All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 660 The turning point in history, Su Feng’s wedding!

Don't look at the fact that the current director Lang is still just a newbie...

But as far as "Pattern" is concerned, he is not one of those ironheads who only think about how to beat Su Feng all day long.

As a young man with great ambitions, Rondo knows very well that for young players to make a name for themselves in the NBA, all they need is outstanding personal data and a good team record.

In competitive sports, the winner takes all.

In Rondo's view, the team's record is much higher than his personal data at any time.

Why do people already think that Su Feng is the first person in history before he has even started his eleventh season of his career?

Because since entering the league, Su Feng has led his team to the second round of the playoffs at worst.

And that year, they also beat the Bulls eight times.

So, what if you bring out the data that Chamberlain produced in ancient times?

In that era when there weren't as many masters as there are now, even Chamberlain couldn't dominate. So what if his personal data were good?

Therefore, in Rondo's eyes.

All personal data that does not take the team's record into consideration can be said to be invalid output.

Therefore, Rondo believes that right now, the only obstacle for him to make a name for himself in the NBA is his personal data.

Although recently one of the Heat's top five players has encountered trouble off the court, and the sixth and seventh top players have also suffered injuries during training...

But as far as Su Feng's current state...

In Rondo's eyes, the only word that can describe him is invincible.

And when I think of myself wearing a championship ring as soon as I debuted...

Rondo wanted to ask:

Who else?


One thing to say.

Even not long ago, the Heat coaching staff promised themselves that as long as they can show the progress they have made this summer in the pre-season training camp, then they are likely to become the starting point guard of this dynasty in the new season. .......

Rondo is not optimistic that he can produce outstanding statistics in the new season.

Because Rondo, who has a very high golf quotient, knows very well...

Even if the Heat will give the newcomers more playing time in the new season...

In order to ensure regular season ranking......

The Heat will have no other choice but to fuck Su Feng to death.

And based on Rondo's understanding of Su Feng...

No matter how you look at it...

They are not like Ginobili's sword-carrying guards who can perform brilliantly next to Maple Emperor.

In addition, because Su Feng's organizational skills have become stronger and stronger in recent years...

How could I, who was still a rookie at this time, get the same proportion of ball rights in the game as Nash did back then?

These days, as long as Rondo closes his eyes, he can think of his game in his debut season:

Dribble, pass half court, and hand the ball to Su Feng.

Then the cycle continued, and finally ended up with a reputation as a bad point guard like Payton.


This is definitely not what I, Rajon Rondo, want to see!

What an international joke!

I'm Maple King's Pippen!

Therefore, in order to allow myself to achieve the picture I imagined in the new season...

Although Rondo, as a rookie, did not have the guts to ask the Heat coaching staff to give him more ball rights...

But by stimulating the team's vitality and accelerating the offensive rhythm, Rondo still has the courage to make himself worthy of the title of Su Feng's deputy.

In Rondo's view, the new player has just joined the team and if he wants good statistics, he must create a clever name.

The first thing is to convince Su Feng and let him understand that in modern basketball, only when outside players grab backboards can a team launch a transition attack as quickly as possible.

I think back then, Su Feng did this during the Raptors era.

And when he averaged a triple-double per game for two consecutive seasons, in Rondo's eyes, the Heat at that time played a true run-and-gun game.

Therefore, after persuading Su Feng, in Rondo's view, the next step is to use the Maple Emperor's prestige to let those damn insiders secure their positions on the court.


Maple Emperor’s rebounds are still Maple Emperor’s rebounds.

But those rebounds that accidentally bounced to the outside...

But it's up to him.

With rebounds, Rondo has the ball.

And having the ball gives Rondo more opportunities to complete direct assists on the court.

On this day, after meeting Rondo, I listened to the advice that Rondo, the unlucky kid, put forward to me...

It’s true.

In fact, Su Feng had thought so from the beginning.

However, his idea is far bolder than Rondo's.

In Su Feng's previous life, he was the strongest "center point guard" in the league in the future. Because of his exaggerated wingspan and a pair of big hands that made Kobe Bryant cry, Rondo has always been well-known for his protection of backcourt rebounds on the court.

It's just that Rondo, who has always valued the team's victory, did not take advantage of this advantage to the extreme.

In Su Feng's view, the current Heat is definitely the most suitable team for Rondo to show off his talents.

Because O'Neal cannot regain his form in a short period of time, the Heat must speed up their offensive rhythm by speeding up.

As early as when the Heat selected Rondo this year, Su Feng used the blacksmith system to check Rondo's organizational talent.

Therefore, as long as Rondo is given enough opportunities, Su Feng fully believes that Lang's guidance can become the Heat's immediate fighting force in the new season.

He has broad vision and prefers to pass the ball to help his teammates complete the offense. ...

This is the reason why Su Feng planned to let Haslem and others help Rondo get more seats in the new season.

to be honest.

The style of play taught by Long is destined that the Heat's sky next season will not be blue, and there will be no Westbrook outside the window.

Offensively, the Heat's style of play is more unrestrained than the Celtics in his memory, which allows Rondo to have sufficient resources to mobilize the Heat players on the court.

As for defense, even if the opponent doesn't want to speed up...

Su Feng and Rondo can also work together to make their opponents speed up.

Because Su Feng and Rondo led the entire defense...

In today's league, how many defenders dare to slowly pass half court?

In Su Feng's eyes, the only shortcoming of Coach Lang is that his basket is really bad.

Even though he practiced for a long time this summer, according to him...

He can't guarantee that his open three-point shooting percentage will be 20%.

Therefore, when Rondo is on the court, what the Heat need to solve is the positional battle.

In Su Feng's original time and space, since various teams gradually understood Rondo's shooting ability...

During the game, the scene where Rondo was left several meters short by the opponent became a classic case that Rondo often used to blackmail Rondo.

And once Rondo cannot guarantee his open shooting percentage in the new season, Su Feng has even thought of the players who were originally responsible for defending Rondo coming to flank him.

“My layup was actually okay.”

On this day, after learning that he was about to be entrusted with an important task by the Maple Emperor in the new season, Rondo also plucked up the courage and said to Su Feng.

that is.......

Hearing this, Su Feng almost died of laughter at Rondo, a living treasure.

My layup is okay......

Well, Rondo's layup was actually okay.

Because at least he is not like the future Rubio, who can even lay up.


In the 2014/15 season, Rubio's shooting percentage at the basket was only 33.3%.

Although Rubio only played 22 games that season due to injury, he spent most of his career...

Rubio's shooting percentage at the basket is hovering below 50%...

It's true that if you give him an open layup, he may not be able to score.

And compared to Rubio...

Rondo is much better in this regard.

In Su Feng's previous life, even including the later years of his career, Rondo's shooting percentage at the basket was still 60%.

And at his peak, because his shooting percentage at the basket was higher than that of many centers...

In addition to various miscellaneous reasons, Coach Lang is affectionately called Center Lang.

In short, in the new season, the Heat must tap the potential from within...

The most important newcomer is undoubtedly Rondo, who is currently discussing with Su Feng to deprive the Heat's inside players of the right to grab backcourt rebounds.

After Su Feng and Britney officially got married in Miami on September 18, an interesting thing happened at Su Feng and Britney's wedding in Beijing on September 27.

That is, a famous photographer named Zhu Qianjian who was originally responsible for shooting Su Feng's wedding video was suddenly called autistic by Kobe.

no way.......

As the player who "knows the most" about art in the league, Kobe not only likes to design some fancy sneakers for himself, but...

In terms of lens use, even if you put James Cameron in front of him, Kobe would dare to say that Cameron doesn't understand "Titanic" as well as him.

"Okay, Director Kobe, if you really want to make a movie, after you retire, I will invest 1 billion or 800 million in you and let you make movies slowly.

But today is my wedding, can’t you just be an audience? "At the wedding scene, after comforting the photographer, Su Feng turned to Kobe and said.

After hearing this, Kobe, who has always been serious, became anxious at that time.

"This is what you said. When you come back from China, you have to give me evidence in person." In recent years, Kobe, who has been tricked by Su Feng and become more and more sophisticated, looked at Su Feng and said.

"Besides, if the movie fails, I won't care." After a pause, Kobe added.

"Don't worry, whatever you make will be yours, and any losses will be mine." Looking at Kobe, Su Feng also smiled.

"Really?" Kobe asked, his eyes widening.

"Really, more than you are willing to be my second boss." Su Feng patted Kobe on the shoulder and said.

Kobe: "......"

When I told you that I was willing to be your second boss, you didn’t think I was lying to you, right?

In the past two years, as I get older...

Basically every once in a while, Kobe would recall the glorious years he and Su Feng had at Lower Merion.

And whenever I think of the interesting things that happened between me and Su Feng on and off the field...

Kobe would hide in the bedroom and snicker like a child.

Therefore, if you insist on saying that there is any difference between Kobe Bryant in this life and the Black Mamba in Su Feng's memory...

That's probably...

The friendship between him and Su Feng can never be severed.

In addition to Kobe, Iverson, Nash, James Jr. and others also attended Su Feng's two weddings in Miami and Beijing.

Since Su Feng only invited his best friend to this wedding...

So these two weddings can be said to be embarrassingly missing someone.

Such as Michael Jordan.

Another example is Larry Brown, whom Su Feng has always "respected".

And someone who thinks he has a strong relationship with Su Feng...

Kenny Smith.

On this day, after Buckley returned to the United States from Beijing, he looked at this flying pig showing off in front of him that he had received an invitation to Su Feng's wedding...

Smith felt uncomfortable on the spot.

"Oh, I didn't expect that someone who is not even Su's friend would still want to take advantage of Su's popularity all day long..."

In the studio of TNT TV station, before preparing to start recording the 2006/07 NBA season preview program with Smith, Barkley said to Smith in a strange way.

Smith: "......"


Because Su Feng really has a lot of friends...

So this time, Su Feng simply forgot that he had been teammates with Smith in his early years.


Half of the Chinese basketball circle is related to Su Feng.

Does Su Feng have to invite everyone?


Half of the American basketball circle is also related to Su Feng.

Does Su Feng also have to invite everyone?

And in this case, it is reasonable to leave out one or two people.

"Let me tell you first, I have decided to accept the call from the US Men's Basketball Team and represent the US Men's Basketball Team in the 2008 Olympics.

You'd better seize the time and win a few more games in the past two years, otherwise, I'm afraid you won't even be able to cry when the time comes. "

And that day, before Kobe returned to Los Angeles from Beijing, Kobe threatened Su Fengdao like a primary school student.

In this World Championships, USA Basketball lost all its underpants...

Therefore, in recent interviews, many NBA superstars have expressed to the USA Basketball Association their willingness to play for their country in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

In this regard, Stern also expressed to the American Basketball Association that the NBA is very supportive and hopes that American players playing in the NBA will put national honor first.

In Su Feng's previous life, after losing the 2002 World Championships, the 2004 Olympic Games and the 2006 World Championships...

Stern, who realizes that in order for others to recognize the NBA as the world's number one league, the U.S. men's basketball team must show dominance in the international arena, has not only repeatedly hoped in public that NBA stars will play for the country, but also that these players are willing to play for the country. NBA stars who play will more or less receive the rewards Stern gives them in the new season.

And this life......

The dominance of NBA players in the international arena shows...

After all, now, who dares to say that Su Feng, who has won the NBA regular season MVP for four consecutive times, is not the best in the world?

However, the performance of the US men's basketball team caused dissatisfaction among American fans.

In the eyes of American fans...

There is nothing to be ashamed of losing to the Chinese men's basketball team with Su Feng...

But at least, you have to beat other teams you can beat first!


What's the use of your USA Basketball Association hanging around apologizing all day long?

In this world, if apologies really work...

Then why do we need the police?

Throughout September, on American Internet forums, according to incomplete statistics, people had the most discussions about American basketball...

It’s about whether the U.S. men’s basketball team should be disbanded.

As for the current situation of American basketball...

Because the Chinese men's basketball team has been so top in the past two years...

The Chinese Football Association also stated:

Your moment at this moment is just like my moment at that moment.

In October, after the wedding, Su Feng and Britney officially started their food tour at the flower garden.

At the same time, just when the NBA teams have gathered and are preparing to welcome the upcoming 2006/07 season with a new mental outlook...

October 29th......

As the NBA's 71st season is approaching.

Boston, USA.

With all my fond memories of the Celtics, and the regret of not being able to witness my beloved disciple Duncan complete the marathon course of his career...

Auerbach died of a heart attack at the age of 89.

And as the "Cardinal" passed away...


Almost all the Green Army celebrities and players who participated in Auerbach's funeral...

At this moment there is only one thought.

That is to put the damn O'Brien Cup in front of your teacher's tombstone...

This is to comfort Auerbach’s spirit in heaven!

"I have no intention of offending you who are already in heaven...

But I still have to say, great ‘Cardinal’, your departure...

Do you know how much harder it is for me to join forces with Sue to realize the Heat dynasty? "On this day in Miami, looking out the window, Riley sighed with helplessness.

For Riley, who knows what kind of power the Green Army has in this league...

He knows very well that in the upcoming season, the crazy ways the Celtics will use to prevent the Heat from attacking for three consecutive championships.

Even at this moment, Riley's mind had already emerged with the idea that as long as the Celtics were willing to provide "equivalent" chips...

That image of half the league willing to help the Celtics.

In Su Feng's previous life, because the Celtics had no way of immediately placing the championship trophy in front of Auerbach's tombstone, they had no choice but to play with a pity.

But in this life......

With Duncan, who can lead even a third-rate coach like Popovich...

Even a ruthless person like Riley...

At this moment, everyone felt a little afraid of the Celtics in the 2006/07 season.

"You're saying you want to officially say goodbye to Miami Heat fans in the opener?"

On this day, after Su Feng and Britney returned to Miami from their gourmet honeymoon, in the Heat's general manager's office, Riley fell into deep thought while listening to Su Feng's suggestions to him.

“I don’t like to titillate people.

I also don’t like to threaten the fans and the team by leaving the team.

And Pat, UU reading you should know...

What kind of situation are we facing right now? "Looking at Riley, Su Feng added.

And after hearing this, how could Riley not know that there was something in Su Feng's words?

to be honest.

The NBA is not just about fighting and killing.


Humanity and sophistication.

PS: Because I couldn’t grab the second update on the first floor!

PS2: Shui Qie’s "This Striker Is Not Decent" will be on the shelves on August 1st. Interested friends can check it out. U1S1. After reading it, I am personally very interested in his book! So I definitely don’t recommend it to you because of PY!

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