All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 508 The stormy sea cannot be described in words!

As soon as the second quarter started, Su Feng regretted what he said to Ginobili before the start of the second quarter.

Because for this Pampas eagle...

You let him throw boldly...

Grab, grab, grab. Doesn't that mean he's clearly telling him that he can have sex as he pleases?

In the second quarter of the game, after Kobe Bryant, who was responsible for leading the substitutes, scored a three-pointer for the Lakers, Fisher had just come back and Fisher had not yet stood firm...

At least two or three steps away from the three-point line, Ginobili pulled the bolt of his gun.


As a result, Malone, who did not rest in the second quarter, scored one goal.

Su Feng: "..."

"Manu, if you can throw less shots like this just now, you should still throw less shots."

On the court, while retreating, Su Feng looked at Ginobili and said earnestly.

Hearing this, Ginobili was confused at first, then startled, and said: "But, Su, I was really empty just now..."

Su Feng: "..."

"Manu, when you feel good, it's okay for you to throw one or two like this, but look, Alonzo and Udonis haven't run into the paint just yet.

If you don't score, the rebound will definitely belong to your opponent. "Patting Ginobili's head, Su Feng said.

"Well, that's true. I was really careless when I took action just now."

After smiling at Su Feng, Ginobili said.

Looking at Ginobili's face full of happiness, if Su Feng remembered correctly, in his memory, Ginobili once said in an interview after retirement...

If only he had been born a few years later.

"I like the current basketball, whether it's the speed of transition between offense and defense or those incredible three-pointers...

If I were born in this era, then I think... I should enjoy the happiness that basketball brings me! "

Because in Su Feng's original time and space, when Ginobili joined the league, there would have been no coach in the NBA who would have allowed him to throw as wildly as he did tonight...

So in a daze...

Su Feng always felt that at this moment, the Pampas eagle in front of him had completely gone astray.

On the Heat's bench, Riley almost suffered another heart attack when Ginobili took the shot...


As a famous coach of the generation, when he noticed that the close-up of the camera was facing him, Riley still forcibly controlled his emotions.

On the court, the Lakers attack.

Fisher dribbled the ball past half court and looked for Kobe.

On the wing, under the interference of Su Feng, Kobe made a two-pointer and hit again, 37-33.

"Oh, Kobe is really good at how he plays today." CCTV, after Kobe scored five points in a row, Coach Zhang commented.

Heat ball rights.

I remembered that Su Feng had just taught Ginobili that he didn't mess around with the ball.

In the middle, after Su Feng caught the ball, he immediately gave Mourning a hint with his eyes.

However, when Mourning left the penalty area and moved up to the high post...

The Lakers players discovered...

Su Feng did not take the initiative to ask for Mourning's pick-and-roll. Instead, he dribbled to the wing and made a cross-screen with Ginobili who slipped up from the bottom corner.

Seeing this, Ma Long suddenly felt a little sorry for Mourning, his old opponent who had fought with him on the battlefield for many years...

Look to the sky!

What kind of weirdos are the forwards and defenders today!

Someone came over to give you a pick-and-roll, but you let someone run halfway, but you didn't want the pick-and-roll...

Would you say you are irritating or not?


Malone didn't know that from the beginning, Su Feng's pick-and-roll was not called for him.

On the flank, the moment Su Feng and Ginobili completed the cross-cover...

Ginobili suddenly turned around and rushed to the high post, using Mourning's cover to slip to the other side!

At this time, because Su Feng attracted all the attention of the Lakers defense after crossing the screen...

So Mourning, the pick-and-roll master who had been ambushing in the high post early in the morning, also successfully blocked Fisher who was chasing Ginobili!

Who said I didn’t call for a pick-and-roll?

Aging Karl Malone...

One of the top 50 NBA stars of the past...

Keep your eyes open and take a good look!

The times have changed!

On the court, as soon as Ginobili ran into the open space, Su Feng's pass appeared in front of him!

Xi Xi. Jiudu Novel Xi Xi. Uh-huh!

And Ginobili didn't miss the opportunity!

He pulled the gun bolt again, and this time he shot the ball cleanly into the basket!

40 to 33.

Barkley, who saw this scene on TNT TV, sighed with emotion: "This season, in the Heat's offensive tactics...

We can intuitively see that in addition to passing and cutting, their off-ball players will often cover each other.

And in my opinion, this is definitely the best response to those doubters who think that Su will only fight alone!

Because whether it is from the initiation of on-field tactics to the end...

You can all see the team cohesion Su brought to this Heat! "

On the court, it was the Lakers' turn to attack.

As a result, one second Barkley had just finished speaking, and the next second, Kobe provided Barkley with a counterexample.

When Su Feng bypassed Malone's pick-and-roll, Kobe, who scored five points in a row, did not waver in his determination to take action.


In the Heat's penalty area, Mourning added one rebound.

On CCTV, Coach Zhang shook his head and said: "The Lakers' game was too easy.

There was no high-low coordination, and the ball never passed through the hands of the second person besides Kobe. "

I have been reading novels for a long time\u0026 # 戅. The game continues, the Heat have the ball.

After halftime, Ginobili handed the ball to Su Feng on the wing.

In the middle, Mourning once again mentioned the high position to create a wall for Ginobili.

Compared with the exquisite tactic just now, the Heat played a simplified version of the high-post off-ball cover tactic this time.

Originally, Ginobili just wanted to use the screen to find an opportunity to break through on the flank...

But who would have thought...

When Fisher saw Mourning's iron elbow, he chose to retreat from his heart...

So, on the other side, Su Feng had quick eyes and quick hands and threw the ball directly into Ginobili's hand!

Seeing this, Ginobili didn't make any adjustments after receiving the ball, and directly used his "machine sight" to snipe from the outside!


Grab, grab, grab. As a player with a similar style to Su Feng and Kobe in a sense...

You know, when this demonic sword is unsheathed, its critical damage is extremely powerful!

43 to 33!

On the court, after the start of the second quarter, the situation that Kobe had finally recovered from was instantly reversed by these two three-pointers.

On CCTV, Director Zhang commented on this: “Look, this is what we often say about the ball being more than one person’s hand.

Although the Heat's tactics for this ball were not complicated, after the ball passed one person's hand, the situation was completely different. "

In Su Feng's previous life, due to cultural disadvantages, many of the comments made by Director Zhang were considered by many people to mean that he did not understand football at all.

But actually...

Most of the time, what Director Zhang said is indeed the truth.

Just like in Su Feng's memory, when the Lakers' F4s were on the court at the same time, Jackson was never able to find a way for these four people to coexist.

In the second team, this situation continues.

Because at this time, besides giving the ball to Kobe and letting him play in singles, Jackson could not think of any other way.

Playing the triangle offense?


Malone's ability at this moment is limited. He can pass the ball in the high position, but after the pass is passed...

His defender will 100% choose to double-team Kobe in the low post.

As for Fisher…

As a leg-hugging defender, he can make a difference on the court...

It depends on how thick the thigh he is holding is.

So now comes the problem.

Does Kobe Bryant have thick legs today?

In addition, did he touch the "god descends to earth" switch?


In the low post, after pushing Su Feng with his shoulder, Kobe turned over and hit!

What a picturesque fadeaway jumper!

In the second quarter of the game, with Su Feng's death entanglement, this was Kobe's third goal!

Seeing this scene on the Lakers' bench, O'Neal, who was already a little unable to sit still, immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"I already scored 15 points tonight!"

When retreating, Kobe looked directly at Su Feng and said.

"Well, it's pretty awesome."

Hearing this, Su Feng smiled and said.

Kobe: "......"

"You've changed, Sue!"

Looking at Su Feng who didn't want to talk to him, Kobe said.

"You've become a coward since you joined the Heat!"

On the court, the Heat attack.

In the high post, Ginobili passed the ball to Haslem.

At this time, Kobe, who noticed that Su Feng had sunk into the low position, also turned his anger into a smile and said: "It seems that you still have a bit of the temper you used to have!"

He is chasing books and reading. only......

It's too late, it's faster than that!

The moment Su Feng received a pass from Haslem in the low post...

Just when the Lakers players thought he was going to hit that "L" in the low post...

Su Feng, while staring at Kobe, performed a wonderful "s" according to the tactical board in his mind!

A little to the left of the top arc of the court, Korver received a pass from Su Feng!


As the most accurate man on earth, Korver did not miss the wonderful pass that Su Feng sent him!

And on the sidelines...

On the Heat's bench, Riley also applauded the Heat players' wonderful tactical cooperation on the court!

Through the slow-motion replay on the spot, people just realized the subtlety behind Su Feng's pass without looking at anyone.

It turns out that Haslem's pass to Su Feng was a bait from the beginning!

On the court, after Ginobili passed the ball to Haslem, he rushed into the Lakers' left half.

And at this time...

Korver, who had been staying at the baseline, also came to this suddenly chaotic jungle of muscles from the left corner!

With the help of Mourning and Ginobili's double screen, Korver just reached the top floor like he was taking an elevator!

“With Sue getting the defender’s attention in the post and getting a real offensive play on the other side…

And even if the tactics don't work out, Su can still make use of Su's strong attacking ability in the low post to complete the shot...

What a three-point tactic to protect two and compete for three! "

In front of the TV, John Davis, who had just published a famous tactical book in the summer, was thinking about the Heat's wonderful three-point tactics just now and said with unfinished content.

In Boston, Miller-Carr, who was also paying attention to this Lake Fever battle, also hurriedly copied this tactic in his own notebook.

Because in Karl's view, the Celtics can also use Duncan's appeal in the low post to help Ray Allen create such opportunities on the court.

"It is indeed one of the most classic three-point tactics of the future Warriors..."

On the court, in the second quarter, after getting three assists in a row, Su Feng was also happy.

In Su Feng's previous life, after Durant joined the Warriors, this was a set of classic tactics designed by the Warriors' think tanks for Klay Thompson.

That is, through Durant's priority in the low post, he forces the opponent's defensive focus to shift towards him.

Xi Xi. See Xi Xi. And at the same time...

On the other side, Curry and Green will complete two consecutive pick-and-rolls for Clay near the baseline.

At this time, because Curry will run to the bottom corner after the demolition...

Therefore, the opponent's defense often pays attention to one thing and ignores the other.

Plus, like Davis said….

The most subtle thing about this tactic is that even if the other side's tactics fail, Durant's side can still complete a strong attack according to the changes in the situation on the field.

Although, on the basketball court, you have to have rice before you can cook...

But with Jingmi, excellent tactics can also allow a team full of talent to further increase their ceiling.

Well, even if Kobe turns on the "God descends to earth" switch tonight, what's the use?

46 to 35.

On the court, in the second quarter, when Kobe Bryant made three of four shots, the Heat actually widened the score between the two teams.

"There is no greater invention in the world than the three-point shot!"

Grab, grab, grab. On the Heat's bench, Riley also sighed from the bottom of his heart at this moment.

that is......

When Spoelstra heard this, he always felt that he had heard his teacher say it before...

What he hates most in his life is three-pointers.

On the field, the game continues.

Even if the Heat scored three three-pointers in a row, Jackson remained indifferent and began to practice Zen on the sidelines again.

Kobe, on the other hand, continues his breathtaking performance.


In the middle, after passing Su Feng with Sam Gold's crossover, Kobe made a move and made it back!

46 to 37!

This is Kobe Bryant.

A man who you can never predict when he will explode.

Tonight, against Su Feng's king-level defense, Kobe just hit consecutive shots in front of Su Feng.


On the court, as soon as they came back, all the Lakers players suffered a blow that they could not bear!

Since noticing Haslem and Mourning have sunk inside...

Ginobili, who was waiting for Su Feng to catch the ball near the Lakers LOGO, pulled the bolt of his rifle without saying anything!

At that time, Fisher was still using the corner of his eye to look away. Did Mourning come over to set up a pick-and-roll for Ginobili?


Is this the legendary "I'll take you to fight"?

On the sidelines, Riley, who had just felt that Ginobili had become a normal person, couldn't bear it anymore!

"Trade! He must be traded away tomorrow!

I can not stand it any more! I just can't stand it anymore! "

On the court, Su Feng, who had planned to cooperate with Ginobili again according to the original plan, was also frozen in place.

"No! Trade! Must trade!

I can not stand it any more! This is not playing basketball! "

And the Lakers’ LOGO...

After taking a look at the trajectory of his own shot, Ginobili always felt that he was not handsome enough...

Suddenly he remembered the celebration Su Feng had done when playing with everyone in the summer.

So, after taking a deep breath...

Just when he was waiting for the basketball to fly, Ginobili suddenly turned back and faced the Lakers bench and made a real...

The action of pulling the bolt of a rifle!

And the most amazing thing is...

At the moment he fired, the basketball hit the net...

On the sidelines, on the Lakers bench, O'Neal, who was also hit hard, happened to make a backward movement!

"Oh, my God!

Manu Ginobili shot Shaquille O'Neal at the LOGO while he was sitting on the court! "

On TNT TV station, Barkley, who happened to observe this scene, held his head and exclaimed.

On the Heat bench, while covering his head with his hands, Riley patted Spoelstra on the shoulder and said: "Has Manu said what he wants to eat tomorrow morning?

Is he still satisfied with the pasta I made for him last time? "

On the court, Ginobili watched as his talent soared into the sky at this moment...

After Su Feng rushed in front of Ginobili, he said: "This shot was really beautiful!

嘘戅G戅. Manu, I knew you had such range! "

And in front of the technical stage...

Now, how can the "Zen Master" dare to continue practicing Zen?

At the Staples Center, as the whistle that symbolized a pause sounded, the nearly 20,000 Lakers fans present were completely silent at this moment!

Can you believe it…

With Kobe Bryant hanging up tonight, at this moment, are the Lakers still trailing the Heat by double digits?

49 to 37......

"Is this... this style of play really a tactic?"

At the scene, countless Hu honeys asked themselves.

And in front of the TV, I don't know why...

Looking at the handsome Argentinian guy with long flowing hair, the rabbits always felt that this guy was much more attractive than Carter!

On the court, after the timeout, Jackson replaced O'Neal and Payton.


With Ginobili already unsheathed, how could Su Feng not step forward to help?

In the Heat's penalty area, just when Malone received Kobe's breakthrough ball and was about to finish with an unpretentious rebound shot under the basket...

Su Feng used practical actions to tell all the fans in front of the TV and at the scene how fast the NBA's top defenders can slide!

Maybe many people don't have a clear idea of ​​the time unit of 1 second.

As early as when the young player Duncan first entered the league, one second was roughly equivalent to him retreating from the three-point line to the basket and grabbing the rebound.

Yes, you read that right...

Unless there is something wrong with the NBA's timer, Duncan's completion of the above actions is so exaggerated.

In the future, the ultimate shooting speed of primary school students during training even reached 0.3 seconds.

Therefore, when Malone chose to hit the board and shoot in order to save energy...

How could he have imagined that Su Feng, who gave up defending Kobe and instead chose to help defend him, was already flying in the air waiting for him?


At the Staples Center, with the crisp sound of the backboard, Lake Mi, who was already preparing to applaud the cooperation between Kobe and Malone, was immediately stunned on the spot!

At the same time, on TNT, Barkley's big mouth was like a machine gun, saying: "Even if you look through all the dictionaries in the world, you can't find any words that can be used to describe this block!

Su was like a wall of despairing sighs, standing between Malone and the basket! "

On the court, Malone and other Lakers players who were stunned by Su Feng had not yet reacted...

Ginobili, who happened to grab the second spot, had already completed a surprise attack with the ball.

51 to 37!

Miami Heat, UU Reading In the second quarter of tonight's game, a huge wave was set off!

On the court, the four Lakers superstars were already looking at each other...

O'Neal, who was in great form tonight, really couldn't figure out how the Heat managed to lead them by 14 points.

And Kobe, who is also in good shape...

Xixi Xixi. I also don't understand how the Heat managed to lead them by double digits before Su Feng even exerted any effort.

And Malone and Payton...

“We have to increase our defensive intensity!

We can no longer let them attack so easily! guys! "On the court, looking at Kobe, O'Neal and Malone, Payton said.

After hearing this, Ma Long nodded and said, "I think so too."

O'Neal, Kobe: "..."

PS: The 5,300-word chapter is here! Happy New Year to all the handsome readers and little bosses! In addition, there is one of the three-point tactics in this episode in the easter egg chapter at the end of this chapter.

PS2: Thanks to Youxue Shanshanluo, the leader who rewarded Qiao greatly! Thanks again to Youxue Shanshanluo for the reward!

PS3: Continue begging for subscriptions, monthly passes, and recommendation votes!

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