Compared with Miami, which is about to suffocate Wade next door to death...

The Bay Area, with an average temperature of around 20°C in June, can’t be called a “paradise on earth”, but at least it can be considered a pleasant climate.

However, on the evening of the 4th...

As soon as they stepped into the Oracle Arena, the Lakers players couldn't help but smile bitterly the next second.

Before this round of the Western Conference Finals, Su Feng had predicted that because neither the Lakers nor the Warriors wanted to be taken advantage of by their opponents in the Eastern Conference after defeating each other, the air conditioning at the Warriors' home court would only go on strike at a moment of life and death. .

And the obvious thing is...

For the Warriors, who are already trailing 2-3 in this series.

This night is the moment of life and death that determines their fate.

"You now......

Do you still dare to say as confidently as before that you can compete in this environment like you did in the first five games? "On the court, during the warm-up, Kobe stuck out his tongue to dissipate heat, and Kobe looked at Su Feng and said.

"If I said, this is exactly the competition environment I dream of, would you think I'm wearing a special outfit?" Su Feng, looking back at Kobe, asked with a calm look on his face.

It is true that playing in this kind of "purgatory on earth" will be even more detrimental to the Lakers, who are already exhausted after the first five games...

But just like Su Feng said to Kobe at the end of the G5 game.

His physical condition this year is much better than last year.


Maybe it was because he had lied to Kobe so many times that Kobe lacked trust in what he said. So, looking at Kobe's "Really, I don't believe it" expression, Su Feng paused and then said : “There will not be a seventh game in this series.

Don't ask me why.

Because even if Jesus comes, it can't change the result that we will become the Western Conference champion tonight! "

Kobe: "..."



You are so crazy, does your family know? (Britney: Sorry, he has never acted like this in front of me.)

Due to a malfunction of on-site equipment, on the evening of the 4th, before the start of the game, the Warriors' home DJ had no choice but to convey the news through the radio to the fans attending tonight that only half of the air conditioning in Oracle Arena was functioning properly.

Fortunately, before the game, even the Lakers cafeteria lady knew that the air conditioning at the Warriors' home court was unreliable.

Therefore, on the bench, the Lakers coaching staff and substitute players took out the small fans they had prepared in advance.

Although in this extremely stuffy indoor environment, the small fan blows hot air...

But compared to being attacked unprepared by an opponent...

You can easily tell from these details...

The Lakers are indeed the most experienced team in the playoffs in the league today.

"Save the ice cubes! Don't you think that after using up the ice cubes we prepared ourselves, the Warriors will provide them to me generously?" On the Lakers' bench, people would come to see me from time to time. Lakers players who asked for a bag of ice cubes to dissipate heat saw our first assistant coach Walton not forgetting to remind them.

On the court, the big screen showed the starting lineup of the Lakers and Braves tonight...

Ten starting players from both teams also set foot on this "purgatory on earth".

Lakers: DeAndre Jordan, Su Feng, Green, Kobe Bryant, Billups.

Warriors: Chandler, Artest, James, Klay, Curry.

Because playing in such an extreme environment, how to preserve physical fitness will become a priority.

Therefore, Director Lu, who has become more and more experienced in protecting Su Feng's output environment, did not arrange for Su Feng to be the team's starting center tonight like he did in the previous three games.

In the center of the court, during the jump ball session, Chandler, who had been feeling "how lonely it is to be invincible" since the beginning of the G3 game, finally met a well-matched opponent tonight.


On the court, Jordan was the first to stretch out his long arms and jump for the Lakers' first attack.

After dribbling the ball past half court, Billups, who was arranged to start tonight under Lu's guidance, did not rush to launch an attack, but patiently controlled the ball in the high post.

Playing in this kind of "purgatory on earth", the too fast pace of the game will only accelerate the physical consumption of the players on the field.

Therefore, the Lakers' arrangement for Billups to start tonight is also a very targeted arrangement.


Just as Coach Bi was patiently observing the situation on the court, the Warriors' opening matchup tonight almost made Coach Lu suspect that there was a mole in the Lakers coaching staff.

On the left wing, Kobe, who was sweating profusely even before playing much, failed to go around and execute singles according to the Lakers' original plan.

Because, the player responsible for covering him tonight...


LeBron James!

“Even though I don’t want to admit it.

But I must praise you...

Tai Lun, you are worthy of being the coach in this league who has the most thorough understanding of the singles tactic. "On the Warriors' bench, after looking at Coach Lu, Van Gundy said with a look of reluctance.

At this moment, it's obvious...

After the first five games, Van Gundy has already reacted.

That is, compared to encircling and suppressing Su Feng.

Limiting Kobe's performance and reducing the help provided by other Lakers players to Su Feng is the best strategy the Warriors should take in this series.

After all, no matter how good the old Kobe's condition was before, his physical functions at this moment cannot compare with the peak.

What's more, the game is played in a game environment that is not friendly to the elderly tonight?

Oracle Arena.

In the Lakers' first attack, because the Warriors' defense expanded greatly and they attacked extremely fiercely, Billups had no choice but to conduct a sneak attack at the top arc without successfully executing the original plan.


It's a pity that Curry was also mentally disturbed by Billups in the first five games, so he intervened. Under Curry's interference, Billups' sudden arrow unfortunately failed to hit the target.

On the court, while retreating from defense, looking at Billups, Su Feng took advantage of the gap between the Warriors and said to him: "Chauncy, starting from the next ball, I will be the main attacker."

Hearing this, after being stunned for a moment, Billups immediately nodded.

Although, in his heart, Billups also wanted to ask Su Feng...

Playing in tonight's environment, starting the attack mode in advance will accelerate Su Feng's physical consumption.

However, looking at Su Feng's determined expression.

Billups only thought about it in his mind for a tenth of a second before making his decision.

On the court, it was the Warriors' turn to attack.

James, who was about to attack with the ball in the top arc, suddenly froze.

Because in this round of the Western Conference Finals...

Except for switching positions to defend the pick-and-roll.

This is the first time that James has...

Get attention from a hot man!

On the Warriors' bench, Van Gundy was shocked!

Because he was still thinking about how to consume Su Feng's physical energy...

I never expected that as soon as the Warriors kicked off tonight, they would receive a wave of "unexpected surprises"!

Su Feng!

Are you desperate for your life?

On the court, James did not hesitate with the ball.

Looking at the "gift package" personally delivered to the door by the Lakers, at this moment, even if he knew that this "gift package" contained a bomb, James had to defuse it!

Because this consumes Su Feng's physical energy...

Best opportunity!




From the top arc, after several physical contacts with Su Feng, the heavier James took the lead and rushed straight to the Lakers' penalty area after joining the ball.

However, Su Feng, who was moving at an alarming speed, blocked James' face before James took the last step to take off.

Near the three-second zone, James, who had to forcefully increase the arc of his basketball shot in order to avoid Su Feng's block, failed to take the lead for the Warriors.

However, on the sidelines, seeing such a determined little Zhanzhan, Van Gundy still applauded him.

In Van Gundy's view, even if James didn't score the ball, the Warriors had achieved what they wanted.

Because while collecting James' toll, Su Feng would also spend a lot of energy.

Under the basket, Jordan protected the rebound for the Lakers.

It's the Lakers' turn to attack.

At this time, less than 10 seconds before the surprise, Van Gundy felt that the Warriors had a "double happiness" tonight!

Because in the eyes of Van Gundy, Su Feng wants to win too much...

He actually activated his attack mode as soon as he came up!

Good guy!

This wave...

Is it true that he really doesn’t want to die?




On the court, after forming a triangle, Su Feng, who was sinking into the low post, immediately launched a real men's contest with Artest behind him the moment he got the ball.

And in this collision of muscles against muscles, the splashes of sweat are constantly reminding people...

This is a post-up play that consumes a lot of physical energy.


In the low position, at the moment when the final muscle collision was completed, Su Feng turned back and used his fingers to move the basketball toward the basket.


2 to 0.

On the court, when retreating from defense, Kobe was anxious.

"You clearly know that Ron's power is not inferior to yours... Why didn't you pass the ball just now?" Kobe said with a distressed look on his face as he looked at the sweat dripping down Su Feng's neck.

"Why should I pass such a good singles opportunity?" Su Feng asked with a smile.


Just be tough!

"You are our leader, your physical fitness must be reserved for more critical moments!" Kobe said, looking at Su Feng seriously.

"Kobe, haven't you figured it out? Now is our most critical moment.

This game is our only chance to end this series. "Su Feng said after patting Kobe on the shoulder.

Although losing Game 6 does not mean the end for the Lakers.


It’s true.

Right now, the Lakers are on the verge of running out of ammunition and food.

So even if Game 7 goes back to Staples...

By then, the Lakers will also be the side with a greater chance of losing the series.

As for deliberately conserving energy in Game 6 and finding a way to end the series after returning to Los Angeles?

Stop making international jokes!

With match points in hand, instead of trying to find a way to end the series, use the last game to play with your heartbeat...

Do you really think that Su Feng and the Lakers, whose hearts are made of steel, can guarantee superb performance in every game?

In fact, this is a simple probability question.

To put it simply, if you deliberately choose to retain your physical fitness and bet your fate in the last game, the Lakers' probability of advancement is 50%...

The Lakers who chose to fight for Game 6, even if they did not fight for the 50% in Game 6, still have at least a 35% chance of advancing in the final tiebreaker.

One is 0% plus 50%, and the other is 50% plus 35%.

If you don’t understand, just ask...

It's you, which option do you choose?


You said that if the Lakers were prepared to give up Game 6 in advance, the probability of advancing to Game 7 would be more than 50%?

Here comes the problem...

On the premise that you decide to give up the sixth battle...

How much energy do you think it will take for the Warriors to take down the Lakers?

And to take a step back...

Is it possible that the overall strength of this Warriors will actively weaken in addition to encountering unpredictable factors such as injuries?

Therefore, in Su Feng's view, tonight's battle was the time to give everything he had.

Sixteen years ago.

Since he, Michael Jordan, can surpass physical limits in the game.

Su Feng also believed that he could cross the so-called limit.

On the court, looking at James who wanted to eat him without even calling for a pick-and-roll, Su Feng cut off the basketball in his arms with a slap.

At this time, looking at Su Feng from the sidelines, the thoughtful Coach Lu said more firmly to Wharton beside him: "Jeff still doesn't understand Su well enough."

Hearing this, Wharton asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Which aspect are you referring to?"

Director Lu smiled and said: "Of course...every aspect!"

In Miami, in front of the TV, Riley, who had just led the Heat to a 3-2 match point behind the scenes in Miami, fumed in the air with a speechless expression: "Who gave them the courage?

Do you think time and competition conditions can defeat Su? "

In Boston, recalling the tragic five-overtime round, Duncan looked at Leonard sitting next to him and said: "He will never be defeated by the so-called game environment."

Leonard nodded and said, "I know, I already knew that night."

On the court, after Su Feng cut the basketball from James' hand with his own hands, Su Feng quickly went down and scored a layup.

4 to 0.

Come back and the Warriors attack.

On the sidelines, looking at Su Feng who was trying his best to defend James, Van Gundy's heart suddenly skipped a beat.


And just a few seconds later, Van Gundy suddenly realized a very serious problem.


Even if you think that the competition environment and time can defeat Su, haven't you ever thought about it...

Before that, is there any chance that you will be defeated by him? "In front of the TV, Riley couldn't help but complain. UU Reading

Oracle Arena.

It was still a steal from Su Feng!

At the top arc, at the moment when he was about to launch an attack with the ball, Xiao Zhanzhan, who was too eager to have physical contact with Su Feng, obviously forgot about the painful experience he had suffered under Su Feng's defense before.

NBA tips.

When trying to beat Su Feng alone.

Any offensive player who dares not to prioritize protecting the ball is a hero.

On the field, Su Feng scored two consecutive hits in a single fast attack!

6 to 0!

On the sidelines, Van Gundy woke up after seeing this and hurriedly applied for a timeout in front of the technical table.

At this time, while walking towards Su Feng, after letting out a long sigh, Kobe also said: "If my guess is right...

In this game, what you wanted from the beginning was to play the entire game, right? "

Su Feng nodded and said with a smile: "So, what if I say that in this alliance, you are the only one who understands me best?"

On the court, at the end of the timeout, Su Feng turned to Coach Lu and said, "Tailun, can you promise me something tonight?"

Director Lu: "Huh?"

“I’ll have plenty of time to rest after I die.


After I die tonight, let me rest in my place! "After smoothing his hair with his hands, Su Feng said to Director Lu word by word.

PS: Since all the hot men have returned like lightning, no matter how long and handsome the king is, he must return like spring thunder! Before 24:00 on the 12th, book a 10,000-word stamp and bet on my last ripple!

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