All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Chapter 496 New wild flowers, scary new people!

Although good looks cannot be eaten as food.

But looking at this preview of the Heat's lineup for next season issued by the Miami media...

Even Stern, who was far away in New York, couldn't help but tremble.

As a shrewd CEO...

Stern has already foreseen the public opinion influence that the Heat can bring to the NBA next season.

And New York...

Knicks fans haven't had time to cry for Su Feng joining the Heat...

The "Big Apple" turned into the largest "Awei mass grave" in the United States overnight.

Different from entertainment stars.

Among the photos of Su Feng and others disclosed by the Miami media, especially the photo of Su Feng naked and doing shooting training...

They simply want the lives of American girls and beautiful Chinese mothers.

Look to the sky!

What kind of devilish figure does TM have?

In Su Feng's previous life, there was a saying in the American masturbation community:

Even if you feel like your muscles are invincible, don’t take a photo with those monsters in the NBA.


"Brother" Johnson, this is your fate.

After seven years of training, Su Feng's figure and figure are very close to Boss Qiao in the 9697 season.

And compared to the kind of muscles built by relying on health care products...

Su Feng's muscles feel quite comfortable both in terms of lines and overall aesthetics.

Well, this is not...

On the Internet, American netizens recently launched a discussion about who is the happiest woman in the world.

As a result, more than 60% of American netizens voted for Britney.

Because of the age, who wouldn’t want to touch Su Feng’s big breasts?

Ah Wei is dead!

In the Rabbit family, the Rabbits call the four "Sumijiko" the basketball version of "F4."

“It’s 2003, still watching Serie A?

Can those handsome guys from Italy compare with my Heat ‘F4’? "

"Farewell, Prince of Rome!

I declare that from today on, I am a Miami Heat fan! "

Affected by the men's basketball team's victory in the World Championships last year, the Rabbit family entered a complete football desert a few years earlier than Su Feng remembered.

In China, the popularity of basketball has gradually left other sports behind.

Originally, if basketball was to become more popular in China than football, it would have to wait until Yao Ming reached his peak in the NBA.

"No...this kid, are you sure he can really be your helper next season?"

And that day, looking at Darko Milicic in the Miami Steel House branch, Kobe always felt that Su Feng would cry next season.

A few days before the draft, Milicic, who had just celebrated his 18th birthday, had to rely on an interpreter to communicate with Su Feng and Kobe.

Because he was told by his agent yesterday that he would have to train with Su Feng in the coming summer...

And if he couldn't satisfy Su Feng, he wouldn't be able to get a minute of playing time next season, so...

When meeting Su Feng and Kobe on the first day, do you know how panicked Milicic was?

When he was a child, because his father was forced to participate in the Bosnian War, Milicic could only rely on his mother to do hard labor to raise him.

And at the age of fourteen, because Milicic was recruited by a local basketball team, in order for Milicic to not lose at the starting line, his mother even sold the family property in exchange for a cow.

The purpose is just to allow Milicic to drink milk every day.

In addition, when Milicic was growing up, he had to worry almost every moment that he would be killed by bombers that might appear in the sky at any time.

Therefore, war and poverty have already given this 18-year-old boy a maturity that is different from his peers.

How could a young man who grew up in a war-torn world have such a fragile psychological quality?

In Su Feng's previous life, even though he had been on the bench for three years with the Pistons, had you ever seen the news about Milicic tearing up Larry Brown?

Due to livelihood constraints, Milicic had to stay in the NBA to play, so even if he was stigmatized as a "parallel importer", he had to endure it.

Because he had no way out, he couldn't let his family go back to that embarrassing life again.

Therefore, even if you give up your talents, change your playing style, and just become an ordinary human shield, so what?

As long as he can stay in the NBA, he can let his family live a carefree life.

In Su Feng's previous life, after retiring from the NBA, Milicic became a boxer and was also a farmer.

To put it bluntly, from beginning to end, what this unlucky child has been pursuing is just a peaceful and ordinary life that most rabbits can easily obtain.

Therefore, in Su Feng's view...

What Milicic lacks is not a tough character and hard-working qualities...

What he lacks is actually ambition.

One like Xiao Yao.

In his rookie season, he dared to punch Brother Feng's ambition.

After meeting Milicic that day, Su Feng became more certain of his thoughts.


In order not to make myself angry...

Basically, whatever Su Feng asked Milicic to do on this day, this guy would do it honestly.

He seemed to be a walking corpse without a soul.

Even if Su Feng wanted to beat him up to vent her anger, I'm afraid he would reach out to her in the next second.

On the training ground, whenever Su Feng was doing shooting training on the court, Milicic would obediently act as the ball boy responsible for picking up the ball.

And this time...

But Kobe, who was standing by OB, was very anxious.

Because people like Director Ke...

My favorite thing in this life is to teach others to play ball.

"He has no personality! With a personality like his, how can he be beaten to death by a monster like Shaq when he is on the court?"

During the training interval, Kobe put his arm around Su Feng's shoulders and complained.

And hearing this...

Milicic’s character aside…

Su Feng really wanted to say something to Kobe:

It turns out that you also know that O'Neal is a monster on the court!

"It seems that we have to think of something." Su Feng touched his chin and said to Kobe.

"I can't control that. This is your team's own business." Kobe said.

"Eh... I heard from Britney that some pieces of high-quality beef were just flown in from Japan this morning.

Hey, do you think I should be cooking Beef Wellington tonight, or..."

"Actually, I just thought about it again...

Although this is your team's own business, as your best friend, if I'm not willing to help you, then you can't count on that bastard Tracy, right? "Looking at Su Feng, Kobe licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue and said.



In the training hall, after finishing Kobe Bryant with a big meal...

Thus began a project called "No Oppression, No Resistance."

First of all, because Milicic's patience has exceeded his imagination, in order to let the child learn to resist, Su Feng decided to further oppress him with Kobe, one of whom was responsible for playing the good role, and the other who was responsible for playing the bad role.

Secondly, in order to break through Milicic's psychological defense in the shortest time, Su Feng also learned about the child's life experience in detail through Milicic's agent.

All in all, compared to this kid's improvement on the basketball court...

In Su Feng's eyes, the cultivation of spiritual attributes is the most important to Milicic.

Otherwise, like Kobe said...

I really got to the court and met a monster like O'Neal...

With Milicic’s character...

Then he still has to be hammered to death?

You know, O'Neal's favorite thing in his life is to bully players who dare not fight back or talk back on the court.

And in the NBA...

There are many insiders with bad personalities like O'Neal.

"I...I don't have to play in summer league anymore?"

On this day, when he learned that he did not need to participate in the Heat's next summer league, Milicic said with a confused face.

"Summer League? With you now?

Oh, my God, you don’t really think your soft, cupcake-like style can play in the NBA, do you? "Besides, Kobe couldn't help but mocked.

According to Su Feng's request, Milicic's translator must translate Kobe's original words to Milicic verbatim.

As a result, seeing the ferocious looks in Su Feng and Kobe's eyes, Milicic immediately panicked.

"No, Su...didn't we agree that you would be the red face and I would be the bad face?

Why are you following me too..." Looking at Su Feng's eyes that were more fierce than his own, Kobe couldn't help but say.

"Kobe, I feel like this kid no longer needs to be a celebrity...

So I thought, let’s go together this time! "Patting Kobe's shoulder, Su Feng replied.

After taking a look at Milicic's aggrieved expression, which he didn't even dare to say anything back, Kobe felt that what Su Feng said seemed to make sense.

As a result, Milicic's life was miserable in the next few days.

Because when helping Su Feng pick up the ball, even if he greeted him with a smile, Su Feng would only say, "Brother, don't you have any hands? Do you need to pick up the ball?"

When handing Kobe a bottle of water, no matter how nice his attitude was, he would only be scolded by Kobe: "What are you doing? Do you think I'm bullying you? Don't you know how to pour the water yourself?"

Milicic: "..."

In mid-July, when Ginobili and Odom returned from vacation and came to receive Su Feng's guidance according to Riley's instructions, Ginobili and Odom were dumbfounded.

Because as promised...

Is Su Feng an approachable and gentle leader?

How can this person be approachable?

Odom, who was bullied by Kobe in the training camp, knew about Kobe's careless character.

Therefore, in order not to follow Milicic’s footsteps, during the past two days during training, you may not believe it when I say it...

Odom's enthusiasm when carrying Su Feng's bag once made Su Feng dumbfounded.

"Lamar, can you improve your three-point shooting ability in the summer?"

Regarding the instructions given by Su Feng, Odom showed a correct attitude.

Practice three-pointers?

Okay, Mr. Su, I’m going to practice right now!

In Su Feng's previous life, he was a forward who could hold the ball on the court. The 208-centimeter-tall Odom not only had the flexibility of a defender, but he was also a player with quite good physical fitness.

Su Feng knows that next season, apart from Ginobili, his most reliable helper on the court will probably be this guy.

Therefore, Odom must ensure that his open three-pointers have a certain shooting percentage.

Otherwise, when he holds the ball in the high post, he can't even attract defense. How can he help himself share the organizational pressure on the court?

Due to the butterfly effect caused by itself, the NBA has entered the three-point era ahead of schedule. Therefore, if the Heat do not have enough shooting points on the court, their space on the court will inevitably be compressed by their opponents through zone defense.

As for Ginobili...

to be honest......

Teaching Milicic how to play is okay, but if you ask Su Feng to teach Ginobili, that would be really too much.

In the communication with Ginobili, rather than saying that Su Feng was giving him advice, it was better to say that the two were sharing each other's experiences.

In the 2003 season, with the Heat, Ginobili averaged 13.4 points and 4.6 assists per game.

He has already initially adapted to the NBA. He only needs to strengthen his core strength to transform into the demon knife in Su Feng's memory.

Of course, in terms of experience, the current Ginobili is definitely not comparable to the future Pampas Vulture.

"I have seen the 'Chinese Step' you created. When I was playing in Europe, I would often watch your videos to learn." On this day, when he and Su Feng were competing in skills, Ginobili said to Su Feng.

And hearing this...

Su Feng's face turned red instantly.


Look at my damn seniority!

I have to say that Su Feng has really become a guiding light for many people in this life.

For example, McGrady...

Wasn’t the “Sun King”’s Qianba taught by him?

And Kobe...

Without him, how could he have learned the method of removing the passing key?

On this day, while competing with Ginobili, Su Feng successfully triggered a new task given to him by the system.


Through communicating with Manu Ginobili, you gained a deeper understanding of the 'Snake Dance'.

Now, it’s time to try and turn this into your own unique skill!

Mission: The birth of ‘Maple Dance’.

Task 1: Over the next two seasons, use a total of 233 Eurosteps to finish on the court.

Mission requirement 2: In daily training, defeat Ginobili 500 times in one V one.

Mission completion reward: "Serpentine Dance" skill conversion card.

Penalty for mission failure: None. "

Tired! Tired!

Maple Dance is so tiring!

Looking at the task that the system suddenly gave him, and touching Ginobili's head, Su Feng always felt that he did the right thing last year, which was to imply that Riley had exchanged Ginobili's signing rights. superior.

He is worthy of being his second-in-command!

Even before they even played together, this Pampas eagle gave him such a great gift.

Since Su Feng's exclusive skills are more suitable for his own style and characteristics, looking at the new member of the "Maple Family" who is about to be born, Su Feng has already thought of it in his mind that day. His bright future.

And just when Su Feng was having fun with her friends in Miami...

In July, several major events happened in the NBA.

First, there was a conflict between Nelson and Cuban.

Last season, because the Grizzlies led by Van Gundy staged a black seven, Cuban questioned Nelson's style of play that only pursues offense and does not pursue balance.

As a result, after the two had a big fight, Nelson left Dallas without looking back.

According to ESPN, after leaving the Mavericks, Nelson will reach a five-year agreement with the Golden State Warriors.

And before Nelson arrived in Oakland...

As Su Feng remembered, the Wizards poached Arenas from Oakland not long after the free agent market opened with a contract that the Warriors could not match.

At this point, Stern finally discovered a fatal flaw in the NBA's contract renewal issue for second-round picks.

As we all know, according to the current NBA rules, free agents who have played in the league for less than three years are restricted free agents.

And since he is a restricted free agent...

Then other teams can naturally make invitations to him.

And if the contract offered by other teams is larger than the contract offered by the parent team using the early bird rights exception, and the parent team does not have enough salary space to match the offer, then they can only watch their players being traded by other teams. The team poached.


Isn't it true that the Warriors are helping the Wizards reach their full level?

Because the Warriors' salary cap is limited, when they renewed Arenas's contract, even if they wanted to give Arenas a big contract, they couldn't.

And in order to better protect the rights and interests of the parent team...

After Arenas was poached by the Wizards, in late July, Stern also urgently held an NBA high-level meeting at the NBA headquarters in New York.

Su Feng knew that if nothing unexpected happened, the "Arenas Terms" would be released soon.


Facts will prove in the future that no matter how well people make the rules, they will still have corresponding loopholes.

At the end of July, James and Anthony, who had finished playing in the summer league in Long Beach, also officially joined Su Feng's "Summer Blacksmithing Army."

In this year's summer league, the performance of these two people once again impressed the NBA scouts present.

But compared to James and Anthony...

Su Feng is more concerned about Haslem, who came to the Heat training camp in the summer.

Just like Su Feng remembered, Riley immediately fell in love with Haslem's outstanding qualities of being down-to-earth, hard-working and hard-working, and decided to provide him with a two-year basic salary contract.

In addition, this time before James decided to come to Miami for special training with him, he told himself on the phone that he made a good friend while playing in the summer league.

Even with her eyes closed, Su Feng could guess who this friend James had made was.

Dwayne Wade.

Su Feng was the "Miami Cheek Man" in his previous life, and he is the "Atlanta Eagle King" in this life.

Sure enough, the bond between the four Banana Boat brothers will not be severed even if it is affected by the butterfly effect.

As a "Humanoid Wade Encyclopedia", in Su Feng's opinion...

In this life, Wade will probably become a VIP member of a club in Atlanta.

I have to say, this thing of fate is really wonderful.

I just don’t know…

Will Wade become the "King of Nightclubs" in the league before Harden enters the league?

And as the number of members of the House of Steel increases...

During the recent period, Milicic has been living in dire straits every day.

But so what?

In Milicic's view, as long as Su Feng doesn't drive him away...

No matter how hard and tired he is, or bullied, he will persevere!

"To my dear sister Yuna...

I heard that you haven't eaten well recently.

Haha, your handsome brother will play in the NBA next season!

You have to eat well, because now is the time for you to grow.

The weather in Miami is great and the people I meet here are great and everyone treats me well.

And if you get the chance, you really have to try Sue’s delicious food.

Well, that's it, your favorite current top star in the NBA.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a master of cooking!

Hehe, don’t you envy your brother?

Just wait, when your brother makes a lot of money, I will take you and your mother from your hometown.

And by that time, we no longer have to worry about the damn air raid sirens we hear every day..."

On this day, after sending an email to his sister Yuna Milicic, Milicic suddenly collapsed on the table like a deflated ball.


Can you really hold on?

Looking back on the past more than half a month of training and life...

There were many times when Milicic thought about giving up.


When I think of the life in my hometown where I have to be on tenterhooks every day...

When I think of my mother milking myself every day to support me in playing basketball...

"What do these mean?"

After slapping himself hard on the cheek, Milicic perked up.

"To be honest, I already admire that kid a little bit now." On this day, during a late-night exchange with Su Feng, Kobe couldn't help but say.

"Because the average person...

It is simply impossible to do this and still persist. "After a pause, Kobe added.

After hearing this, Su Feng smiled.

Because he knows that in his original time and space...

Milicic suffered a much worse blow than this under Larry Brown, and he persisted.

"'s so late, why are you still staying in my room?"

Looking back at Kobe who was staying on his bed, Su Feng asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Vanessa thinks I haven't been with her lately...I've closed the door. You can't let me sleep on the floor, right?" Kobe said to Su Feng.

"And your girlfriend is not here, so what's wrong with me staying in your room all night?"

When he noticed Su Feng's reluctant eyes, Kobe said confidently.

Su Feng: "..."

have to......

Labor and management have given this bedroom to you, okay!

Seeing Kobe who had already placed the big words on his bed, Su Feng was completely convinced.

And just when he opened the bedroom door and was about to go to another bedroom...

Suddenly, there was a sound of hitting a ball not far from his residence, which immediately attracted him.

"Ah, did I disturb you to sleep?

Because...because the door to the training gym is closed, so I...

I want to practice dribbling. "

Because in the past period of time, Milicic's main job during training was to be bullied by Suko and Suko, so in order to prevent his sense of ball from declining, Milicic would wait for Suko and Suko to fall asleep these days. After that, I ran to the training hall to practice more.

But this night, because the person in charge of closing the door was James, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder...

So when Milicic went to practice with a basketball, he found that the door to the training hall was locked tightly.

Therefore, he planned to practice dribbling before sleeping, so he deliberately found a secluded place to practice shooting.

But who would have thought...

But he happened to bump into Su Feng who was kicked out of the bedroom by Kobe.

"Your English has improved very quickly." After looking at Milicic, Su Feng said.

After hearing this, Milicic, who was a little afraid to answer the question, nodded and hurriedly showed a sweet smile to Su Feng.

"Am I so terrible?"

Looking at Milicic's aggrieved expression, Su Feng couldn't help but think to himself.

"It's too late, don't practice. If you don't get enough rest, it will affect the next day's training." After pondering for two seconds, Su Feng said to Milicic.

Milicic nodded.

"Oh, right......

I can’t sleep anyway, so why don’t you come and play one-on-one with me? "After thinking for a while, Su Feng said while looking at Milicic who was about to walk back to the room.

"" Milicic turned around quickly and asked.

"Yeah, one-on-one." Su Feng said with a smile.


Is this the strength of the number one player in the NBA?

About half an hour later, in the Steel House sub-base, Milicic was completely convinced as he watched Su Feng easily beat him 21-4.

Because no matter what techniques he used, he was as immature as a baby in front of Su Feng.

As a sport where big men have an inherent advantage, Milicic never expected that his height would be just a decoration in front of Su Feng.

And his proud low-position turning skills were even more powerless in front of Su Feng.

"The technology is really good..."


Compared to Milicic, whose mentality had been shattered by him, Su Feng felt Milicic's talent that made the scouts applaud in this one-on-one match with Milicic.

Insufficient confrontation, according to Milicic's model, he only needs to strengthen his core strength while adding a little meat to solve the problem.

But this guy's technical talent is something that no one else can teach him.

However, just when Su Feng was about to give Milicic some advice on this one-on-one situation, Milicic took the initiative and said because he was afraid of being scolded:

“I know my skills are a little flashy.

I will find ways to improve my confrontation next time!

Please trust me! I will definitely become a qualified NBA insider! "

Su Feng: "..."

And perhaps because he was worried that Su Feng, the team leader, would not believe in him, after a pause, Milicic added:

"I know...I am only allowed to carry your bag now.

Because when I hit someone from behind, I couldn’t even resist someone.


Just give me time...

if only......"

Well, if this guy continues to talk, Su Feng always feels that he should cry.

So, after taking the initiative to stand on tiptoes and rub Milicic's head, Su Feng smiled and said, "Why do you think your skills are flashy?"


"Besides, who said that what you want to improve is your confrontation ability?" Su Feng said after squinting and smiling.

"Then...which direction should I work towards next?" Milicic asked cautiously.

“Just keep everything you have now.

Of course, if you want to get playing time after the start of the new season, you must strengthen your shooting stability.

See, I need you here and there to keep your shooting percentage! "

On the training ground, Milicic was shocked when he saw the position of Su Feng's fingers.

Because those are clearly two high positions on the court at a 45-degree angle, and...

Three-point line!

"You are only 18 years old now...I don't recommend you to do high-intensity strength training because it may affect your development.

Therefore, you must learn how to use your intelligence on the court against players who are better than your strength. "Su Feng said.

"So, can I play for the Heat?" Milicic said.

"You just want to play for the Heat?" Su Feng suddenly became serious.

"I...but I..."

"If all you want is to play for the Heat, then I feel like you can go back to the south...Serbia and Montenegro now." Su Feng said to Milicic with a solemn expression.

But this time, Milicic suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem.

"When I was 16 years old, I met Kobe, and no matter how hard I fought, I couldn't beat him.

When I was 18 years old, I entered the NBA like you, and as a result, I was assigned to play against Michael Jordan.

And then that night, I got beat by the best player in the league at the time.

However, I never feel that I play in the NBA just for the so-called playing time. "Looking at Milicic, Su Feng said.

"Then...then why...are you insisting on it?" Milicic asked with courage.


Of course, it is to become the strongest player on this planet in the first 500 years and the next 500 years! "Su Feng said word by word.


You are the most beautiful girl chosen by the Miami Heat!

I don't care what others think of you, and I don't care what you pursue in the NBA.

I just want to tell you...

Before I joined the Heat, you were my designated second-in-command! "Su Feng added after kicking Milicic's butt hard.

And even though Su Feng's kick was very painful...

But I don’t know why, Milicic always felt that on this night, he gained something far more important than technology.

"Go to sleep! Although the night is long...

But did you know that the reason why humans are not afraid of the night is because the sun will rise on time the next day. "After patting Milicic on the back, Su Feng left the training hall.

And the next day...

When Kobe got up from Su Feng's bedroom, he was about to go into the training gym to compete with Su Feng. He never expected that at four o'clock in the morning in Miami...

There was actually a creature that got up earlier than him and Su Feng!

Look, that's LeBron James.

The No. 1 pick in 2003.

Look, it was Anthony who was getting angry in bed after being kicked out of bed by James.

The second pick in 2003.

Well, that's Darko Milicic, whose entire aura has quietly changed.

Tan Hua Lang in 2003.

In the post-Jordan era, new wildflowers have emerged.

"No, where's Su?"

Regarding Su Feng's behavior of staying in bed, Kobe immediately poured a basin of cold water on the head of Su Feng, who was still sleeping at the time.

Su Feng: "..."

"Wake up, UU read a book It's 4:30, are you still asleep?" Kobe said angrily.

And on the day Su Feng was dragged from the bed to the training gym by Kobe...

After Arenas was poached, in Oakland, which had fallen deeply into despair...

Old Nelson also started his sexy operation.

"Steve...will you play for me?"

After calling Nash, who had also jumped out of the "4+1" contract with the Raptors, Nelson spoke affectionately on the phone.

PS: Ouch! It was a good sleep! A big chapter of 8,200 words is here!

PS2: Continue begging for monthly tickets, recommended tickets, and subscriptions!

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