All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 838 Something more desperate than despair...

On the 10th, the first game of the Finals between the Lakers and Hawks was held at the Staples Center.

Since this year's Eastern and Western regional finals were extremely brutal, the start time of the finals was a few days later than in previous years.


Although in terms of schedule, the Eagles, who had just decided the winner after a tiebreaker with the Heat, got "very sufficient" rest before the start of the finals...

But on the evening of the 10th, during the warm-up, I looked at the Eagles players next door as if they had traveled to India before the game and drank a glass of aloe vera juice on the street...

For a moment, the Lakers players on the court couldn't help but marvel at the excellent matching mechanism of the "Eastern Monster Room".

As a witness to the Lakers dynasty that year, before the game started, Wade, who had led his team to the Finals for three consecutive years, did not exchange too many pleasantries when greeting Su Feng.

Because Wade, who is now 31 years old, is really afraid that Su Feng will tell him "the future is yours" again.

On the other hand, the pre-match conversation between the two Gasols was more interesting.

Before the game, the two men, who both accepted interviews with Spanish media, not only expressed their desire to beat each other to death in the game through the media, but also expressed their "deep brotherhood" through the media generously. For several months, they have blocked each other on social networks, but this does not mean that the brotherhood between them has been affected.

At the Staples Center, after the Finals appearance ceremony carefully prepared by the Lakers staff for the home team, the starting players of the two teams stepped onto the court one after another.

The Lakers' starting five: Kevin Garnett, Su Feng, Green, Kobe Bryant, and Rondo.

The Hawks' starting five: Ibaka, Dajia, Smith, Wade, Teague.

As we all know, due to the death of Buss, the Lakers obviously intend to keep everything simple in this year's playoff home games, whether it is the appearance ceremony specifications or live performances.

But since this year’s finals will still adopt a 232 format...

So before the start of the finals, after communicating with Bass Jr., the heir to the Bass family...

In order to avoid seeing the Lakers again after the first two games of the Finals, the specifications of the Lakers' appearance ceremony tonight are obviously different from those before.

In the center of the court, amidst the cheers of nearly 20,000 Lakers fans, Garrett, who successfully won the first offense for the Lakers during the jump ball session, officially kicked off the 12/13 NBA Finals.

Look at this unlucky kid Ibaka.

Because he strained his groin in the previous game with the Heat, he chose to play closed tonight, but he didn't even skip the jump ball!

On the court, Lang is responsible for dribbling the ball through half the court.

At this time, Lakers fans who had not seen each other for a long time discovered...

After the Lakers formed a triangle tonight, the player who fell into the low post turned out to be Marc Gasol!



Isn’t that a happy place for perimeter players?


Why did you get to the low position?

no way.

Even if Xiaojia works hard and doesn't complain...

After being beaten by Yao in six consecutive games in the Western Conference Finals, it was impossible for Su Feng and Kobe not to consider that they urgently needed a vent at this moment to deal with the changed mood of Xiaojia.

After all, you want the horse to run, but you don’t want the horse to eat grass...

Even Qidian readers, who are always known for being "mean", would not dare to exploit "tool people" like this!

The Eagles' insider, who was nicknamed "Iberian Ham" by Chinese fans in the Western Conference Finals, was happy.

Because Xiao Yao had eaten him with only bones left, and now he was like an "Iberian War Hammer" in front of Ibaka!



There are no complicated footwork.

Children who often play basketball should know this.

On the basketball court, the more "high-end" offensive skills are, the more simple and crude they are.

In the penalty area, after cutting through Ibaka, Marcia finally found the inside to regain his dignity as a center, and put the ball into the basket with tears streaming down his face!

0 to 2!


Moreover, in front of Yao Ming, he didn't even dare to speak loudly, but he hammered his chest and let out a deafening roar!

Good guy!

Forget it, you insiders formed a team to steal Garnett's unique skills...

The co-authorship introduction means that you don't even plan to leave the character to others?

On the court, it was the Eagles' turn to attack.

Before the game, Kobe used the internationally renowned gambling method "rock-paper-scissors" to gain Wade's defensive power. As soon as he came up, he pursued Wade with a frantic death spiral.


Under Riley's careful "training"...

Although Wade, who "resurrected" in the Eastern Conference Finals, puffed up his cheeks...

But at this moment, Lao Weitou's pace is comparable to that of a 70-year-old man, but there is nothing he can do against the young player Kobe.

Wade felt bitter.

On the Hawks' first attack, Wade, who was forced to downshift from "Flashman" to "Turtleman", unfortunately missed the basket for a layup under the interference of Kobe Bryant.

On the sidelines, the referee did not blow the whistle after hesitating for a moment.

Because Wade's ball is so slow that you don't even need slow motion to see it clearly...

So even if you want to find a whistle for Wade...

The referees can't pretend to be blind on purpose, right?

On the court, Su Feng grabbed the rebound and took advantage of the situation to launch a transition attack.

And on the sidelines, no matter how painful Budenholzer's heart is at this moment...

He could only find a needle to kill Riley's villain.

Do not ask......

The question is, although there is not as much attention as the Western Conference Finals...

But this year's Eastern Conference finals were even more brutal.

In fact, tonight, except for Ibaka, the Hawks played in a closed game...

Wade's good partner Josh Smith, the "poor version of James", also played in isolation.

As for the Lakers...


There is still a huge difference between pure fatigue and isolation.

In the six battles of the Western Conference Finals, Su Feng was the only one who, under Director Lu, really fucked him from beginning to end.

During the game, even Kobe was often pushed to the bench by Coach Lu for half a quarter or half a quarter.

Therefore, judging from the pre-game health of the two teams, the Lakers can be said to have completely defeated the Hawks, whose style of play was restrained by them.

On the court, Smith, who played with an injured leg, failed to catch up with the wind-like man.

Bang, swish!

At halftime for the Eagles, after Su Feng scored a fast break layup, it was 0-4!

When retreating, Kobe, who was on the fast break with Su Feng, said dissatisfied: "Why do you only care about your own happiness?"

After hearing this, Su Feng also said frankly: "Although the position of the boss can be given to you, the FMVP that should be grabbed... still needs to be grabbed!"

Kobe: "..."

The first game of the Nima Finals has only started less than 1 minute, and you are already thinking about FMVP?

You are so scheming, Su Gou!

On the field, it was the Eagles' turn to attack.

After adjusting his breathing, dragging his legs like lead, the front edge of Wade's emergency stop shot popped out.

In the penalty area, Kobe, who turned around and ran to the basket when Wade took the shot, was still a step slower after all.

Su Feng picked another one.

This time, the Hawks' defense retreated quickly and did not give the Lakers a chance to directly counterattack.


That man still had no hesitation and fired his first shot from beyond the three-point line tonight, 28 feet away from the basket!


0 to 7!

Director Zhang, who saw this scene on CCTV, laughed and said: "The Eagles' defense tonight was far worse than the Warriors' defense before... When Smith retreated so far when guarding Su Feng, wasn't that just looking for a throw? "

On the side, Yu Jia echoed: "That's true."

Eagles offensive possession.

Dajia, who wanted to punish his arrogant brother, had just been promoted to a high position, and he fully realized what it means to not obey the control of the brain.

Under Xiaojia's defense, Dajia, who originally only needed to turn around to leave him behind, not only failed to get rid of Xiaojia according to his original plan...

And in the face of Gargan's oppressive defense, he almost gave the ball directly to the Lakers.

Fortunately, although Xiaojia can't be beaten, Dajia can also guide his teammates through passing the ball.


Due to the miscalculation of Smith's cutting speed when passing the ball...

So under Kobe's dumbfounded gaze...

In this way, Dajia completed his contribution to Su Feng's great cause of winning the FMVP.

On the court, Su Feng made a steal and added one.

The Lakers fought back.

This time, Su Feng passed the ball to Kobe during the fast break and chose to have fun with the people.

But after adding one to Su Feng's assist data, Kobe couldn't be happy no matter what.

0 to 9.

In front of the technical stage, the Eagles, who had suffered successive setbacks in the opening game, had already taken the lead in calling a timeout.

During the timeout, looking at Su Feng who walked back to the bench with him, Kobe said "dissatisfied": "You are so naughty tonight... I have never seen you so focused on... Players who rack up stats!”

Hearing this, Su Feng, who knew that the price was not enough, smiled and said: "Well, if this year's FMVP is still mine, how about I cover all your meals this summer?"



I am the head of the Los Angeles Lakers...

Am I the kind of person who would choose to sell myself for just a few meals?

On the court, with Su Feng in his arms, Kobe turned from anger to joy and said, "I'm yours tonight!"

In fact, after six fierce battles with the Warriors, the Lakers, you may not believe it...

The man who was beaten to death by Coach Lu for six games is the most energetic player on the Lakers team at the moment.

Therefore, Kobe, who knew that there was a high probability that he could not beat Su Feng in terms of statistics, was he just coveting a few meals?

This is clearly him protecting the friendship between him and Su Feng in a way that makes O'Neal want to dive into the Pacific Ocean to feed the fish!

Staples Center, after a timeout, the Hawks attack.

Dajia hit a high jumper and finally opened up the scoring account for the Eagles.

However, Dajia was not happy at all after scoring the goal.

Because Xiaojia said to him angrily: "Is this how you respond to a seven-foot man?

You are so weak, Paul! "

Dajia: "..."

One thing to say.

At this moment, what Dajia probably regrets most in his life is that he did not put on a Barcelona jersey for Xiaojia when he took him to watch El Clasico away from home when he was a child.

On the court, it was the Lakers' turn to attack.

After the 122 position formed a triangle, Xiaojia sank into the low post singles and Dajia, who had previously switched defenses with Ibaka.



What a deep brotherhood!


What a blood is thicker than water!


What a close connection of flesh and blood!

In the penalty area, in order to hold back his crazy brother, Dajia really used all his strength this time.

Fortunately, because he exerted too much force, Xiaojia's side hook missed the basket.

But, just when Dajia turned around and was about to pick off the rebound...

But a figure suddenly landed from above his head!

Although as an outsider, Su Feng did not want to get involved in the affair between the Gasol brothers.


In order to ensure that the Lakers don't have any surprises in the finals, how could Su Feng, who didn't even teach Britney Chinese these days, let something as good as rebounds fall by the wayside to others?


In the Eagles' penalty area, Su Feng, who was overwhelming, made a back-up dunk to give the Lakers another victory!

In front of the TV, Stephen Curry, who was eating popcorn to soothe his mood, turned to look at James next to him and said, "Aren't we watching the NBA Finals? Why did it suddenly change to a horror movie?"

And hearing this...

James is also desperate.

Because there are only 5 days until the end of the Western Conference Finals...

But who would have thought...

Su Feng, who was almost beaten to death by the Warriors in the Western Conference Finals, has basically recovered?


Are you really only 35 years old?

Rubbing his still sore shoulders...

At this moment, James shook his head repeatedly and sighed: "So, we should give up the plan of using air-conditioning tactics to bring him down!

Because time simply cannot defeat him. "

Staples Center, the game continues.

The Hawks, whose scoring account was opened by Dajia after the timeout, failed to gain a foothold on the court as Budenholzer thought.

Because after the Eagles, who were already known for their athletic ability, lost their impressive athletic ability...

At this moment, facing the Lakers' ever-shrinking defense...

Who can you count on to space the floor?

On the court, Wade, whose legs were still heavy, couldn't hit the mid-range shot.

Coming back, the Lakers immediately launched a high-quality transition offense under the leadership of Su Feng.

Under the basket, Coach Lang received a pass from Su Feng and scored.

2 to 13.

TNT TV station, Stackhouse said bluntly: "Judging from tonight's opening, the Hawks are obviously not on the same level as the Lakers."

On the side, Smith said: "If the game continues to develop according to the current situation, I dare to say that the Lakers can kill the suspense of this game in just one quarter."

In front of the TV, for fans who have just watched the Western Conference Finals...

The game tonight was definitely not exciting. UUReading www.

Because in basketball games, one-sided games are the most boring games.

But for Hu Mi at the scene and in front of the TV...

After just coming off the Western Conference Finals rollercoaster...

It’s true.


Their only thought is that if the Lakers can defeat the Hawks in one quarter, they must not wait until two quarters!

Fuck the eagle!

It's that guy named Dwayne Wade!

Quick, hold him down and beat him to death!

On the court, after Wade provided another rebound for Su Feng, in front of the technical table, Budenholzer was ready to call the Hawks' second timeout tonight after the Lakers scored.

Bang, swish!

During the Eagles' half, Kobe, who was rushing down with Su Feng, easily scored his fourth personal point of the game.

2 to 15.

And at this time...

Who would have thought that this game started in less than 4 minutes?

On the sidelines, the Eagles' second timeout of the night has been taken.

In front of the TV.

Eagles fans are in utter despair.


Just think that there are still more than 40 minutes in this game, just think that this series has just begun...

Eagles fans found out in despair...

turn out to be......

More desperate things are yet to come!

PS: Ah~bah! I'll go first! short! waste!

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