All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball

Summary of plot design for Season Zero/One and Season One/Two!

First of all, as always, I would like to thank all the handsome readers for their strong support.

Then, let’s talk about the plot arrangements of these two seasons.

Yes, that’s right. In Qiao’s outline, these two seasons are arranged as plots of one season. Therefore, many attentive children may have noticed that Qiao basically skipped these two seasons and has nothing to do with them. For important games, only focus on the key points.

So now let’s talk about the first question.

Why did Qiao design these two seasons like this when designing the outline last year?

Well, for those of you who are still reading and haven’t had time to read it in detail, don’t read any further, because the content below will directly involve spoilers for these two seasons.

First, judging from the layout of the entire book, Qiao had already made a psychological expectation for many readers as early as Su Feng's rookie season, that is, there will not be 20 seasons and 20 championships in my book. This is Su Feng's situation.

Because for a book that needs to be written in detail for 20 seasons, that is called nonsense and irresponsible, and will only make the book die faster and be completed ahead of schedule.

And here, readers and little bosses don’t believe it. Let me give you an example...

As we all know, the plug-in's performance had been good before Qiao's illness, but be careful! Before I became ill, there was actually a subscription crash in the plug-in, which was the time when Lin Yi scored 100 points.

So why did the subscription collapse occur after Lin Yi scored 100 points?

The reason is very simple, because it is too tilted, the plot cannot be substituted, and it is out of touch with reality, resulting in distortion!

After all, no matter how reasonable I wrote 100 points, because Lin Yi was close to completing the dynasty at that time, after he got 100 points, even if some readers who like a certain Lu's style would say it was great, most of the sane genuine readers would , but wouldn’t see it that way.

And this also resulted in the situation that after Qiao returned from injury, he could only use an outline to explain the next few seasons of Lin Yi's career. Because if I wrote it in detail at that time, firstly, it would be just watering down, and secondly, readers would not have any expectations for the subsequent plot.

After all, your protagonist is so invincible that he rushes out of the universe, so why should I watch √8?

Therefore, after absorbing the experience and lessons of cheating, and the blacksmithing plan has been the NBA's overall pattern for 20 years, and it has to be guaranteed in a relatively detailed way, then as the God of Su Feng in time and space, Qiao is You have to lay the groundwork on the outline and details.

First of all, what makes me happy is that although this way of writing is difficult, most readers give me feedback that they feel more motivated to read on. Moreover, such feedback has greatly boosted Qiao’s fighting spirit in January through subscriptions. Throughout January, so far, can you believe that Qiao, who encounters various situations in the second half of the year, has already updated 150,000 words? To be honest, Qiao herself couldn't believe it.

And here, by the way, I would like to answer a question that arises every time from trainees, apprentices, disciples, and a very few big guys, that is, is the arrangement of these two seasons a little deliberate?

So now the question is, in reality, why did the "Second Lakers Dynasty" fail to win the third championship? Why didn't Durant and the Warriors win a third championship together? So the failure to win the third championship these two times is also because reality is too deliberate?

Just like what several old readers of my book said in the chapter reviews (please check in by yourself), why is it difficult for a dynasty team to be in the third year? Because if you want to build a dynasty, it often means that you are like this In three years, you have to play basically all the games. Therefore, considering that there will be the Olympics in 2000, how much rest time will some of the Raptors' core players have left after one year?

Therefore, is this injury an accident? No, this is inevitable.

Secondly, just like I arranged for Iverson to be injured by Jones' fracture, why did Iverson miss the last two months of the 2010 season? It's because in order to be consistent with reality, Jones' fractures tend to recur in the second and third years. (Are there any accidents in reality? Those who recovered quickly and 100% after Jones' fracture? The answer is unfortunately, no. Because many athletes' injuries, even if they are not Jones' fractures, are recurring, such as the more famous The elementary school student’s ankle, Klay’s Achilles tendon.)

But why is it not deliberate with Iverson, but it is deliberate with O'Neal?

There is also the fact that Carter has been injured for the past two years. To be honest, if I were not merciful in my book, then Carter would have actually been given back at least 20% of his talent by God, right? However, in reality, Carter has never played so many games at this stage. In addition, the stepping-stone plot, judging from Popovich's character, his retaliatory behavior was just a design I made to fit his character.

After all, basketball articles are also real-life fan fiction. I can’t deliberately change their character just because of my own personal possessions and preference for someone, right?

In fact, even to this day, the personas used by Kobe, Tracy McGrady, Iverson and others are the personas I came up with after studying their biographies and experiences in reality.

Moreover, winning without injury is not called deliberate, but not winning in the event of an accident is called deliberate... So what kind of plot is called not deliberate?

And this is obvious from the feedback given to me by many big guys in terms of subscriptions. That is, after these two seasons, readers who have continued to read and prefer a reasonable style have begun to believe that I will fully explain Su Feng's career in these 20 seasons.

In addition, let me also reply to a certain apprentice who said that I repeated the plot for two consecutive seasons... To be honest, I didn't want to answer this question at first, just because when I saw his comment, I was so happy that I decided to answer. So why is Qiaohui so happy?

Because... the comment he posted yesterday, when I saw it today, not only did not have a single like, but there were even a bunch of readers below who patiently pointed out the important content of these two seasons to him, but because there are some replies below It involved a personal attack, so in order to protect this kid's face, Qiao simply deleted the post and answered him here.

First of all, from a structural point of view, these two seasons need to serve the big plot in the summer of 2003. Therefore, as long as you carefully watch the plots of these two seasons, you will find that these two seasons, Qiao reveals the word growth between the lines.

Su Feng is growing. As he is defeated, his mentality is growing, his skills are growing, his strength and his ability to get better and better on the court, and these, through three consecutive 60+ points, through three quarters 60+, and through a single section of 30+, I did a lot of detailed writing, and because I was afraid that some readers would think it was too crooked, I also made various GIF pictures (currently, the GIF pictures can only be seen by Qidian APP) .

In addition, Su Feng's opponents are also growing...such as Tracy McGrady's growth, the relationship between Kobe and O'Neal, Kidd's negative emotions, and then you tell me, I have been fooled for two seasons? Wake up, if I really failed for two seasons, then why not just win the championship in these two seasons, and then finish the game where I am?

And now at the starting point, as long as the author dares to take action, the most intuitive reaction will be a decrease in subscriptions.

But to be honest, the subscriptions that dropped due to various circumstances during the two consecutive championships have increased back after the end of these two seasons. So, are you very angry now that you know the truth? Do you think you are angry because you failed to disgust me and my readers by being embarrassing?

angry? That's right!

Because any reader who has carefully read Blacksmith knows that it was during these two championship-less seasons that Qiao carefully laid out a lot of foreshadowing for the upcoming plot and revealed various foreshadowings one by one.

And these are all mentioned by you as a repetitive plot that has been running for two seasons. You said that after carefully reading this part of the content, you felt good about it, and after writing it seriously, you felt that you could give yourself a 6 out of 10 at least. How do we feel?

Skip these two seasons? So how will OK continue to cause trouble in the future? How did Tracy McGrady grow up step by step in the Suns? How did Xiao Yao and AI establish a revolutionary friendship after repeated defeats? The stories of these stars in this era, as well as Su Feng's choices in the summer of 2003, and how will James and others who are stronger than the same period in the previous life appear?

Finally, let me say that in these two seasons, just to avoid water, I will skip a lot of games that do not need to be described in detail. Even the total number of words in these two seasons is only about 200,000, which are basically serving the plot, so you know why there were so many readers downstairs to hate you, right? This little apprentice friend?

well, let's get back to business.

Here comes another new question. Why did Qiao arrange for Su Feng to end these two seasons in a lone heroic manner after winning two consecutive championships?

First of all, we have to start with arranging for Su Feng and Jordan to win the championship.

Because Su Feng won his first championship with Jordan, Qiao must arrange for him to win his second championship.

Yes, that's right, if you really mean it deliberately, then in my outline, Su Feng's second crown was actually done deliberately.

Because from the writing point of view, the rhythm of crown, lose, crown, lose will be better and will be more conducive to ductility. But the writing method of crown, championship, lose, lose is not only difficult, but also tests the writing power and plot layout skills. In short, in the design of this plot, I chose to take a detour while also directly giving myself a Added a difficulty BUFF.

However, because Su Feng won his first championship with Jordan, he must win the championship in the second year. Otherwise, people will definitely say that Su Feng also held Jordan's lap to win the championship. And on this point, regarding public opinion, I believe all reasonable readers should know better than me, right?

Therefore, after two consecutive championships, how to hone Su Feng's mentality and let him appear with a relatively mature mentality when he goes to the next team is what I need to arrange these two seasons.

And in this regard, at least for now, the book Blacksmith has successfully advanced one step further from his 20th season.

Because like I said, as the plot of Blacksmith unfolds, the content that many readers are concerned about has already changed from the so-called winning or not to winning, to what kind of ending the stars of this era will have under the pressure of Su Feng.

Blacksmithing has gone from being a simple book about football stars to being a book about group portraits.

The emergence of each new character and the future linkage between each old character is the key to the book Blacksmithing being able to be written to this day and still being read.

And this is also the experience and lessons I have learned from cheating.

That is, I can't just copy the plug-in routine into blacksmithing, right? To put it bluntly, if you, the author, don’t make progress, the readers will. To put it mildly, as the number of reasonable and handsome readers increases, if you don’t make progress, the readers will be gone.

Therefore, after the plots of these two seasons are completely explained, the big linkage in the summer of 2003 has already been formed.

Next, Qiao only needs to patiently promote the plot, so that Blacksmith can make a smooth transition to the third part of this book.

That's what happened in XXXX that year.

In short, seek common ground while reserving differences. If you choose to skip many plots and then criticize each of my plots, you will definitely feel that it is unreasonable. Because of the interlocking plots, if you miss any part, you will lose control of rationality.

And after unfolding Su Feng's plot with a relatively reasonable description, as for Su Feng's next career... As I said before, the plot that you can guess can still be called... Plot?

You can all guess which season Su Feng won the championship and which season Su Feng established a dynasty. How can Qiao bring you suspense?

It's no exaggeration to say that... As of now, as far as this brawl universe is carefully designed by Qiao, before Su Feng mails me the next plot, to be honest, I don't know how it will turn out. develop.

Because Blacksmithing is no longer simply a book written to break records and win championships. I said, it is a complete universe, it is a complete plane. In Su Feng's plane, these characters and Su Feng's plot have slowly become its soul.

And this is the basketball article that Qiao wants to write, a basketball article that can completely block all my roads and the Shuiqie Road next door.

Although, in writing books, I can still improve in many aspects. But to be honest, in terms of plot arrangement, Blacksmithing will probably become the only one in my basketball writing career.

Because this is a basketball article that I racked my brains and collected a full 35 gigabytes of data (more videos) to lay out.

In order to write this book, I consulted a large amount of information and documents, and read countless biographies and resumes of major players.

Then it will be presented to you through re-creation.

Blacksmithing will definitely not be the best and most enjoyable basketball article, but it will definitely be written quietly. It is the best basketball article written by UU Kanshu

So, before the drama of the summer of 2003 arrives...

Friends who want to bet, hurry up. Otherwise, with the benefit of hindsight, you may say that you guessed it right, but Na Qiao and the other reader bosses will not admit it!

Well, once again, I would like to thank all the handsome and reasonable genuine masters for giving Qiao the confidence, because it is your reasonableness that gives Qiao the motivation to create such a basketball article that cannot be perfect.

At the same time, it is your patience that makes me look forward to Su Feng's next career even more.

When we update tomorrow, we will continue the previous chapter and get back to business.

Then, finally, continue to beg for monthly votes! subscription! Recommended votes! All kinds of requests! Ying Ying Ying!

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