All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 89 Come and show me how much progress you have made

Although he had been a keyboard warrior in countless dynasties in his previous life, when the NBA was really in front of him, Su Feng thought he would be nervous, uneasy and restless...

However, on September 5, when Su Feng walked into the 76ers' training facility, he found that he was overthinking.

There was no nervousness, no apprehension, and no restlessness.

As the 76ers players gathered one after another, Su Feng looked at these "lambs" waiting to be slaughtered like a rich man...

Oh, these damn tool people!

Why are the blacksmithing values ​​​​for each one so low?

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Su Feng had obviously forgotten what kind of monsters and monsters he had trained with him this past summer...

In the summer, before leaving, the iron value that Kobe could provide him had risen to 4,700 points.

And Ben Wallace rose to 3,500 points.

As for AI, it is as high as 7,000 points...

This kind of tool-man setting that can grow, among other things, Su Feng wanted to introduce the system in two words:


It is worth mentioning that when the Iron Triangle entered the training hall, they undoubtedly became the most handsome boys in the entire training hall.

After Coleman was traded for Su Feng, the 76ers made some minor repairs to the lineup in the summer.

Generally speaking, in Su Feng's view, the current 76ers perfectly meet all the requirements of a bad team.


Su Feng was very satisfied.

After the 76ers players arrived at the training facility one after another, head coach John Davis led his two assistant coaches to let the players introduce themselves.

After all, compared with last season, the 76ers' lineup has changed a lot this season.

When introducing himself, Su Feng noticed two people.

One is Clarence Witherspoon, who claims to be 201 centimeters tall, but is a bit shorter than Su Feng when wearing shoes, and has elbows no less than those of Wallace;

The other one was Stackhouse, who had been staring at him since he entered the door.

As the No. 9 pick in the first round of 1992, Witherspoon, nicknamed "Big Spoon", averaged 16.7 points and 9.7 rebounds per game last season. He is a short and strong forward with amazing athletic ability.

Su Feng remembered him because he was a teammate of Yao Yao in his previous life and was a member of Mosaic's old generals group.

As for Stackhouse, he was the village chief when Su Feng and Kobe were still in the "Novice Village", and his experience points were wiped out by two cups of tea.

"Hey, Jerry's bullfighting and blacksmithing value has increased to 5800 points?"

Su Feng was shocked. He never expected that classmate Si Hao understood him so well?

In Su Feng's view, Stackhouse must have been prepared to be "named" by him, so he studied hard in the summer.

Perfect logic!


Therefore, when seeing Stackhouse's unfriendly eyes towards him, for some reason, Su Feng felt that it was no big deal if he didn't have Kobe.

Su Feng decided to call Stackhouse's name when he got the chance, and develop this guy into his number one tool during the season.

Although AI's iron value is very good, Iverson's defense is really bad.

As for Da Ben, Su Feng still had to wait for him to level up and gain reputation.

Because the blacksmithing value given by the system is based on all-round comprehensive considerations.

On the court, because today is not a media open day, Davis decided to let the players undergo physical tests before arranging the next phase of the training plan.

In fact, most of the time, in pre-season training camps, the main job of coaches is to help some unconscious players lose weight.

For example, Barkley was gasping for air on the treadmill in Space City.

"Su, it seems that you practiced hard during the summer."

Looking at Su Feng's tendons, assistant coach Jason, who was about to arrange for Su Feng to take a physical test, smiled.

As the saying goes, you can never imagine the happiness of rich people in capitalism...

Su Feng just used his happiness in the training hall, trainers and basketball training.

Beat it away, that damn glory and wealth!

Ten minutes later...

"Oh no!"

"Oh my God!"

"It's true, it's true!"

After Su Feng's physical test began, the 76ers' coaches raised a big question mark one after another...

And many children with this question mark.

Although after entering the NBA, there are not many players who can further explore their physical potential...

But Su Feng, his strength, speed...

Especially the speed test, everyone was stunned.

"What's so strange about this?

Su was originally a sprint genius. The coach who tutored him in sprint training also said that if he couldn't play basketball, he would definitely break the 100-meter world record. "

Iverson on the side spread his hands and "looked up" at the crowd like a king.

Because he saw Su Feng making progress every day during the summer vacation, from Iverson's point of view, Su Feng's progress had become a matter of course.

The same is true for Ben Wallace. Looking at a group of naive coaches, Ben suddenly felt that he was not too stupid after all...

Generally speaking, Su Feng's off-ball running speed of 89 and ultimate sprint speed of 93 are quite outstanding even in the NBA.

After watching Su Feng's speed and strength test, Stackhouse's eyes were widened.


This is impossible!

I am the most handsome young man who was born in 1995, my junior student Jordan...

This must be an illusion!


After the physical test, Su Feng has become a positive teaching material for the 76ers coaching staff.

Look, this is the person who studied hard in the summer.

Look at your big bellies. Are you embarrassed to say you are an NBA player?

Listening to John Davis's lectures to other players, Su Feng felt like he was in a pill...

Sure enough, there was a reason why Davis only served as the scapegoat for one season in his previous life.

This guy has obviously only half learned "Emotional Intelligence" and "Position"!

Su Feng noticed that after Davis finished his lecture, even Witherspoon began to look at him unfriendly.

At this time, Iverson was already standing behind Su Feng.

"Don't panic, those hidden rookie rules don't apply to us." Iverson patted Su Feng on the back.


Okay, anyway, you have helped me offend most of the alliance, do I still care about these people?

Let the artillery fire come more fiercely. Do you see it? Shoot it to death!

If I took half a step back, I wouldn't be Iron Man!

Generally most of the time...

It's not a good thing for newcomers to be too "arrogant".

But Su Feng found that for him, this kind of "arrogance" that he was forced to establish was actually an opportunity.

Because at least this saves you the trouble of talking trash.

In this way, Su Feng's happy pre-season training camp career began...

In Los Angeles, after finishing the first day of training of the Lakers' pre-season training camp, Kobe Bryant fell asleep as soon as he got home.

In his dream, Kobe once again dreamed of himself dunking over Su Feng wearing the Lakers No. 8 jersey.

"Hey hey hey..."

However, just when Kobe's dream reached the sweetest part, he was suddenly awakened by his cell phone.

"Damn it!"

Kobe cursed a few American curses in his mind, and then answered the phone in a daze.

"Hey, Kobe, go buy us some beer and bring it over here..."


Well, no one can escape the traditional NBA art of bullying rookies.

Although Kobe complained a few words in his heart, he knew that if he rejected these old players today, he would probably be isolated next.

It is normal for rookies to run errands for veteran players in the NBA. Generally, rookies will not refuse as long as they don't go too far.

So, Kobe put on his clothes and drove out.

However, Kobe, who was not very familiar with Los Angeles at this time, was embarrassed when he came to a store...

Because the clerk told him that this store only delivers takeout.

However, while frustrated, Kobe suddenly had an idea...

"I'm a player for the Los Angeles Lakers." As he said this, Kobe took out his driver's license.

Although Kobe was only a rookie at this time, the clerk in this store was obviously a Lakers fan.

Because through the glass window, Kobe saw him wearing the Lakers' No. 32 jersey...

"Then why are you still standing there? Come in!" The clerk excitedly opened the door to Kobe.

Kobe was happy, thinking that it was me.

"If Su was teased by the old birds, he wouldn't be able to think of this method, right?" Kobe said with a happy smile.



It's a pity that Su Feng didn't know what Kobe was thinking at this time, otherwise Su Feng would definitely tell him: I'm really not that smart.


You may not believe it, but Su Feng didn't have a chance to show off his wit.

On the second day of the 76ers' preseason training camp, during a half-court three-on-three, Ben Wallace shocked the audience.

His big elbows and his screams every time he grabbed a rebound made some veterans who originally wanted to tease Su Feng feel scared...

Because for a man who looks like he can kill a cow with one punch, he...

Actually behaved like a cat in front of Su Feng?

And the most important thing is that after Witherspoon and Ben had a block duel, Witherspoon looked at Ben and sighed: "How did you gain such muscles?"

Daben scratched his head and said with a silly smile: "I was ignorant when I was in high school. I had a fight with Brother Charles. After that, he taught me how to exercise strength correctly."

Witherspoon asked curiously: "Which Charles?"

Big Ben said seriously: "Charles Oakley."

Witherspoon was shocked.

Charles Oakley?

The notorious evil leader?

How dare you fight with him when you are in high school?

But looking at Ben's expression, how could this kid look like a liar?

And when Ben saw Witherspoon's surprise, he said with some disdain: "What's this?

Sue also had a fight with Charles Barkley in Phoenix. "

Witherspoon: "???"

Well, please forgive me Ben.

Because Su Feng said that he and Buckley had done it, but in the eyes of the naive Ben, having done it meant that they had a fight.

So, after glancing at Su Feng, Witherspoon took a breath of cold air.

"Are all young people today so arrogant?"

Needless to say, Iverson has become an idol in the minds of many black people after the Hampton case ended.

Coupled with his status as the No. 1 pick, Witherspoon was not stupid enough to ask Iverson to carry his shoes.

Originally, Witherspoon was skeptical that Su Feng and Buckley had done this at first.

But no matter what...

Su Feng's current style of play can only be described in one word: turtle!

This kind of Middle Eastern-style breakthrough, you don't care whether he can get in or not, this guy looks like a ruthless person.

Well, it's not the veterans in the 76ers who follow their hearts, but the posture of the Philadelphia Iron Triangle. Who wants to be the one who stands out?

Witherspoon and others think about it, if a man can subdue a ruthless man like Da Ben, then he is definitely a master of fighting!

"Strange, why don't they let me carry their bags when I want to show my emotional intelligence?"

On this day, Su Feng felt that he had gone to the wrong set because it was different from the NBA he knew...


Su Feng misunderstood his "cute" teammates.

Why don't people want to exercise the old bird's power? The key is that there is always a strong man standing next to Su Feng, and Iverson also flirts with Su Feng from time to time...

Who dares to let him carry the bag?

To put it bluntly, the 76ers and Lakers are different.

There are many star players in the Lakers, so Kobe naturally looks small.

But on the 76ers...

The AI ​​with a height of "183" centimeters, UU Kanshu is the most stalwart person.

Don't ask, just ask, it's brother basketball.

On the side, Stackhouse, who had been observing secretly, was confused.

Excuse me, you weren’t so conscientious last year when you asked your employees to carry the bags!

From Stackhouse's point of view, this was not the fun he wanted to see.

Especially when he heard Iverson say not long ago that the team chose him, the No. 1 pick, to assist Su Feng, Stackhouse felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

"This guy is too arrogant! He must be killed for his arrogance!" Stackhouse thought angrily to himself.

And just when Stackhouse was thinking about how to "tease" Su Feng, he never expected that Su Feng would come to his door...

"Hey, Jerry, long time no see. I didn't even have a good chat with you yesterday." Su Feng walked up to Stackhouse with a smile and said.

Stackhouse: "..."

"I still remember that the last time you came to Lower Merion, you taught me and Kobe a lot of basketball skills." Su Feng continued.

Stackhouse: "..."

On the sidelines, many curious melon-eaters came closer at this time.

Stackhouse suddenly felt ashamed because the fact that he was defeated by two high school students last season has become a stain on his life.

However, just when Stackhouse was gearing up to find a reason to have another bullfight with Su Feng to regain his place, Su Feng beat him to it and said:

"I haven't had a bullfight with you for a long time. Come and let me see how much you have improved."


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