All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 527 The end of the season, Riley’s big gamble!

"It's really not about criticizing me, but time has told us that O'Neal is not as strong as people think!"

"Just ask if you don't understand. Is the Lakers player who averages 29.9 points per game the legendary 'Shark' O'Neal?

But why is his full name called Kobe Bryant on the NBA official website? "

"Yo... isn't this Shaquille O'Neal nicknamed 'Superman'?

Why has he become shorter and thinner after not seeing each other for a few days?

Oh, I'm sorry, I saw it wrong. It turns out that this 'Superman' is LeBron James! "

On the Internet, the shark-black people who would have been beaten down by O'Neal's strength in Su Feng's previous life seemed to be celebrating the New Year in the past two days.

And if you want to ask, in this fat-headed fish's career, in which year did he suffer the worst from public criticism...

In Su Feng's opinion, it definitely has to be this year.

With the NBA canceling the HC rules in advance, and with the end of the two-year "post-HC era" transition period, NBA outside players have experienced explosive moments this season.

The highly targeted centers are still a group of people who are treated differently.

In addition to not enjoying the benefits of canceling the HC rules, even these big men have to face the opponent's zone defense on the court.

If his body function is still at its peak, no matter how fiercely these sharks dance, O'Neal will not be teased by them.

However, compared to the fat-headed fish from the past that "look at my power, I am invincible"...

At this moment, O'Neal, whose heart has been completely occupied by the word "Bing Bing", is as "miserable" as "Ewing II".

In Miami, after an unexpected loss to the Lakers at home, Riley left Su Feng alone that night.

"Su, I'm curious, what kind of player is Shaq in your mind?" Riley asked curiously, looking at Su Feng who was constantly texting and confronting McGrady.

As an important step before he made a big gamble this summer, in Riley's opinion, it was time for him to tell Su Feng all about his carefully designed team building ideas last year.

After hearing this, Su Feng, who had already seen through Riley's mind, put down his phone and smiled: "Shaq...he is still the best center in the league."

"So...if you were Phil Jackson, how would you use Shaq?" Riley asked.

"If I were Phil Jackson, my first priority would be to pair Shaq with a playmaker who can handle the ball at the free throw line.

This is the key to cracking the zone defense.

As long as you have a shooting-capable playmaker at the free throw line, the zone defense will break down.

Secondly, I would pair Shaq with at least two shooters capable of three-point shooting.

In this way, as long as they are separated by a 45-degree angle on both sides and the baseline, Shaq can get a good one-on-one environment on the court.

This season, it seems that Shaq, who averaged only 21.5 points per game, is no longer at his peak.

But in fact, this is also related to Phil Jackson's outdated tactics and the Lakers' staffing.

Well, take us as an example...

On the surface, the Heat are also playing a 'triangle offense' this season...

But after your improvements, Pat, you don’t really think that the Lakers’ triangle offense can compete with ours, do you? "Looking at Riley's wise eyes, Su Feng said after pondering for a few seconds.


In the Heat locker room, listening to Su Feng praising him, Riley suddenly felt that his life was worth living.

And as expected...

Su Feng's understanding of basketball tactics is quite consistent with his own.

"Su, at this point in the season, I won't hide anything from you...

At the end of this season, regardless of how the Heat fare, I will definitely be trading.

Because you also know that since I left the Lakers, it has always been my life ideal to build a dynasty in the NBA again.

In addition, you are about to turn 26 and are at the peak of your career.

Whether it's technology or physical function...

I don’t even want to miss your theoretically strongest peak period. Patting Su Feng on the shoulder, Riley smiled.

" mean, are you going to trade Shaq back?" After looking at Riley for two seconds, Su Feng said knowingly.

Riley nodded and said, "I still have some connections in Los Angeles and Minnesota.

To be honest, since you joined the Heat, I have never considered building a team by slowly cultivating new players.

So, as early as last summer, I started planning.

Unfortunately, recently, my friend who works in Minnesota told me that Kevin Garnett has made the decision to stay with the team this summer because he has been very happy with the team management in the past two years. friend who works in Los Angeles told me that considering Shaq's recent decline, the Lakers, from Jerry Buss to the team's front office, have already made preparations. Plans to trade Shaq this summer.

And from what I know about Jerry...

It is difficult to impress him with ordinary chips.

Therefore, as long as we can show sincerity, then this summer, if nothing unexpected happens, I will definitely bring Shaq to Miami. "

Although when chatting with Riley that year, Su Feng had already roughly known that Riley would choose stud in the summer of 2004, just like he did in his original time and space.

But in this life, after personally experiencing Riley's entire team building process, Su Feng felt that no matter what era you put someone like Riley in, he would be called a "divine fortune teller".

Before Su Feng traveled through time and was reborn, many people only saw that after Jiba went to the Heat, the Heat became the top team in the Eastern Conference overnight.

But few people know that through several consecutive years of drafts, the Heat had already selected "Little Ade" Bam Adebayor, who was more defensively capable than "Big Ade".

And Tyler Herro, nicknamed Miami's "Stephen LaVine", can dunk and shoot.

Including undrafted Duncan Robinson, nicknamed "the no defensive version of Klay."

In earlier years, even if James failed to win five, six, seven or eight championships with Wade, Riley also successfully grasped the peak of Wade's career and added two more championships to the Heat.

In the NBA, if a coach or general manager only proves himself once.

Then you can still say that he is lucky.

But people like Riley...

In Su Feng's memory, he had not only succeeded once or twice.

"Just go with your plan, Pat!

In my opinion, Shaq will definitely be my best helper. "Su Feng said to Riley after squinting his eyes and smiling.

But this time, before going to the gambling table to make the big gamble, Riley's last worries were swept away by Su Feng.

In late March, after revealing his overall plan to Su Feng, in the past few days, in addition to leading the Heat to continue finishing, Riley also began his "showy operation."

For example, when asked by the media what he thought of the Lakers this season, Riley would often first praise Kobe.

And then, like a machine gun, he started to madly complain about O'Neal.

"Shaq is 32 years old this year, and I don't know why he still acts like a little kid and gets into arguments with Kobe on and off the court.

Judging from the state of this season, in my eyes, Kobe is the leader of this Lakers. "

"Recently, many people have attributed the Lakers' poor record to the inability of Karl and Gary to integrate into the team...

But in my opinion, Shaq's failure to play his due role on the court is the root cause of the Lakers' inability to perform convincingly this season. "

"You ask me to rate the best center in the league today?

That is of course Yao Ming, who plays for the Digital People.

He can not only shoot three-pointers on the court, but also willingly set up a pick-and-roll for Allen Iverson.

Moreover, you don't have to worry about him complaining to the media like a child after the game that he didn't get everything he wanted in Los Angeles. "

As we all know, since Riley led the Lakers to play the famous "SHOW.TIME" in the 1980s, in name, Riley is half a Lakers star.

So while Riley blasts O'Neal...

How dare O'Neal, who only led this Lakers to win one championship, dare to talk back?


After everything was agreed upon with Riley, no matter how Su Feng looked at it...

Riley's behavior is more like a market lady who deliberately says other people's food is not good before buying groceries, so she likes to bargain.

Of course, as a smart person, Su Feng cannot only see the short-sighted surface.

Because he knows very well that in fact, Riley is also clearing in advance some of the landmines that may detonate after the Heat acquires O'Neal.

In Su Feng's original time and space, it seemed that Wade used his strength to bring out O'Neal's passive attribute of "all his predecessors are scum, but the current one is the sweetest".

But actually...

Based on Wade's meager qualifications in his early years, if Riley hadn't arranged everything for him in advance, how could O'Neal, who always thinks highly of himself, be willing to say in an interview that he came to Miami just to assist Wade?

It's just that what Riley is "doing" now is more radical than what he remembers.

Because Su Feng knew...

Riley doesn't just want O'Neal to help him willingly after coming to Miami!

This guy just wants to tell the world that even if O'Neal comes to the Heat, if the Heat really establish a dynasty in the future, the credit will be his (Riley) and himself (Su Feng).

Since O'Neal only has one championship with the Lakers in this life, and his situation is quite bad this season, Su Feng has every reason to believe...

If the Heat really follow Riley's script and trade Milicic and Odom for O'Neal, then some people may even describe this transaction as "Riley did this because he was crazy." choose".

As for Riley's unethical behavior...

Su Feng naturally chose to remain silent.

Because that's how the NBA is.

When Su Feng regards himself as the master of this era, if he still considers the future historical status of so and so like a good person...

Then we can't let him write an autobiography even more miserable than LeBron James' when he retires in the future, right?

Wake up!

If he really wanted to publish an autobiography in the future, what Su Feng would come up with would definitely be an enjoyable novel, not an abusive one!

As for O'Neal and their historical status?


Life has dreams, each is wonderful!

Now that I have come to this time and space, it is just like the Six Princesses playing the documentary of the first seven seasons of their career.

----"I come, I see, I conquer! 》

On April 4, in Miami, on the night of his 26th birthday, Su Feng led the Heat to defeat the Nets at home despite being resentfully assigned to "overtime" by Stern.

It is worth mentioning that due to this game against the Nets, Su Feng scored his 32nd triple-double this season. Therefore, he also officially surpassed Wilt Chamberlain and became the single player in NBA history. The player with the second most triple-doubles in the season.

On this list, Oscar Robertson currently ranks first with 41 triple-doubles in the season.

This season, because he had to maintain his record while taking care of the baby, Su Feng, after turning on the "finals mode", has always adopted the strategy of increasing the intensity of the game only when it is guaranteed to win. How to play sewer power.

As for surpassing the "Big O"?

Not urgent......

Although Su Feng is about to end his eighth season in the NBA, he has just celebrated his 26th birthday. In theory, he is still a young player.

On the 5th and 6th, after resting for two days with Britney...

On the 7th, Su Feng, who had just celebrated his 26th birthday, was "beaten" by Duncan at the North Shore Garden Arena.

In this game, with Odom and Ginobili "double ghosts knocking on the door", Su Feng suddenly began to miss the days of Carter on the left, Tracy McGrady on the right, and Joe Pippen in the middle.

This season, in the regular season, the Heat ended all 4 games they played against the Celtics with 1 win and 3 losses.

And the only game that won...

It all depended on Su Feng's decisive kill at the last moment.

On the 9th, in Philadelphia, the Heat also ended all four games they played against the Digital Man with the same record this season.

Last summer, after acquiring Mutombo, the inside strength of this digital team was unprecedentedly terrifying.

Now, when Xiao Yao takes a break, not only does he have a reliable substitute, but Halprin, Salmons and others on the bench are also ruthless.

Looking at the technical statistics panel of Yao Ming and Iverson this season, you can find that in the regular season this season, one of the two played 32 minutes, while the other played 36 minutes.

In the past few seasons, since being stunned by the Raptors' second team, Carlisle has attached great importance to the construction of the bench in the past two years.

Thanks to the good rotation between the substitutes and the main players, with 4 games left in the regular season, the digital players have already locked in the first place in the league this year in advance.

Moreover, judging from the game process, Su Feng felt that no team could pose any threat to this number man this season.

During the regular season, the Numbers won all four of their games against the Celtics.

Facing the insiders composed of Yao Ming, Ratliff, Mutombo, Coleman and others, even Duncan would have difficulty performing an extraordinary performance.

On the front line, Christie and Halprin are both players who can hold the ball and kill hard at critical moments.

If it were in previous years, before Marbury's mentality changed, the Celtics could have traded Iverson in front of Marbury and let the two go one-on-one.

But this year, under the premise that Marbury's thoughts have been corrupted by capitalism, when this Celtics face numbers people, you can't expect Ray Allen to cheat every game, right?

Be reasonable...

Just a few of these top off-the-ball killers and super defenders were originally prepared for Su Feng...

No matter how hard Ray Allen can take care of things, he still has to pay attention to the "Basic Laws".

And in the west...

The sun is also an existence that is defeated by the blood of this digital human.

On the back line, Iverson proved it as early as when he and Su Feng counterattacked the Bulls. If you are not ready to move the fortress on the inside and have Lu to guide you on the outside, then your inside line will be this Philadelphia black flash. of cash machines.

In addition, the big white bear alone and the sun cannot solve this increasingly mature little Yao.

In addition, without suffering serious injuries, Ratliff was able to defeat the Suns' perimeter forward group and the top defensive defenses on the perimeter of the digital man...

In the regular season, the Suns also lost two games against digital players and suffered a double defeat in the season.

As for the Lakers...


It's not Su Fenghei who is the Lakers.

But if the Lakers really want to break out of the Western Conference, they must at least hope that Kobe will cheat for two consecutive rounds.

This season, the Suns, Mavericks, and even the Timberwolves, in Su Feng's eyes, are more interesting than the Lakers.

In the case of extremely unreasonable lineup structure, in this era where zone defense is used more and more maturely...

Do you expect the Lakers' tight 12.1 three-point attempts per game to create space for O'Neal?

So why don't you try to get O'Neal to swim in a disposable cup filled with water?

On the 10th, 12th, 13th, and 15th, after leading the Heat to two wins over the Pacers and the Bucks and Hornets, the Heat successfully ended their regular season journey in the 2003/04 season with a record of 56 wins and 26 losses.

Because in the final game against the Hornets, as long as Su Feng can get 11 points and 14 assists, he can replicate the "season average of 30+ triple-double" record left by Oscar Robertson that year. Therefore, this game During the game, all the Heat players rushed to be Maple King's sword-carrying bodyguards.

Finally, Butler, who has become a transparent tool man in the Heat this season, was finally remembered this night.

According to post-match statistics, among the 17 assists Su Feng sent in this game, Butler alone scored 9 times.

At this point, before O'Neal traveled east according to Riley's original plan, relying on O'Neal's amazing assists after the All-Star Weekend, Su Feng also regained the scoring title that Kobe had occupied for nearly two months... ...

Moreover, in the 03/04 season, Su Feng also successfully completed the great feat of averaging "30+ triple-doubles" per game in the season!

In the 2003/04 season, in addition to averaging 31 points per game for the Heat, Su Feng also averaged 11.5 rebounds, 10.1 assists, 2.0 steals, and 1.28 blocks per game. (Note ①)

His 44.8 playing time per game is also a career high.

In the Eastern Conference, after nearly seven months of long fighting, the Heat also finished third in the Eastern Conference this season, announcing the official return of the team that Riley built into an iron army in the 1990s.

In terms of record rankings, in the 2003/04 season, the rankings from first to eighth in the Eastern Conference are as follows:

Numbers Man, Celtics, Heat, Pistons, Raptors, Nets, Pacers, Cavaliers.

In the regular season, after replacing Bosh and Joe Johnson, the Cavaliers finally finished with a record of 41 wins and 41 losses, successfully catching up with the last train in the Eastern Conference playoff circle.

And because Su Feng also "led the team" to the eighth record in the Eastern Conference during his rookie season...

Therefore, in the market, many fanatical James fans have begun to look forward to our emperor being able to lead the Cavaliers to complete the black eight against digital players in the playoffs in the past two days.


As a Philadelphia fan who witnessed the digital man's counterattack against the Bulls in the playoffs...

But they feel that these idiots are just talking nonsense.

After Su Feng left, the Raptors, which had been ranked high in the first half of the season, inexplicably lost consecutive games in the second half.

When chatting with Davis on the phone, although his mentor did not say it outright, Su Feng always felt that Davis was very tired recently when it came to dealing with the issue of who is the leader of this team, O'Neal or Carter. of......

In addition, after gathering the Pistons of Auto City F5, if they want to recreate the so-called "miracle of a civilian team" in this life, in Su Feng's view, it will only be possible through a miracle.

Because according to the schedule, they will encounter digital people in the second round. Not only do they have no advantage over digital people in defense, they even have no advantage on the inside...

After gaining weight, Yao can still bully Ben in the low post.

In addition to the teams that have reached the playoffs, in the last year of the Hornets participating in the NBA as an Eastern Conference team, this year's ninth to fifteenth place in the Eastern Conference are as follows:

Hornets, Hawks, Bulls, Bucks, Wizards, Knicks, Magic.

In the regular season, the Magic acquired Ricky Davis from the Cavaliers and were content to get the ranking they most wanted.

After N years of happiness, the Hawks, under the leadership of Wade, began their road to rebuilding Atlanta's glory.

With more ball rights than before, Wade averaged 19.8 points, 4.3 rebounds, and 4.5 assists per game in the regular season. He is also one of the popular candidates for the NBA Rookie of the Year this season.

It's a pity that Wade was also involved when the Golden Club incident broke out, so basically, the Cheek Man has already withdrawn from the competition for this year's Best Rookie in advance.

In the West, the rankings from first to fourteenth are as follows:

Suns, Mavericks, Lakers, Timberwolves, Grizzlies, Kings, Warriors, Nuggets, Jazz, Trail Blazers, SuperSonics, Clippers, Mosaic, Spurs.

As the two main players of the "Texas Three" in Su Feng's memory, this year, due to both Houston and San Antonio, Dallas has become the last card of the Lone Star Republic.


It seemed like it was destined.

In the first round of this year's playoffs, the Mavericks encountered the Warriors led by Nelson.

In the second half of the regular season, under the guidance of Nash, Oakland, which also felt that Stoudemire was very popular, had officially announced the establishment of the Soviet-style gangster group's Golden State branch.

Judging from Old Nelson's understanding of Nowitzki, Su Feng felt that if the young general Johnson still treats the Mavericks, which is full of offensive geniuses, as the Pistons in the playoffs, then even though Black Seven is not as good as Black Eight is so heartbreaking...

This little driver will probably be killed by Nelson.

According to the schedule, the first round matches of the Eastern and Western Conference playoffs are as follows.

Eastern Conference: Digital Man VS Cavaliers, UU Reading www.uukanスhu.nett Celtics VS Pacers, Raptors VS Nets, Raptors VS Pistons.

West: Suns VS Nuggets, Mavericks VS Warriors, Lakers VS Kings, Timberwolves VS Grizzlies.

In this year's first-round matchup between the East and West playoffs, there are also a lot of topics.

Whether it is the battle between the digital man who shocked the world with his black eight and the successor of Maple King;

Or the master-disciple battle between Davis and Rivers;

Or maybe it's the ongoing feud between Nelson and the Mavericks that makes fans full of expectations for this year's playoffs.

And this day...

Just when Su Feng was studying Pierce's game videos and admiring his own technical statistics after the 2003/04 season, Caron Butler, who had been a transparent man for a whole season...

Just like that, with his uneasy heart, he knocked on the door of Su Feng's house.

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