On June 4, the Finals G1 game between the Raptors and the Lakers officially started at the Route Center Arena.

The finals at this time still adopt a 232 format.

Before the game, American experts were generally optimistic that the Raptors could regain the throne this year.

In the eyes of this group of experts, the Lakers' only advantage in this round of finals is O'Neal.


Due to some well-known reasons, sharks have been criticized in the public in the past two years.

Therefore, when doing pre-game analysis, some experts even believed that whether O'Neal could beat Big Ben was the same thing.

On the court, compared to two years ago, the current Raptors not only have a better understanding of the players on the court, but also in terms of mentality, they are obviously much calmer and calmer than in the past.

When CCTV was broadcasting the warm-up scenes of players from both teams, Director Zhang said: "Why are everyone including Su Feng saying that mentality determines everything?

Look, Kobe is as nervous as if he was playing in the playoffs for the first time. From the beginning, I counted him and he missed at least six or seven three-pointers in the warm-up. "


I have to say that Director Zhang is indeed a very detailed commentator.


What does Kobe's inability to shoot accurately in warm-ups have to do with his nervousness?

In fact, even if he wasn't playing in the finals, Su Feng didn't see Kobe being accurate a few times during warm-ups. Ah bah!

Kobe is the most accurate man in the world besides Su Feng and will not accept any refutation!

In order to complete his revenge in this year's finals, O'Neal specially treated Kobe to several meals before the start of the finals.

And since the relationship between these two people has become tense,

This is definitely an unprecedented first time.

In addition, Kidd has temporarily accepted his role as the third boss in Los Angeles.

Well, in the face of the temptation of a championship, so what if there are more conflicts within the team?

Before the game, in an interview, "Zen Master" also rarely showed his murderous intention.

"If we have to be the villains, then why not?"

Before the finals started, because public opinion overwhelmingly supported the Raptors, the Lakers were also regarded as the "evil BOSS" by many neutral fans.

However, in the NBA, there is no saying that the prince can definitely rescue the princess from the devil.

Because most of the time, NBA scripts have the devil kill the prince and marry the princess.

At the moment of the decisive battle, Jackson's move is tantamount to telling the Lakers players:

Wake up, since we are all villains, do you still have to wait until after the finals to complain about public opinion?

Especially a certain super center, you know, if you win the runner-up again this time, then you will be the king of the five Asian countries!

In this life, O'Neal has already tied Jordan in terms of the number of times he has reached the Finals.

However, unlike Boss Qiao, who has reached the finals six times and won the championship six times,

O'Neal has been swept in three of the past five Finals, and won only one of the other two tiebreaks.

In fact, in terms of dominance and team leadership ability alone, O'Neal has proven that he is not inferior to Jordan.

However, for competitive sports, which always rely on championships to judge status,

The overall runner-up thing.

But it really doesn't have any gold content.

On the court, after the players of the two teams finished warming up, the big screen immediately showed the starting lineup of the two teams.

Lakers: O'Neal, Horry, Fox, Kobe, Kidd.

Raptors: Ben, Bubble Bobble, Su Feng, the second boss, Nash.

In the center of the field, two O'Neal jump balls started the game.

As a result, the fatter O'Neal had the last laugh.

Kidd was responsible for dribbling the ball through half court. The Lakers stood at 122 and started their traditional triangle offense.

During the Lakers' playoff journey this year, Horry was in average form. Before the start of the finals, his three-point shooting percentage was only 5%.

Yes, you read that right, it’s 5%.

But because this guy has a big heart, before the game, Su Feng still gave instructions to Ben, who was responsible for keeping an eye on him.

That is, if necessary, Kidd can't be spared without letting him go.

On the court, under Kidd's command, the Lakers quickly found opportunities.

O'Neal pushed away O'Neal Jr. in the low post, and Kobe also got into position while struggling with Carter.

In this moment of testing emotional intelligence, Kidd of course chose to hand the ball to Fox, who would be the big villain.

In the low post on the left side of the court, O'Neal received a pass from Fox.

Then, after turning his back and squeezing away O'Neal, the fat-headed fish hit a two-pointer, 2-0.

Although he wanted to bite the Raptors and Su Feng into pieces, in order to save physical energy, O'Neal still chose a relatively low-key scoring method for this goal.

After O'Neal quickly scored two points for the Lakers, O'Neal Jr. was not discouraged. Instead, he quickly ran to the baseline and quickly passed the basketball to Nash's hands.

"The Raptors' offense is so fast. To be honest, seeing O'Neal running like this, I feel bad for him." CCTV, Director Zhang said with a smile.

As a sport where whoever scores more points wins, the Raptors' strategy tonight is to play fast and slow.

In the Lakers half, Nash quickly found Su Feng who was cutting across the middle.

After Nash found Su Feng with an imaginative ground-breaking pass, Su Feng took advantage of his wingspan to put the ball into the basket while carrying Kobe.


At the same time, the baseline referee's whistle sounded, indicating that Kobe had missed the ball when Su Feng made a layup.

"There is no other way but a long hand and a big hand!"

Looking at Kobe who was about to ask the referee to argue, Su Feng shook his slender fingers and smiled.

But this time, Kobe was immediately anxious!

big hand

What's wrong with big hands?

What a big hand!

It's already 2003, and you are showing off your big hands in front of me every day, okay?


On the court, Su Feng made an extra free throw, 2-3.

But back, this time O'Neal Jr. learned from experience and lessons, and successfully caused O'Neal's offensive foul by blocking the position in advance and Su Feng's acting skills before the game.

"Nothing but IQ." In the penalty area, after getting up, looking at O'Neal who was not very smart, O'Neal complained.

And this time, it's O'Neal's turn to be anxious!


Are you sure you can compete with my brother with your IQ, which you couldn't even pass in college?


Referees, you can't be so biased towards the Raptors!

This thing was just installed!

On the court, O'Neal kept complaining, and even though the NBA had not yet introduced a zero-tolerance system, the referee still gave him a T.

Su Feng went to the free throw line to execute the free throw.


2 to 4.

Then, the Raptors still have the ball.

At this time, with the opening whistles, the mentality of the Lakers players obviously changed.

Because before the game, the Lakers players felt that the referee would definitely favor the Raptors, so after the team started the game in this unfavorable situation tonight, the Lakers players all developed a kind of "persecution delusion" at this moment. psychology.

In fact, the game has just started at this moment, and as far as the referee's first few penalties are concerned, they are not particularly biased towards the Raptors.

However, when the Lakers players play with this mentality, it is difficult for them not to be disturbed.

On the basketball court, in this kind of powerful dialogue, the most taboo thing is that your attention is not focused enough and you are distracted by things off the court.

As a result, after the first quarter of the game, all the Lakers players turned into iron blocks, while the Raptors were all game gods.

The score of the two teams in the first quarter was 18-33.

In the first quarter, except for the two free throws in the opening game, the Raptors only got to the free throw line twice in the subsequent games.

In contrast, the Lakers with O'Neal had 10 free throw opportunities in the first quarter.

However, when the mentality is disturbed, even the "urinal pot" cannot save this fat-headed fish.

In the second quarter of the game, Jackson kept emphasizing calmness and concentration on the bench.


In the second quarter, after Su Feng hit a super long three-pointer for the Raptors as soon as he came up, even Jackson was not calm now.

I'll beat you up!

Since this is the finals, can you pay attention to the "Basic Laws of Langtou" when you are betting?

Su Feng: Uh!

But this is how I usually play ball!

This season, in the regular season, Su Feng averaged 9.2 three-pointers per game, and basically half of them were the kind that could scare Davis away from a heart attack.

Although in the final shooting percentage panel, Su Feng shot a historically low three-point shooting percentage in his career this season.

But when he is on target, his opponents are often tortured crazy by him.

Well, isn't it, in order to prove to Su Feng what is the reasonable way for a scorer to score, did Kobe turn around and give Ben a rebound?

This season, in the regular season, Kobe averaged 28.8 points per game and was the Lakers' leading scorer.

The Jieyi data was slightly less than what Su Feng remembered.

This is mainly because the Lakers have added Kidd in this life, and Kobe's offense on the court has become more scientific.

In fact, in terms of scoring ability alone, this Kobe has also begun to enter his peak.

Su Feng knew that even he couldn't prevent Kobe from dying.


In terms of Kobe's mentality, he is definitely the first person in this league.

The Raptors attacked. After Su Feng caught the ball on the wing, he grabbed the basketball with his right hand and made several fake moves.

And this time.

Kobe was really pissed off.

As Kobe's best friend, Su Feng knew very well how dangerous it would be to beat the Raptor to comfort this little mamba snake.

On the basketball court, if Su Feng cared about his relationship with Kobe and didn't try his best, that would be the stupidest thing.

In Su Feng's previous life, why did many NBA stars like to trash talk their opponents?

Because the mentality itself is a science on the basketball court.

You know, basketball is not a sport suitable for Notre Dame.

Especially in the NBA.

When you chose to be Cheng Xin, there were many Trisolarans in this alliance who wanted to take over the "Earth" where you were.

"Are you just going to do fake moves like a bitch?" Kobe, who was forced by Su Feng on the court, angrily countered.


My lovely Kobe kid, since you asked the question sincerely.

Then I will answer your question seriously.

Boom, boom!

On the court, Su Feng suddenly released the ball, and then at the moment of making a breakthrough to the right, he suddenly used his left hand to pull the ball to the other side.

Upon seeing this, Kobe sneered but did not hesitate.

That's it?

Even your Sam Goad wants to get past me?


This is not Sam Gold!

This starts with Sam Goad and can only be completed by Su Feng's knees. Sam Goad takes over the big change in the Crossover universe!

On the wing, after pulling the ball back to the right, Su Feng quickly withdrew from the three-point line.

Then, there was a handsome three-pointer!


18 to 39!

Smooth and silky!

If we say that Su Feng in the past only had 15 to 30 frames!

So today, he has at least 60 frames!

Although there is still a certain distance from his dream of 2K and 4K, with his amazing starting speed, it is difficult for even Kobe to react immediately.

On the Lakers' bench, O'Neal, who was replaced by Jackson to rest, couldn't sit still.

Because if we sit down again, wouldn't this G1 game be in vain?


All right!

In fact, even if O'Neal chooses to come back, the Lakers will most likely lose this game.

Because as the Raptors' pitchers are getting smoother and smoother on the field, how can the Lakers' defense still hold up?

The unbalanced mentality at the beginning caused the Lakers to dig a hole for themselves from the beginning.

After taking a big lead, the Raptors, who relaxed their mentality, naturally took the lead in this game.

In the end, after Su Feng and Kobe bickered for a whole game, the score of the game was 95 to 116, and the Raptors got off to a good start at home.

Throughout the game, Su Feng was accurate first and then iron. He made 11 of 24 shots and scored a total of 32 points including free throws and three-pointers.

Kobe, on the other hand, made 10 of 23 shots and scored a total of 30 points, 6 rebounds, and 4 assists.

After the game, if you just look at the data, you would even think that Kobe and Su Feng were evenly matched.

But for fans who watched the whole game

But they felt that Kobe was beaten severely by Su Feng all night.

Because many of Kobe's points were scored when Carter defended him after the Raptors took a big lead in the second half.

On the 7th, after adjusting their mentality, the second game between the Raptors and the Lakers continued at the Route Center Arena.

In the first quarter of the game, O'Neal, who only took 15 shots in the previous game, once cried out to the Iron-Blooded Bubble Bobble.

In the first quarter alone, O'Neal scored 16 points and 9 rebounds.

With Kidd in charge of distributing the ball, after the Lakers players' mentality has adjusted, the Lakers' offensive choices are indeed very reasonable.

Although the Raptors have many stars, in fact, there is only one person who has the opportunity to finish every round.

In the second quarter of the game, O'Neal didn't rest, vowing to beat the Raptors to a pulp.

At this time, it was Davis who took the initiative to remove Su Feng's second-in-command, and Su Feng and Ben came to deal with the Lakers with three substitutes: Marshall, Parker, and Jackson.


It’s okay for Marshall to be a tool man.

But why are Parker and Jackson also tool men?

Oh, on your bench are Nash, Carter, O'Neal, and old Curry and Barkley watching the water cooler.

That's okay. (Director Lu:?)

With the lineup fully assembled, no one knows better than Davis how to make full use of the Raptors' bunch of kings.

In the third quarter, relying on Nash's sudden acceleration on the court and taking advantage of the Lakers' physical decline, the Raptors used a 19-4 attack wave to completely reverse the situation.

In the fourth quarter of the game, Su Feng, who was planning a little tonight, also turned on his full strength mode.

Kobe, who was tortured by Su Feng for nearly 36 minutes, failed to continue his good touch in the first three quarters in the final quarter.

As we all know, high-intensity defense will affect the players' feel on the court.

Therefore, in the finals, Kobe, who was actively looking for Su Feng on both ends of the offense and defense, would hardly have the performance he had in the Western Conference Finals against Minnesota's three heroes.

And in comparison.

Most people simply cannot appreciate the joy of being able to pass the blame to Carter.

Look, when you are not on time, there is a healthy Carter who can help you attack hard.

And when you want to attack, he can also help you open up space.

Even when you are defensive, you can ask him to help you gank when you are tired.

that is

"Su, you were too inaccurate tonight. Give me the ball. I can kill this game easily."

How great would it be if he couldn't speak?

On the court, with the combined efforts of Su Jordan and Capipong, Kobe was hammered into the heartbroken BOY of Los Angeles on this night.

The full score of this G2 battle was 105 to 116.

O'Neal, who contributed 36 points and 17 rebounds in the first three quarters, only got 2 shots in the fourth quarter, totaling 40 points and 19 rebounds.

Kobe scored 27 points, 5 rebounds, and 3 assists.

For the Raptors, Su Feng and Carter scored 61 points together without having to face O'Neal's strength, and they also scored 16 rebounds.

After the first two games are played, according to the schedule, the next three games of the two teams will be moved to Los Angeles.

Of course, the premise is

The Lakers have to win at least one game before they can enjoy the first-off-first-home benefits of the NBA Finals during this period.

Anecdotally, after the first two games, many fans believed that the Raptors would take away this round of finals with a score of 4-0.

And experts do not believe that the Lakers have the possibility of a comeback.

Because right now, the Raptors are in really good shape.

10th, Los Angeles, Staples.

The Lakers, who were trailing 2-0 in the series, were pushed to the edge of the cliff.

Before the game, the Los Angeles media even added a negative BUFF to the Lakers, whose morale was already low.

Because after the G2 game, reliable sources within the Lakers revealed that O'Neal and Kobe had disagreements off the court, so the media in Los Angeles criticized O'Neal and Kobe before the game started before they played in the Finals. Conflicting behavior occurs when the situation is over.


From Su Feng's point of view, all this was quite outrageous.

Because regardless of the conflict between O'Neal and Kobe, isn't it you who are setting the pace and further amplifying the conflict between them?

Another thing to say again

Generally, if an accident like this happens in the locker room, it would be difficult for outsiders to know about it unless an insider exposes it.

Because even Wang Zhizhi did not tell himself about this matter after the G2 game.

Therefore, Su Feng was very curious, which scheming boy stabbed OK in the back like this?

On the evening of the 10th, during the warm-up before the game, Su Feng looked at Fisher, who had a sly look on his face, and felt that he had already guessed the answer.

During the G3 battle, Kidd was very tired, and Kidd didn't want to talk about it.

In fact, in the locker room after the G2 game, Kidd had already controlled O'Neal and Kobe who were blaming each other.

But nothing

The handle of his halberd can't control the needle that wants to poke these two eggs!

What do you mean by introduction?

That guy named Derek Fisher, if you fucking don’t want to play, can you just retire?

Why did you go to Kobe and tell Su Feng, and then go to O'Neal and tell Su Feng?

Don't you think that the so-called friendship between OK is really achieved by him, Su Feng?

That damn thing is all based on me!

Kidd was convinced.

He swore that even if the Lakers wanted to renew his contract in the summer, he would not stay with the Lakers.

It's not because he doesn't want to stay in the City of Angels, it's just because he's fed up with "Zen Master"'s unreasonable trust in Fisher.

In Kidd's view, no matter how much trouble O'Neal and Kobe have, these two are at least normal people on the court.

But he Fisher

He doesn't really think that he is better than himself, right?

No way

With the help of the Los Angeles media, even if Kidd has a way to turn things around, he can't save the demoralized Lakers.

In the G3 game, O'Neal and Kobe played well for half a game each.

But the result was that the Raptors had the last laugh with their ultimate one-to-four tactic.

In the fourth quarter of the game, when he saw those open three-pointers made by senior Curry, Marshall, Carter and others, Kidd's eyes were completely attracted by Nash in a daze.

What is the ultimate team basketball?

This is the basketball Kidd wants to play!

In terms of organizational ability, Kidd does not think he is worse than Nash.


What's the use of talking about this now?

Destroy it!

hurry up!

In the end, in the G3 game between the Lakers and the Raptors, Su Feng couldn't even wait for his fourth quarter full-strength moment thanks to the heroic performance of the second team leaders.

The final score of this game was 119 to 103, and after capturing the City of Angels, the big score of this series has reached 3 to 0!

After the game, Kobe and O'Neal returned to the locker room without saying a word.

And in the stands, when they saw Kobe's uncomfortable expression.

Jim Bass, the "Number One Comedy" in this league, also felt uncomfortable.


As a fan of both Su Feng and Kobe.

After feeling uncomfortable for a while, little Bas discovered.

He didn't seem particularly uncomfortable.


Damn it!

I will be the successor of the Lakers in the future!

How can I.

How could I be like those half-hearted bastards and not feel sad about the Lakers' loss?

"Okay, stop pretending, Jim. Even if you keep pretending, your father won't be able to see him." As a good friend of Jim Bass, Jerry West could see through this guy's disguise almost at a glance.

"Jerry. Actually, I feel really bad!" Bass continued to "act".

"Oh, no matter how uncomfortable you are, can you still be as uncomfortable as me?

Is there anyone in this league who is more familiar with the feeling of second place than me? "LOGO man asked rhetorically.

Ah this!

Little Bas was asked.

After letting out a long sigh, the LOGO man said meaningfully to Buss: "After this season is over, I have to leave the Lakers."

"Why? Can't they see your contribution to the Lakers in the past?" Buss looked at his good friend and said in confusion.

“No, this is not what your father meant, but what I meant.

Because I really don’t want to see Shaq and Kobe break up like this.

So, since someone has to take the blame, why can't that person be the 'unlucky guy' Jerry West? "LOGO man said.


Looking at the LOGO man, Jim Bass wanted to say something else.

However, after waving to Jim Bass, the LOGO man said: "You said.

If I had drafted Su and Kobe to Los Angeles in one go, what would it have been like? "

Ah this!

As the number one honey and number one honey in this league, Jim Bass felt that the scene was a bit beautiful, so beautiful that he couldn't even imagine it.

"I don't know if there will be a chance to make up for this regret in the future! It's been another terrible year!" In the stands, the LOGO man's eyes gradually lost their luster.

In the middle of the stadium, as the noise dispersed

Just when Su Feng was about to walk back to the locker room with a happy face,

Suddenly, he was stopped by Nash.

"Su, if we can win tomorrow night, it will be the last game for the two of us in the Raptors era." Nash said, looking at Su Feng solemnly.

Hearing this, Su Feng also nodded melancholy.


If you can win the next game!

That was the last one.

I have to say, time flies by really fast.

"Su, before I left the Raptors, I had a regret. Can you help me make up for it?" Nash said while continuing to look at Su Feng.

After meeting Nash's eyes for a few seconds, Su Feng nodded.




In a corner of the player tunnel, after slapping Su Feng three times on the back, Nash said to Su Feng: "During my career with the Raptors, maybe it's because there are more passing points on the court.

So I have never been able to find the same feeling that we had when we tried out in Phoenix. "

"You mean, I run, you pass, I shoot, I run again, you pass again, I shoot again?" Su Feng said with a smile.

"Pretty much anyway, I just want to give you another good pass.

So Su

In the fourth game, can you let me see how many points you can score in a game when you are at full strength? "Nash said seriously.

"Are you sure? This is the finals." After thinking for a while, Su Feng reminded.

"It's because it's the finals, so the scores you score will be valuable!" Nash said with a smile.


In the corner, after taking a deep breath, Su Feng rubbed Nash's head and said, "Well Steve, do you know what the UU Reading www.uukanshu.net player's single-game assist record is in the NBA Finals? ?”

Nash: "Huh?"

"I promise it will be yours after the next game."

PS: The second update of the 7,000-word chapter is here!

As the 2002/03 season and the conclusion of the entire second part, this game is a game that Qiao had been thinking about for a long time when setting the outline last year. Because when I wrote the plug-in, I said that I wanted to write about the cooperation between Peak Nash and the protagonist.

So, let this game bring a perfect ending to this part! Qiao tomorrow, I will try to finish writing this game in one go!

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