14 season, people have said that it is true that the Lakers "rob the rich and give to the poor".

Because it’s okay to lose to the Hawks and Bulls...

After all, as a team that has reached the finals for the past three consecutive years...

Even if the Hawks were beaten to a pulp by the Lakers in the 2012/13 Finals, they are still one of the strongest teams in the Eastern Conference.

As for the bull…

Since Rose has recovered well in the new season with the help of Grover, and the newly joined team Harden has become a star defender in the East...

Therefore, in the long regular season, if the Lakers lose to the Bulls, they will lose.


What the hell is losing to the Pacers and Bucks?

In the former, Granger, the star of the team, is still recovering from his injury in the hospital bed.

And the latter...

Isn’t it the eastern version of Mosaic in recent years?


Or could it be said that Su Feng had already predicted the mentality of his teammates in advance?

It’s true.

After successfully setting a new NBA regular season record last season...

Right now, this Lakers team has no desire for the regular season.

To put it simply...

If they are playing opponents like the Warriors and Celtics who are worthy of seriousness in the eyes of Lakers players, this group of people will immediately switch to serious mode without even having to be reminded by Su Feng.

But what about other teams...


Rather than competing seriously, the Lakers' goal this season has become to have the whole team happily...shushuashuashuashua!

Last season, because all the major statistics shrank significantly, the task of helping Long to regain the All-Star status was put on the agenda of the Lakers as early as the beginning of the regular season.

In addition, in addition to Long's guidance, young Middleton also needs the ball to build his reputation.

Not to mention Su Feng and Kobe...

Both of them are well-known veterans on the road.

Therefore, after defeating the Warriors earlier, how could Su Feng pretend to be the kind of person who was destined to be slapped in the face?

Because they want to have fun in the game, the Lakers must lower their defensive intensity to further speed up the pace of the game.

In addition, during the regular season, Lakers players will not activate sage mode only when playing against teams they regard as competitors...

So, before getting ready to sprint towards the leaderboard...

As a leader who knows how to relax...

Su Feng's only request for the Lakers is to be happy and not be too far behind other teams in the record rankings.

Although he is the most unlucky person in the NBA today...

Su Feng also wants to win all the games the Lakers can win.

But past experiences and lessons have already told Su Feng that as a team that has just finished the finals, the Lakers also need this wave of happiness to reduce their consumption and load in the regular season.

So before you’re ready to ask for it all…

Only Su Feng would vaccinate people in advance.

The Lakers need to "run in".

Even at the start of the regular season, the Lakers have already won games against the Celtics, Nets, and Warriors.


The Lakers still need to "run in".

Time flies.

At the end of November, the Lakers ended the team's first month with a losing streak.

And in early December...

Just when many Lakers fans are worried about the Lakers' recent state, the Lakers have finally ushered in an opponent who can make them a little more serious.

And the interesting thing is...

before the Lakers depart for Seattle.

Because of the unfavorable start to the new season, UU Reading www.uukanhu. net So for Luo Dewei...

They also regard this game with the Lakers as a game that can make the team bottom out.

“I believe we can win against the Lakers.

This will be our best chance to prove to people that our overall strength has not been compromised but has been improved by the hard training we put in over the summer. "In recent times, Durant, who has been criticized because of the good life of Ha Xiaopang next door, said in an interview before the game.

“I think the Lakers’ recent losing streak gives us an opportunity to take advantage.

Their morale was low and their tactics were in disarray. "On the other hand, because his face was almost swollen from Harden, in order to boost the team's morale, Fisher had no choice but to use his always "rational and objective" analysis.

So now comes the problem.

Are the Lakers really suffering from low morale and chaotic tactics due to their recent "honey losing streak"?


Whether the tactics are chaotic or not, I dare not say.

But on the evening of the 2nd, on the team's bus heading to the SuperSonics home court...

Yang Shaoxia, who had just joined the team in the summer, felt as if the Lakers were going to war.

Introducing the atmosphere!

Introducing murderous intent!

Are Jie Nima still the Lakers that I remember living on the "Happy Planet"?

PS: Well, I’m celebrating the New Year and my waist has been twisted again...but your pretty queen is still infinitely arrogant! Have fun, have fun, but don't make fun of your pretty length!

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