All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 844 Pressure is motivation!

Middleton's plan to "reinforce growth" is going well.

Like cheese, Middleton, who was flanked by the two "devils" Su Feng and Kobe, was teased by Suko in various situations in the early training. As time went by, he even started to "fight back." "These two big demons.

One day at the end of July.

When the careless Kobe wanted to bully the young man who was beaten up by him and Su Feng all day long, Kobe was shocked to find out...

This young man with no martial ethics actually defended himself on the defensive end continuously.

It is true that in one-on-one situations, even Kobe cannot guarantee that he will hit every ball.

But know...

When Kobe Bryant and Middleton were dueling, Su Feng, who was in charge of enforcing the law, didn't say that he was "blind". At the very least, it was Martin Atkinson who was playing in the Premier League... Well, he didn't bring it anyway. Eyes out. (Note ①)

Therefore, the average player would not want to guard Kobe in this situation...

I'm afraid that within three days of this kind of training, his mentality will completely collapse.

But Middleton not only endured tenaciously.

And during the one-on-one duel with Kobe, Su Feng discovered that in addition to carefully studying Kobe's singles habits, Middleton even gradually adapted to his own whistle-blowing scale.


In the NBA.

But among the players who can leave their names behind, no one is good at it.

"Kobe Bryant is the home of the Lakers boss".

Looking at the rapid growth of Middleton...

At this moment, Su Feng's mind almost instantly flashed back to the scene where he was teaching the young Zhan to play ball.

And Auckland...

Maybe I feel the "love" from His Majesty the King through the air...

James, who conducted special training with Curry this summer, is also training himself crazily.

In this life, after listening to the advice of the LOGO man, James did not choose to continue to gain weight to ensure his dominance.

Because from a tactical perspective, the Warriors can provide James with an unprecedented breakthrough environment, so this summer, James focused his special training on the top arc and the "lion throw" on the two wings.

In Su Feng's previous life, why was it said that James' three-point iron was a stereotype that people had formed about him for a long time?

Because for a while, let alone three points...

Even when it comes to free throws, James often makes one or two free throws.

On the one hand, this is because James' shooting talent is obviously weaker than that of Su Feng, Curry and others.

On the other hand, it is because continuous muscle growth and overly stiff muscles will definitely lead to a decrease in the stability of your shooting.

In this life, during the years when he chose to gain muscle, Su Feng, who had to adapt to a new weight every year, also experienced a decline in shooting stability.

In Su Feng's memory, the reason why "elementary school students" lost the "spirituality" in the words of Kuhei for a long time.

It was precisely because, after the 2015/16 season, Curry also chose to gain muscle.

Comparing the 21/22 season after Su Feng's rebirth and the 15/16 season, you can't find Curry's elbow.

Although on the NBA official website, Curry's registration weight has not changed much.

But it's obvious.

In the 21/22 season, Curry, whose elbows are as thick as Golden State's Big Bolton, has reached at least 93 kilograms. (Note ②)

Moreover, after gaining muscle, Curry attacks the basket more frequently when he is unable to open up a situation.

In addition, when Curry started to play, even after years of research, NBA teams have derived countless versions of his defensive strategies.

Curry's difficulty in guarding has also skyrocketed.

Because compared with the elegant "baby-faced killer" back then, Curry will transform into a "little steel cannon" who is more difficult to defend on the court only after completing the muscle gain.

And what about little Zhanzhan?

Although in terms of shooting talent, James cannot be compared with Su Feng and Curry.

But under the Warriors system, his impact and destructiveness have doubled. As long as he can ensure the hit rate of his "lion dump shot", his dominance on the court will also increase exponentially.

From 2003 to 2013.

It has been ten years since James entered the league with the title of "The Chosen Son" and "Su Feng's Only Successor".

Even in terms of personal honor.

James has already won the regular season MVP.


For him who has never tasted the taste of a championship...

No one knows how he survived every summer in the past few years!

James couldn't wait, and didn't want to wait any longer.


Just think of Su Feng's despairing and terrifying dominance in the previous round of the Western Conference Finals...

"No, I have to practice 500 more three-pointers today before going to sleep!"

On the training ground, James felt full of endless motivation!

I, LeBron James, was not born strong!

I just......

Have to be strong!

And on the other side, Boston.

Leonard, who grew up under the Celtics' resource tilt at all costs, is obviously not as anxious as His Royal Highness.

after all......

Even if the sky falls in Boston, Leonard will be supported by Deng, Bird, Karl and others.


Even if I can't understand James's mood, for Leonard, who just wants to bring something to the Celtics at this moment...

He also doesn't dare to waste any minute or second this summer.

Pull up, lean back.

Lean back, dry pull.

Leonard, who looks more like Su Feng in terms of model, thinks about the game in which that hot man scored 100+ points in front of him almost every day.

The more in-depth he studied and learned Su Feng's skills.

The more Leonard discovers...

Hot man...

It is simply the most powerful secret book that you will gain new insights every time you open it.

Su Feng...

He is so strong!

"Ah...ah--we owe you!" The camera returned to Los Angeles.

In August, Su Feng, who felt like someone was talking about him behind his back all day long, was surprised to find...

During this happy time of training Middleton with Kobe, in addition to Middleton's growth exceeding his expectations, Kobe, who is extremely competitive...

Actually, there is still potential to be tapped in terms of technical attributes!

Through the ability value viewing function of the blacksmith system, Su Feng noticed that Kobe's current three-point shooting and long-range three-point shooting have risen to 83 and 84 points respectively.

In addition, after the blacksmithing system was updated in July...

In terms of the new ability values ​​of forced shots and fake moves that can be viewed after the update, Kobe also received ratings as high as 98 and 97 respectively.

Although as Kobe's best friend, Su Feng thought it was quite unreasonable that Kobe didn't score 100 points for his ability to force shots.

But looking at Kobe who is still improving...

Su Feng couldn't help but feel that the enterprising spirit between people was really different.

In Los Angeles, as the time comes to mid-September, the summer training of the three of Sukomi has come to an end for the time being.

In late September, NBA teams began to gather one after another.

On this day, in the previous summer league, Steven Adams, who had performed well in the previous summer league, had just walked into the training hall in an anxious mood when he was pulled aside by Su Feng with a dissatisfied look on his face.

Seeing this, Adams, who didn't know where he had offended Su Feng, still had the tough guy image in Su Feng's memory at this moment?

In a corner of the Wohu training ground, I saw him who was aggrieved, weak, pitiful, and helpless, with his hands folded and his head hanging down, just like you when you were being lectured by the head teacher.


What Adams never expected was...

Su Feng was dissatisfied with him because he shaved his beard too cleanly...and his hair was too neat.




Didn't I just want to leave a good impression on you on my first day of officially reporting to the team?


Does paying a little attention to your appearance also become a point of dissatisfaction for you?

"You look like a little boy, Steven, tell me, are you really here to play basketball?" In the corner, Su Feng looked at Adams, who had no deterrent appearance. He said firmly.

What an international joke!

No more beard and fluffy hair...

Is TM still the first generation Ka forward Adams?

No bragging, no blackmail.

It's like asking Harden to shave his beard.

Because Adams without a beard is too "quiet"...

So Su Feng couldn't feel any sense of security from him at all.

"I understand. From now on, I won't shave my beard." On the training ground, Adams, who did not expect to be self-defeating, said to Su Feng with a look of grievance.

"Oh, by the way, your muscles have been trained well. It seems that you have not lost any effort this summer." After the training, Su Feng did not forget to praise Adams for adapting to the intensity of NBA competition. Gained 4kg of muscle in one month.

Unlike most rookies who enter the NBA and need time to adapt to the intensity and level of competition in the NBA.

Because Adams's model was already very solid before he entered the draft, on the first day of joint training, even Marc felt the power of the New Zealand forward when he was blocked.

On the other hand, Nick Young, who dared to beat Kobe Bryant in a one-on-one match just after joining the team, played with Kobe Bryant until the evening on the first day of training.

As for Garnett, who was previously disliked by Su Feng when he applied to join the Lakers...

What the hell is a former All-Star power forward, the lifelong enemy of Duncan and Nowitzki?

If only face could be used as food...

Isn't that person allowed to be strung to death?

On the training ground, on this day, in addition to keeping a low profile during training, Garnett even ran faster than Thackeray when carrying Su Feng's bag.

Anyway, it’s still the same sentence.

Is it embarrassing to carry Su Feng's bag for him?

Of course there is no shame!


In order to hold Su Feng's thigh tightly, what's wrong with carrying his bag and being his little brother?

You know, most people who want to carry... are not so lucky!

And in September, when NBA teams are starting preparation mode one after another...

In Seattle, the scene that SuperSonics fans least wanted to see happened.

Because after Fisher's previous success, the Sonics management believed that Harden did not deserve an extra 5 million yuan, and they seemed very hesitant to renew Harden's contract.

Therefore, the once famous fourth son of the Sonics has now become the third son of the Sonics.

On September 27, after the Sonics did not choose to match the Chicago Bulls' offer for Harden...

Starting next season, Harden will also officially wear a Bulls jersey.

In this life, because Rose did not win the regular season MVP, he did not have the opportunity to trigger the "Su Feng Clause". In addition, the Bulls' salary structure in the past two years is very healthy, so this summer, they are among the many players who can recruit Harden. One of the teams.

And if Rose, who was reimbursed last season, can be reborn under Grover's advice, the Bulls will undoubtedly become one of the spoilers in the Eastern Conference's monster room in the new season.

Although I don’t know if Harden can still play like he remembers when he goes to Chicago.

But from Su Feng's point of view, he is very optimistic about the combination of Harden and Rose.

In October, after the team practiced together for more than half a month, the Lakers officially held a media open day on the 4th.

On the day of the release, during the core makeup photo shoot, in addition to Xiaojia and Rondo, Middleton also stood in the middle with Su Feng and Kobe.

At the scene, a reporter asked curiously: "Su, can you tell us, is this the Lakers hinting to the outside world that Chris will become an important member of the team next season?"

Hearing this, Su Feng smiled and said: "Of course.

Chris will be one of the core players in our offense next season. "

On the side, a reporter asked: "But Su, if we remember correctly, Chris was just a role player who averaged about 7 points per game last season.

So, can you tell us what reasons make you think that he will become the core of the Lakers' offense next season? "

Su Feng nodded and said, "To be honest, Chris has been conducting special training with me and Kobe this summer.

You may not believe the results, but in the one-on-one session, even Kobe was no longer his opponent. "

Reporters: "..."

Damn it, is it true?

Can this young man named Khris Middleton really beat Kobe Bryant in a one-on-one session?

In the arena, the reporters surrounding Su Feng were stunned.

On the sidelines, when Kobe learned about Su Feng's statement, after pondering for two seconds, Kobe also revealed to the reporters: "Su still hasn't told you the truth.

Because this summer, it wasn't just me who lost to Chris in one-on-one sessions.

In fact, he also lost to Chris many times in one-on-one sessions. "

Reporters: "..."


Let’s hurt each other if we can!

"No, why are you so stingy?

What's wrong with sacrificing a little bit of your face and giving a little bit of confidence to a newcomer? "After the interview, Su Feng looked at Kobe and said with a "dissatisfied" look on his face.

After hearing this, after a pause, Kobe said: "Then I'm not lying! Didn't you lose to Chris in a one-on-one session?"

Su Feng: "..."

What you said makes so much sense, I am speechless!

"But, Su, are you sure that this will not put Chris under psychological pressure?" Kobe said suddenly while hugging Su Feng.

Looking at Kobe, Su Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "Pressure is motivation.

Young people, what can you do without a little pressure? "

PS: Bah, why are you still getting shorter? So short and pretty!

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