All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 501 I want to defeat Su Feng 2.0!

I really just want to fight those things in Philadelphia that year Chapter 501: I want to defeat Su Feng 2.0! Ever since Toronto, in recent years, you can always see all kinds of "human confusing behaviors" in Jordan.

Just like in his own memory, this summer, after retiring again, Jordan had a conflict with Wizards owner Abe Pollin.

As for the cause of this incident, in Su Feng's previous life, although both parties held different opinions, judging from the details mentioned by Abel Paulin's wife Irene Paulin in his memoirs afterwards, it is not difficult to see that , Abel Paulin did make some verbal commitments to Jordan when he invited him.

"After discussions with team management and attorneys, Abel decided to meet with Jordan.

He knew it was going to be a difficult meeting, and his staff suggested he tell Michael that the team needed to move in a different direction.

After re-evaluating Michael's performance, they had no choice. It was nothing personal. They all liked and respected Michael, but this was business. "

“But for Michael, this was completely unexpected.

He was shocked, then there was a heated discussion about what Abel had promised him, and when Abel repeated that the team needed to move in a different direction, Michael became absolutely furious.

He started yelling and even being disrespectful to Abel, who walked out of the meeting angrily, and Michael later left the meeting room. "

To put it simply, after Wizard Joe decided to retire, he thought he could further increase his authority in the team and gradually acquired shares in the Wizards. He never expected that the clown was actually himself.

And Su Feng would not be unfamiliar with the methods of a "businessman" like Abel Paulin.

Because if Su Feng remembers correctly, the main purpose Jordan wanted to achieve in this negotiation was to kick Unseld out of the Wizards management and acquire 30% of the Wizards' equity.

However, in the past two years, because the Wizards' record did not meet Paulin's expectations, Paulin used this as an excuse to reject Jordan's proposal.

As a result, Jordan's anger level exploded.

Because when he chose to come back for the second time, if Paulin hadn't made his promise to him and thought of him as the god of basketball, how could he have chosen the Wizards to come back?

"This is deception! This is betrayal! That hateful bastard will definitely go to hell after he dies, I promise!"

Looking at Su Feng in a local Chinese restaurant in Washington, Jordan said angrily.

After hearing this, looking at the furious Jordan in front of him, what Su Feng wanted to say the most was...

Michael, even if you promise...

God, I won't necessarily let that bastard go to hell.


There is no way, who made this Jordan once be his second boss?

In addition, according to the previous plan with Riley, in the Heat's preseason game, Su Feng would only play in the first quarter...

Therefore, when Riley learned that Jordan wanted to meet Su Feng...

Seeing that he once loved Jordan, Riley suggested to Su Feng that Su Feng could leave the arena early to comfort Jordan.

However, when Su Feng came to the place where Jordan asked him to meet, in Su Feng's opinion, how could this "old gangster" need anyone to comfort him?

This guy just wants to find someone to vent his emotions to!

In fact, Jordan is not stupid either.

Since Abel Paulin was completely prepared for this attack, Jordan could not defeat Paulin legally based on Jordan's own testimony alone.

In Su Feng's previous life, after breaking up with Paulin this time, Jordan's final choice was very adult.

That is:

Endure it, endure it again, endure it until you can't bear it anymore, you have to endure it.

"Su, I know, you have the most clever ideas in this league. In your opinion, is there any way I can win back the victory?" After venting his emotions like a "hateful woman" for 2 hours , looking at Su Feng, Jordan asked pitifully.

Su Feng: "..."

What do you mean I have the most clever ideas?

I am the most honest player in this league!

But that's all...

Because his reputation in this life was still tied to Jordan, Su Feng felt that he still had to take advantage of Jordan before his personality completely collapsed.

So, after pondering for two seconds, Su Feng said to Jordan: "What Abel did is indeed wrong. I suggest you express your anger to the fans through the Internet."

"Then what?"

" depends on how many people you can win over for support." Su Feng said to Jordan with a smile.

"With my appeal in the league, I believe that most players will stand up and speak for me." Listening to Su Feng's suggestion, Jordan quickly designed a speech in his mind.

And looking at Jordan's wise eyes...

Su Feng always felt that this Boss Qiao's emotional quotient and IQ had dropped a lot compared to the past.

In Su Feng's previous life, even without himself, Jordan would have used his connections to attack the Wizards.

As a result, although Abel Pauline successfully kicked Jordan out this time, American fans had a very bad impression of the Wizards for the next dozen years.

Without faith, one cannot stand.

Even if the "old gangster" came back this time and failed to lead the Wizards to rise, don't the ticket packages sold by the Wizards in the past two years have anything to do with his "old gangster"?

And on this day, after the conversation with Jordan, Su Feng became more determined in his heart that he would only be a hero of the Rabbit family in the future, and would never be a bullshit city hero of the Mi Li family.

Although compared to Boss Qiao, the capitalists Su Feng has met so far after entering the alliance are more amiable.

But in the business world of the NBA, once you foolishly entrust your life to these capitalists, what awaits you at that time may not be the ending you want.

In this cruel and ruthless alliance, the only way is to control your destiny in your own hands!

The next day, after Jordan disclosed the details of his breakup with Abel Pauline through the Internet and the media, as Su Feng expected, many legendary celebrities came forward to express their grievances for Boss Qiao.

And Abel Paulin's statement in the interview indirectly hammered him.

Online, some Wizards fans also expressed their disdain for Abe Pauline's company by refunding their tickets.

In New York, when Stern learned about this, he wanted to pick up a knife and chop Abel Paulin into pieces.

In Su Feng's original time and space, in the next few years, under the leadership of Arenas, the Wizards briefly rose to prominence.

But the interesting thing is...

Whenever this team makes the playoffs, they are one of the rare teams that plays at home rather than on the road.

In 2009, after Abel Paulin passed away, Stern signed the No. 1 pick to the Wizards the next year.


If Jordan believes that Abel Pauline will definitely go to hell, it is because he believes that Stern, the "just God", will stand up to help him punish Abel Pauline...

In Su Feng's opinion, it does seem to make some sense.

As for Miami, after Riley learned more about the grudge between Jordan and the Wizards through chatting with Su Feng, not to mention how angry Riley was at the time.

Because in Riley's opinion, he has never used Jordan in his life!

But why did Jordan get into the hands of others, either PUA, or toyed with?

But that’s all.

This season, since I got Su Feng, I don’t know why...

Riley always felt like he didn't like Jordan that much anymore.


Maybe, this is the man!

In October, after the fallout between Jordan and the owner of the Wizards dominated the headlines for a period of time, the Heat, who had lost consecutive games in the preseason, successfully grabbed the headlines again.

In the team's 7 preseason games in the new season, the Heat only achieved one victory.

Online, many fans have begun to pray for Su Feng.

Because in the eyes of the fans, given the current state of the Heat, even if Su Feng's playing time returns to normal in the regular season, it will be difficult for him to drive these CBA teammates.

In the Heat's preseason games, the team's best players were Haslem and Alston, who were acquired from the free market in the summer.

In comparison, the performance of Milicic, the high-profile prospect before, was relatively poor.

In the Heat's seven preseason games, Milicic, who averaged 25 minutes per game, only scored 9 points and 4 rebounds.

And his shooting percentage is only 35%.

In addition, Odom, signed by the Heat from the Clippers in the summer, also performed relatively average, averaging 7 points, 5 rebounds, and 4 assists per game.

"We're only a few days away from the start of the regular season...

I don't think the Heat will find a winning formula anytime soon. "

In the preseason review program on TNT TV, Smith, who had just become a Heat fan for 70 years, expressed pessimism about the current state of the Heat.

On the sidelines, Barkley also expressed his agreement.

"Although in my eyes, Su is the best player in the league right now...

But you can't expect him to lead the fourteen old Charles, right? "In the show, Barkley complained about the current situation of the Heat in a self-deprecating way.

It is worth mentioning that in ESPN's latest strength rankings before the regular season, the Heat also dropped from ninth to eighteenth.

"To be honest, if it weren't for Su...

Then I feel that the Heat's ranking should even be ranked outside the 25th place. "American famous honey, Barbas wrote in his personal column.

As for CCTV, when doing a preview program for the new season, Director Zhang also questioned the Heat's performance in the preseason.

"Riley's employment is too rigid... Haslem is playing so well, why doesn't he give Haslem more playing time?

And that Milicic, he keeps playing from the outside and doesn't even get inside...

Can an inside player like this really cause damage to his opponents? "

As the saying goes, when you lose, no matter how you play, you are wrong.

In fact...

Compared with the pessimism of the outside world, after the Heat finished the preseason, Su Feng was full of confidence in leading the Heat back to the playoffs.

The main reason why Odom performed poorly in the preseason is because he has been undergoing special training with him recently.

However, as the regular season approaches, Su Feng has successfully "sleeped" Riley and asked him to give Odom a few days off before the start of the regular season.

And by then, Odom, who is in full condition, will definitely tell the world who is the Maple King's second-in-command in Miami.

In addition, Milicic's performance was not as bad as the media said.

Since his current confrontation ability is limited, his playing style itself needs to be guided by himself.

On the contrary, it is his attitude of daring to confront even if the confrontation is insufficient in recent games, which makes Riley full of hope for the success of his water injection.

As for Ginobili...

Neither Su Feng nor Riley would be able to use this demonic sword easily until the critical moment.

So, preseason?

It was just a training stage for the newcomers.

According to the schedule, the Heat will face the Cavaliers' challenge at the American Airlines Center on October 29.

As the first PK of the "Two Generations of Kings", although the Heat are currently in poor condition, the Cavaliers' strength needs more games as a reference...

But on October 29, 2003, there were still a large number of fans looking forward to this game.

"This will be the first time LeBron challenges Sue on the NBA stage.

When he was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers, LeBron once said in an interview that the reason he chose to play basketball was because Su was his idol.

So now, how will he attack Su's dominance of this alliance tonight? "TNT TV station, Smith said during the pre-game preview.

On the court, after the players from the two teams finished warming up, the staff at the technical desk soon encountered an embarrassing scene.

Because after Su Feng sprinkled the magnesium powder...

In order to pay tribute to Su Feng, James also ran to the technical stage and performed the same pre-match action as Su Feng.

"My King, your Akron boy comes to challenge you!"

After saying these words to Su Feng, under the gaze of nearly 20,000 fans at the American Airlines Center Arena, James took a deep breath and immediately jumped onto the technical stage in Miami.

Then, after taking out a magazine from somewhere and rolling it into a microphone, James said to the entire North America with his impassioned and energetic voice:

"I want to defeat Su Feng————!!"

Su Feng: "..."

In front of the TV, UU read a book www.uukanshu.nett. In an instant, the souls of the American fans who were watching the live broadcast quickly started to burn.

As a party...

You may not believe it...

At this moment, Su Feng always felt that he was extremely embarrassed.

"Hey, this is how Su Feng challenged Michael Jordan back then!

This is also Yao Ming's way of challenging Su Feng in the playoffs! "CCTV, Director Zhang said excitedly.

On the court, after James finally did what he wanted to do most after entering the league, the big screen also showed the starting lineup of the two teams tonight.

Cavaliers: Big Z, Stoudemire, Ricky Davis, Kedrick Brown, James.

Heat: Milicic, Odom, Su Feng, Butler, Alston.

In the 03/04 season, in addition to the previous main title, this year the league also has a new slogan.

That is:

"Where Miracles Happen".

And now...

It's time to witness the miracle!

PS: Buzzer-beating 4,000-word mini-killer is here! Free benefits for all readers who have fully subscribed are here! All readers who have subscribed to should be able to see a free extra if you browse through it, it is about a small theater in the 2002/03 season. The way the extras are written is different from the main text, but although it is short, Qiao has put a lot of effort into it.

PS2: I won’t ask for votes today... I’ll try to finish the game in one go tomorrow! Please subscribe!

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