All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 551 If a shark turns back, there must be a reason!

What makes a macho man like O'Neal shed tears?

What is it that makes a stubborn person like Riley change his view of O'Neal in just a few days?

After the game, at the press conference, as Pat Riley told the world what happened in the Heat over the past few days...

At the scene, reporters from all over the world were all in tears.

All right......

"All of this" has to start from a stormy night.

Although, some attentive Miami reporters discovered that it has never rained in Miami during this period of time.

But considering the cynicism O'Neal has received over the past few years...

How has this fat-headed fish ever had a sunny day in Miami?

According to Riley's description, in order to resolve the "conflict" with Su Feng, O'Neal found Su Feng after the preseason and had a long talk with Su Feng.

"I'm not sure what they were talking about, but the next day, in training, Sue started asking me to have Shaq join us in our full-court five-on-five drills.

But you also know who I am.

There's no way I can take back what I asked of Shaq until he gets his weight under control. "

Riley said while patting O'Neal on the back during the press conference.

"But when I saw Sue and Shaq becoming instant friends overnight, I thought, maybe this would be a good opportunity for them to let go of their old grudge.

So, that day, I made an exception.

And over the next few days of practice, as Shaq showed me what he was capable of...

You also saw that I broke my promise.

After all, I don't think there's any coach on the planet who would turn down a player who has a right attitude and is as dominant as Shaq.

And, what makes me happiest is when Sue and Shaq start working together toward a goal...

In training, regarding their performance...

I would totally like to call it 'the best inside and outside combination in NBA history'. "

As a coach who is very good at telling stories, even though Riley's two paragraphs were ordinary, almost instantly, the curiosity of everyone at the press conference was attracted by Riley's "Wind and Rain" night.

And at this time...

It was O'Neal's turn to perform.

“That night at Sue’s house, I talked a lot with him.

From our respective growth experiences to the 'grievances' between us after entering the NBA.

In my opinion, in Los Angeles, it was the lack of communication between me and Kobe that led to the impression that we had a bad relationship.

But actually, I never complained about Kobe for leaving Los Angeles.

Even now, I have to tell you that Kobe is a good person. "

After taking the tissue from Su Feng and wiping away the 'eye drops' on his eyes... ah, tears, O'Neal said to the reporters.

"Shaq, can you tell us in more detail what Su talked about with you at that time, which caused your mentality to change so much overnight?" A reporter from Los Angeles asked curiously at the scene. road.

After hearing this, after choking up, O'Neill continued: "To be honest, in all the conversations between Su and me that night, I will never forget it. When I offered to assist him, he said to me Those words that were spoken.

At that time, I saw him saying to me word by word:

Hey, Shaq, why do you think you came to Miami just to be my Scottie Pippen?

No, you won't be my Scottie Pippen, because...

You are my Shaquille O'Neal. "

At the press conference, when they heard O'Neill slowly say these words in a low tone, some reporters who claimed to know Su Feng very well immediately felt that Su Feng's mind was as broad as the sea.

"Before, I think you saw it, I did have some arguments with Shaq during practice.

But contrary to what you might think, I never complained about Shaq being too lazy.

Because I know very well that for a veteran like him, you can't ask him what you ask of me.

Like Shaq said, my fights with him were just little things.

And just like you in life, you and your friends will occasionally quarrel.

Fortunately, Shaq did not give up communicating with me because of my stinginess at the time.

I know that in the past period of time, because of this incident, Shaq has endured a lot of trouble and scolding that he should not have to bear.

So, I think, at this time, I have to stand up and help him.

Just like the help Kobe and I got from Shaq when I was in high school.

Well... one thing to say, Kobe is indeed a good person.


Many fans may not know that when Kobe and I were very young, we were both Penny fans.

So, one day, after making an appointment, we planned to go to Orlando together to get an autograph from Penny.

It's a pity, maybe because 'Penny' was too busy at the time...

When Kobe and I came to him, he ignored us.

And just when Kobe and I were hit hard, Shaq, who noticed this scene, not only walked up to us with a smile, but also took a photo with me and Kobe.

And since then, I have been thinking that if one day in the future, I can cooperate with a player like Shaq, it will definitely be the honor of my life. "

In the past two years, Su Feng's "careful" character has been deeply rooted in people's hearts, so Su Feng knew that in this big drama, he could not portray himself too perfectly.

In the future, whether it is a Marvel movie or a DC movie series...

You can all find that when designing superhero characters, American screenwriters often design flaws in their characters.

Because the vast majority of Americans believe that flawed heroes are good heroes.

Therefore, when writing the script this time, although O'Neill thought that he would be at a loss, Su Feng thought...

At this time, he chose to suffer a small loss in order to continue this good show.

Well, this is not...

After Riley, O'Neal and himself performed on stage one after another, at the press conference, at this moment, no one cared that little Zhanzhan was hit by a 58... Oh no, there are still reporters who don't believe it, Have you and O'Neal reached a "reconciliation"?

In addition, during this drama, Su Feng also suggested that O'Neal should not yin and yang Kobe like Hardaway did before.

Because Su Feng knew very well that in his original time and space, O'Neal would despise the current incumbent by flattering him every time after breaking up with his ex. Therefore, after he retired, he stopped being "careful" at all. Persona.


At this time, choose Yin Yang Kobe...

From Su Feng's point of view, isn't that just waiting for Kobe to slap you in the face?


Now comes the problem.

Why did Su Feng go to great lengths to perform this play with O'Neal this time?

The next day, after the media successively revealed the stories of Su Feng and O'Neal in the past few days...

On the Internet, those fans who had said bad things about O'Neal suddenly felt that they had wrongly blamed O'Neal.

"I don't need people to apologize to me, because in my mind, they follow me because they like me."

According to the plan with Su Feng, O'Neill said this through the media the next day.

And this time...

In Su Feng's mind, people's recognition of O'Neal also began to bottom out.

If Su Feng remembers correctly, before the game against the Cavaliers started, O'Neal's approval value in the system was even close to minus 15 million at its lowest point.

but now......

Overnight, O'Neal's recognition value reached two million.

As someone who has experienced the traffic era, Su Feng knows very well...

If you want to help O'Neal quickly reshape his character, the best way is to let him attract a wave of black fans first.

And then, any reversal of the script, after this part of the anti-fans turn to fans, O'Neal can regain people's recognition as quickly as possible.

In addition, just as Su Feng had predicted before, since the people of the Mi Li family love the script of "The Prodigal Son Returns", this time, O'Neill used this "reform" method to complete self-salvation, and the effect was simply not very good. .

You know, because O'Neal has been beaten to a low level in this life, Su Feng was very desperate when he received the task issued by the system.

"You are really a genius... Su, if it weren't for you, I really can't imagine how many consecutive 20+ and 30+ games I would have had to score in order for people to retract their prejudices against me. "

That day, before setting off for Philadelphia, O'Neill looked at Su Feng and said gratefully.

After hearing this, Su Feng immediately became happy.

Because he knew very well that after he diverted attention and made the world focus on O'Neal's "Prodigal Son Returning"...

As long as O'Neal can continue to deliver satisfactory answers, his fragmented fish grid will be reunited bit by bit.

31st, Philadelphia, Zhongzhou Arena.

Look at the digital players taking to the center of the stage one after another to receive their championship rings...

At this moment, Su Feng's mood was quite complicated.

On the one hand, when it was Iverson and Xiao Yao's turn to receive their championship rings, Su Feng was sincerely happy for them.

After all, when they enter the Hall of Fame in the future, Yao Ming and Iverson no longer have to worry about being called the "uncrowned kings."


Thinking of last season, this little Yao said that he was his mascot.

And what Iverson said to himself after the finals, if it weren't for himself, he wouldn't have met Yao Ming...

You have no idea how angry Su Feng is at this moment!

What a joke on O'Neal and his grandma!

Co-author: Now that you two are "in love", have you started sending me good guy cards?

On the court, after being the backdrop for half an hour, Su Feng was so angry that he secretly swore...

He must let Iverson and Xiao Yao know tonight what it means to "care about each other"!

Come on, Pipi Shark!

It's time for the "Ouch" combination to see the power of the "Sha Crazy" combination after killing Crazy!

On the court, after the digital man's championship ring award ceremony ended, the starting list of the two teams was immediately displayed on the big screen.

Heat: O'Neal, Su Feng, Ariza, Butler, Payton.

Numbers: Yao Ming, Ratliff, Christie, Iverson, Snow.

In the center of the field, in the jump ball, Yao Ming took the lead for the digital men.

Su Feng: "..."

And then, after Snow dribbled the ball past half court, Iverson scored a three-pointer from the outside.

Su Feng: "..."

Although in the "Shark Journey East" deal, Riley's purpose of bringing in Payton was so that when facing digital players, the Heat would not have no one to match up with Iverson.

But let’s be honest…

Even Payton at his peak couldn't beat Iverson.

It's just that after having Payton, the Heat no longer have to let Su Feng get beaten.

After all, as far as Iverson is concerned...

Even if you switch to Su Feng to defend, Su Feng has no guarantee that he can defend Iverson.

On the court, it was the Heat's turn to attack.

At this time, the digital people also showed that their strength level was far above the knights.

Unlike the Cavaliers who can only choose zone defense when playing against the Heat...

The defensive strategy chosen by this numbers man tonight...

It's clearly man-to-man.

Under Carlisle's rule, Yao Ming's weight has been controlled at around 135 kilograms in the past two years.

Therefore, in terms of tonnage, Xiao Yao is indeed not as capable as Su Feng remembered.

But looking at today's league, centers who dare to face O'Neal alone in the low post...

Only Yao Ming.

In Su Feng's original time and space, after Xiao Yao gradually entered his peak period, and O'Neal was getting older, in the "Yao Shark Showdown" between the two, the game scenes at that time were still dominated by mutual explosions.

Carlisle did not plan to double-team O'Neal tonight because he knew that choosing to double-team O'Neal would only make the digital man pay a greater price.

Therefore, let Xiao Yao and O'Neal play in the low post.

In Carlisle's opinion, the real winner of this game is whether they can restrain Su Feng.


As a result, under Christie's crazy entanglement, Su Feng's first shot tonight missed the frame.

Su Feng: "..."

In the penalty area, Ratliff turned around and got stuck, and Yao Ming protected the backcourt rebound for the digital man.

The game continues and it's the digital man's turn to attack.

In the high post, after asking for the basketball from Snow, Iverson immediately initiated an "ouch" pick-and-roll.

And even though Su Feng and Payton successfully protected O'Neal during this defense...

But Xiao Yao, whose level is far above Big Z, showed off his skills when Payton switched defenses in front of him after getting the ball.

After dribbling past Payton from behind, Yao took three slow steps and hit the board for a layup!

In the low post, O'Neal didn't expect that Yao Ming had such ability. On the side, Su Feng always felt that the script the Heat got tonight seemed not quite right...

On TNT TV, Barkley said with emotion: "I have never seen a player taller than 220 centimeters with as flexible skills as Yao."

On the side, Smith said: "Unlike against a weak team like the Cavaliers, if the Heat still regard their opponents as the Cavaliers tonight, then the defending champions will make them pay the price."

Last season, after the Lakers were eliminated, O'Neal firmly believed that if Kobe and he had not had conflicts, as long as the Lakers could reach the finals, there would be no way the digital man could be the Lakers' opponent.

But tonight, after just two rounds, O'Neal felt that he was too naive.

Because whether it is the lineup framework, the status of the superstars in the team, or the chemical reaction...

In O'Neal's opinion, this digital team is even more terrifying than the Raptors back then.

"How on earth did Su... lead the Heat to win two games last season in the hands of this digital man?"

On the court, looking at Su Feng's back, O'Neill felt a hint of admiration for Su Feng.

Heat offense.

From the high position, Su Feng also called O'Neal and launched a "killing crazy" pick-and-roll.

As the saying goes, if you take too big a step, you will easily lose your temper.

With this ball, after calming down, Su Feng successfully broke into the hinterland of the digital man's defense with the help of O'Neal's cover.

However, almost instantly, Ratliff helped to defend himself in front of Su Feng.

At this time, Su Feng noticed Ariza's opportunity in the bottom corner and decisively passed the ball to him.

that is......


Su Feng: "..."

To be fair, if Su Feng cannot win the assists title this season as he expected...

Then Ariza and Payton will definitely take the blame.

On the court, after Yao Ming turned around and protected the rebound again as a digital man, Philadelphia's black flash traveled to the Heat's half in an instant!

New FMVP Allen Iverson caught a long throw from quarterback Yao Ming and scored a touchdown!

0 to 7!

On the Heat's bench, Riley, who sensed something was wrong, took a timeout in time.

If the first attack at the beginning was because Su Feng was too impatient...

Then in the next attack...

Riley knew very well that Carlisle was definitely prepared tonight.

"The deliberate choice to let go of Gary and Trevor...

Do you only focus your defensive attention on Su? "During the Heat's halftime, looking at Carlisle's confident face, Riley frowned.

"Yao doesn't need to be able to guard Shaq, as long as his numbers are comparable to Shaq's, then he can offset Shaq's role on the court.

And as for our remaining 4 players?

I'm sorry, but facing a monster like Su, I won't be as stupid as the Cavaliers coach. Carlisle smiled as he looked at his assistant coach on the digital man's bench.

One V one?

One V two?

One V three?

wake up......

This TM is the strongest outside player in the NBA today, in the past, and in the future.

Carlisle, who had his own unique understanding of Su Feng's terror, knew that even if four players were sent to defend Su Feng, it was not necessarily safe.

After all, it is said to be four against one, but in fact, on a local scale, the digital people will still leave Su Feng with a lot of one-on-one opportunities.

Therefore, in Carlisle's eyes, even if the digital man took such good care of Su Feng on the court, all he wanted to achieve was to consume Su Feng.

So now...

How should the Heat respond to the "Zhuxian Formation" launched by the digital people against Su Feng?

On the court, after the timeout, Riley called out Ginobili and Korver.

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